You can make tables, chairs, armchairs from PVC pipes. Also create greenhouses, children's toys, beds, wardrobes and much more out of them.
What can be made from PVC pipes? Yes, a lot of useful things. They will make comfortable armchairs and chairs, beautiful tables, frames for mirrors, gazebos, greenhouses, fences, containers for plants and organizers, here is an incomplete list of products from this material.
How to make armchairs, chairs and tables from PVC pipes?
Turn these plastic materials into comfortable pieces of furniture.

We offer to make such comfortable chairs from PVC pipes.

To create them, you will need:
- inch ruler;
- a piece of fabric measuring 17.5 by 29.5 inches;
- PVC pipes;
- PVC adapters.
Here are what plastic elements you will need to purchase or take those that remain from plumbing work in the country.

The pipe must be cut with special scissors or a saw. Get one, but good quality. It will need to be cut into 16 pieces so that you get:
- 4 pieces of 5 inches;
- 4 pieces of 4 inches;
- 7 pieces 10 inches long;
- two pieces of 6 inches.
You will also need 6 T-shaped parts and 8 curved ones, which are called "elbows". See what scissors you need for working with PVC pipes. Or take a saw or a hacksaw.

The following diagram will allow you to correctly connect the above parts to make such a cute chair. You will be able to see it from all sides and determine the calculations.

You can paint the elements first, but it is better to do this later, when you have already assembled the product.
But you don't have to paint the pipes if you have such a beautiful white color. And the cover is very easy to sew. You need to fold the cut out rectangle of fabric in half, sew along the seam, then turn it out onto your face. Now turn on the 1st and 2nd sides to then slide this cover onto the chair.

But then you will need to get the top and bottom pipes, after you put the top and bottom of the cover here, reattach the pipes in place.

You can make chairs of various designs from PVC pipe.

And if you attach the wheels from below, then you can move the chair around the house or around the summer cottage.

It is possible to make such chairs with curved legs and backs from this material. There are several ways to give pipes a similar shape.
The most common is the following. You need to heat up salt or sand. You can pour these bulk materials, for example, on a baking sheet and heat in the oven, in the oven or on a fire in the country.
Now carefully use a metal scoop to pour the heated materials into the exact part of the pipe to be bent. For this, it is convenient to use a funnel. Insert it into the pipe and pour in the heated bulk material. Now heat the pipe outside with a hot air gun. When it becomes more flexible, bend it.
If it is not possible to heat the sand, then pour the materials inside the pipe and heat it with a construction hairdryer.
To give the pipe the correct shape, lay it on the plywood, fix the self-tapping screws on both sides near the end. Now you need to heat this part of the pipe with a construction hair dryer and wrap it where you intended. Fix again, but with other screws in this position.
It is convenient to drive in the first row of self-tapping screws, and with the second row of self-tapping screws, you will fasten the curved part.
You can also make a swing chair from PVC pipes with your own hands, having assembled such a structure.

Attach the sewn soft seat to this plastic base, hang the swing and enjoy your summer cottage.
If you do not want to sew seats for chairs, then rewind the opposite edges of the base of the back and seat with strong tape.

Make a table from PVC pipe, it will look great next to the chairs. You can make even a small one by fixing a plastic countertop on it with hot glue.

Folding chairs can be made of PVC pipes for children. The legs of these products are crossed and fixed in the center with a bolt and washer.

The seat for these chairs is very easy to sew. To do this, you need to take a strong fabric, tuck its small edges to create a gap and sew. You will insert the PVC pipe into this gap and then secure it.
And the little ones will sit comfortably in the chairs. Moreover, for very young children, you can make a high chair. On it you can conveniently feed your baby.
What to make of PVC pipes for children?
More time should be given to ideas for children - after all, you can make many useful items from PVC pipes for them.
If you want them to develop their accuracy from childhood, play in the fresh air, then make a bow for them. You will also make it from this plastic material.

You also have to take a PVC pipe and bend it. To do this, first measure and saw off a piece of the desired length. Mark where you will have the center bend.

