So that you have a beautiful summer cottage, we suggest you learn how to make wonderful flower beds in your country house, gazebos, a pond and garden figures that will help you decorate a hacienda.
A beautiful cottage, landscaped with their own hands, is the dream of many gardeners. It is easy to turn any personal plot into a piece of paradise, having spent some effort for this.
Beautiful flower beds in the country - photo and description

Of course, blooming compositions will add a special charm to the suburban estate. Even if you are short on space, you can create them. Here's one example. A photo will help you decide how to make beautiful flower beds in the country.
- As you can see, a little space has been allocated near the fence. The owner decided to make an original flower bed. To make it this shape, place a rubber hose or rope on the ground, giving these materials a similar shape.
- Then you simply remove the top sod with a shovel, after which you will need to dig up the earth, add peat, sand, humus if necessary to make it looser and fertilize. You can also add some mineral fertilizers, mix it all with a rake or pitchfork.
- Now form the flower bed raised towards the center so that the waste of moisture will drain away. After that, you can make holes, moisten them and plant flowers.
- Such beautiful representatives of the flora can be placed vertically, placing them in tall pots and on a fence.
To prevent the earth from drying out in pots and flowerpots, put a moistened hydrogel down. Then he will give water to plants in the heat.
Against the background of a fence of calm pastel colors, such flower beds look great. Here are some other beautiful flower beds in the country you can make. Photos demonstrate this.
If you have boulders, paving stones, or other stones, use them to line your curbs.

Decide on the location of the flower garden. Mark out the territory, dig up the ground under the flower bed, add fertile soil here, if necessary, apply mineral fertilizers. Now place the boulders. As you can see, the large one can be placed in the background in the middle of this line. Place the smaller ones on the side in front. Nearby there are paving stones, which also wonderfully border the flower garden. Plant the selected plants, do not forget to water them in the heat.

Even if you only have a few old bricks, let them go. Frame the flowerbed with these materials, placing them on the edge. And around you can decorate with tiles, which also remained on the farm.

You can set up flower beds near a house or other building. Then lay the paving stones in 2 rows so that it resembles a semicircular line. Other edging runs to either side of this makeshift balcony. Plant flowers here. These can be daylilies, zinnias, daisies, asters.

If you have a fantasy garden, then use stones as path elements or make them out of cement and sand. You can cover the flower garden with old shtaketniki so that there is such a mesmerizing composition. This type of garden is suitable for those who do not like to mess around here for a long time, but prefer the unusual look of the summer cottage.

By the way, tiles of various colors and shapes perfectly set off flowers. Against the background of such tracks, they look wonderful.

You will create beautiful flower beds in the country if you lay stones around flower beds. You don't even need to hook them with glue and cement mortar, but fold them in staggered rows.

Place the club in the center, and make a few more around it. There is also a place for a bench so that you can relax in this wonderful corner of the garden. As you can see, the slab track is also appropriate here.

Don't forget to make a path to the house. Plant flowers on either side of it.

There will be a beautiful flower bed even if it is broken against the background of the lawn. Greens go well with bright variegated colors, so this is another option for how to make a beautiful flower garden.

You can place it in the center of the lawn, make a curb of stones. This composition will also fit perfectly.

Don't forget about the lamps. You can place some right in the flower bed so that in the evenings they emit a mysterious flickering light. See how a flat path goes well with a lawn, flowering plants, lighting, and a few tall ornamental trees.

If you do not have such materials, you will still get beautiful flower beds in the country. Indeed, even wood cuts are used to frame them. Spread this material around the flower beds and make a similar type of path out of it.

If these materials are not available, then plant a low shrub, which will soon turn into a hedge. It will only be necessary to trim it occasionally, giving it such an even shape.

So that you have a beautiful dacha, with your own hands you will make not only wonderful flower beds, but also build or decorate an existing gazebo. Check out the following examples.
How to make beautiful gazebos for a summer residence with your own hands - photo, description
They can be very different:
- made of wood;
- metal;
- from PVC pipes;
- from plastic bottles.
Watch a step-by-step master class on how to build a gazebo with your own hands.

Since this is a fairly light structure, a columnar foundation of blocks is sufficient. Place them at a distance of 1–2 m. Spread sand on a previously prepared area. It can only be placed under blocks. Place them on top, put a piece of roofing material on each so that the lower strapping does not come into contact with the blocks. Now place a timber around the perimeter.
Depending on what weight the gazebo will be, take a beam with a section of 100 or 150 mm. Make cuts in the corners to connect two adjacent blanks here. Additionally, you will strengthen them with metal corners, fixing those with self-tapping screws.

The same will be needed for fastening thick subfloor boards. Place them on the edge, connect with the beams. Now you need to install the vertical posts. First, they are temporarily nailed with planks on one side and on the other. Then you need to look at the level, whether the pillars are strictly vertical. After that, it will be possible to fix them with pre-filled planks at the bottom, and then you will make the middle and upper strapping so that the racks stand like a glove.

Very soon you will have a beautiful summer cottage. With your own hands, you can make for her not only flower beds, but also such an uncomplicated gazebo. The next step is to fill the floorboards. They will make the structure even more durable. You can make a rafter system consisting of triangles. You will connect thick boards so that they form such a shape, secure them at the top with corners.
In order not to waste time, before you make the rafter system, cover the created base of the gazebo with an antiseptic. You can choose colorless or tinted. This one is inexpensive, but of good quality.

Here's how to build a gazebo next. While this impregnation dries, you will create triangles for the rafters. Then they will need to be attached to the top. Now you will fill the boards horizontally. After that, it remains to lay the selected material and sew up the lower part of the walls with boards. From above, the gazebo will be ventilated, since the sidewalls remain intact here.

You can decorate the gazebo as you wish. If you wish, then do not fill the boards at the bottom, but take narrow slats and attach them obliquely to each other. You will get such a beautiful finish. You can hang curtains or tulle here to further decorate the gazebo and hide from the sun, if necessary.

You can make a very small structure, consisting of two comfortable benches and a table. As you can see, first the base is made, then these objects are attached to it. But in this case, there is no finished floor, it is not very convenient to walk in such a place. Therefore, it is better to do it. Then you attach the tilt racks, make the rafter system cover the roof. Decorate such a gazebo with a crate as well.

The next gazebo also looks great. It is hexagonal and quite roomy. Here you will put built-in benches and a table. Even flower boxes are provided outside. Put them here.

This is how a beautiful dacha is made with your own hands, and such structures will help not only decorate it, but also relax here. If you do not have a sufficient amount of wooden materials, but a lot of plastic bottles, then see how the craftsmen put them into action. It turns out a beautiful gazebo, the photo clearly shows this.

To make walls from plastic bottles, you first need to cut the bottom in such blanks, then assemble them onto slats. After that, using double tape or glue, the blanks are attached to each other.

Furniture for such a gazebo can also be made of waste material. If you have plastic crates, make soft seats for them. To do this, put foam rubber on a sheet of plywood, place the fabric on top, fold its edges and fix it with a stapler. Get soft seats.

You can also make a coffee table from such boxes. To do this, they need to be put on their side and assembled in a checkerboard pattern. Place treated plywood here to create shelves. On top, you will put the processed boards connected to each other, which will become the table top.

Garden furniture can be made not only from these materials, but also from natural ones. Take a tree to make legs for benches and tables. Place the countertop on top. Also, the gazebo itself will be created from natural material. After all, the rack for her is nothing more than a birch trunk. If you cut this material into equal lengths, you will create walls. Pull the net here, let the girlish or fruiting grapes curl over them. Soon he will braid this structure, you will have a wonderful gazebo.

You can make such a resting place based on polycarbonate. It will be necessary to weld the base of the walls and roof from metal blanks. Then you will fill the floor, make the garden furniture, and attach the carbonate around the walls and roofs.
But all walls do not need to be covered with this material so that there is sufficient ventilation here.

If you wish, create a gazebo with fragrant roses. To do this, you first need to make a metal frame, and then plant these plants. When they close the frame, you will get such a beautiful and cozy gazebo. All that remains is to substitute garden furniture inside to enjoy such a natural corner.

If you have a metal gazebo, you can make a roof out of a quick-drying fabric, which you can also hang as curtains. It will turn out to be a wonderful resting place.

If there is a craftsman in the family who can carve wood, then he will create a real masterpiece. And even if such a gazebo is small, but with it you will have a beautiful dacha, which you and those around you will rightfully be proud of and admire.

You will certainly have a beautiful summer cottage if you provide for a reservoir. It can be made from a purchased stock or created from your own design.
How to make a decorative pond for a summer residence with your own hands?
Look, in the next photo, the whole water supply system. There is a level difference here. A pump is located at the top, it helps the water flow along the created channel, then it flows into the pond.

Stones are located along the banks, they are perfectly combined with the winding paths located right there.
The semicircular bridge facilitates the passage and additionally decorates this area.
One of the easiest options is to buy a ready-made plastic pond mold. They come in different sizes. You can get large or small.

First, you will need to dig a pit according to the size of this container, then you will make a sandy layer between it and the ground and put this blank on the prepared place. After that, you will need to fill it with water, lay pebbles around the edges as a decor and plant plants.

And if you want to make a pond of your own design, so that it is the shape you need, then use a strong dark film. Check out the MK and step-by-step photos to help you do this.
Take a rope and lay it on the ground as the future reservoir will look like.

If the pond is multi-level, then start digging a pit, which will go deep into the ground from 30 to 40 cm. This is a kind of ring located along the outer radius. There will be a deeper step inside. And the third level is even deeper. The diagram of the pond will help not only to understand this, but also to see where you will then pour the sand, where the hose, pond, pebbles and other necessary items will be located.

Here's what happens.

Check the bottom of the pit so that there are no branches, stones with sharp edges, or anything that can then damage the film. Lay sand on these steps, level them with a rake.

You will have a very beautiful dacha, because with your own hands you will make such a wonderful water structure. PVC can be preliminarily placed on a roofing material with an overlap (which lies on a layer of sand cushion) so that the film does not tear over time as a result.

Do not stretch the film too much, otherwise it may tear when filling the pit with water. Do it freely with a margin.
On the banks, press the film with stones. Now you can fill your creation with water, but don't cut off the edges of the film just yet. You will do it in a day. Then you will already know exactly where you need to remove it.

Then you can install a fountain here. Plant ornamental plants if you wish. If you want, make a double pond with different cup sizes. There will be a jumper between them so that water can flow back and forth. The pump will help to pump it. This is how this miracle of technology is installed.

Here's how much you can do to have a beautiful summer cottage. Of course, it would be nice to put small decorative items here, including those made by hand.
How to make figurines for the garden with your own hands
Now you know how to make a pond. Place the appropriate animals on its shore, you will make such figures with your own hands.

To create this squid, you will need:
- leatherette;
- small ball;
- wire;
- blue paint;
- scissors;
- brush;
- metal rings.
Cut the leatherette into strips pointed downwards. Fold each in half and sew the tentacles together, but leave the free side opposite the sharp edge.
Color the tentacles blue. When the coating is dry, insert a wire into each. Shape each tentacle and set it aside for now. Now take any small rubber foam ball and paint the outside with blue paint. When it dries, attach the rings here to make such a beautiful figurine for the reservoir.
You can make a clock from an old bicycle wheel.

To do this, you need to remove the rubber tires; you only need a metal part and a rotating gear from the wheel. Attach the clockwork here. Color the numbers that are sold to indicate the door number. Or leave them as they were.

Glue these four numbers evenly so that you always know what time it is, even when working in the garden.
If you have unnecessary flower pots, make crafts from them. Then you will have an amazingly beautiful summer cottage.

- If you have plastic pots, then poke holes in the top of the large 5 with a hot nail. If they are of a more durable material, then a drill with a thin drill can be used.
- In the same way, you will make one hole in the bottom of each pot. Then paint these blanks.
- Using a stencil, you can paint a flower on a large pot. Now you need to insert pieces of string into its holes, each pass through the bottom of the corresponding pot and tie an object on the back side.
If you want the craft to then make sounds when the wind blows, then hang metal objects from each pot. But you can simply attach the carved figures of butterflies, bees, birds here.
A beautiful dacha, decorated with your own hands, will work out even if you put various figures in the garden. The following are also made from flower pots. But take very small ones, for example, from under cacti.

You will also need flower trays. Pre-paint them, like tennis balls. When the blanks are dry, glue the pots in pairs, attach balls here as heads. Also fix four legs from the pots, and the small one will become the tail.
If you have several balls, paint them. Glue these blanks together, attach the painted wire here, which will become the mustache and legs of the caterpillar.

Display brightly colored accessories where they can be seen. This one will be very original, since these are new ideas for giving.

To implement it, you will need:
- old umbrella;
- outdoor glue;
- leaves;
- spray paint;
- spray varnish.
Prepare the leaves. To do this, first dry them by placing a load on top. Then lay out these blanks and paint them with spray paint. When it dries, use a spray gun to apply two or even 3 coats of varnish with intermediate drying each. When the top is dry too, start gluing them to the bottom of the umbrella in a circle. Then make the second tier in a checkerboard pattern, thus covering the entire umbrella. You will get such an unusual charming product that will decorate the dacha.
Make an antique lock from a regular plastic bottle, it will also help decorate your backyard.
- To do this, take a large bottle, cut off its neck and upper part along the shoulders. Make a cutout for the door in a semicircular shape.
- Begin to glue this blank with small stones from the bottom. For this you can use Crazy Velcro or Moment glue.
- For the roof, take small ceramic tiles or fragments of them, also glue them here. Can also be attached with cement mortar.

Process windows and doors by gluing wood blanks here. We also decorate the spire. An ordinary bump may work for this. If you don't have roof tiles then use bark rectangles.

This is how to make figurines for the garden to make it beautiful. It is very exciting to create such objects with your hands, using available materials for this. See how to decorate a summer cottage by turning on a video player. Do this with flowers, creating wonderful compositions. And a regular chair, table and even an old bathtub can serve as a flower bed for them.

The following story will show how to make a small decorative pond to also decorate the cottage.

And the third will teach you how to make crafts for the garden. We offer to make them from plastic bottles.