Quinoa - useful properties and harm of cereals, how to cook

Quinoa - useful properties and harm of cereals, how to cook
Quinoa - useful properties and harm of cereals, how to cook

On the slopes of the Andes grows a little-known but extremely useful plant, a grain crop - quinoa. The Indians, of course, did not miss the opportunity to nourish their bodies with the healing powers of cereals and used them as their main source of food. The Incas gave it the name "golden grain", which confirms the value of this little remarkable herb. In Russia, quinoa is also known as "rice quinoa" or "quinoa" (pay attention to the spelling of the word, it can contain the letter "in" in the word or not, it will be correct and so and so). Quinoa was domesticated about 3000 thousand years ago. And over time, thanks to its nutritional value, it moved from the Andes to the valleys of Tibet and the Himalayas.

External features of quinoa

The plant is similar to sorghum - it forms a brush. It has a strong branching stem and can grow up to 4 meters in height. The seeds are similar to millet - disc-shaped and somewhat similar to an aspirin tablet (only in very small sizes). Distinguish between red, black and cream plants, however, besides color, they have no other differences.

In Russia, cereal costs 246 rubles for 350 g. In Ukraine, they are sold mainly in packs of 250 g, at a price of 34 UAH. for an unusual cream-colored groats (in the photo below you can see the packaging), and for a mixture of flowers in a pack you will have to pay about 65 UAH. So if you have a choice of it in the store, then give preference to the monochromatic color of the porridge, since it makes no sense to pay twice as much.

Interesting Quinoa Facts:

  1. Quinoa tastes like brown rice. So you will not find new taste sensations for yourself, although there is some kind of zest in the taste! At least it is softer and more pleasant than rice.
  2. The ancient peoples equated the plant with corn and potatoes, but in the modern world it has become widespread only recently.
  3. The outgoing 2013 was declared the International Year of the Rice Swan. The UN Secretary General has publicly stated that it is this cereal that can make an invaluable contribution to the food security of the whole world.

Quinoa composition: vitamins and minerals

White quinoa
White quinoa

Quinoa is a treasure trove of protein. Its amount is on average 16%. Considering that rice contains only 7.5%, and even less in wheat and corn - 3.5%, quinoa has much more benefits. And some varieties contain up to 20% of it!

The amino acid composition of proteins is extremely balanced and similar to milk proteins. Protein is contained in a whole state, making it easy to digest and therefore useful for pregnant women, athletes and children. In addition to the unique protein composition, cereals have a full range of essential substances - carbohydrates, fats (saturated with lecithic acid), minerals, fiber, B vitamins, phosphorus, iron, zinc, potassium and calcium. The amino acid lysine contained in grains promotes tissue healing and the formation of strong bones in children. All these components are needed to maintain the body in beauty and health.

Calorie content of quinoa per 100 g

approximately 334 kcal (1415 kJ):

  • Proteins - 14, 8 g
  • Fat - 5.0 g
  • Carbohydrates - 58.5 g

Health benefits of quinoa

Quinoa groats
Quinoa groats

Every nutritionist is an adherent of the unusual cereal of the Indians. It contains many times more alpha-tocopherol, folic acid, fiber, riboflavin and complex carbohydrates than rice, wheat and barley. Its easy digestibility and unique protein composition make it possible to compare cereals with breast milk. Saturation with lysine helps to avoid troubles such as anemia, hair loss, irritability, poor appetite and stunted growth. Other benefits of quinoa are shown for those suffering from diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. The presence of such a substance as tryptophan in it allows the body to produce the hormone of joy - serotonin. And phytic acid reduces blood cholesterol levels and is the prevention of cancer.

This gluten free cereals, therefore, it is often prescribed to allergy sufferers - people who cannot tolerate it.

Video about the benefits of quinoa:

Cooking quinoa - how to cook

Quinoa - how to cook cereals, recipes
Quinoa - how to cook cereals, recipes

Many nutritionists jokingly call quinoa cereal for astronauts and advise everyone who cares about their health to include it in their regular diet. Choosing the color of porridge is based on personal aesthetic preferences. Since their taste and composition are completely identical. The most common type is beige quinoa (like in my photo). Light crumbly porridge familiar to everyone.

How to cook quinoa?

Boiled quinoa
Boiled quinoa

Groats do not require soaking, but some recommend soaking. I cooked it for the first time without soaking, and then soaked it for 2 hours in water with the addition of a tablespoon of lemon juice - I did not notice the result, even without the steak I liked the porridge better, since the grains were more whole and crumbly.

However, before cooking, you should rinse it thoroughly under cold water. The seeds themselves have a shell that gives the porridge a bitter taste, but stores usually sell quinoa that has already been peeled. By rinsing it under water, you will get rid of possible husk particles. If in doubt about the purity of the seeds, you can try one. If you feel bitterness, you need to soak the cereal for an hour or two, and then rinse it under running water several times. It is brewed traditionally - in a 1: 2 ratio of porridge and water. Keep in mind that the container for cooking should be larger than the volume of liquid in it, since the cereal absorbs water and significantly increases in size up to 4 times.

After adding a little salt to the water, after boiling it, immediately add quinoa, then reduce the heat and cover the saucepan (or better a cast-iron cauldron) with a lid. When the quinoa has absorbed all the water, the porridge is ready. The groats need to be mixed in the process so that the bottom does not burn, being left completely without water. You need to cook it for 15 minutes, then open the lid and hold it for another 2-3 minutes so that the remaining moisture evaporates.

You can cook not only porridge from cereals. Its seeds are used in soups, casseroles, salads. You can also sprinkle baked goods with grains, this will give it an original, memorable taste.

Rice Quinoa Salad Recipe

Salads are very tasty, one of them was prepared by the descendants of the Incas:

  • 250 g quinoa groats;
  • 0.5 liters of water;
  • 1/4 tsp ground cumin and coriander;
  • 4 tsp lemon juice (or lime);
  • 1 tablespoon cilantro, cut into small pieces
  • 350 g of boiled beans;
  • 250 g bell pepper;
  • 500 g finely chopped tomatoes.

For cooking, you first need to boil the quinoa, leave the porridge to cool. At this time, chop all the ingredients, mix them and add the chilled porridge. It remains to add a little salt and pepper to taste and the salad is ready. It contains a very scanty amount of vegetable vegetable fat and a full set of useful vitamins, trace elements and amino acids.

Video recipe for dietary quinoa salad:

Another delicious recipe is pilaf with mushrooms


  • quinoa 500 g;
  • olive oil - a tablespoon;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 500 g of champignons;
  • 0.5 liters of chicken broth;
  • parsley.

You should start with mushrooms - fry them in olive oil, add onions and continue the process until the latter becomes soft. Then pour the quinoa into the mushrooms and add the crushed garlic. Fry for a few minutes and pour in the broth. Simmer the dish for about 15 minutes, stirring constantly. At the very end, sprinkle pilaf with parsley, you can also decorate with rings of red pepper and serve.

Read also recipes:

  • Quinoa salad: TOP-3 recipes
  • Chicken quinoa: TOP-3 recipes

Stuffed tomatoes can be prepared as a snack

You will need: cereals, tomatoes, feta cheese, olives, artichokes.

Boil the porridge, cut the tomatoes and remove the pulp with a spoon. Combine all the ingredients (quinoa, olives, cheese, basil and some tomato pulp) and stuff the tomatoes. Bake for 20 minutes.

Harm and contraindications to the use of rice quinoa

Quinoa groats
Quinoa groats

As such, there are no contraindications. Since cereals contain a lot of oxalates (salts and esters of oxalic acid), an excess of which can lead to kidney problems, you should consult your doctor before eating it, or simply introduce it into your diet gradually. It is also recommended to refrain from consuming quinoa for nursing mothers, since it is not known how a small, fragile body will react to such a powerful charge of vitamins.