Description of the Russian Toy Terrier breed

Description of the Russian Toy Terrier breed
Description of the Russian Toy Terrier breed

The history of the breed, the appearance of the dog, the character of the Russian toy terrier and his health, care and training, interesting facts. Purchasing a puppy. These cute little animals that were bred in Russia are real capital residents. But these are not at all those pets who can sit on a velvet pillow at home for days on end and be satisfied. They need to move, and they hate boredom, only unlike large breeds, they do not need to run tens of kilometers, but ordinary games in the yard are enough. They are easily trained: agility, dance with owners and circus teams.

The history of the emergence of the Russian Toy Terrier breed

Two Russian Toy Terriers
Two Russian Toy Terriers

As soon as Moscow was not called before: white stone, gold-domed and even the third Rome. Growing out of several villages that stood on the banks of the Moskva River, which won the primacy from other settlements during the internecine wars, the city was home to many commanders, princes, poets, writers and artists. Well, by the way, we all know this from history textbooks, but they do not speak of one breed of dog that is most directly related to Moscow. The breed of Russian Toy Terriers was bred here.

This kind of decorative doggies did not appear from a good life. In the Soviet Union, miniature dogs were not favored. In the middle of the 20th century, there were almost none of them in the USSR. But through competent selection, Moscow breeders managed to breed an absolutely new breed. Dogs have always been loved in Moscow, and when Russian toy terriers appeared here in the 1950s, they immediately captured the hearts of many townspeople.

Their closest relatives are the English Toy Terrier and the Prague Rattle - the breeds that were once used as hunters for small rodents. From their ancestors, Russian toychiks inherited agility and energy. Initially, they were exceptionally smooth-haired, later dogs appeared with beautiful long feathers on the ears and tail.

On December 26, 1874, in Moscow, the first Russian exhibition of hunting dogs and horses was held. But, along with greyhounds, cops and friendlies, the so-called business dogs were presented - that is how "service dogs" and "ladies'", that is, decorative, were then called. The greatest interest among Muscovites, according to the prominent cynologist of that time Sheremetyev, was just the ladies' dogs, which were called darlings.

Well, you must admit - it's true, after all, they are sincere. By the way, about the soulfulness - the word "toy" in the name of this breed can be translated as: toy, fun or fart. And their owners treat them with such tenderness, with such trepidation. No, of course, and the German Shepherd can also be called diminutively affectionate, but still, for Russian toys, this definition is more suitable.

The first Russian exhibition was held, as they said then, according to the English model. She did not pursue tribal goals, it all came down to a simple distribution of cups, medals and places on the podium. Russian toy is a young variety. It was officially recognized in 2006, but in terms of the number of various exhibition awards and trophies, it is difficult to compare with it to other domestic breeds. Modern competitions are, first of all, a show, it is a show of various types of cynological sports, the latest achievements of the pet business, and, of course, the definition of the most beautiful dog.

Description of the external appearance of the Russian Toy Terrier

The external standard of the Russian toy terrier
The external standard of the Russian toy terrier

The standard weight up to 3 kg is a really weightless toy. Height at the withers from 20 cm to 25 cm.

  1. Head not large, with an elongated frontal part, rounded when viewed from the side. Cheekbones are not prominent, flat.
  2. Muzzle narrow towards the end, sharp, neither short nor long. The stop is clearly pronounced. The lips are dry, dark-colored. The teeth are sharp, medium in size. Scissor bite.
  3. Nose harmonious to the muzzle. Dyed to match the coat or black.
  4. Eyes straight and wide. Round, large, slightly convex. The eyelids are tight and dark.
  5. Ears Russian Toy Terrier are located high, large, erect.
  6. Neck set on high, graceful, elongated, lean musculature. Has a smooth bend. The withers are not prominent.
  7. Frame square format. Its upper line gradually descends towards the tail. The back is strong musculature, the loin is slightly convex, the croup is sloping. The rib cage is elongated and deep. The belly line is nicely tucked up.
  8. Tail if not cut, then it is in the form of a sickle, the pet carries it below the line of the spine. The docked tail (at the level of 2-3 vertebrae) is held by the Russian Toy Terrier with a “pistol”.
  9. Front limbs - straight, thin bones, parallel to each other. The shoulder blades are not long, slightly sloping, of equal length with the shoulders. The elbows are straight back. The forearms are straight, elongated. The wrists are dry, the pasterns are steep. Hindquarters - when judging from behind, they are even. Set slightly wider than the front. The articulation angles are prominent, the metatarsus are vertical. Thighs with dryish muscles, equal in length to the lower legs.
  10. Paws in a ball, the fingers are directed forward and tightly pressed against each other. The nails are dark, the pads are dense. The front feet are slightly wider than the hind feet.
  11. Coat two variations - smooth-haired and long-haired. In long-haired dogs, the hair is about 5 cm, and the hair on the ears, tail and paws is more than 5 cm. In short-haired toys, the hair is close to the body, and is equal to 1 cm in length.
  12. Color black and tan, brown and tan, blue and tan, combinations of red with brown, black, lilac or any other color option.

Character features of the Russian toy terrier

Russian toy terrier in the hands of the owner
Russian toy terrier in the hands of the owner

These miniature dogs are different: noisy and quiet, but they are all fighting and groovy. The last word is theirs. There are quite calm ones. Most often, of course, pets make sounds when they meet someone at the front door. Here call dogs are lovers to rejoice. Accordingly, again, the envy of education.

A lot of toys like to watch TV. They really sit and stare, while understanding everything. If suddenly some kind of animal is seen on the screen, then they begin to lure him and communicate. They are good-natured towards other animals, unless they are protecting their flock.

The curious companion pet is aimed exclusively at humans. On a walk, he is not interested in walking brothers. The ancestor of the Russian Toy, the English Toy Terrier, was a rat catcher in England. Therefore, the "big-eared" toy is also able to catch not only a rat, but also, for example, a mole.

They are very unusual and soulful pets. Probably, they have the same owners, because you and I know that dogs are true mirrors in which our characters, actions, advantages and disadvantages are reflected.

Health of the Russian Toy Terrier breed

Russian toy terrier for a walk
Russian toy terrier for a walk

Small dogs live longer than large ones. Some individuals live up to 17 years old. But in order for your pet to please you for many years, first of all, you must know not only the breed nuances, but also provide him with appropriate maintenance and care. Toychiks have a fragile bone structure and are prone to increased trauma, especially at puppyhood.

In order for the body, including bones, to develop well and get stronger, the pet needs to eat well, as well as get vitamins and minerals. Physical activity is given gradually. They also monitor the puppies so that they do not jump from heights: sofas, armchairs and ottomans, etc. Better to remove them from the room where the puppy is growing.

Russian toy terriers have atlantoaxial instability - displacement of the 1st cervical vertebra relative to the 2nd, which causes acute pain and the limbs stop moving. For treatment, with the help of an operation, the 2nd and 3rd vertebra are spliced. Also, small breeds are characterized by hydrocephalus, which is cured by surgery.

Dog Grooming Tips

Russian toy terrier in clothes
Russian toy terrier in clothes

In everyday life, courting Russian Toy is not difficult. The babies react to manipulations calmly. This is a matter of habit, you need to teach to undergo procedures from childhood.

  1. Wool the dog is washed as needed, depending on how they walk. After all, you do not want a dirty dog to sleep on a bed or sofa, lying on a pillow - and they love it. Toychiks shed once a year, not abundantly. Comb them out with a special comb. You need to choose the right one. The tool must be of high quality, not with sharp teeth, so as not to scratch the skin. You can do this using a former.
  2. Ears need to wash more often toy with a long-haired coat. Tar soap is well suited for the procedure of external washing of the auricles. Then they are rinsed with conditioner, like for Yorkshire terriers.
  3. Eyes in smooth-haired toys, almost no flow of eyes. If they have flowed, then this means that they are affected by some kind of allergen. In this case, be sure to show the dog to the veterinarian. In the long-haired variety, the eyeballs are prone to tearing: from excitement, dirt and from strong winds. From such troubles well helps lotion for rubbing eyes of the firm "Yves St. Bernard".
  4. Teeth Russian Toy Terrier require special attention. The very first thing is to pay attention to the loss of milk. In some individuals, indigenous ones can grow and remain dairy. If they are not removed at the right time, the dentition will not form properly and, in addition, there will be gum disease. Also, from puppyhood, teach your pet to clean them, because this breed is prone to tartar formation.
  5. Claws cut once every two weeks, since they are hard and do not grind well. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the dog to move and the fingers will be deformed.
  6. Feeding Russian toy terriers should be controlled, as they are gluttons and like to bite. It is necessary to teach them not to look into the mouth of the owner. Fatty foods are not contraindicated for them. Feeding dry food is convenient, approximately 50–70 grams of food per 1 adult dog per day. Mixed meals may include a small amount of vegetables and fruits in the form of a treat, as this is an allergen. Toychiks love: apples, berries, watermelon, blueberries, strawberries. On the way, they drink a little, in this case wet food in the form of canned food helps.
  7. Walking they love very much. Pets are unpretentious, and of course they can do without them. Still, those who have been on the street at least a few times will ask to take a walk. Toy, a companion dog, and even in rainy weather it will be delighted to walk with the owner. Pets relieve themselves on a diaper indoors. The diapers are reusable and consist of five layers. From below with impregnation, they do not leak through, but from above, moisture is well absorbed. They can be machine washed or washed in the bathroom from the shower.

Toy terrier training

Russian toy terrier sitting
Russian toy terrier sitting

These dogs spend a lot of time in direct contact with their owners: they sit in their arms, sleep with them, visit stores, but if it seems to you that adorable dogs do not need education, then you are mistaken. They, like other canines, need to be accustomed to good manners.

Pets are taught to show that they say "from infancy." They should not be afraid of the touch of an outsider's hands, because the expert must feel the animal, look into its mouth, checking for the presence of the dentition. At the same time, a toy should in no case be aggressive.

Russian toy terriers are primarily human-oriented, so they like to be where their owner is. Of course, dogs do not enjoy the competition, because, at such events, it is noisy, there are many unfamiliar "brothers" and strangers. This always provokes at least a stressful state of the body, but if the beloved owner is nearby, then the four-legged friend is always happy.

The dog and the person who exposes it are a team. Who represents a dog in the competition must: have an idea of veterinary medicine, know the basics of physiology and training, clearly imagine caring for a particular breed. This is not just a person on the other end of the leash, but a real specialist.

In order to correctly and beautifully demonstrate the dog at the exhibition, and he received a well-deserved mark, he needs not only to look great, but also to show him accordingly. That's what the handler profession is for. There is an option to hire a specialist, or you can perfectly learn how to show your pet yourself.

The word handler is derived from the English "handling", that is, "control". In order to win dog beauty contests, he trains his ward in the so-called exhibition show. The task of such a specialist is to demonstrate all the advantages of the animal and hide its shortcomings. This work has its own characteristics, styles and even systems.

The German system implies the work of two people at once, which is why it is called a steam room. One works with an animal in the ring, but the second one stands outside it and in every possible way attracts the pet's attention with a toy or a treat. That is, when a person shows something tasty or blows a toy, the dog pulls himself into line, he wants to see what is happening there, and at that moment the expert sees that the dog is standing beautifully and can give it the highest mark.

Not all handlers are equally successful in different display styles. The English system is extremely complex, but also spectacular at the same time, it is also called “no hands” training. Its complexity lies, first of all, in the fact that the dog must clearly understand what the handler wants from him at this moment, that is, a wonderful, ideal contact must be established between the owner and his four-legged friend. The most interesting and unusual system is the American one, when a person collects a dog, like a constructor: each movement and becoming of a pet is set separately.

At the exhibition, all representatives are evaluated by judges-cynologists in different classes depending on their gender, age and achievements in previous competitions. To the uninformed, it may seem that exhibiting a dog is a fairly simple matter, but it is not. Experience and training skills play a huge role here. A professional handler is immediately visible, primarily by the clothes. She must be such as to show the dog favorably. The man is certainly dressed in a classic suit. Women in a suit with a skirt or, at worst, in a dress. Special attention is paid to footwear - flat shoes, no heels and stilettos. Firstly, it can injure the animal and it is necessary for you to walk comfortably, because the handler has to run a lot. A dog show is a difficult business and sometimes does not always meet expectations. You don't need to become a champion, the main thing is to adore your "friend", and the rest is not so important.

Interesting facts about Russian toy terriers

Russian toy terrier near an umbrella
Russian toy terrier near an umbrella

Russian toychiks, breed of infertile. They usually have three puppies. The largest individuals are selected for breeding. But this does not guarantee that they will have more puppies, there can be only one. Their childbirth goes smoothly, and there is no risk that the fetus will get stuck in the birth canal.

Purchase and price of toy terrier puppies

Russian toy terrier puppy
Russian toy terrier puppy

Is there anything in the world that touches the heart more than puppies? And if these are the kids of the Russian Toy, which is small in itself? In my opinion, there is nothing cuter than tiny creatures. You can admire endlessly how they play. They are lumps of energy, ingenious creatures. It seems that they can adapt everything for the game. They are not just lively, but humorous hooligans. They are good, good-natured, cute, and real dogs, only very small. As for adult toys, they know when to frolic and when to remember the rules of decency. The approximate cost can vary from $ 100 to $ 200.

Presentation of the Russian Toy Terrier breed in this video:
