Find out how to normalize female hormones without the use of illegal drugs. Practical advice only. Estrogens are called female sex hormones, which ensure the normal functioning of all body systems of girls. The normal performance of the heart muscle, the growth and strengthening of the bone structure, the development of the breasts and genitals, and sexual activity are just some of the tasks performed by estrogens. It is not difficult to understand that when the concentration of estrogens is low, then various disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and systems are possible.
Often it is the low level of female hormones that causes menopause. This condition is characterized by the fact that the body stops producing estrogens on its own. Thus, the question of how to increase estrogen in women is relevant for all representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. There are many ways to help you speed up estrogen production, and they all have advantages and disadvantages. Most often, hormone replacement therapy is carried out now to restore the normal concentration of hard hormones, and phytoestrogens are also taken. At the same time, there are proven folk methods that should not be forgotten either.
Symptoms of a low concentration of estrogen in a woman's body

The main symptoms of a low concentration of estrogen in the female body is a delay in the development of the physiological characteristics of the body. For example, with a deficiency of female hormones in girls, there is a slowdown in the development of the genitals, mammary glands and skeleton. During adolescence, low estrogen levels lead to delayed or absent menstrual periods, and a decrease in the size of the breasts and uterus. Even if the breast has already formed, with a lack of female hormones, its size may begin to decrease.
The most frustrating aspect is the decrease in the rate of estrogen production during childbearing years. Symptoms of an insufficient concentration of estrogens during this period are changes in the woman's mood, decreased performance and sexual activity (frigidity), menstrual irregularities, often accompanied by severe pain. With a decrease in estrogen levels, a loss of femininity occurs.
How to boost estrogen with traditional medicine?

Many people are worried about how to increase estrogen in women. If you have been diagnosed with low estrogen levels, then the effectiveness of using traditional medicine to increase it, first of all, can be determined by a medical professional.
Decoctions and infusions of plants to increase the concentration of estrogen, women should begin to use from the fifteenth day of the cycle. Among the most popular recipes for traditional medicine, we highlight the following.
- Raspberry leaves. Dried raspberry leaves must be poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 60 minutes. The broth should be taken in small portions throughout the day.
- Plantain seeds and cuffs. The seeds of these plants must be poured with boiling water and infused well. Take the resulting broth three times throughout the day before eating. This remedy is a very effective solution for anyone who wants to know how to increase estrogen in women.
- Raspberry and wild yam. Leaves of wild yam and raspberries should be steamed for an hour. Consume the broth before meals in the amount of one tablespoon.
- The fruits of the cane. The fruits of the plant must be crushed and poured with boiling water, then insist. Take this broth in small portions throughout the day.
Foods to increase female hormone levels

Using food to increase the rate of estrogen secretion is an equally effective way to achieve your goal. If you think that your estrogen levels have decreased, then you need to get tested, as well as make changes to your nutrition program.
If we talk about those products that are most effectively able to increase the level of estrogen, then here is their list:
- Legumes.
- Soybeans and products from this plant.
- Food products of animal nature.
- Vegetables and fruits such as tomatoes, eggplants, carrots, cabbage, etc.
At the same time, it should be remembered that when all of the above food is consumed in large quantities, the concentration of estrogen may exceed the normal value.
So we answered the question - how to increase estrogen in women using the most simple methods. In addition, there are a fairly large number of medications that can increase the rate of production of female hormones. But they should only be taken after consulting a medical professional.
For more informative and useful information about estrogen, see this video: