Find out how girls can increase their strength by exercising at home without going to the gym. Although the myth of the high benefits of cardio for weight loss has long been dispelled, not all girls want to do strength training at home for women. Meanwhile, today there is a lot of scientific evidence that with the help of strength training you can perfectly speed up the metabolism and after such exercises the body actively burns fat for 12 hours.
This suggests that strength training at home for women, and not cardio sessions, will help to effectively get rid of excess weight in problem areas. I would like to once again assure all the girls that they should not be afraid of gaining excessive muscle mass. Without the use of steroids, this is simply impossible due to the physiological characteristics of the female body.
Home strength training for women can bring you double benefits while fighting overweight:
- significantly more energy is expended in comparison with cardio loads;
- the body continues to expend energy during the recovery period.
How to organize home strength training for women?

Note that it is enough for girls to carry out two or three strength classes for a week, with a duration of each half an hour. Agree that an hour and a half a week can be carved out for every woman. Let's take a look at the main benefits that home strength training for women will give you:
- you can choose the training schedule yourself and easily coordinate it with your schedule;
- the vagaries of the weather cannot affect your training process;
- no need to spend money on a subscription, a trip to a fitness center and expensive sportswear;
- the time that you could spend on the road can be spent on your loved ones;
- you can involve your little ones in training by turning training into a game.
Since women are not faced with the question of recruiting the maximum possible muscle mass, then a large number of sports equipment or equipment will not be required. You just need to have one of the following at home:
- dumbbells, the weight of which ranges from 4 to 5 kilograms;
- a kettlebell weighing eight kilos;
- a sandbag weighing 10 kilos.
The easiest way is to buy kettlebells and this modest set will be enough for you to put your body in full order.
Best home strength training exercises for women

Before considering simple but effective exercises for girls, it is necessary to say a few words about warm-up. Its duration should be between 15 and 20 minutes. Start with a 5-minute run with a few minor accelerations. Then begin to stretch the joints, moving from top to bottom. Perform all exercises at a slow pace so that you can feel the work of the muscles and joints.
Exercise "Plank"
Although this exercise is static (you must hold a certain position for as long as possible), it is very effective in strengthening the muscles, which is what girls need. Take a prone position with your arms bent at a 90-degree angle.
After that, it is necessary to take an emphasis in the position on the elbows and stretch the body in a straight line. Make sure that the lower back does not bend or round. It is necessary to rely only on the toes and forearms. Hold the position for at least ten seconds and, as a result, bring the time to one minute, performing three such sets.
We also recommend adding a version of the previous exercise to your home strength training program for women. Take a position similar to the plank, but rest not on your forearms, but on the palms of your outstretched arms. After pausing for 20 seconds, take a step to the side and pause again. Complete three sets of 20 steps per leg in total.
Exercise "Beautiful posture"
This exercise is a floor hyperextension. To make things a little easier for yourself, the legs can be fixed to a sofa or other support. Inhaling, lift your torso and pause for one count at the end point of the trajectory. Do 15 repetitions in total.
There is also a second version of this exercise. Having taken the starting position, stretch forward, and during lifting, bend your arms at the elbow joints and spread them apart. After a short pause, return to the starting position. In total, you need to do 15 repetitions.
Exercise "Glute Bridge"
This movement is considered by many fitness professionals to be the best for working out the buttocks. Take a supine position and extend your arms along the body. One leg must be placed on the other thigh. As you exhale, you should raise the buttocks as high as possible, and while inhaling, return to the starting position. Perform 20 repetitions on each leg.
Exercise "Elastic buttocks"
Get on all fours and tighten your abdominal muscles, tightening your stomach. Begin to perform low swings with one leg, keeping its muscles in tension. In this case, the thigh should be parallel to the ground, and the toe should be pulled towards you. This position of the foot is called a "hatchet" in fitness.
Holding it in this position, and placing your thigh parallel to the ground, imagine that you are resting on a fixed plate. Start pushing it 15 centimeters up. For each leg, you need to perform 20 swings and push-ups.
Exercises "Slim legs"
Do the following exercises:
- Classic squats - 20 repetitions.
- Weighted squats - 20 repetitions.
- Lunges - 20 repetitions for each leg.
- Standing Calf Raises - 20 repetitions.
Exercises for the abdominal muscles
You need to perform a set of the following movements:
- Tighten your abdominal muscles and spread your legs slightly. Lift your body and legs off the ground at a 45-degree angle. Hold this position for 30 seconds to one minute.
- Classic twisting in the supine position - developing the upper abdominal muscles.
- Lateral crunches - the lateral abdominal muscles are strengthened.
- Lying on the ground leg raises - for the lower abdominal muscles.
It is common for all beginners to make mistakes and most often they are repeated. Many girls focus on one problem area, forgetting about other parts of the body. This is wrong, because the body must develop harmoniously.
How to make your arms slim?
Beautiful hands can beautify any woman and you should not be afraid to pump muscles. We have already talked about this above, but we will repeat it again. By doing home strength training for women and working your arm muscles, you will eliminate sagging skin. To do this, you can perform classic power movements with dumbbells or a kettlebell, or use a special Bizon-1 simulator. In any case, the results will definitely please you, and the choice is yours.
How to properly design a home strength training program for women?

Women can use the split system or train the whole body in one workout. At home, you can use the full body system. Also, unlike men, girls do not need to work on refusal, although sometimes such recommendations are found. Today, many fitness professionals are pushing for an end to the use of failure approaches by athletes on a consistent basis.
There are scientific studies that show the advantages of the accumulation theory over the destruction theory. However, let's get back to the main point of today's article and look at a sample home strength training program for women.
1st day
- Classic squats - hold the dumbbells in straightened, lowered arms. It is also necessary to ensure that the back is flat and not rounded in the lumbar region. Begin to lower your body downward, pulling your pelvis back. It is important that the knee joints do not go beyond the level of the socks. It is necessary to perform three sets of 10 or 15 repetitions each.
- Classic push-ups - this movement is well known to you from school, therefore we will not pay much attention to it. It is necessary to perform three sets of 10 repetitions each.
- Leg curl plank - take the starting position, as for the previous movement. Bend your right leg at the knee and pull it up to your tummy. It is necessary to perform three sets of 20 repetitions each.
- Bending the arms in an inclined position - hold the dumbbells in straightened arms, palms facing outward. Begin to bend your arms at the elbow joints, which should remain motionless throughout the set. It is necessary to perform three sets of 10 repetitions each.
- Lunges - holding the dumbbells in straight arms, from a standing position, take a wide step with one leg forward, lowering the knee joint of the back leg to the ground. Return to starting position and follow with the other leg. It is necessary to perform three sets of 20 repetitions each.
- Dumbbell rows in an inclined position to the belt - tilt the body at an angle of 45 degrees and take the pelvis back, while slightly bending the knee joints. The back should be flat, and the sports equipment is held in the lowered hands. Bending the elbow joints, lift the dumbbell towards the waist. It is necessary to perform three sets of 10 repetitions each.
2nd day
- Deadlift is a classic exercise that is actively used in bodybuilding. It is necessary to perform three sets of 10 repetitions each.
- Superman - take a position lying on your stomach, stretching your limbs. From this starting position, begin to raise your arms and legs at the same time. It is necessary to perform three sets of 10 repetitions each.
- Extension of the arms in a standing position is another classic exercise aimed at strengthening the biceps. It is necessary to perform three sets of 10 repetitions each.
- Lying Leg Curls - take a prone position and hold a dumbbell between your feet. Bending your knee joints, begin to lift them up. It is necessary to perform three sets of 10 repetitions each.
- Twisting "Butterfly" - take a supine position and bend your knee joints, spreading them apart. Start lifting the upper body, rounding your back and touching your feet with your hands. It is necessary to perform three sets of 15 repetitions each.
- Dumbbell Row in Plank Position - take the starting position, as for doing push-ups. The dumbbell should be on the ground at eye level. Begin to pull the sports equipment with your left hand on the ground to the level of your abdomen, and then return it to its place with your right hand. After that, change hands and repeat the movement.
How to organize strength training for women at home, see the following video: