What is laziness and why does it arise, methods of struggle. How to properly organize and organize your own time. Laziness is a psychological reluctance to perform any activity. It can be short-term or long-term, it can be observed periodically or constantly. In most cases, it is a manifestation of the psychological state of a person, but it can also indicate various diseases of the body.
The Impact of Laziness on Life

Very often, the symptomatology of laziness contributes to the destruction of normal life, becomes the cause of social maladjustment. For an adult, laziness becomes a huge problem that interferes with working, providing for his family, and performing professional tasks.
Moving up the career ladder requires enhanced purposeful actions, developing a plan, and gradually completing your assignments. Only a truly hardworking person is able to achieve real success on a professional level.
The same applies to children for whom school studies and the implementation of the curriculum are considered an important part of their success. If the child does not have time to solve school problems, learn the program because of laziness, this problem becomes significant and immediately requires correction. Laziness causes problems in family life. Such people often quarrel and are careless about romantic relationships, do not value spouses. They are not accustomed to cleaning up after themselves, sometimes they are too lazy to even cook food, communicate little with children, do not pay attention to them. A marriage with such a relationship is bursting at the seams and literally falling apart, slowly exhausting the spouses.
If we consider the signs of laziness as a biblical phenomenon, it should be noted that it is included in the list of the seven serious sins. As with lust, gluttony, anger, envy, greed, and pride, there is a severe penalty for laziness. In Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy, a fifth circle of hell is provided for lazy people.
It is believed that laziness greatly aggravates a person's behavior in principle and even pushes them to more serious crimes, so as not to work and not overwork. She destroys real plans for life and good deeds of a person and at the same time justifies inaction in relation to her own person and society as a whole. Lazy people, in fact, lose their human face, explaining their behavior with unjustified reasons, and justify themselves.
The main reasons for the development of laziness
Sometimes laziness arises spontaneously, without affecting the psychological or somatic sphere of human activity. This type is observed very often, but sometimes you can still find the initial trigger factor of laziness. In most cases, it lies in a psychological attitude, a somatic lack of energy and vitality, or a stress factor. Often involves the manifestation of a severe mental illness. Naturally, complex cases are detected very rarely, but still occupy a place in the statistics of mental illness among the population.
Causes of laziness in adults

For adults, the reasons for laziness can depend on the level of physical and psychological stress during working hours, as well as on the value of rest and recuperation. Naturally, it will be normal for workaholics with irregular working hours to feel tired in the evening and reluctant to do any work. Fatigue is felt as a lack of strength and energy for activity and a desire to be calm.
Very often, the reason for laziness is the lack of vital energy due to somatic pathological changes in the human body or disorders of the nervous system. In such cases, you should consult a specialist doctor, take tests and be examined, perhaps the reason lies within the body and indicates any violation of the internal balance.
Sometimes the general character and temperament can determine the productivity of each person's work. For example, one person is able to complete more than 10 errands during the afternoon and considers this to be the norm, while the other will do two tasks of the same difficulty, think that he has overworked himself, and will go to rest. This is what can play an important role in the competition of employees for one vacancy, where labor productivity is an important part of it. Active and hardworking candidates are much more likely to advance their careers and achieve professional success.
A person who is not interested in the result and believes that he can do without performing some action does not want to do anything. This indicates a lack of motivation, additional incentive or reason to perform certain actions, to engage in any activity. Such uninterested people in the future do not make plans, but simply go with the flow.
A very common cause of laziness is the lack of willpower. A person is constantly inclined to put off until tomorrow those things that he is quite capable of doing today, and cannot evaluate it critically. It constantly seems that tomorrow there will be more time, more strength or more opportunities, but it is impossible to push things ahead of you for a long time. Sooner or later, their accumulation will descend as a heavy burden and will put pressure on the shoulders, will threaten with a real emergency. Most often, it is too lazy to do the work that is not at all interesting to a person. If the task does not arouse any interest and cannot captivate, then it is not so easy to complete it. In such cases, it is very difficult to find additional motivation and force yourself.
Sometimes a person is very afraid to take on a job that requires significant attention and responsibility, as well as demand after the completed task. This has more to do with psychological attitudes from childhood, when difficult or difficult tasks, the parents chose not to trust the child. In such cases, a feeling of relative inferiority develops, which does not allow one to assume any obligations to perform complex and responsible tasks.
Modern scientific research does not stand still and is moving forward every day in the study of the human genome. At the moment, the human gene that is responsible for laziness has been identified and isolated. This does not in any way predict lazy behavior, but only provides inclination. This tendency can be developed and reinforced, or you can fight it despite the peculiarities of the organism's genome.
Causes of laziness in children

The causes of this condition in children are not much different from adults, but the prevailing factors are somewhat different. Lack of motivation is paramount. Tasks at school are performed at a routine level, which does not require an explanation of the relevance of the exercises.
Each task is solved because “it should be so”. This is not enough to motivate a young, full of strength and energy organism to direct its resources to mental activity. Most of the school assignments are not able to interest the child, and therefore he begins to be lazy or feel powerless. The too high complexity of tasks for the child may also be a significant reason. Low success can be motivated by an initial misunderstanding of the essence of the tasks and subsequent laziness with inability to complete it. The child cannot solve the problem in any way, and soon he stops trying to do it. Parents call this state laziness, swear and punish accordingly, but this does not help. Interest in the business and strong motivation play a primary role in the child's fulfillment of the assigned tasks. Children's horizons and choices are pretty simple. The assignment must be liked or rewarded accordingly. The child must understand the cause-and-effect relationships of completing tasks and getting what they want.
Signs of developing laziness

It's easy to recognize a lazy person. One has only to look at his daily routine and the percentage of idle time per day. This does not mean at all that such a person is only able to lie without moving for hours in bed and clapping for centuries. Modern technologies have long invented ways of "active" leisure activities for lazy people without making significant efforts. These include TV, Internet, computer games. From a purely physical point of view, there is really little movement during the use of these modern novelties. Lazy people postpone more important or difficult tasks "until later" and do not pay them due attention. Usually they avoid responsibility in the punctual fulfillment of any agreement or task, they rarely perform urgent work. But, as they say, laziness is the engine of progress. Many convenient devices that reduce human labor and simplify the task were invented by lazy people. They were unwilling to do more than necessary. From the wheel to modern robots that do housework … Special mechanisms are able to carry out those tasks that require a routine expenditure of energy and effort.
Lazy people find it easier to figure out a way to make things easier for themselves than to do it the way they want. Sometimes it takes even longer than doing it, but it's usually worth it. It is easier to be convinced a thousand times over the impossibility of getting around doing something than to do it.
At work, such people keep a slow pace, but at the same time they are rarely unsettled. They do exactly as much as is necessary so as not to be scolded, and not a drop more. They value their time and energy above all else.
Varieties of laziness and their characteristics

Laziness was classified according to many characteristics, including the reasons and characteristics of each. The most distinctive is the division of it into areas of justification. Which processes are most strongly affected by laziness, this type of it is called. There are the following types of laziness:
- Physical laziness … It is a feeling that arises as a signal from the body. May indicate fatigue, exhaustion or depletion of the body's physical potential. Of course, for productive work, it is necessary to correctly alternate the period of work and rest.
- Thinking laziness … Inability to even think or analyze any processes. Often observed in knowledge workers, when, after a hard day, it is difficult to force yourself to count elementary numbers or ponder the meaning of the instructions.
- Emotional laziness … More like exhausting any opportunities to express feelings. Sometimes observed as a result of fatigue or stress. The person is so tired that he performs any work without showing any emotions, and is not able to reveal them even in those situations that require it. Indifference to ordinary tasks discolours the working day and makes it impossible to enjoy work.
- Creative laziness … It is described as a process that is observed while coming up with new solutions and ideas. Often, if you need to organize something interesting and creative, you need to disconnect from routine tasks and concentrate on the essentials.
- Pathological laziness … This is the extreme degree of any of its varieties, which manifests itself in the absence of motivation to perform any tasks. A person simply does not want to do anything or is deliberately messing around, without even explaining it by any reason.
Important! Pathological laziness should be observed after complete rest and in the absence of fatigue.
How to overcome laziness

The way to get rid of laziness depends on the cause of its occurrence, its type and the degree of neglect of the process. For example, if a person barely crawls out of bed, there can be no question of a sports hobby. Consider ways to combat laziness:
- If laziness is a consequence of body fatigue, you should have a good rest, eat and be distracted.
- If the cause is a physical or physical illness, you need to see a doctor. Only he will be able to correctly explain how to deal with laziness caused by a certain somatic illness.
- It is recommended to set high goals for yourself, constantly make plans for the future and achieve stage by stage. You cannot remain without a dream, because then life will seem useless.
- You should not put off until tomorrow what you can do today. The golden truth, like no one, is suitable for lazy people. You need to force yourself to do at least part of the work or plan it over several days. After the first 10 minutes, there will be enthusiasm and strength to complete the task completely.
- If the work only causes bouts of laziness, it is worth considering whether this is really something that you can do all your life. Perhaps the profession is simply not suitable or the vacancy is not very good for these tasks.
- When the fear of responsibility becomes the cause of laziness, you should find out for yourself who makes decisions in your life. You need to believe in your own strengths and raise your self-esteem. You should start with minor, but important matters, and then increase the volume over time. This is the only way to become a truly successful person.
- It is important to learn how to allocate your time correctly, to establish clear boundaries for the performance of work and rest. Planning will allow you to set a framework for when you can be lazy, and not make you worry about when the work has to be done.
How to get rid of laziness - watch the video:

Laziness always leaves a person one step behind his dream and is a big problem. It aggravates ambition, reduces the chances of success in the professional field, increases the number of quarrels in the family. You need to get rid of it as soon as possible, since the longer a person is in this state, the more difficult it is to get him out of it. But there are pluses, having stirred a person a little, you can easily achieve the productivity of his work, the main thing is that the habit of avoiding work in any possible way does not remain.