Learn about the different types of kick and hand striking techniques and how to train properly to develop strength and speed when striking. In a street fight, it is often enough to deliver one accurate strong blow to emerge victorious from the situation. Some professional boxers are gifted from birth with this ability, but this does not mean that striking technique cannot develop at home. This is what the conversation will be about today.
What is percussion technique and how to develop it at home?

If you want to develop striking technique at home, then the classes should consist of two stages. Let's get to know each of them in detail.

If you've done a good breakdown, you can catch your opponent off guard by not allowing him to react in time to the blow. Relaxation is at the heart of a quality breakdown. Simply put, your muscles should be relaxed and your head should be light. You should not think that you are going to strike, because an experienced opponent will be able to predict it from your actions. To practice stalling, we recommend doing the following exercises:
- Beep on beep - take a fighting stance and relax. Your comrade is out of sight and, at different time intervals, beeps, for example, with a clap. At this moment you need to strike. To make the exercise more difficult, we recommend using two beeps. One of them allows you to strike, and the second forbids.
- Hit on touch - similar to the previous exercise, but the partner's touch is used as a signal to attack.
- Working with paws - a comrade holds the boxing paw and constantly changes its location. This applies only to the vertical, but also to the horizontal plane.
- Hits to the body of a partner who must rebound - you must have time to reach your comrade with a blow before he leaves the reach zone.
- Blows on the newspaper - the partner must hold the newspaper sheet by the upper corners, and you strike at it. If you manage to punch through the newspaper, then you have been able to get far along the path of stall training.

The second stage of mastering striking technique at home is called fist acceleration. Here, the speed-strength training of a fighter is of great importance. It is important to develop both components, and not dwell on one of them. Many athletes believe that vigorous resistance training can reduce speed. However, a weak hit can only come in handy in amateur boxing for scoring. In a street fight, he won't be of any use. Here are some exercises to help you increase your punching power:
- Various types of push-ups.
- Bench press in a prone position - perform the movement without pauses at the extreme points of the trajectories, and the weight should be selected so that you can perform from 10 to 12 repetitions.
- One-handed kettlebell snatch at a fast pace.
- Working with a punching bag - try not to just hit the surface of the bag, but perform the blow as if you are trying to punch sports equipment.
- Paw work is a great tool for improving your striking technique at home.
How to temper your hands for powerful punches?

Your hands must be prepared for hard blows. To do this, we recommend that you use the following training methods.
Push ups

In untrained people, the outer part of the hand is extremely vulnerable to injury. This is due to the absence of large muscles on the phalanges of the fingers, which could protect bone tissue. As a result, after striking, you can fail yourself by breaking your wrist. To prevent this from happening, do push-ups on the knuckles and phalanges of the fingers. Start working on a soft surface and gradually move on to push-ups from the floor.
Working with a bag

Another great way to strengthen your fists is with a punching bag. Note that most of the bags sold at sporting goods stores are designed to be worn with gloves. The best option would be to independently manufacture this type of sports equipment. You will need to sew a cylinder with a diameter of 50 to 60 centimeters from a double layer of tarpaulin or leatherette.
In the upper part, 2–4 straps are sewn to it for fastening to the ceiling. Insert a bag of sugar or cereals inside and fill it with dry grains. We recommend using wheat or barley. To prevent the grain from moving in the bag, tie it tightly with a string. As a result, the bag can serve you for more than ten years. Don't forget. That the cost of such inventory will be significantly lower in comparison with the store.
Correct striking technique

The power of the blow largely depends on the correct technique, and it is worth starting with its consideration:
- The feet are slightly wider than the level of the shoulder joints.
- First, the heel comes off the ground.
- During the impact, the foot turns in the direction of the movement of the hand.
- If you hit with your right hand, your left foot stays in place and your right foot works.
I would also like to give some useful tips that can make it easier for you to master the percussion technique at home:
- The knee joints should be slightly bent, and the body weight is transferred forward at the moment of impact.
- The hips must rotate towards the opponent simultaneously with the movement of the attacking arm.
- With a close throw of the arm, a full body movement should be made.
- Do not reach forward and turn the body sharply.
- During the swing, you should not take your hand back so as not to show your opponent the moment of hitting.
- The fist should be clenched as tightly as possible.
- During the attack, you should exhale.
We recommend that you constantly improve your hitting technique in order to achieve high skill.
Striking Technique: Exercises to develop speed, strength and explosive energy