Now heat the workpiece with a blow dryer to make small indentations to the right and left of the mark. Press on the pipe with a bar, placing the clamps on top.
Then the bow will bend in the right place. To make the edges of this product flat and bend in the other direction, also heat them up and place them in a metal container, for example, in a colander or saucepan.
Saw off the curly edges on both sides to then tie the bowstring.
Attach a rope, make arrows from wooden branches and you can try this sports equipment. Then the bow needs to be dyed if you want it to change color.
You can also make an easel out of PVC pipes for children. If your child has creativity, help him learn to draw. Saw a pipe from this material, then slide on the adapter to make the horizontal posts. You will attach the top one using a part in the form of the letter D.
To prevent the balls from spilling out, make a fence for them from this material. It consists of horizontal and vertical bars. Also use adapters to connect them. If you want to make the sides solid, then you can cover the base with a thick cutout fabric. Then not a single ball will jump out of the sides.

You can make a dry pool from PVC pipes. From them you will make a ladder so that the child climbs inside and out of there. Cover the walls with synthetic mesh so that the balls do not fall out of there. You can make a house for a child by creating a base from PVC pipes. With your own hands, then you will sew the curtains, which you attach to the sidewalls with the help of belt loops. Cover the roof in the same way.
In summer, in the heat, it is pleasant when warm jets are pouring over you. And the water, passing through the PVC pipes, will be heated. To do this, place three large pipes. Two vertically, and in the third, make many small holes with a hot nail and fix it horizontally with the elbow pieces.
You can fix one stand on a wooden pallet, attach a hose to it, and fix the third small stand horizontally. Make holes in it and you will enjoy such a wonderful shower.
Children will be happy to drive through such a car wash in their toy vehicles. In the heat, they will be able to wash not only their cars, but also pleasantly shower themselves with rain streams from the pipes. Hang various washcloths on the straps to make it look like a real sink.

How to make organizers from PVC pipes - master class and photo
They will allow you to put things in order in the house and a lot of objects will fit in a small area at once.
In just an hour, you can create a disassembled shelving unit.
Using plastic adapters, assemble the PVC pipes so that they create vertical and horizontal beams. From a dense fabric, sew a semblance of a bag with a wide bottom according to the dimensions of the lower section of the rack. Tuck edges 1 and 2 over the top to sew and then slide this fabric backing over the pipes. It will be possible to put various things here. In the same way, you will sew two small organizers, which you fasten above the large one.
If you have several plastic boxes, it is not difficult to make cells for them from PVC pipes. With your own hands, you will need to make a markup in order to then assemble a rack from plastic components.

Do not throw away the leftover pipes, you will make wonderful lockers out of them. Saw off these remnants so that they become the same size. Glue them together in a checkerboard pattern in several rows. You can put your shoes on such a rack. Each pair or one copy will have its own places.
You can also make a horizontal shelf to store wine in this position. Pipes of different diameters are suitable for this, small ones will help to fasten such a shelf, and large ones will serve as storage containers.
The books will be laid flat on the shelves, which can also be made from PVC pipes. To fix such a rack against the wall, attach tips in several places that will help to cut the self-tapping screws here.

You can make a hanger out of these plastic parts. Design in such a way that you hang an umbrella on one line, a bag on the other, and a coat on the third.
And only four pipes are required in order to make a hanger for things. Place two large ones obliquely, and two small ones horizontally. Connect them together with fasteners.
The space near the wall can be occupied with shelving. Attach wooden shelves here. Such a rack made of PVC pipes will allow you to place a lot of things.

See how similar items are functional. In the center will fit a TV, under it speakers and DVD. On the side shelves you can place various souvenirs and books.

The bathroom will also be in complete order, because each item will be placed in its own section. You just need to grind the pipe cuttings and lay them out on the shelf. Here you can also put hygiene items, a comb, elastic bands and other small things.

If your child is going to school soon, teach him the letters in such an interesting way. Fold the pipes in the form of some letters and place them on the table. Now, in each of these cells, you will be able to lay out school supplies so that your child learns to be accurate from childhood.

What to make of PVC pipes for a summer residence with your own hands?
For your hacienda, plastic pipes will also be a real find. From them you can make many items for a suburban area. See what kind of greenhouses and greenhouses can be made from this material.

