Diet system "Therapeutic weight loss"

Diet system "Therapeutic weight loss"
Diet system "Therapeutic weight loss"

There are many programs aimed at reducing excess weight, one of these is the diet of the Therapeutic Weight Loss system, which allows you to lose up to 10 kg in two weeks. Content:

  1. The essence of the diet of the "Therapeutic weight loss" system
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Diet menu:

    • First week
    • Second week

The "Therapeutic Weight Loss" system is designed for people who want to lose weight through proper nutrition. With this system, you can lose 10 kilograms in two weeks.

The peculiarity of the diet of the "Therapeutic weight loss" system

To lose weight and develop healthy eating habits, you should eat three times a day and drink as much water as possible. Perhaps you want to expand the system by adding two more main meals to it, in which case you need to divide the entire set of products by five.

The developed diet does not harm health, and the inclusion of a sufficiently large list of products in it leads to the intake of all the necessary substances into the body. In order to keep the body in good shape at the moment of a gradual decrease in weight, it is recommended to perform light physical exercises. The diet of the "Therapeutic weight loss" system has no contraindications.

Pros and cons of the "Therapeutic weight loss" diet

Pros and cons of diet
Pros and cons of diet

Before starting a weight loss program, you need to weigh all the pros and cons of the diet, and also pay special attention to contraindications. As for the diet of the "Therapeutic Weight Loss" system, there are no contraindications, but it is still better to consult a dietitian just in case, especially if there are serious health problems. The menu is designed with proper nutrition in mind and allows the body to receive all the necessary elements. With this diet, you can lose up to 10 kg of excess weight in two weeks.

To the advantages of the diet of the "Therapeutic weight loss" system, you can add the fact that you slowly, but still, get used to the image of proper nutrition. Not only that, this habit can easily persist after leaving the weight loss program, which is very good for your health. The diet includes meals that are easy to prepare at home. Regarding the disadvantages, it should be noted here that the diet does not include sweets, but such a restriction applies to other weight loss programs.

The diet of the "Therapeutic weight loss" system

Many women often start dieting on Monday. This decision is quite justified, because the duration of many weight loss programs is measured precisely in weeks. "Therapeutic weight loss" is designed for two weeks.

The first seven days of the diet

Get started Monday from two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled - your choice) eggs. Drink a cup of tea or coffee, sugar and even sugar substitutes must not be added to the drink. For lunch, prepare vegetable soup, and also cook chicken or other poultry fillets in the amount of 100 g. In the evening, eat up to 250 g of cabbage stewed in vegetable oil.

On Tuesday

consume up to 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese for breakfast, you can add a little more chopped herbs, garlic or other seasonings to this dairy product. A cup of coffee or tea can serve as a drink. For lunch, consume 100 g of fish and 200 g of vegetable salad, season the dish with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil. Leave one fruit for dinner, exclude the use of banana, peach and grapes.

On the third day

diet breakfast should start with low-fat cheese in the amount of 100 g. Drink tea or coffee without sugar and milk. Cook fish (200 g) for lunch in any way, then eat one apple. In the evening, indulge yourself in canned tuna without added fat (175 g), as well as a glass of tomato juice or juice of any other vegetable.

Prepare on Thursday buckwheat and eat one portion in the morning in the amount of 150 g. Drink a mug of tea or coffee without sugar. For lunch, boil 200 g of veal. Two small apples can serve as a dessert. Vegetable salad (200 g) with vegetable oil will be an excellent solution for taking it for dinner.

The fifth day

devote a diet to vegetables, except for potatoes. You can stew vegetables or eat them fresh.

On Saturday

boil soft-boiled or hard-boiled one chicken egg, choose tea or coffee as a drink, at your discretion. Prepare vegetable soup, as well as 100 g of poultry fillets for lunch. In the evening, treat yourself to 175g of tuna in your juice and a slice of delicious whole grain bread.

On the seventh day

eat 100 g of boiled rice in the morning, wash it down with tea or coffee. At lunchtime, let your body be saturated with nutrients from any fruit other than peach, banana, and grapes. As for the dinner, its menu includes 200 g of fish, cooked in any way.

The second seven days of the diet

diet diet for the system
diet diet for the system

First day

Eat a glass of low-fat yogurt without sugar or any additives for breakfast in the second week of the nutritional diet. You can have a cup of tea or coffee. Remember not to add sugar or sugar substitutes to drinks. Cook 200 g of beef for lunch, and in the evening eat 200 g of stewed cabbage in vegetable oil.


start with one hard-boiled or soft-boiled egg. And, of course, have a cup of tea or coffee. For lunch, prepare a salad of cabbage, as well as a lean soup, for dinner, boiled chicken breast and a glass of tomato juice.

Third day

devote to kefir, cucumbers and cabbage in any quantity.

On breakfast thursday relies on one boiled chicken egg and two small tomatoes, for lunch -100 g of boiled rice, for the evening - a glass of kefir with a low percentage of fat, as well as 200 g of fish cooked in any way.

On Friday

Indulge your body with nutrients from chicken or turkey.

If the fifth day of the second week of the diet is devoted to the bird, then sixth - vegetables, except potatoes, in any form.


can be called a fish day, since according to the diet for the "Therapeutic Weight Loss" system on this day, breakfast, lunch and dinner menus are worth only with portions of fish cooked in any way.

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