Crafts for giving

Crafts for giving
Crafts for giving

The article contains new interesting ideas for those who like to make crafts for summer cottages. Find out how much you can make from old dishes, buckets, cans. Homeowners want their summer cottage to be beautiful. You don't have to buy stylish items for this, you can make them yourself from unnecessary things.

Crafts from cans

If you have free time and empty canned food containers, you can make a lot of useful things from it. See how to make a bird feeder, which will at the same time become a decorative decoration for a summer cottage.

Tin can flower
Tin can flower

Here's what a bird feeder is made of, and what tools are needed to do this:

  • tin;
  • dye;
  • awl;
  • Super glue;
  • scissors for metal;
  • metal rod;
  • felt-tip pen.

Take an empty tin can, from which the contents have already been used for the intended purpose, wash it.

When you open the can, use a can opener that removes the lid completely without leaving any sharp jagged edges on it. Now you need to make a hole with an awl in the center of the second cover. Next, we mark the container with a felt-tip pen. Before that, we will cut the jar into fragments, which then need to be turned into petals, rounding them off using the same tool.

Step by step making a flower from a tin can
Step by step making a flower from a tin can

Paint the container. For this craft from a can, a metal rod is also needed, which can be a reinforcement of a small section. We insert it into the hole, fix it with super glue. At the same time, tilt the jar slightly so that rain does not accumulate in it.

Coloring a flower from a tin can
Coloring a flower from a tin can

It remains to stick the other end of the rod into the ground, pour the grains and wait for the feathered friends to visit.

Flowers from cans
Flowers from cans

Empty containers sometimes accumulate in the country, which can be easily turned into flower pots.

Flower pots from cans
Flower pots from cans

Such crafts from cans are very simple to create. Also open the cover by removing it completely. Wash, dry, paint the container. Now, using self-tapping screws, attach the cans to the fence. After that, it remains to fill in the soil and plant flowers. In the same way, you can turn an unsightly wall of an outbuilding into a beautiful, spectacular one.

Do not make holes at the bottom of the container for water drainage, then it will flow out along with the soil and stain the wall, and in the heat the plants can wither due to the fact that the soil will dry out quickly.

Where and how beautiful to plant flowers in the country?

This question is faced by many gardeners who want to give their site originality. But not everyone knows that old things that have accumulated in the country can be turned into interesting pots.

Before planting beautiful flowers, see if you have any leaky buckets. You can first walk on them outside with paint or immediately pour soil and place plants in it.

Flower pots from buckets
Flower pots from buckets

Make an interesting duet using an old chair and a waste bucket. At the first, remove the seat to place a tub of plants between the legs. Use a leaky bucket as it.

Flower pots from an old chair
Flower pots from an old chair

By the way, the back from the old chair can also be turned into an original element of the dacha decor, if you put it in a tub, into which flowers are then planted.

Flower pots from the back of an old chair and barrel
Flower pots from the back of an old chair and barrel

And here is another example of using an old chair, stool. Lay a film on them, dig out the grass directly from the sod, put it on the seat. If you bought a natural rolling lawn and you still have these rectangles, you can decorate old wooden chairs in the same way. To do this, they cut out the soft upholstery of the seat, and put grass and soil in its base.

Flower pots made of chairs
Flower pots made of chairs

You can beautifully plant flowers even in an old wheelbarrow. Enchanting plants will turn it into a rare thing that will add mystery to this suburban corner.

Wheelbarrow flower pots
Wheelbarrow flower pots

Old coffee pots, teapots can be turned into beautiful pots in 10 minutes. Such crafts for giving with their own hands from improvised materials, created, will betray the site of originality.

Flower pots on the ladder
Flower pots on the ladder

To give each plant a place in the sun, place these items on a low staircase. Here you can plant not only flowers, but in some containers and spices, which are very useful in the kitchen.

A metal basin will also act as a decoration for a summer residence, if you attach it vertically to a tree or to a support, and put a flowering plant inside.

Flower pots from an old basin
Flower pots from an old basin

Other country crafts

Crafts made of wood, created with their own hands, can be made by both men and artisan women. Such a bedside table will solve the problem of storing garden tools and at the same time act as a decoration for a summer cottage, since there will be bright plants in its upper part.

Flower pot from bedside table
Flower pot from bedside table

For the bedside table, use:

  • timber with a section of 50x50 mm;
  • lining;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • boards;
  • antiseptic;
  • screwdriver;
  • dark film or black plastic bag;
  • stapler;
  • door hinges;
  • flowers.

We collect the base of the bedside table from the bars. Further, with the help of self-tapping screws and a screwdriver, we attach the lining to it, inserting the recess of each next board into the convex part of the previous one. On the side of the hinges we attach a door assembled from lining or boards. Do not forget to screw the handle to it to open and close the nightstand.

We knock off the side walls of the box without a bottom from the boards. Using a stapler, we attach a dense plastic bag or 2-layer film to it. Everything, you can pour soil, plant beautiful flowers, and put garden supplies inside the bedside table.

This shelf is also made of wood. How such crafts are made for giving photos clearly show.

Decorating the shelf in the country
Decorating the shelf in the country

This is a very convenient, hand-made shelf, functional. When needed, it acts as a hanging table. You can put a glass, a plate on it, and then put them inside, covering them with a board on chains.

The scheme of manufacturing a buried shelf
The scheme of manufacturing a buried shelf

The diagram shows the dimensions of the shelf. Focusing on them, it will be easier for you to do it. A hand-picked list of essentials will also simplify the task. Here it is:

  • boards;
  • door hinges;
  • dye;
  • brush;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • 2 chains with hooks and loops for them;
  • 2 loops to hang the shelf;
  • screws;
  • glue for wood.

Using glue and self-tapping screws, connect the shelf boards.

Making a shelf with a door
Making a shelf with a door

Further, such a craft for a summer residence is made as follows. Attach the long hinge with small screws. Attach the door chain and hinge to it.

Fastening the door to the shelf
Fastening the door to the shelf

The final touch remains - to put the hinges on the screws in order to hang the shelf on the wall, paint it. When the paint dries, the functional craft for the garden is ready.

Painting a shelf with a door
Painting a shelf with a door

It can also be placed on a balcony in a city apartment. If you brought geraniums in pots to your dacha, as well as seedlings in wooden boxes, make interesting flower arrangements. For them you will need:

  • wooden boxes;
  • baskets;
  • potted geraniums;
  • brackets;
  • self-tapping screws.

Attach the brackets with self-tapping screws to the outside wall. Place boxes on them, inside which place baskets of geraniums. Simple but tasteful!

Flowers in boxes
Flowers in boxes

What can be made from old things?

Items that have already served their time can be given a second life, turning them into useful country crafts. If you bought a new whisk, use a fine-handled teaspoon to turn the old one into a dragonfly.

Old corolla dragonfly
Old corolla dragonfly

Bend two turns of the rim to the right, and 2 others to the left. These are the wings of an insect. To make the dragonfly further, put the handle of the spoon into the hole of the whisk, secure it with other turns, after removing one. From it you will make eyes, dragonfly antennae, by bending this wire.

And here is another interesting idea for a country house craft using kitchen utensils.

Old tray for kitchen utensils
Old tray for kitchen utensils

An old tray without a bottom was also useful for her. If you have a crystal chandelier that was fashionable in the second half of the last century, take elements from it. They are fixed on a tray, and spoons and forks are tied to the bottom. Such an interesting design will make sounds when the wind blows, and you can enjoy natural music.

Do you want crafts for a summer residence to turn a small area into a corner of Venice? It is also within your power. From old spoons "bite off" their handles with pliers, leaving small "tails". Use the same tool to make cuts on the spoons, as if the fish are smiling.

Drill holes in the place of the fish eyes with a drill, through them you will need to pass the lower ends of the wire segments, fix. And the upper edges are attached to a boat made of chaga or wood. There will be a gondolier in it, whose head and body are made of a spoon, and his hands are made of two forks. If it's a fisherman, then put a whisk handle in his hands, and if it's a gondolier in Venice, turn this kitchen item into a guitar.

Guitarist from kitchen utensils
Guitarist from kitchen utensils

If you weld 4 parts from them to the handle of the spoon, then dragonflies will flutter in the country and reflect the bright rays of the sun with their shiny wings.

Dragonflies from spoons
Dragonflies from spoons

Here is another interesting option regarding how to plant flowers beautifully. Paint the old teapot, place the plants in it by hanging it by the handle. Make several holes in the kettle with a drill, secure the wire. Attach knives, spoons, forks to the second end of these segments, in which you also make small round grooves with a drill.

Instead of wire, you can use fishing line, then you will achieve an interesting effect - the kitchen utensils will seem to float in the air, causing the amazement of others. Talking about how you can use an old chandelier, here's the following idea. If her horns are broken, replace them with plastic pots. These remain with those who buy flowers in the store and then transplant them.

Color these planters, fill with soil, and plant flowers. Doesn't this dacha craft also look amazing?

Chandelier vases
Chandelier vases

An old wooden frame from a window, a box can be turned into an interesting exposition, beautiful flowers can be planted there, just like in bedside tables. Make a bird feeder from a crashed street lamp, and also find a place for a mini-garden on the windowsill.

Bird feeder from an old lantern
Bird feeder from an old lantern

From old tires and willow for summer cottages

It is also a fertile material for country crafts. Many gardeners decorate their beds beautifully. If a willow tree grows nearby, pick up its branches, peel them of leaves and weave a basket, which at the same time will become a vertical bed.

Weaving a basket of willow
Weaving a basket of willow

To do this, you must have:

  • willow twigs;
  • wooden stakes;
  • axe;
  • rope.

First, sharpen the stakes and drive them into the ground, placing them in a circle. Then, starting from the bottom, weave the willow twigs in a checkerboard pattern. Secure the top row with string, add soil, plant salad greens or flowers.

A garden bed, a flower bed can also be made from old tires. Cut each in half, paint in different colors, and arrange as flower petals. Its core will be a one-piece tire.

Beds and flower beds from old tires
Beds and flower beds from old tires

The second photo shows how to make a chair from tires. Two of them will become its foundation. For the seat, use a metal mesh cut to fit the wheel. It must be attached to the tire with wire. Its back is made in almost the same way, but not the entire tire is taken for it, but its thin outer part is cut off.

Take a tire, cut 2 halves from one side and the other. Attach these handles to the chair. It remains to paint it and put the country furniture, made with your own hands from old tires, in place. She is not afraid of wind, atmospheric precipitation. These tire chairs are practical and durable.

If you put the wheels on wooden or metal tripods, and close the holes with a net in which you fix cellophane, then you can pour earth into it and plant beautiful flowers.

You can quickly make a coffee table from old tires. It is enough to put one on the second, attach round plywood and plexiglass on top. Cover the tires with your favorite color and voila, your wonderful old tire table is ready.

If the topic of such creativity is close to you, you love making country crafts, using waste material, then it will be useful for you to watch these videos:
