Low insulin sensitivity can lead to diabetes. How can this indicator be increased? The content of the article:
- Physical exercise
- Proper nutrition
- Daily regime
Eating a specific diet is not enough to lose weight and build muscle. It is equally important to increase your body's sensitivity to insulin.
This is because the body will be able to build up the reserves of fat cells needed to build muscle. At the same time, it is worth remembering about the possibility of diabetes. Low insulin sensitivity is one of the main causes of this very serious condition. To achieve this goal, there are many ways that can be conditionally divided into several groups:
- Regular physical activity.
- Proper nutrition
- Compliance with the daily routine
Regular physical activity

Exercise is essential to increase insulin sensitivity. After quality workouts, an increase in muscle mass is observed, and the cells need enhanced nutrition. After intense physical exertion, muscle tissue begins to consume most of the energy (about 90%), which is carried with the help of blood. According to research, a 10% increase in muscle reduces insulin resistance by 11%.
Endurance training is most effective for increasing insulin sensitivity. But it must be remembered that they are only suitable for those muscle groups that are well trained. For example, in runners, the lower body is the most sensitive to insulin.
The greatest effect can be achieved only with combined training. It is necessary to combine aerobic exercise with power. Only in this case can the best result be achieved.
Proper nutrition is the key to health
People who do not lead an active lifestyle and are overweight should pay special attention to the intake of carbohydrates, and reduce its amount to 50 g per day. Those who do not have problems with excess weight should limit the amount of carbohydrates entering the body to 100-200 g. You can also resort to the carbohydrate cycle.
People who play sports in a non-professional manner should also limit the amount of food high in these substances on training days. The rest of the time, you need to stick to a low-carb diet.

It is worth noting proteins that have a large effect on insulin sensitivity. This is due to the ability of proteins to slow the rise in blood sugar. Whey protein has shown very good results. It enables the body to better tolerate glucose. In many ways, this fact is associated with the ability of the substance to cause a sharp release of insulin into the blood. This may seem a little strange, given the large amount of amino acids in its composition.
Speaking of proper nutrition, it is worth noting the introduction of as many vegetables as possible into your diet. Particular attention should be paid to leafy vegetables and cruciferous crops (cauliflower and broccoli). Products with a low glycemic index should also be noted here. These are foods that contain a large amount of antioxidants, such as berries, and all the same fruits.
Very effective in increasing insulin-sensitive acidic foods - lime, lemon, and vinegar added to meals. Some pickled foods, such as ginger, also performed well. They are best consumed with carbohydrate-rich foods such as potatoes, rice, or sandwiches. If we continue the topic of seasonings, then it is necessary to pay attention to cinnamon, turmeric and shambhala. They are able to enhance insulin signals to muscles, which will reduce the amount of fat stored in the body for energy.
It is necessary to introduce fatty fish into your diet, which is rich in substances that increase the strength and flexibility of cells. You should also pay attention to some minerals, especially magnesium. It has a beneficial effect on the insulin receptors of all cells in the body. As a drink, it is recommended to consume green tea or mate, which are high in antioxidants.
And now it's time to talk about those foods that are not recommended for use in your diet. Immediately it is worth mentioning sugar, which must be excluded from your nutrition program. This also applies to those products in which it is contained. They are processed even faster, and provoke a powerful release of insulin into the blood.

Trans fats used in baked goods should also be eliminated from the diet. These substances are undesirable for any organism, as they are the cause of many cardiovascular diseases.
Continuing the topic of sugar, it is impossible not to touch on the fructose found in fruits and some types of vegetables. Now we are talking, first of all, about liquid fructose, which is contained in various drinks, including most sports ones. Agave is especially rich in fructose, therefore, it should be removed from the diet. Among fruits and vegetables, there are a lot of products containing a minimum amount of fructose (berries, avocados, tomatoes, etc.), which are recommended for use in food.
Currently, refined oils from various types of products (sunflower, corn, rapeseed, etc.) are widely used. No processed or packaged product is complete without their use. But an excess amount of this type of fat contributes to cellular degradation.
Nuts and seeds are good for the body, but you should eat these foods in moderation.
Correct organization of the daily routine

Compliance with the regime is very important for any person, not just an athlete. It has been proven that lack of sleep significantly reduces insulin sensitivity. This feeling makes a person eat high-carbohydrate foods, but this can only worsen the condition. This is due to a decrease in the ability to transport glucose. If, nevertheless, there are times when you cannot get enough sleep, then you should be careful in choosing food.
The harm from late snacking has long been known. However, it is necessary to mention this. Most often in the evening you want food that is high in carbohydrates. If you do not resist the temptation, then a lot of insulin will enter the bloodstream, and the daily biorhythm will be knocked down. In turn, this will affect the quality of sleep, since melatonin, the hormone responsible for this condition, can only be synthesized after the insulin levels have decreased.
If late snacking occurs infrequently, it can only threaten a sleepless night. It is much worse when food is constantly taken before bedtime. For this reason, the entire hormonal balance can change.
Well, the last recommendation concerns a sitting position. With prolonged sitting, insulin sensitivity will decrease dramatically. Moreover, it does not matter in principle whether you follow all the points described in the article. Studies have shown that after three days of sedentary life, young people have significantly decreased insulin sensitivity. But in ordinary life they were all quite active.
Insulin video: