We offer you country tricks. Find out what you can do from plastic boxes, how to grow seedlings in an egg tray, build an irrigation system. Witty gardeners and gardeners have long found a second use for junk things. But inquiring minds are not asleep. Those who like to work on the land, get high yields, come up with new life hacks.
Where to put egg trays: useful tips?
They also received an answer to this question. Not everyone has a machine on which it would be possible to take out household waste, and you don't always want to carry it into far-away containers by hand. To reduce the amount of such waste, summer residents rightly turn some of them into the necessary things. This also applies to egg trays.
Not everyone knows how to plant radishes correctly, if the seeds are placed too close to each other, the vegetables will go to the arrow and there will be no harvest. With the help of waste material, the seeds will be located at an optimal distance. To set up a seedbed, you will need:
- egg trays;
- scissors or knife;
- radish seeds;
- a garden bed with fertile land.

- Use a knife or scissors to cut the holes in the cells. Dig up the bed, loosen it with a rake, spill it with water. Place the egg trays on top and press lightly on them. Now you need to plant one seed in each cell.
- If you want to later leave only the strongest plants, then plant two seeds at a time. When the second true leaf appears on the seedlings, you will remove the weak plant.
- After sowing radishes, sprinkle soil on top of the cells so that it covers the seeds of this culture by 1 cm. If you want the seedlings to appear as soon as possible, cover the bed with foil or non-woven material. When the seedlings appear, then remove the shelter.
On which bed the weeds will not grow, it can be watered less often, since the cardboard packaging will not allow moisture to evaporate much. Even if you only have one egg tray at your dacha, it will certainly come in handy for planting. Gardeners know how troublesome it is to thin out carrots in large areas. To avoid this, you need to put a tray on the garden bed, press on it. You will get a lot of groove cells at once at the same distance from each other. In this way, mark out the entire bed. Planting, aftercare of carrots will be much easier.

There are other dacha tricks involving the use of this waste material. To make a mini greenhouse, you will need:
- egg tray;
- light soil;
- water;
- seeds.
It's time to grow seedlings very soon. Put soil in an egg tray, water it, sow seeds. Cover the top with a lid from the tray or a second one of the same so that the moisture does not evaporate. After three days, twice a day, you need to check if small loops of seedlings have appeared on the surface? As soon as such a picture appears in front of your eyes, immediately place the trays under the egg on the windowsill towards the light.

If you want to make a taller seedling greenhouse, then take:
- lockable egg tray;
- knife;
- soil;
- seeds;
- water.
Close the tray, cut the top cover on three sides with a knife, lift it up, pour soil into the container, slightly moisten it.
Now you can sow seeds, sprinkle them with soil, close the lid.
Place such a device near the battery so that the seedlings appear as soon as possible. But do not miss this moment, otherwise they will stretch out.
As soon as you see a small part of them above the ground, immediately place the containers closer to the light, where the temperature is + 16– + 18 degrees. Boost it up a little after 5 days.

You can use the following tool to make individual containers for each seed. Do not throw away the used shell, pour soil into it, drop 1 seed. One egg cell will hold 1 container with a plant.

Watch a detailed master class that demonstrates all the intricacies of this process. So, to implement it you will need:
- packing tray;
- eggs;
- soil;
- awl;
- water;
- seeds.

If you boiled a soft-boiled egg, remove only the upper part of the shell from it, remove the contents with a small teaspoon. If you decide to make scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs, pie or other dishes where raw eggs are needed, then gently knock with a knife or spoon on the top of the egg, remove the shell from this place, pour out the contents. The remaining shell must be washed, placed in a container with water, and boiled for 5 minutes.
Boiling will help get rid of harmful bacteria, an unpleasant odor, such a shell will not grow moldy over time.

Drain the water, and after the eggshell has cooled, make a small hole at the bottom with an awl to drain the water.

Pour soil into the container, moisten it with water, plant a seed, sprinkle with a small amount of soil.

If it is cool on the windowsill, then you can cover the shells with the upper cut off part of the plastic bottle. To avoid evaporation, remove the plastic cover.

When it gets warmer enough, it will be possible to plant the seedlings in a permanent place, for each specimen, dig a hole in the soil, place its lower part there along with the shell. Do not worry about the roots of the plants, they will break through a thin obstacle, this container will become their top dressing. But it is better to play it safe before planting by gently pressing on the shell in several places, then lower it into the hole with soil.

An egg tray in the country will help not only to get an excellent harvest, but also to decorate the room.

To make such a garland, take:
- cardboard egg trays;
- scissors;
- LED garland;
- paints;
- Scotch;
- brush.
The photo shows how to turn a tray into such a garland. It is necessary to cut off the protruding parts of this device for eggs, with the help of scissors, round off on one side to get four petals. On the other side, small holes are made to insert an LED into each. Secure them with tape.
Previously, you can paint such flowers so that the garland is multi-colored or you can take LEDs of different colors.

After gluing several trays, apply a drawing to them, hang an unusual picture in the country. Plots can be very diverse.

Even if you just put these trays on the surface, they will certainly appeal to cats who like to sleep in warm cardboard beds.

Country crafts from disposable spoons, plates
Take note of some more dacha tricks. With your own hands from plastic spoons, you can create excellent containers for germinating seeds or wonderful flowers for the garden. Let's start with the first one.

This is not a three-dimensional picture of some famous abstractionist, but a home-made device to increase seed germination. To do the same, take:
- trays;
- disposable plastic spoons;
- a bowl of water;
- paper napkins;
- transparent cellophane.

Place the spoons on trays. Place in a bowl one napkin at a time, shake off excess water, place on the curved working part of the spoon. Handkerchiefs work well for this. For one spoon you need half of such a napkin. If they are large, then cut them into smaller pieces first.

When the pallet is fully completed, cover it with cellophane, secure it at the bottom. Arrange the rest of the containers in the same way.

Once the seeds have germinated, they can be planted in the soil. If you put a small amount of seeds in each spoon, then later they can be planted directly on a napkin, the roots will make their way, this will not be an obstacle for them.
You can also use such a device to increase seed germination. To do this, take:
- disposable plates;
- toilet paper;
- scissors;
- seeds;
- water.
Cut a tape from the toilet paper so long to fold it 3 times, put it on a plate. Moisten well, sprinkle seeds on top. For better germination, cover with foil, but make sure that the seeds underneath do not begin to rot. If you are not using film, then make sure that the paper is always damp. When still small roots appear, you need to transplant the seeds into the ground. This method helps to increase their germination. Many people know that petunia seeds are quite capricious, but they are not soaked before planting, since they are very small, then it is difficult to take them with your hand or tweezers and sow them one by one into the soil. The next method is also dacha tricks, which is quite simple to repeat with your own hands.
To implement it, you will need:
- plates;
- toilet paper or paper napkins;
- water;
- small seeds.
Proceed in the same way as in the previous case. When the roots appear, place the seeds directly with a paper base on the dug-up damp bed.

They will take root well. But if these are larger seeds, then you should carefully sprinkle them with soil on top. Just like petunias, you can start growing strawberries. strawberries from seeds.
Beautiful daisies are made from disposable spoons to decorate a summer cottage with them.

For this creative work you will need:
- plastic spoons;
- lids from a milk, plastic water bottle;
- pliers;
- Super glue.
Cut the spoons with pliers as shown in the photo.

Place them evenly on the work surface, smearing with glue in the cut edges together, attach the spoons to the lid. You can do one or two rows of petals. If you will not make stems on these plastic flowers, then turn them into lilies. In this case, you will need to take green plastic bottles, cut the petals out of them.

If you want, make the stems of wire, which you want to wrap with a strip cut from a plastic bottle. Attach a receptacle to the upper end of the wire, which is also cut from this container.

By the way, plastic bottles are also garden tricks or useful tips that will make gardening easier.
Country tricks: self-watering of the garden, seedlings
This summer resident's dream will come true if you use plastic bottles.

For such a device, you will need:
- plastic bottles;
- dropper;
- drill;
- knife.
Cut the bottom of the bottle with a knife, make a hole in the cap with a drill, place the top of the dropper here, screw the cap. Stick the second part into the pot with the plant, into the soil. Tie a strong rope to the bottle, hang it from the support. Pour water through the top of the bottle, adjust the dropper so that very little liquid enters the pot.
These adaptations are great for climbing plants that, over time, will begin to trail through plastic tubes. But other representatives of the suburban flora will grow well in moist soil.
As you know, when watering, you need to soak the ground deeply, but this does not always work. In addition, such wet soil becomes too dense, it is often necessary to loosen it, spending time and energy on it. Before planting peppers, cucumbers, eggplants, make the hole wider and deeper than planned. Place a plastic bottle on the side of it, in which you first make holes with a nail. Plant a plant nearby.

When it's time to water, pour the water into the bottle, filling it to the brim. The neck should remain above the ground when backfilling with soil, so that you can see if the plant needs water and poured it right here. At the same time, the roots will receive the necessary moisture, and you will be able to water less often, using the free time for a summer cottage.
Such watering from a plastic bottle is very useful for hanging plants, or planted in flower pots in the country. Place in each similar bottle, but you can place it with the neck down. Hanging plants will not dry out as much as they used to.

If you put special sharp-nosed nozzles on the necks of cut plastic bottles that need to be thrust into the soil, then you will also solve the problem of frequent watering.

By the way, when you grow seedlings, a similar method will also help you.

- two-liter bottles;
- knife;
- yarn or cotton rope;
- Phillips screwdriver
- hammer;
- soil;
- water.
Follow the instructions:
- Cut the bottle in half with a knife, pour water into the lower part. Place a Phillips screwdriver in the center of the plug, hammer into a groove.
- Pass the rope into this hole, tie it on the back side to fix it.
- Screw on the plug. Flip the top of the bottle over, place it on the bottom, cover with soil and plant the seeds.
- Now you can moisten the soil in moderation, excess water will flow out. When the soil is dry, moisture from the pots will rise up the rope and moisten the ground. At the same time, the window sill will remain clean, and such an irrigation system is completely free.
Plastic containers in the country for storage
But what exactly, you will find out right now and be surprised.

To pick mushrooms at home, you will need:
- oyster mushroom mycelium;
- substrate for oyster mushrooms;
- plastic laundry basket.
Place the mycelium and substrate in the laundry basket, you can also use a plastic box for this.

Maintain temperature, humidity, following the instructions for growing oyster mushrooms. Then you can harvest these mushrooms.

Plastic storage boxes in the country can be turned into beautiful comfortable tall beds. For this, it is better to use colored containers. If the height of the box is enough for you, then they need to be placed next to each other in one row. Pour earth on top, plant a plant. Now you will not forget where what is planted, as you can group the boxes as you like.
If you want to get higher beds, then proceed a little differently. The bottom of the upper boxes needs to be cut off, Connect them with the lower ones with a wire.

You can plant flowers in the same plastic boxes for vegetables. They will look great in the next composition.

You can place plants here in flower pots or put plastic in boxes, make holes for water drainage, pour soil. But it is better to plant flowers in wooden boxes and put them in plastic containers. Such an original flower bed in the country looks just amazing.

In this case, the locomotive can be made from cylindrical plastic bottles or canisters, by decorating it.

Even if you have used plastic boxes, they will make wonderful furniture for a summer residence. To make an ottoman with a storage section, take:
- plastic box;
- plywood;
- jigsaw;
- the cloth;
- sheet filler;
- furniture stapler.
Measure the plywood according to the size of the box, but so that it is 5 cm larger than it on all sides. Saw it off.

Lay the plywood on the fabric, the canvas should be 4-6 cm larger than this wooden base on all sides. Cut the fabric. Place a sheet of filler the same size as the plywood on top of the plywood. Place the fabric on top, wrap the edges, fix them with a stapler. Now you can put the necessary little things in the box, cover it with a seat on top, sit comfortably, relax on it.
On such poufs, which plastic boxes helped to make, it is convenient to sit near the preparing barbecue. If you wish, you can quickly turn them into low tables by replacing the fabric seat with a wooden one.

If you are tired of the old stools, update them. Place such an ottoman on top, secure with corners or brackets.

If you have a large drawer, the country furniture will be replenished with another item, just cut a hole in the side to put books here.

Such containers make excellent racks. Place the boxes under the bed, then you can put the necessary items in them.

If you want to arrange a refectory in the country, place several old wooden stools next to it. Attach the boxes to them. Moreover, at the extreme ones, you need to cut off one lateral side, and at the central ones, two. Place the chipped boards on top, which must first be sanded and painted. Fasten them to the drawers, after which the wide bench is ready for use.

Using such dacha tricks or useful tips, you will save a lot on suburban costs, you will be able to run the house, spending less effort. Use your free time for a pleasant rest, for example, to watch interesting and informative stories. The following life hacks will make it easier for you to stay in nature, help improve the taste of kebabs, teach you how to extend the life of your tools.

And the next plot shows what high beds can be, which not only decorate the site, but also protect the back of their owners. They do not have to bend too far to work the plantation. In addition, the soil warms up better here, does not block, therefore, the yields are high.