How to care for a bearded collie?

How to care for a bearded collie?
How to care for a bearded collie?

The origin of the breed, the standard of appearance of the bardid collie, character and health, advice on care, features of training, interesting facts. Purchase price. Most dog lovers believe they have never seen a bearded collie. You do not even suspect that they may appear in front of you on the TV screen. Animals are distinguished not only by their unusual appearance, but also by their outstanding character and kindness. Pets with their behavior will add to you a wonderful mood that all day. On walks, they will count all family members and make sure that no one gets lost.

The history of the origin of the bearded collie

Two bearded collies
Two bearded collies

The Biardid Collie is a descendant of European shepherd dogs. One of the oldest canine breeds. It appeared at the end of the 16th century in Scotland. They were famous for their working qualities, endurance, ability to adapt well to the humid climate and local mountainous terrain. Many old photographs of the breed have survived, as well as references in writing - in documentary and fiction books. It is believed that the Hungarian Commander and the Polish Lowland Sheepdog are the progenitors of these dogs. "Bearded", as the name of the species is affectionately shortened, is often confused with bobtails. Apparently these varieties are also related to each other, and outwardly they are very similar to each other. The easiest way to distinguish them is by the tail, or rather by its absence - the bobtail does not have it.

The bearded collie received official recognition in the 19th century, in Edinburgh. In 1897, dogs of this species were presented at an exhibition in this city. The first club of breed lovers was established there, and a detailed standard of their exterior was described. Throughout the entire time, it practically did not change. Only minor adjustments were made to it. Due to their endurance and unusual appearance, the "bearded men" were very popular.

People loved and contributed in every way to breeding biardid collies. But in connection with the First World War, which began in 1914, support for the development of the "bearded men" was left to chance, and they were not remembered until the mid-60s. Further revival of the species began in England. There not only clubs of breed lovers were created, but also were engaged in adjusting the standard, and selecting suitable individuals for successful breeding. Further, these canines have successfully spread throughout Europe. They were used as shepherds, companions and show dogs for exhibitions. Today these dogs are very popular in America - they are taken as pets and even filmed in films.

External standard for the Bardid Collie breed

The appearance of a bearded collie
The appearance of a bearded collie

All puppies of this breed of collie are born with dark coats. By the time they turn gray. May change shade with age.

  • Head. Square format with a flat forehead, in proportion to the body. The brow ridges are slightly convex.
  • Muzzle. Strong but not massive. The transition to the forehead is smooth. The lips are tightly closed, have brown or black pigmentation. Scissor bite. The teeth are powerful, white, set vertically in the jaw. The expression is smart and interested.
  • Nose. The nose is square, well defined. Painted in most cases black. In some individuals, brown and blue-gray coloration of the nose to match the coat predominates.
  • Eyes in biardids they are broadly set, slightly larger than average, slightly elongated, not convex. The look is lively, soft and trusting. Eye color is consistent with coat color.
  • Ears. Medium-rise, hanging. When the dog listens, it lifts them up so that the width of the head visually increases.
  • Neck - commensurate with the head. Has a smooth curve, muscular.
  • Frame. Strongly muscled, ribs flattened. The back line is straight with a strong loin. The chest is deep, muscular and well developed. Adults weigh 20 to 25 kg.
  • Tail the bearded collie has a low set. Reaches the hock in length. There should be no break and turn. With a calm movement, the tip of the tail curls up slightly. Covered with long hair.
  • Limbs front: straight, parallel to each other, with strong bones, shoulders slightly set back, flexible pasterns; hind: strong musculature, well-developed lower legs, hock joints low, metatarsus at right angles to the surface.
  • Paws. Oval shape with thick pads. Fingers in the form of a vault, well pressed together. The claws are painted black. Hair grows even between the toes.
  • Coat - long double. The undercoat is soft, fluffy and dense. Straight guard hair is desirable, but may have a slight wave. Its structure is smooth, strong, tough and shaggy. The length and density of the coat are in such a balance so as to protect the animal well from external influences, and aesthetically present the silhouette of the dog, without hiding the natural outlines of the body. The rarest hair in biardid collies is on the dorsum of the nose; it is longer from its sides. At the lower lip and in the chin area, hair grows towards the chest, forming a beard.
  • Color. Maybe: black, brown, gray, beige. Primary colors are allowed in combination with different shades and without extensive white areas. White hair can be found on the face, forehead, skull, tip of tail, chest, limbs and legs. If they appear in the collar area, then they should not go into the shoulder area. The white coat should not be above the hocks and on the outside of the hind legs. Sparse red hair is allowed on the eyebrows, cheeks, inner side of the ears, under the base of the tail, on the legs and at the border between the white color.

Bearded collie personality

Bearded collie in the snow
Bearded collie in the snow

Very sociable, cheerful and strong-willed dogs. They are wonderful four-legged friends for the whole family. Biardid collies quickly become attached to the owner and later will not be able to live a day without him, moreover, the "bearded" do not like to sit around and are very happy when they have certain permanent responsibilities at home. If you leave your pet alone for a long time and he has absolutely nothing to do, then he may become bored. This can manifest itself in both prolonged howling and damage to your property. At times, the breed is very noisy. This often manifests itself when the animal is worried and anxious, or communicates its displeasure.

They quickly find contact with strangers. They always inform with loud barks about the arrival of new guests to your house. But they are not suitable for protection. The dog is strong, agile and not at all small. She needs a lot of space not only in the house, but also outside its walls. This pet needs the ability to move freely. They are very jumpy animals. Therefore, games such as loading various objects are suitable for them. For example, catching a flying saucer, boomerang, ball. These pets are very fond of fooling around, but sometimes they unconsciously cross the border. Therefore, in contact with children under five years of age, supervision is necessary.

Bearded collies get along well with teenagers. They play the role of nannies, assistants and cheerful friends. They are wonderful four-legged companions. They are distinguished by good adaptability to natural conditions and endurance, they are very courageous. You can take them with you on long hikes, even in the mountains. Biardid Collie are loyal and affectionate friends. If you are actively spending time with the whole family, count family members. They make sure that everyone is in place and no one gets lost.

Dog health

Bearded collie running
Bearded collie running

Bearded collies are generally healthy animals. Some individuals live up to 15 years. However, they can develop some genetic diseases: arthritis, hypothyroidism, Addison's disease.

The most common disease of "bearded men" is arthritis. A degenerative disease that damages the joints of dogs as they age. In preventive therapy, vitamins, minerals, glucosamine and other medications are used. Exercise and weight management also help. Many veterinarians are turning to unconventional wellness. For example, acupuncture. This is a method of treatment by contacting metal needles with biologically active points of the body. The reflex effect on certain parts of the body that are associated with the internal organs has a healing effect. There is another approach - hydrotherapy (exercise in water). In this case, a special underwater simulator is used. America is using a new technology to restore stem cells. This three-hour procedure costs about $ 2,000. It reduces pain and helps muscle repair.

Cancer is a cancer that causes involuntary cell growth in any organ of the dog's body. No one knows what causes it, it is believed that it is inherited. Treatment depends on the degree of the disease and has a very wide range. The neglected forms are mainly subjected to surgical intervention.

Hypothyroidism is a dysfunction of the thyroid gland in bearded collies. The disease manifests itself in metabolic disorders. The animal is obese, swelling and partial baldness appears. The functions of many body systems are impaired. Diagnosis of the nature of the disease and its course are very individual for each dog. Naturally, the treatment is selected for a specific diagnosis.

Adisson's disease is a disruption of the endocrine system. It is expressed in depression, cardiac arrhythmias, dehydration, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. The disease can be detected by a blood test. Treatment and substitution therapy lasts the entire subsequent life of the patient. With an accurate diagnosis and quality treatment, such dogs live no less than their healthy counterparts.

In order for the biardid collie to grow up healthy and always in good shape, its diet must be balanced, and the content must be good. The pet needs to be provided with vitamins and minerals. The animal is routinely vaccinated throughout its life. Since these are woolly animals, special attention is paid to antiparasitic procedures. When the weather is warm, parasites such as ticks begin to activate. These are carriers of many diseases. Therefore, the dog must be protected from infection by treating with antiparasitic drugs.

Processing must be comprehensive. This means that it begins with the application of droplets to the animal, which are selected according to its weight. On the 29th day, a second treatment is done, and it continues throughout the entire period of activity of the parasites. After a few days, a medical collar is put on. Aerosols are used when the pet is taken to a more dangerous place: a summer cottage or a forest area.

Bearded Collie Care Tips

Biardid collie and its owner
Biardid collie and its owner

All procedures must be accustomed to the animal from puppyhood. When it comes to grooming your coat, start at a young age, as you will do this often.

  1. Wool. Their coat requires special attention. The "bearded men" are combed out every day. Most of all, you need to ensure that your hair does not get tangled. The manipulation is carried out with a slicker, and then, with a metal comb. For better brushing, the dog is sprayed with conditioner spray. If you "run" the pet's fur coat, then it will have to be cut, and this is unacceptable exterior. Trimming collies is also strictly prohibited. The hair in the anus and between the toes is cut. It is better to do beauty treatments on a walk, since you do not need extra hair in the apartment. A bearded collie is bathed every six to eight weeks. Typical shampoos and conditioners are used for water procedures. Before water manipulation, the dog must be combed out well and untangled tangles, if any. At the end of the "bath", the pet should be dried with a hairdryer in the direction of hair growth. If it dries naturally to avoid colds, it should be kept in a warm, draft-free area on the mat.
  2. Ears. You rarely need to clean them, but you should always be aware of their condition. If necessary, they must be cleaned with aids. The simplest manipulation is lotion cleaning. The agent is poured into the pet's auricle. For better penetration, the base of the ear is massaged. Then the animal is released, and when it shakes its head, all excess is removed mechanically.
  3. Eyes do not create any problems in leaving. Wipe them if necessary. This is done from the outer corner of the eye towards the inner, using cotton discs soaked in sedatives.
  4. Teeth. To avoid periodontal disease or tartar, bardid collie teeth are cleaned regularly, starting from childhood. For the procedure, edible pastes for animals and special brushes are purchased that are worn on the finger. Buy edible bones and artificial toys for the prevention of dental diseases for your four-legged pet.
  5. Claws. If you walk a little with your pet, then his claws do not grind. To avoid unpleasant consequences, they must be cut off. "Beards" are bouncy, so check the paw pads to make sure they are free of injuries and debris. Prevent cracking by lubricating with emollients.
  6. Feeding. Each owner chooses the feeding of his dog himself. Some people think that natural products are better, others prefer concentrates. With a natural diet, the animal needs to consume 80% of non-fatty meat and offal, 20% of cereals and fiber. Never give a collie any bones - it clogs the intestines. The chicken bones are sharp and can cut it, which can even lead to the death of the pet. When animals eat dry feed, vitamins need to be given less, since they are already contained in the concentrate itself. You need to select them purely individually. Concentrates are preferable to super-premium class. In order for your pet's body to work like a clock, it must receive food at the same time. Food dosage is based on the weight of the dog. The food contains measuring cups and tables on the back of the package. Chaotic feeding leads to indigestion, excess weight, unstable stools, and irregular walking.
  7. Walking. These dogs need a lot of space. If you do not live in a country house, then the apartment should be large. Walking a collie is enough twice a day. But during walks you need to engage in active games with your pet.

Bearded collie training and interesting facts

Biardid collie jumping over the bar
Biardid collie jumping over the bar

They really need classes. It is important to train them from an early age and persistently. If you don’t keep them busy, they’ll figure out what to do on their own. Only you are unlikely to like it. Collie is good for active dog sports.

Bearded collies are very fond of filming. This is a Hollywood dog. Tim Allen turns into that kind of dog in Shaggy Daddy. There was even a famous show about the Brady Bancho family, who had a dog of this breed named "Tiger".

Price when buying a bearded collie

Bardid collie puppies
Bardid collie puppies

If you want to acquire a bearded collie, you should know the distinctive features of this breed:

  • a lot of space is needed;
  • in general, health is good, but regular check-ups for certain diseases;
  • comb their fur often;
  • be sure to train;
  • great pet for the whole family;
  • your company and love is needed.

To buy a biardid collie without genetic diseases with an excellent conformation and balanced character, you need to contact professional kennels. The best of them are located abroad. The average price for a purebred puppy ranges from $ 1000 to $ 5000, depending on the sex and exterior of the dog.