Personality crisis is a fairly common phenomenon lately. The article describes the factors of its appearance, varieties and methods of how to get rid of it. A personal crisis is a special state of mind caused by dissatisfaction with oneself, others, work and even the world in which a person lives. Such a mental phenomenon can appear at any age, at any time of the year and under any circumstances. Whatever the life situation, it is always extremely difficult, and in some cases there are even negative consequences that can only be eliminated by a professional psychologist.
Reasons for the appearance of a personality crisis

Most people at least once in their lives have come across the feeling that their existence has no meaning, and all actions are absolutely empty. This inner sensation has a profound effect on the psyche. And more often than not, it is quite difficult to determine the cause and understand how to overcome a personality crisis.
There are several key factors that can push you to such a difficult emotional state:
- Dissatisfaction with yourself … A fairly common reason that every second person faces. The fact is that the mass media actively impose certain standards of appearance and level of wealth. In life, not everyone can achieve similar indicators.
- Problems at work … A person may be the best worker, but his work goes unnoticed. Or, on the contrary, he realizes that his knowledge is outdated, his services are no longer needed, and age and fear no longer allow starting something new. The loss of a well-paid job will also affect the condition.
- Self-perception … Usually middle-aged people face a crisis. This is due to the oppression of oneself by thoughts that most of my life has passed, that much has not yet been done from what I wanted, and time is inexorably running away.
- Family problems … The departure of one of the couple to a new partner hurts not only self-esteem, but also forces the process of self-oppression to begin. After all, being in the role of the abandoned is very difficult.
- Difficulties at school … Crises are often common in adolescence. It is especially pronounced in children who are "not like everyone else." They become outcasts, society does not accept them, and they still cannot or do not know how to realize themselves in other directions and with other people.
The crisis of personal growth can develop into a state of deep emotional depression, from which it is simply impossible to get out without the help of psychologists. It is extremely important for the family to notice the symptoms in a timely manner and to help the person cope with the situation.
The main symptoms of a personality crisis

The fact that a person has a crisis can be seen with the naked eye. Its features are:
- Emotional changes … Such people are extremely apathetic to everything that happens and do not express feelings. It is very difficult for them to make a smile or hear a sincere laugh.
- Detachment … The crisis of personal growth in people who are faced with it causes absolute indifference to everything that happens. They do not care about worries and problems around them, they are completely immersed in themselves. In some cases, irritability, nervousness and even aggressiveness are observed when relatives and friends try to get them out of this state.
- Sleep disturbances … Individuals with a similar problem sleep very badly, get up regularly at night, and cannot wake up in the morning.
- Physiological changes … In a crisis, a person begins to refuse food or eat it in very small quantities, which causes rapid fatigue. Due to lack of sleep, the color and condition of the skin changes. A mental disorder can negatively affect your physical well-being. Such people often get sick due to weakened immunity.
You will have to start working on getting out of the state by correcting behavior, because the problem always affects him first of all.
Features of overcoming a personal crisis
The oppressed state will necessarily affect both the person himself and his relationships with others. He can completely immerse himself in himself without seeking help. When he realized that it was necessary to change something, then it was time to act. If you look at it, then overcoming a personal crisis is within the power of every person. The main thing is not to lose control and gradually achieve your goal.
Assessing the situation and drawing up a plan for overcoming a personal crisis

To understand the depth of the problem, you need to take a sober look at what is happening, turn off feelings. If it is difficult to do this on your own, then you can ask for help from a loved one.
Some psychologists recommend writing a list of the things that are unpleasant. Describe which area of life is at a critical point. In some cases, the problem is completely obvious. It could be the loss of a job, the death of a loved one, illness, or something else.
In any situation, you need to try to separate emotions from facts and make yourself a plan of action. The way out of a personal crisis largely depends on a well-thought-out step-by-step list of work. To get back to your old self, it is important to understand what to do next and where to go.
The plan will only be effective if:
- Set a clear goal … It is necessary to choose for yourself a real and achievable goal that will at least slightly correct the entire deplorable situation: find a job, learn English, go to college, meet a soul mate, make friends, travel. Do everything that will help you get out of the crisis and bring positive emotions.
- Find the main motive … It is worth noting that there may be several of them, but it is important to determine the main one. For example, a new job is the way to a good financial situation. That is, to set a goal for yourself and explain what it will give.
- Define search parameters … What specific job do you need to find, what to do there, who to be? How should others, colleagues, friends perceive? What should a working day look like? What level of income will suit you? What can you sacrifice to achieve your goal? All these questions will have to be answered. This way you can correctly identify a potential goal and not deviate from it.
- Write a list of things to do on the way to achieve the goal … To find a new job, you need to register at the labor exchange and search for vacancies on your own. You can also call friends and acquaintances, because very often the work appears in an unexpected way. To reach great heights, it is recommended to go to refresher courses, improve foreign languages and devote time to your self-education. If the main goal is to find friends, then it is important to visit public places, communicate more and show interest.
- Do not deviate from the plan … After drawing it up, in no case should you give slack and retreat even one point. And, despite the fact that the result is not immediately visible, this does not mean that the actions were taken in vain. Sometimes you need to wait to get the desired "fruit".
- Do not give up … Even if some point of the plan does not give in the first time, then this is not a reason to doubt your abilities. Many successful people at the beginning of their journey faced several failures. An easy path does not lead to something great and bright.
Remember that there are always two ways out of any situation: stay in the same position and complain all the time, or start doing something. Not everyone can act actively, but it is important to force yourself not to stay dead center. Do not hesitate to use the help of other people, especially if they themselves show a desire to participate in this.
Behavior change to overcome personality crisis