To make such a convenient greenhouse, you need to bend the pipes using the methods presented above. You will connect their fragments using adapters. At the bottom, fix the pipes with vertical and horizontal strips of this material. Make a door. Cover it separately with a film. And also it is necessary to cover the frame of the greenhouse with a film.
Tomatoes, peppers and eggplants will grow well in such a house. And in order to water the cucumbers less, cover such a frame with non-woven material. Then you will need to water the greenhouse less often, since the coming rain will penetrate through it, and moisture remains in such a greenhouse.
If you wish, make a gable roof. For this, you will not need to bend the pipes.

They are also connected with adapters to form a frame. To prevent the film or nonwoven fabric from sagging, make adjacent rows no further than 80 cm apart.
You can use a similar greenhouse to grow seedlings. Then install PVC pipes inside, on which you put shelves. To make them, knock the slats together not tightly to each other.
Make a wall-mounted greenhouse that allows you to cover up flowers or other plants when it gets colder.
You can make a similar greenhouse in the garden. Then you can open the roof in the heat. But make a window in advance so that you do not have to fold it back often.

First, knock down the box using wooden boards, you need to make a frame for the roof from the same material. But to shape it, use straight and curved pipes. Attach the roof to the base of the greenhouse using door hinges.
In the bottom right photo you can see a small comfortable greenhouse, which can also be made from PVC pipes. With your own hands, connect them together to get such two inclined walls. Attach ropes here so that cucumbers curl along it.
Many things can be made from PVC pipes in the country, for example, such a beautiful fence. And if you breed animals, then you can make a fence for them of the same type. If it is poultry, then additionally fasten a metal or plastic mesh on this frame.

If you have large diameter plastic pipes, such as sewers, then lay them horizontally, saw out the tops to fill in soil and plant the plants. In the same way, you can construct racks for growing seedlings in a greenhouse.

It is also easy to make a rack for seedlings from such pipes. Hang a fluorescent lamp above each shelf to illuminate it. Also, from PVC pipes, you can make a table for seedlings and place it in the country. Down you will be folding various summer cottages.
You will certainly be able to make an irrigation system out of PVC pipes. To do this, you need to spread them around the perimeter and fasten them in the corners. Can be laid in the form of a lattice, also make holes and connect a hose. When you need to close the water, turn off the valve, when you need to water, unscrew it.

Summer residents know how difficult it is to carry and place an unwound hose. But you can make just such a trolley on wheels as in the right photo and it is convenient to wind it up, then take it to the right place.
If you have a fireplace in your country house, we suggest making a firebox, its width is slightly narrower than the length of the log. Due to this, wooden materials will fit well here.

You will also make a cart from PVC pipes. You need to attach the bottom to it in the form of a dense fabric and a wheel.
Fix the pipe cuttings to the base made of this material. Set up a pipe stand and you have a great rod organizer. You can also make a beautiful gate from this material.
Shovels, rakes, small gardening tools will also always lie in place if you make the next organizer for the garden.

Make a rack for these vehicles so that they don't take up much space, don't fall, and sit nicely.

If you are at home or at the dacha doing on a treadmill, you like to view something on a laptop at this time, then we suggest making such a table on high legs. You will also create it using PVC pipes. And in your free time, you can relax on a sun lounger made from them. Thick fabric will become a lounger. To dine outdoors, but not in the scorching rays of the sun, make an awning with curved PVC pipes.

Things will dry out quickly in the country or at home if you construct PVC pipes and a dryer from the same material. Fold up some of the pieces so they become the loops of the hanger. Inflatable mattresses will always be in place with such a device.

You can build a gazebo from PVC pipes. For this you need adapters.

Such an angle of 90 degrees will help to attach 2 parts perpendicularly.

And this will allow you to connect three elements at once. There is also a straight adapter that will help connect the two parts.

To fix the plastic pipes, first place a support post in the dug ground, then insert the pipe into it.

Then you can make the next gazebo. Its walls are fabric, so they can be removed and washed at any time.

If you want the gazebo to be portable, then connect the vertical posts at the bottom with horizontal pipes. In parallel with them, make pipes at the top. You will get such a construction.

Then such a structure must be sheathed with polycarbonate. You will get a wonderful gazebo made of pipes.

You can make a tent. Then even less material is needed.

If you bend PVC pipes, you can make such a beautiful set of them, consisting of two benches, a table and a roof.