Description of the English Bull Terrier breed

Description of the English Bull Terrier breed
Description of the English Bull Terrier breed

The origin of the English Bull Terrier breed, exterior standard, character, description of health, advice on care and training, interesting facts. Purchase price. A gladiator dog, a killer dog, a rat dog, what epithets do his fans and spiteful critics give to this fighting dog. The English Bull Terrier is really a difficult dog with character. It is by no means every person has a duty, and in some countries it is even equated with carrying a firearm and requires a special permit for the owner. And a great many stories have been written about the allegedly terrifying bloodthirstiness of this "monster". But is it? Of course not. People who at least once had the good fortune to get to know this wonderful dog closer would never agree to part with him, because such a dog's love and loyalty, backed by reliability and strength, is worth a lot.

The history of the origin of the English Bull Terrier breed

English bull terrier on a leash
English bull terrier on a leash

The history of the origin of English Bull Terriers has its origins in medieval good old England, when the main entertainment of commoners, and even aristocrats, were all sorts of bloody fun: dog-baiting of bulls, bears, donkeys, badgers, dog and cock fights and others, impartial for a modern person, spectacle.

For baiting bulls - bull-baiting, mainly bulldog dogs were used, for baiting other animals - various terriers. Over time, special universal dogs appeared, obtained from the selection of Old English Bulldogs and Terriers. Without further ado, they were called so - "bull and terrier" (bull and terrier). These dogs, in fact, combined the best working qualities of both a terrier and a bulldog, and therefore were suitable both as fighting and as ordinary hunting dogs. Bull and Terriers were very diverse in appearance, often representing an "incomprehensible breed of beast" at times of the most disgusting appearance. Nevertheless, it was these versatile dogs that became the progenitors of the currently existing breeds of fighting dogs with the prefix "bull" - Staffordshire and English Bull Terriers, American Pit Bull Terriers and others.

By the middle of the 19th century, with the emergence of a humanistic direction in the development of society, interest in bloody fun had noticeably subsided. The question of stopping the entertainment associated with the death of animals has ripened by itself. Society gradually became different. At the same time, surprisingly, dog fights opposite were gaining unprecedented popularity. Probably because it was easier and cheaper to organize such a battle, purely technically. Moreover, the action was not considered as a deadly persecution, but only as a test of the working qualities of the dog, its professional suitability. And although Bull and Terriers, like no other, were best suited for dog fights, combining the strength and grip of bulldogs with the agility and fearlessness of terriers, nevertheless, the breeders of those years wanted to create a different dog - a winner dog.

It was such a champion dog that the dog seller and novice breeder from Birmingham, Irish by origin, James Hinks, dreamed of bringing to life, starting work on the creation of a white bull terrier. What kind of breeds he used in his breeding, and in what sequence, remained a mystery (the participation of an Old English Bulldog, a white smooth-haired terrier, a Dalmatian, a Greyhound, a Spanish pointer and even a greyhound is assumed). Yet his many years of breeding eventually led to success, and in 1862 the first white bull terriers Nelson and Old Puss were presented to the British canine community at the famous Holborn exhibition with excellent performance and a much more attractive exterior than other bulls. -and terriers. However, the new breed did not yet have exterior homogeneity, had a number of negative breed predispositions and did not differ in vitality (the breeders have not been able to cope with many problems so far).

Interestingly, James Hinks did not limit himself to mere participation in the exhibition of his new breed dogs. The day before, in the basement of the same hotel where the dog championship was held, his bull terrier Old Puss managed to fight a rival with an old-fashioned exterior. The fight ended in a convincing victory for Old Puss with minimal damage to her.

In 1887, the first English Bull Terrier Club of Great Britain was created, and in 1888 the first breed standards were approved. Gradually, the new breed gained popularity, and by the beginning of the 20th century it had become fashionable among the elite of British society. It was considered prestigious to keep a bull terrier dog at home, which by that time was already not only white, but also colored.

Further breeding of the bull terrier was continued by the sons of Hinks and their followers; in many respects, it significantly transformed the exterior of the animal, for an even better side, gradually coming to a modern look. In 1917, the first dog named Lord Gladiator was received for the first time, with a specific egg-shaped muzzle (the so-called “downface” muzzle by specialists), which actually became the emblem of the breed, which made it easily recognizable.

For almost half a century, disputes continued over whether it is possible to consider colored specimens of bull terriers as fully-fledged purebred dogs. Sometimes these disputes escalated into intercontinental wars, when one association allowed colored bull terriers to participate in exhibitions, while the other categorically forbade, up to the third generation in the pedigree. Finally, in 1950, the issue was finally closed, and the dogs were bred by color - colored dogs were officially singled out as a separate species.

Nowadays, all controversial issues have long been resolved, and dogs feel great at all championships anywhere in the world.

The purpose of the English Bull Terrier

Three English bull terriers
Three English bull terriers

Everyone who is not familiar with the breed is personally inclined to invent all sorts of horror stories and fables about bull terriers. Yes, of course, the breed was bred to participate in dog fights. But this does not mean at all that it is only for this purpose that modern fans of these dogs give birth to it.

In fact, have you seen so many owners striving to have their beloved dog maimed or torn apart in the ring? There are only a few such owners. And dog fights, as well as bull and bear baiting - all this is a long time ago. The current owners see Bull Terriers as a friend and companion, protector and watchman, but not a killing machine. And although such dogs are undoubtedly a fighting dog breed, intended for fighting, nevertheless, its current functions are much more prosaic compared to existing stereotypes.

However, bull terriers are willingly recruited to serve in the police and various paramilitary structures as dogs with service and security functions.

External standard for bull terrier dogs

Female and male English bull terrier
Female and male English bull terrier

Undoubtedly, the representative of the breed is the main gladiator of the canine world. This is proved by his ideal muscular figure of a fighter, whose body is not only designed for battle, but built for victory. Of course, the dog is not as large and massive as his fellow Malossian type, but he is very agile, jumpy, strong, fearless and absolutely insensitive to pain, which immediately sets him apart from the circle of fighting dogs.

The size of the English boule is not so great. At the withers, it reaches 61 centimeters and weighs up to 36 kg. Females are somewhat smaller. There are no restrictions on weight and size, it is important that the animal gives the impression of maximum weight when it is tall.

  1. Head long, strong, egg-shaped, without depressions or depressions, with the muzzle drooping down, but without coarse features. The top of the head is almost flat. The profile of the head is very shallow, in the form of a smooth arc from the crown to the nose. The bridge of the nose is wide, arched. The nose is pronounced, dark in color (the shade depends on the color). Lips, close to the jaws. The color of the lips corresponds to the color. The jaws are very strong, the number of teeth is standard. The teeth are large, white, with pronounced canines. The upper incisors are in close contact with the lower incisors. Scissor bite (pincer bite is also allowed).
  2. Eyes in bull terriers, they are triangular, narrow, oblique and deep-set. The eye color is brown or dark brown to black (the darker the iris, the better).
  3. Ears small and slender, triangular in shape, set close together, standing upright.
  4. Neck very strong, distinctly muscular, rather long and slightly arched. Suspension is excluded. The scruff is pronounced. It is very important that the neck is not too short, which makes the dog more clumsy and clumsy, depriving it of its advantages in combat.
  5. Torso square "bodybuilding" type, strong and muscular, with a solid bone, powerful broad chest. The back is strong, short, moderately wide. The back line is sloping towards the rump. The croup is strong, not wide, sloping.
  6. Tail set low, short, thick at the base, tapering towards the tip.
  7. Limbs straight, very strong with thick bone and excellent muscles. The feet are round and compact with well-pressed toes.
  8. Wool very short, smooth, tightly fitting the whole body of the dog, without dewlaps and folds.
  9. Color. Classic - pure white. In white dogs, some pigmentation on the head and small spots of a different color are allowed. In colored dogs, the main color should prevail. Red, brindle, black-brindle, tricolor and deer colors are allowed, but coffee and blue colors are undesirable.

Description of the nature of the bull terrier breed

English bull terrier for a walk
English bull terrier for a walk

I must say that for a long time there has been a somewhat erroneous idea about English Bull Terriers, probably to a large extent created by envious people because of the excellent fighting qualities of dogs and the victories they won in dog fights. Often, representatives of the breed are ranked among the cohort of dog monsters, designed exclusively for killing. Well, the fighting qualities of these tough dogs are really at their best, but this does not mean at all that in ordinary life they eat babies and are ready to tear everyone to pieces. The notoriety of these dogs is not connected with them at all, but with those mediocre two-legged creatures who mistreated them and cultivated manifestations of the breed's aggressiveness in the wrong direction. In reality, any fighting dog in relation to a person is an unusually friendly, affable and loving creature looking for mutual love and understanding with a person. And the bull terrier is no exception.

The main qualities of any properly educated English bull are decisiveness, rationality, energy, temperament and masculinity, multiplied by a cold-blooded poise and complete readiness to obey. By breed standard, Bull Terriers are as atypical as the flaccid or cowardly dogs of this breed are non-standard. Of course, a biting and ill-mannered, poorly controlled fighter becomes a really big burden for the owner and a real problem for those around him. That is why, before starting a bull terrier dog, a person should be well aware of all the negative consequences of his inability to cope with such a strong and dangerous dog.

However, a well-bred and well-trained bull is an almost ideal dog that meets all the requirements. He is disciplined, self-possessed, responsible, perfectly understands, perfectly and unquestioningly fulfills any command of the owner, knows perfectly the hierarchy in the family and the established order. And yet these strong dogs have their own charm and even a sense of humor (some of their inventions can amuse the most gloomy person).

Bull Terriers are able to perfectly communicate with children, showing no aggression at all even to the most ridiculous and unpleasant childish pranks for them. Boules happily run, jump, swim and even climb trees together with the endlessly noisy kids, posing no threat to anyone. On the contrary, there have been cases when such dogs rescued drowning babies or drove away stray dogs that suddenly attacked children.

Bull Terriers are rather jealous dogs that do not overly welcome the presence of any other animals in the family. In order for the English Staffordshire Bull Terrier to be truly friendly with someone, his early socialization and joint upbringing with some other puppy is necessary (not necessarily his breed). But even a correctly and timely socialized dog-bull will still be jealous of the success of another dog. He always and everywhere strives to be the first and only one worthy of the praise of his beloved master.

Ideally, the English Bull Terrier behaves not at all like a bloodthirsty eternal gladiator, but like a white Cavalier, capable of protecting all those whom he loves so faithfully.

Bull Terrier Dog Health

English bull terriers
English bull terriers

To the deep regret of all fans of this wonderful fighting breed, they are not animals with good health. Therefore, they require special attention to changes in behavior and regular preventive examinations.

They have more than enough genetically determined breed predispositions. This is unilateral or bilateral deafness, cystitis and nephritis, of varying severity, problems of the cardiovascular system, and weakness of the thyroid gland, as well as dysplasia of the hip, knee and elbow joints. Such features of the breed require the most serious professional approach to breeding and keeping bull terriers.

Nevertheless, those dogs that have passed, during their life, the above problems are able to live up to the age of 9-10 years, delighting their owners with an excellent sports appearance.

English Bull Terrier Care Tips

English bull terriers jumping in the water
English bull terriers jumping in the water

An old English handbook containing tips for caring for a Bull Terrier read: "Easy to use." Better and shorter, perhaps, you can not say. Indeed, bully dogs require the very minimum of grooming. Elementary and uncomplicated brushing of wool no more than once or twice a week, bathing as needed, standard washing of paws after a walk. That's actually all the difficulties of leaving.

An important part of caring for a bull terrier is the correct organization of its diet and diet. The increased vigor and activity of this breed requires an energy-intensive diet with a good balance of all essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins. Probably the best choice is a dedicated holistic-grade dry food for energetic medium to large breed dogs. However, the choice, as always, remains with the owner of the dog.

Nuances of training bull terriers and interesting facts

English bull terrier training
English bull terrier training

If the owner does not have professional skills in training dogs of fighting breeds, an experienced professional dog handler must participate in the education of the English Bull.

A case was documented when a dog-bull lived to 17 years old, breaking all possible records of the life expectancy of dogs of this breed.

Price when buying a bull terrier puppy

English bull terrier puppy
English bull terrier puppy

Bull Terrier dogs have long and firmly established themselves in the Russian dog market. Therefore, the acquisition of a purebred dog of this breed does not constitute labor. The cost of a puppy of an average level in Moscow is in the range of 45,000–55,000 rubles.

Briefly about the Staffordshire Bull Terrier breed in this video:

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