- Kicking the ball. You will need some free space to do the exercise, and if you live in an apartment building, the downstairs neighbors will not be very happy with your workout. We recommend using a special weighted ball used by boxers. If you don't have one, you can use a basketball one. Take a standing position with your feet at the level of your shoulder joints. Raise the ball over your head and throw it firmly to the ground. You should do at least 15 repetitions.
- Jump squats. The starting position is similar to the previous movement, but you don't need any additional sports equipment. Just do deep squats and jump out of the bottom of your trajectory. We recommend that you work until you run out of strength. To complicate the exercise, you can do it with dumbbells in your hands.
- Pull-ups. Hands on the bar are located slightly wider than the level of the shoulder joints. Do it as many times as possible.
- Push ups. The position of the hands is as narrow as possible. It is best to do the exercise with your fists instead of your palms in mind.
- Reverse push-ups. Position yourself with your back to a bench or other similar stable surface. Put your hands on it, and stretch your legs forward. From this starting position, go down.
- Kettlebell Raises Forward. Hold the kettlebell with one hand between your legs. From this starting position, make a sharp dash forward, raising your arm to its parallel with the ground. Each hand should be performed 8 repetitions.
- Jerk. The exercise resembles the previous one, but the jerk of the sports equipment is performed upward.
- Jerk and jerk. The kettlebell is located between the legs. Take it with your hand, while putting your pelvis back. With a sharp movement, move the projectile to the shoulder joint, then push it up. Do 9-10 reps for each hand.
- Sitting kettlebell lifts. Squat down and place the projectile on your shoulder joint. To make it easier to maintain balance, you should stretch your free hand in front of you. Begin to lift the kettlebell in a vertical plane. During the exercise, you need to ensure that the calf muscles and buttocks are in constant tension.
- Lifting kettlebells from a prone position. Take a supine position and raise your hand with the kettlebell up. Begin to rise from this position. The exercise is performed in 10 repetitions.
- Jerk of two weights. Two sports equipment must be held on the shoulder joints. After inhaling air, use a jerky motion to lift them up. Reverse movement should be slow and controlled. Also watch out. So that the abdominal muscles are tense throughout the set.
Where should you strike?

No matter how powerful a blow you have, it should be applied in certain places. You must remember that a knockout is a consequence of a concussion of the cerebellum, after which the nervous system turns off the body. To knock out an opponent, a blow must be delivered to the jaw, temporal region, or the back of the head.
There are also other vulnerable points on the body:
- Liver - in the area of this organ there are reserve blood reserves, and a strong blow can cause spasm, as well as loss of consciousness.
- Solar plexus - a large number of nerve fibers are located here and an accurate hit on them can cause a temporary breathing problem.
- Under the heart - if the blow was strong, then it is even possible to stop the work of the organ with a subsequent death.
- Groin and lower abdomen - everything is clear here and without explanation.
The knockout threshold indicator for each person is unique, but we can say for sure that an unexpected blow with a force of at least 150 kilos turns off almost any opponent. It is only important that it be applied suddenly. Scientists often do interesting research. Today we will talk about two of them. In the first, the punching force of famous boxers was measured:
- Mike Tyson can hit 800 kilos.
- Wladimir Klitschko is somewhat behind, but the power of 700 kilos is worthy of respect.
- Dmitry Spirichev surpasses even Tyson in this indicator - 850 kilos.
- Michael Zambidis slightly fell short of the impact force of 500 kilos and his figure was 498.
Also, studies were carried out on the strength of blows with various limbs in representatives of several types of martial arts:
- The knee in Muay Thai is the absolute winner, because the impact force can reach 1600 kilos.
- The foot in karate is one of the most modest indicators equal to 450 kilos.
- The fist in boxing has a similar punching force to the karate kick.
- But representatives of taekwondo kick harder than karate fighters - 650 kilos.
Of course, all these indicators are averaged, but interesting to study. If you constantly develop your striking technique at home, you can achieve good results.
How to practice striking technique at home, see below: