Crafts from cereals and seeds: ideas, master classes

Crafts from cereals and seeds: ideas, master classes
Crafts from cereals and seeds: ideas, master classes

Crafts from cereals and seeds are panels, appliques, decorative elements, and bird feeders. See how to make a topiary, a wreath of peas, a tree from seeds. Children will love making various crafts from cereals and seeds if adults show how to create them. Such fruits of joint work will help not only the development of the child, but also teach him kindness. Indeed, in this technique, original bird feeders are created, which the child will happily hang out on the street. He will rejoice when the birds flock to the treat.

How to make a feeder from a cone, gelatin, from a bottle with your own hands?

Children make crafts from seeds
Children make crafts from seeds

Often in the city or countryside, growing Christmas trees are decorated for the New Year. Having made bird feeders, the child himself will decorate the forest beauty with them and will get a lot of pleasure from it. To get things done, put next to the children:

  • cones;
  • a tall small bowl;
  • honey;
  • cereal seeds;
  • seeds;
  • brush;
  • a thread.

Step-by-step master class:

  1. If the honey is thick, pre-melt it in a water bath, when it cools down, pour it into a bowl. Pour cereals, small unroasted seeds into another similar vessel.
  2. Have the child smear the cone with liquid honey, then roll it in another container so that the seeds adhere to the sweet surface.
  3. Now he will place his creation on spread paper or a tray so that the honey dries up, and the feathered treat will better attach to the bump.
  4. After that, it's time to tie a thread to the feeder and go for a walk with the child to hang the craft on a tree.
A boy hangs his craft on a Christmas tree branch
A boy hangs his craft on a Christmas tree branch

You can use a thick paste instead of honey. To make it, pour 1 tbsp into the container. l. flour, dilute with a glass of water. While stirring, bring to a boil. Remind the children that the birds should not be given salty, black bread, so that babies do not use such products when making bird feeders.

Invite the children to make bird feeders that look very original. Pre-take:

  • 1, 5 cups of bird food;
  • 0.5 cups of water;
  • 2 small bags of gelatin;
  • leg-split;
  • cookie cutters;
  • straw;
  • baking paper.
Crafts from seeds on a tree branch
Crafts from seeds on a tree branch
  1. Soak the gelatin in water for 20 minutes, if required by the instructions. But usually one is sold in small bags that does not need to be soaked, immediately dilute it with water and put it on fire.
  2. When the solution boils, remove from heat, cool slightly and mix with bird food.
  3. Lay baking paper on the table, place cookie cutters on it, fill them with the prepared mixture.
  4. Place a loop of twine or tape inward, knotted inward. Put in the freezer for half an hour.
  5. After that, the forms are taken out of there and left on the table so that the contents dry out within 24 hours. Then the bird food is removed and hung out of the window, on the trees in the yard.

Children will also be happy to make a house for feathered children under the guidance of their elders.

Seeded birdhouse
Seeded birdhouse

It can be made from:

  • an empty 5 liter canister;
  • a large wooden spoon and fork;
  • straw;
  • hot glue;
  • twine;
  • accessories.
Birdhouse design
Birdhouse design
  1. Cut out the windows on one and the opposite side. Below them, make 2 paired cuts. Insert two wooden spoons here. Or the second could be a large fork made of the same material.
  2. But first, using a hot gun, attach the string, and upstairs - straw, having previously tied it in a bundle. If you do not have such material, then use a natural bast.
  3. All that remains is to decorate the birdhouse. From yellow and white rope, glue it, make frames for windows. Fabric flowers glued to the bottom of the birdhouse will also be a wonderful decoration for a bird's dining room.

Children's crafts can be made from scrap materials. Watch the next workshop and you will teach children how to make aerial insects.

How to make a butterfly with your own hands?

You will transform the following items into it:

  • transparent plastic bottle;
  • plasticine;
  • small foam ball;
  • plastic cocktail straws;
  • beads.

Also for creativity you will need:

  • hot gun with silicone rods;
  • scissors;
  • water washable marker.

We follow this instruction:

  1. You need to remove the label from the bottle, cut off the middle part to get a large enough canvas. Cut it in half. Attach the butterfly wing template to part 1 and 2 and trace with a washable marker. Cut along these lines.
  2. Now you need to decorate the wings. Use a hot gun to attach the beads as a decoration. Cut the straws into small pieces, glue them along the edge of the wings.
  3. Let the child stick around the ball with plasticine; using the same material, you can attach decorative elements. To continue the children's creativity, the baby will mold the body of an insect from plasticine, help the child to put both wings here and fix them.

This is how you can make a butterfly out of plasticine and a plastic bottle.

Plasticine and plastic bottle butterfly
Plasticine and plastic bottle butterfly

Crafts from cereals and seeds: master classes

Under your guidance, the child will be engaged in the creative process and make a wonderful palm tree. This will require:

  • bowl;
  • rod from the handle;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • plasticine.

In a bowl, you need to put softened green plasticine, distribute it evenly. This is grass. Attach a plasticine ball in the center.

A tree trunk is pierced into it and fixed, which must be coated with plasticine.

Plasticine smeared on a bowl
Plasticine smeared on a bowl

Now let the child roll a "sausage" out of brown plasticine and wrap it around the bottom of the trunk, moving up.

Trunk decoration with plasticine
Trunk decoration with plasticine

Here's how similar crafts are made from seeds and cereals further. It's the turn of the pumpkin seeds. These will be the needles of a lush Christmas tree. They need to be driven into the tree trunk, also starting from the bottom. Try to place the elements of the subsequent rows between the seeds of the previous ones.

Decorating the trunk with pumpkin seeds
Decorating the trunk with pumpkin seeds

Here's what a wonderful tree made of seeds! The next job is no less exciting to do. To create a round panel, take:

  • cucumber or melon seeds, as well as apple;
  • semolina;
  • gouache;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • round disposable plate.
Materials for creating panels
Materials for creating panels

Grind semolina with gouache - half with green, half with yellow. On the plate, you need to apply a drawing with large features, for example, such a goose.

Schematic drawing on a round base
Schematic drawing on a round base

Starting from the tail, they smear parts of its body with glue and attach cucumber or melon seeds. And the wing needs to be highlighted with black apple seeds, but you can also use quince seeds.

Laying out the silhouette of a goose with seeds
Laying out the silhouette of a goose with seeds

To make the legs and beak, the melon or cucumber seeds are covered with red gouache and allowed to dry. Now they need to be glued to the markings.

Ready goose silhouette
Ready goose silhouette

To make grass, glue is applied to the lower part of the background, sprinkle this area with green semolina. The upper half of the picture is decorated with the same cereal, but yellow.

Design of the finished panel
Design of the finished panel

DIY bean crafts for children

Crafts from beans, beans, peas can also be done by children. At the same time they will learn the alphabet. Draw letters on whatman paper, let the child take turns applying glue to each and attaching the prepared seeds.

Letters from cereals and seeds
Letters from cereals and seeds

To make a panel in the form of a pumpkin, give a child:

  • seeds of halves of dry peas;
  • glue;
  • a sheet of cardboard and colored paper;
  • a leaf of a tree;
  • sesame seeds;
  • pencil.

A colored sheet of paper is glued to the cardboard, on which you need to draw the outlines of the pumpkin and its fragments. Halves of peas are glued to them, and between these slices - sesame seeds, upstairs - a dry leaf of a tree.

Pea and Sesame Seed Pumpkin
Pea and Sesame Seed Pumpkin

Children can also make chickens so funny and beautiful from legumes. Give them a template of these baby chicken. Let them circle it, and sketch the noses and legs with a yellow pencil. Dry peas should be glued to the surface of one chicken. Create another from beans. For the third, corn is suitable.

Legume chickens
Legume chickens

To make an owl, kids will need:

  • the pattern of this bird;
  • cardboard;
  • beans of white, brown, red color;
  • beans;
  • dry yellow soup peas;
  • glue.

First, the template is transferred to the cardboard. Then you need to outline the parts of the body and head of the bird. For such a bean craft, 3 grain colors are required. The upper part of the head, ears, outlines of the body are laid out in light brown.

Wings are made of red, and the tummy and outlines of the eyes are made of white. The pupils are laid out with black beans, and the legs and beak are laid out with yellow peas or corn of this color.

Bean and Bean Owl
Bean and Bean Owl

Bean seeds make beautiful colorful crafts. You can invite your child to lay out a circular pattern. Glue lentil seeds in the center and outside, and make circles from white beans, beans, yellow peas or corn.

Colored legume craft
Colored legume craft

From green peas, you can make a frame for a photo by pasting it around the perimeter with these seeds.

Pea-decorated frame
Pea-decorated frame

There is a very interesting decor for Easter eggs. For it you will need:

  • boiled eggs;
  • paste based on flour or starch;
  • grains;
  • small cereals;
  • dried herbs;
  • spices.

All this must be poured into separate saucers. Next, the egg is smeared with paste and rolled over dry herbs, spices, grains.

You can create mosaic patterns by drawing a sketch on the shell in advance. Use stencils if desired.

Seed-Decorated Eggs
Seed-Decorated Eggs

You can attach to the surface of legumes, using not only boiled eggs for the base, but also balls. Great idea for room decor.

Seed-Decorated Balls
Seed-Decorated Balls

How to make pea topiary?

Pea topiary
Pea topiary

Bean seeds will also help to craft it. To make a tree count, you need to take:

  • packaging of green peas (polished and split);
  • foam ball;
  • dry moss packaging;
  • 1 clay pot, medium;
  • thermal glue;
  • PVA glue;
  • brush;
  • for the trunk - a skewer, a wooden stick or a simple pencil;
  • pot paint;
  • green acrylic paint;
  • floristic foam or alabaster or cement;
  • Styrofoam.

First you need to paint the pot and stem in your desired colors, if required. But the ball must be decorated with green paint. This can be done in two ways: cover half of the ball when dry, paint the other side, wait until dry. And only then cut a hole in it and insert the barrel. Or do it earlier by securing the barrel and then paint the entire ball at once.

Coloring the foam ball green
Coloring the foam ball green

When it's dry, decorate it with peas. Here's how to make topiary next. Spread a small area of the ball with a brush with PVA glue, then cover it generously with peas.

Putting peas on a ball
Putting peas on a ball

Once the legumes are attached, decorate the next piece of foam base. So close the ball completely and put it away until morning to dry.

When this happens, inspect the work, if there are small uncovered areas, sprinkle them with cereals.

It's time to fix the crown. To do this, drop the glue from the "hot gun" into the hole in the ball, insert the barrel here.

Attaching the trunk of the topiary
Attaching the trunk of the topiary

For better fixation, it is advisable to additionally secure the barrel with pieces of paper and carefully glue them, pouring more glue here. If you do not lay down the paper, hot glue can melt the foam, making the hole unnecessarily deep. Now place the trunk in the pot, secure this stick with alabaster, cement or floral foam.

Floral foam in a pot
Floral foam in a pot

After these solutions have dried, you need to put moss on the surface, glue it, decorate with sisal, peas, cereals.

Design of finished pea topiary
Design of finished pea topiary

Applications and panels from cereals

Crafts from peas, beans are not only various topiary, but also wonderful paintings.

Two pictures of a cat made of peas and beans
Two pictures of a cat made of peas and beans

To create one, you first need to draw a cat's face on cardboard. Then fill the areas with legumes of a certain color. The cereal crafts are also impressive.

Deer picture
Deer picture

For this take:

  • cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • buckwheat;
  • semolina;
  • gouache;
  • PVA glue.

First you need to draw a moose by hand or by taking a template. Then his horns are lubricated with PVA glue, buckwheat is placed here. After that, his hooves are also decorated. The muzzle is created from millet, and the body is made from semolina, which can be pre-mixed with brown gouache.

Soaring birds are made from cereals and legumes, and the background is made of semolina, ground with yellow gouache.

Legume Birds
Legume Birds

If you want to teach your child how to create a bean applique in the shape of a chicken, then you need grains of different colors, as well as corn seeds and semolina.

Bean chicken
Bean chicken

But this touching fox is created from one semolina mixed with yellow gouache or from corn grits.

Little fox from corn grits
Little fox from corn grits

Ideas for the holidays from peas and cereals

It is not surprising, but you can also decorate an apartment, a table for a significant event, using peas and cereals.

Pea wreath
Pea wreath

To make such a wreath, take:

  • green peas;
  • "Hot gun" or PVA glue;
  • straw wreaths - 2 pcs.;
  • baking sheet;
  • brush;
  • leg-split.

If you do not have straw wreaths, then use a foam blank of this shape, but it needs to be covered with green acrylic paint. Place the peas in a baking sheet or tray. Lubricate the inside of the wreath with glue and sprinkle it with peas.

Decorating a wreath with peas
Decorating a wreath with peas

Then, smearing small areas with glue, roll the wreath over the peas to attach these small particles. Once the glue is dry, tie a string to the wreath, decorate with tape, and hang over the door.

The door is decorated. Make table decorations. To craft napkin rings, take:

  • toilet paper rolls;
  • paint;
  • spices;
  • seeds;
  • small cereals;
  • stationery knife;
  • glue.

Cut each sleeve crosswise into 3 pieces, paint these blanks on all sides. When the coating is dry, gradually grease these parts from the outside with glue, roll the bushings over bulk products laid out in different containers.

To give the products additional strength, you can grease the decorated surface with glue. Here are such wonderful crafts from seeds, cereals, beans, peas, you can advise children to do. And to make it even easier for them to learn this, let them watch a video with you that shows the process of creation.
