Water or any liquid: which is healthier for the body

Water or any liquid: which is healthier for the body
Water or any liquid: which is healthier for the body

Find out which liquid in your diet should be more: water or any other drinks. Today you will find out not only the answer to the question, drink water or any liquid, but also we will determine the amount of this substance necessary for the normal functioning of the body. If you ask people how much water should be consumed per day, the answer will be 2–4 liters. Most often we are talking about clean water, excluding various drinks.

You have probably read that due to the use of this amount of liquid, the metabolism is accelerated, toxins and salts are utilized, and a person can also quickly lose weight. For many, this statement has become an axiom, but you must remember that each person's body is unique. Even large quantities of plain water can be fatal.

As strange as it may sound, this issue has become quite relevant today. This is largely due to the commercialization of everything and everyone in the modern world. In supermarkets, you can now find bottled drinking water from a large number of manufacturers. It is quite obvious that they want to increase their income in any way, and for this it is necessary to sell more goods.

Have you ever considered that recommending to consume a certain amount of water throughout the day can be a simple marketing step? We are not trying to dispute the fact that it is necessary to maintain fluid balance and without this the body will not be able to function normally. But show an animal that drinks in reserve, excluding camels. Most living beings use water only to quench their thirst.

Prepare for the fact that answering the question, drinking water or any liquid, will not be as easy as it might seem. Over the past few decades, we have come across a large number of statements that have become axioms, for example:

  1. Sunflower oil is healthier for the body in comparison with butter.
  2. Sleep steals the time of our lives, although now they are increasingly talking about the need to get enough sleep.
  3. Beer contains many nutrients.
  4. To maintain health, you need to drink plenty of water.

In fact, there are much more of them, above we have given only the most common. They are all misconceptions imposed on us by marketers. The answer to the question of why this is needed is very simple - to maximize profit. Admittedly, it worked, and many people are actively purchasing refined vegetable oil (the benefits of which are highly questionable) or water.

Moreover, we not only began to purchase various products, but also firmly believe in their benefits for the body. If we talk about water, because it is she who is the main topic of our conversation, then we drink liters of it throughout the day, and we consider boiled water to be dead and harmful. As a result, the kidneys are actively working and utilizing toxins, as a large number of people think. But they forget that this also leads to the leaching of various nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals. Let's take a closer look at the question, drink water or any liquid?

What is the value of water for the body?

Water is poured into a glass from a bottle
Water is poured into a glass from a bottle

Below we will discuss the different functions of water in our body. However, this substance is of the greatest interest from the point of view of the structure of its molecules. In the liquid state, they are as close to each other as possible, since the oxygen atom attracts the electrons of the hydrogen atoms to itself. As a result, the molecule acquires a V-shape.

Although the molecule itself is electrically neutral, it has a positive and negative charge, separated by space. This unique bipolar structure allows electrostatic attraction, also called hydrogen bonding, to be generated. Due to its bipolarity, water has the ability to dissolve and retain in itself various substances that have one thing in common - they have a certain charge and valence.

Let's say a calcium ion has a positive charge and if it meets the negative pole of a water molecule, it dissolves. The situation is similar with other substances, the particles of which have an electric charge. All this suggests that thanks to the bipolar molecule, water is able to create electrolytes in the body, without which various metabolic and nervous processes are impossible.

You have already understood that the main value of water for the body lies in the unique structure of its molecules. However, we promised to talk about the positive effects of this substance on humans:

  • Regulation of body temperature.
  • Moisturizing the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes and mouth.
  • Protection of internal organs and body tissues.
  • Slowing down the aging process.
  • Reducing the burden on the liver and kidneys due to the disposal of toxins.
  • Lubricates the elements of the articular-ligamentous apparatus.
  • Dissolves micronutrients.
  • Saturates the cellular structures of the body with nutrients and oxygen.

It is necessary to understand that water shortage is also dangerous to health, as well as its excess. This suggests that every person needs to drink a certain amount of water throughout the day and there can be no universal recommendations.

How do you know when to drink water?

Girl drinks water from a bottle
Girl drinks water from a bottle

Of course, water is of great importance for the smooth functioning of the body, as you could see by familiarizing yourself with its functions. However, a fair question arises of how to know when to drink water. The answer is very simple - if you feel thirsty. It is this feeling that is a signal to our body that fluid reserves need to be replenished.

All living things on the planet do exactly this, except for humans. Here we come back to the issue of marketing large companies again. Water consumption by the body depends on age and the younger a person, the more he needs to drink. This is due to the fact that in old age metabolic processes slow down and water is not consumed so actively.

Here are the main signs of dehydration that are common in older people:

  • There is a feeling of dry mouth.
  • The skin becomes dry.
  • The person is very thirsty.
  • Dry eyes.
  • Painful sensations appear in the joints.
  • Decreases muscle mass.
  • Frequent feeling of sleepiness and increased fatigue.
  • There are problems with the work of the digestive system.
  • Feeling of hunger often occurs.

You should also keep in mind a few signs of drinking too much water:

  • Colorless urine.
  • The limbs are cold.
  • The body temperature dropped.
  • Headaches and migraines appeared.
  • Muscle spasms.
  • Sleep disturbances.
  • Swelling appeared.
  • High irritability.

Drinking water or any liquid - which is healthier for the body?

A girl holding a glass of water in front of her
A girl holding a glass of water in front of her

Let's deal with the main question of this article - drink water or any liquid? First of all, it must be clean. In urban conditions, preference should be given to bottled still water or purified using filtration systems. The most beneficial for the body is water supplied with raw fruits and their decoction.

It is not only rich in nutrients, but also absorbed in a short time. Thanks to the micronutrients that are part of such water, transport protein compounds will quickly deliver it to the cellular structures. In addition, we note that such water has a negative charge. Now let's look at the main myths associated with the use of water.

Myth number 1 - water can be alive and dead

Quite often you can hear that you need to use only raw water. Scientists have proven that during boiling, the substance does not lose its properties and the structure of the molecules does not change. Thus, we can safely say that boiled water is of the same value to the body as raw water. Also, we are often frightened by the presence of deuterium and heavy metal salts in boiled water. However, deuterium is simply not absorbed by the body, and heavy metals are dangerous in any case.

Myth number 2 - melt water increases life expectancy

Today, very often on the network, they talk about the need to use melt water, which is obtained from previously frozen tap water. Melt glacial water is considered useful, which contains various useful substances. Freezing your tap water and consuming it after thawing will give you no benefit. The water prepared in this way is a complete analogue of the water obtained using filtration systems.

Myth number 3 - structured water has healing properties

This is often written about in various literature. Colorfully describing the supposed properties of structured water. Recall that this concept means water formed by molecules arranged in a certain order. However, in practice, no positive effects will be obtained from its use. This is primarily due to the fact that the molecules of structured water are not highly resistant and are destroyed during movement along the digestive tract.

How to drink water properly?

Girl in headphones drinks water
Girl in headphones drinks water

You've probably heard that water should be drunk in the morning and preferably warm to cleanse the body. The more likely benefit, however, is simply to replenish fluid stores after sleep. They also talk about the need to drink water before eating. We can agree with this, but the point is not in accelerating the production of gastric juice. This requires a lot of energy and time for the body. If you drink water 30 minutes before the start of a meal, then this will not affect the production of gastric juice.

But the ban on the use of liquid in the field of the meal looks very dubious. Such recommendations can be given by people who are completely unfamiliar with the structure of the stomach. The walls of the organ are equipped with analogs of tubes through which water is quickly transported from the stomach and does not mix with food. What's more, the benefits of drinking fluids after meals have been proven in scientific studies. For example, green tea has saponifying properties, which improves the digestion process.

Here are some guidelines for drinking water correctly:

  1. A glass of warm water upon waking up will restore fluid balance.
  2. After a meal, you should consume green tea or compote to speed up digestion.
  3. If you have no problem urinating, drink a glass of water before bed.
  4. Drinking water is only necessary if you feel thirsty.

As you can see, everything is very simple and you don't need to invent anything. It is not always worth believing what is written on the Internet or in books.

What will happen if you drink only water for a month, see the following video:
