Ways to burn fat at home

Ways to burn fat at home
Ways to burn fat at home

The most effective ways to burn excess weight at home thanks to the usual methods: workout, nutrition, herbs. If only you want … Content:

  • Causes of belly fat
  • Workout
  • Nutrition
  • Sports diet
  • Herbs

Burning fat is essential for getting the body into a delicious shape and giving it the perfect look. Every woman has such decisions at different times. Having made the final decision to lose weight and burn fat, you need to know the reasons for the formation of fat folds, think over a plan for losing weight, playing sports and nutrition. You also need to know which herbs are appropriate for weight loss. You just need to choose the most effective ways to lose weight, and methods of burning fat.

Causes of the formation of belly fat

Causes of the formation of belly fat
Causes of the formation of belly fat
  1. Stress is one of the likely causes of belly fat building. Save yourself from belly fat, burn it, in this case, perhaps, by coping with stress. Why does tension lead specifically to the deposition of "fat" around the waist and on the tummy? At the moment of stress, a secret of hydrocortisone will be created, which provokes the accumulation of fat in the tummy area. In addition, stress often activates the impression of hunger, and initiates overeating, and the consequence of this - extra pounds.
  2. Slow metabolism is a further common source of an enlarged belly. As a result of the delayed metabolism, fewer calories are burned, and the excess is reorganized into fat. The degree of metabolism can be accelerated by a correct diet, and by increasing physiological energy.
  3. Unhealthy food and overeating lead to indigestion and accelerate the growth of belly fat. If you eat at night while watching TV or at night before a dream, then the tummy is guaranteed to you, since at night the metabolism is inhibited and unused calories are reported to fat. Due to improper nutrition, gas formation and swelling of the abdomen appear.
  4. The tummy grows if you don't move enough. The order of nature is as follows: ate - spend, spent - replenish. The destruction of this rule leads to the formation of fat in the abdominal area.
  5. A violation of the alignment can induce the appearance of the abdomen. In this case, it is enough to work on the correct bearing, and your tummy will be in the right place, and will not bulge ugly.
  6. Alcoholism - alcohol slows down the metabolic rate, and thereby contributes to weight gain. Calories, which are credited to the body with strong drinks, are often stored in the "fat" version specifically around the abdomen.
  7. Menopause is often the first reason for the creation of a tummy in the fairer sex. Fat in the waist area begins to quickly accumulate due to the root cause of hormonal changes in the female body.

Next, read the tips and watch the video, which are the most effective ways to get rid of extra pounds.

Fat Burning Workouts

Fat Burning Workouts
Fat Burning Workouts

In addition to the different cardio options, you also have a responsibility to learn about the frequency, duration, and intensity of your exercise class. The South American Institute of Sports Medicine advises at least three to five lessons per week in a twenty to sixty minute course, about 65% to 90% of your highest heart rate for burning fat.

Naturally, one must take into account the personal tolerances of the organism. In the off-season, the majority of athletes exercise two to four times a week to maintain weight and stimulate muscle growth. Before the competition, the amount may rise to seven to fourteen per week for forty-five to sixty minutes.

The duration of the training is of very fundamental importance, since a very short duration of the training will not lead to any significant results, and a very long training is fraught with the emergence of a line of unnecessary and unrestrained processes. First you need to establish for what purpose you are doing the exercises and exercising. Taking this as a basis, it is already allowed to calculate how many hours or minutes you need to train per day, and what, accordingly, should be the best duration of the exercise specifically for you in order to burn fat. To lose weight and burn extra pounds, it is very important not to implement very long or extremely short workouts. The best time to exercise for weight loss and fat burning is 40-60 minutes.

A lesson for weight loss and fat burning should not be less than 30 minutes, because the destruction of fat cells will not come in a minimum moment of time. With an increase in the training time, the results in weight loss can increase, but you do not need to practice for more than 60 minutes, this is dangerous by the destruction of muscle tissue under the influence of catabolic actions. And, as you know, muscle activity is the key to effective fat burning and weight loss, muscle tissue burns immeasurably more calories than fatty tissue, therefore, due to the growth of muscle mass, you can burn more excess weight and calories in the long term (even when you are calm).

Video - exercises for weight loss and fast fat burning:

Fat Burning Nutrition

Fat Burning Nutrition
Fat Burning Nutrition

Dull sensations of hunger, activate exchange movements, burn fat, enrich the following foods with proteins and vitamins:

  • not very fatty dairy products (kefir with a fat content of no more than 1% or ayran);
  • legumes;
  • broccoli;
  • from fruits - orange, grapefruit, pineapple, lemon, goji berries, kiwi, black currant.

Tea is the perfect drink for the purpose of burning fat. Today there are many different teas for burning fat: herbal, cinnamon and ginger tea. Together with the removal of water from the body, calorie elements are washed off, this is how weight loss happens. Free use of such teas can lead to health dehydration, significantly aggravate a person's mood.

Fat Burning Sports Diet

Its difference from the bulk of diets lies in the huge amount of protein - it must be 1? 2 g "with a tail". Feeding during a sports diet involves 5-6 meals:

  • For breakfast: porridge, few vegetables or fruits, eggs.
  • Second breakfast: salad of cool vegetables with natural butter, chicken breast with a side dish.
  • For lunch break: fish with a side dish of cereals and fruits, diet soup.
  • Afternoon snack: salad with a lean piece of meat and bread.
  • Dinner: vegetable dish with seafood and bronze olive oil.
  • Before dreaming: curd or kefir drink with minimal fat content, and better and generally fat-free.

Herbs for fat burning

Guarana for fat burning
Guarana for fat burning
  1. Guarana: a highly potent catalyst that contains twice as much caffeine as brown beans. The active ingredients of the plant increase adrenaline, which leads to increased breakdown of adipose tissue and fat burning. The seeds of the plant, consisting of vitamins, minerals, and other necessary elements, help to reduce physiological and mental fatigue. The antioxidant properties of guarana can help slow aging, increase the efficiency of the body's functioning and therefore combat difficulties such as diarrhea, stomach indigestion, and bloating. It is allowed to make infusions from guarana, add a certain amount of tablespoons of the dried mixture to a fruit drink or water, which will be used as a catalyst.
  2. Herbal tea: this drink speeds up the circulation of substances in your body, forcing it to burn more fat, in peace, and in physiological overload. They activate the main nervous system, forcing the body to produce significantly more energy to burn fat.
  3. Mate: This herb is infinitely effective in burning body fat. It acts by increasing energy expenditure, as if it helps to eliminate excess weight in the body. For the 250 combinations stored in the mat, the most functional for weight loss are: enzyme (natural catalyst), theophylline (which guarantees the emotion of euphoria) and theophylline (biostimulant, which is contained in herbal tea). These natural catalysts, as a rule, work also in the property of diuretin, which allows the body to lose weight and burn fat, removing excess water. In addition, mate pacifies hunger and is able to raise metabolism to burn fat.
  4. Cayenne pepper: Reputed to be the best natural herb for weight loss and fat burning. Reddish peppers are loaded with capsaicin, an element that can help speed up metabolism and aid in fat burning. The plant has a vasodilating property at its disposal, maintains hypertension in a healthy degree. He also has the ability to act in the property of an aphrodisiac, which enhances a sexy disposition. Prevents cancer and promotes overall body rejuvenation and fat burning.

Video from Denis Borisov - a scheme for fast fat burning for men, step by step:

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