A kind of infantilism in behavior can lead to the formation of a problem. A change in behavior, rethinking values and outlooks on life will help to cope with it.
In this case, the action plan will be supplemented with the following tips:
- Take responsibility … Everyone should be responsible for both defeat and victory. It is impossible to go a long way without these two components. In case of defeat, you cannot lose heart, you just need to draw a conclusion and not repeat your mistakes in the future. You should not look for the guilty ones in case of defeat - this is a very bad companion of success.
- Stop looking around … A lot of modern people are influenced by social networks, where classmates, friends and acquaintances post their photos from bright travels, happy moments or good purchases. Colleagues also brag about trips, home purchases. You should never compare your life with others. Also, young people often look at their school friends and see how great their family life and career has developed. A person may start to panic because they do not have something. If you regularly compare your life with wealthier people, then this is a direct path to an identity crisis.
- Let go of constant expectations … In most cases, life does not go according to plan, and this must be recognized as an indisputable fact. Some expectations are met, while others pass by. In any case, there is no reason to be upset and, moreover, to plunge into depression. You should learn to get rid of constant expectations, and if something did not work out, then come to terms with it and try to achieve the goal again.
- Stop hoping for someone … Also, don't place high expectations on other people. This is especially true if a person wants to start a relationship and a family.
Important! There are no perfect people, and big expectations only hit big disappointments. Remember one simple truth: they will always be better and worse than you, you should not chase and compete with someone, it is better to fight with yourself and conquer your own peaks every day.
Working on yourself to get out of a personal crisis

It is very important for people to feel beautiful and successful. It instills confidence, courage and self-love. Therefore, personal improvement is of great importance in the fight against personality crisis, for example:
- Realizing a real dream … Almost every person has a small dream for which there was not enough energy or time. Perhaps I always wanted to learn to knit, do floristry or bake deliciously, go fishing to unknown places or conquer a mountain. Do not limit yourself, inspire your nature and do what brings spiritual pleasure. People who devote time to such an activity will never be immersed in an identity crisis.
- Sports activities … It may not be just a gym, the modern sphere allows you to find something to your liking. For girls, dancing can be an excellent option, because they not only improve the figure, but also add femininity. If there is a personality crisis in men, then you can choose some kind of martial arts or swimming. Some people do not have time to attend individual classes, in which case a morning run is ideal. Plus, such a pastime has a positive effect on brain activity. It is worth noting that during sports, the production of a hormone is stimulated, which is responsible for our feeling of happiness.
- Personal care … As statistics show, a personal crisis in women very often appears due to dissatisfaction with their appearance. But men are also susceptible to this factor, albeit to a lesser extent. If you don't like the reflection in the mirror, then you need to try to make yourself the person you want to see every morning. Of course, this will take a lot of effort, but the result is worth it. Anyone can change their hairstyle, dress style, conversation style, hair color. Anything, if only the appearance inspires you to leave the house and start doing important things.
It also happens that all measures are practically useless. Often, this is faced by people who set unrealistic demands on themselves and their dreams. Therefore, a breakdown becomes inevitable.
How to avoid a mental breakdown during a personality crisis

Any crisis reaches its climax, and at this moment it is extremely important to prevent a mental breakdown. Otherwise, only a professional psychologist will help to cope with the problem.
The following guidelines will help you avoid these negative consequences:
- Dance more … Psychologists have found that during stress, a person places himself in the so-called shell, it is difficult for him to be liberated and throw out negative emotions. It is very important to be able to relax emotionally. In order not to let the negativity take over, you need to dance every day until the muscles are relaxed. The body should move easily, naturally, without unnecessary stiffness. To do this, you must definitely choose your favorite dynamic music. Psychologists believe that if you dance for at least five minutes a day, the body will become more flexible, which means that it will begin to develop resistance to stress.
- Learn to quickly "exhale" and relax … A crisis is exactly the state that makes you be in constant tension. Therefore, it is important to learn how to relax and leave the negativity behind. In addition, it is better to start solving any problem after you have completely got rid of past experience. Tension is sickness, stress, crisis and fear. Relaxation is about success, joy, creativity and ease. Today, you can find a huge number of relaxation methods that will help you achieve your goal. If the stress is caught by surprise, then there is one simple and effective way: to strain all the muscles of the body as much as possible and hold your breath for five to ten seconds, and then exhale sharply. Try to breathe deeply for at least a couple of minutes.
- Focus on positive thoughts … Even in a crisis there is a positive side, and you should only think about it. For example, in most cases some negative moment makes you start to act. He pushes for self-development and improvement of his appearance. Therefore, the crisis can make people get better. You need to tune yourself in exclusively to positive thoughts. Even if all this does not help to think in a positive way, it is worth writing a story with a good ending and believing in it. For example, in the fact that they really achieved their ultimate goal and are completely happy. Many psychologists say that believing in yourself is half the path traveled.
- Be sure to praise yourself! If you focus exclusively on the negative aspects, you can completely lose control of the situation. On top of that, it places you attain your future goal. Whenever a small goal is successfully completed, praise yourself. Focus and take action.
How to overcome a personal crisis - watch the video:

During times of stress, it is important to focus on the end result. This will allow you to avoid all failures and get your way. Ignore external circumstances, just act. During a crisis, you need to quickly set goals for yourself and achieve them. Each conquered peak will gradually bring you out of the depressive state. If you start thinking over all the pros and cons of a particular situation for a long time, for example, changing jobs, then it will be extremely difficult to make a decision. So act quickly and think only good things.