In this article, we will talk about how to achieve balance in muscle development and become the owner of a beautiful relief body. The content of the article:
- How to pump up a relief body
- Exercises for a relief body
- Exercise technique
- Squat program
How to pump up a relief body

All bodybuilders who ask themselves the question: "How to make a relief body?" It is worth focusing on the harmonious development of all muscle groups. It is very important to start moving along this path from the very beginning. There are certain exercises that can help lay a solid foundation for future success. When composing a training program, you should be based on the development of the main muscles, pay attention to the correct diet and not forget about rest. Thanks to this, you will have constant progress.
Most athletes begin to develop correctly, but, having reached an average level of fitness, turns to the side. And then the plan to make the embossed body in a short time fails. This is a rather difficult period, first of all, psychologically. Progress is no longer as tangible as at the initial stage. This is what leads to a change in course. Problems begin to achieve the goal of creating a relief body.
Achieving good results in some exercises creates frustration with others where progress is less obvious. After that, useless, in the opinion of the athlete, exercise is excluded from the training program. To a greater extent, this applies to the unloved forward bends with weights and deadlifts. Seeing no progress, athletes move on to dumbbell rows or chin rows. So how do you make the embossed body?
To a large extent, bodybuilders are influenced by publications in magazines or on web resources. You will often find information that deep sitting with a barbell is completely useless, or that bending forward with weights does nothing, only creates the possibility of back injury. After that, the authors propose to switch all the power to the arms and chest. Of course, the bench press is a great exercise, but overuse of it takes athletes away from balanced development.
Everyone expects great progress in its implementation, not knowing that it will not work to achieve quick results in it. When progress becomes obvious, athletes begin to pay even more attention to the bench press, forgetting that the muscles of the legs and back have stopped in their development. Only when they feel pain in their elbows and shoulders do they realize that something is not going as planned.
These words are addressed to those athletes who wish to have a beautiful figure. If someone wants a wide chest, then so be it. But it is worth remembering that the whole body should be strong, and not a couple of muscle groups.
Exercises for a relief body

It will be very difficult for bodybuilders who independently develop a training program for themselves, and coaches who train a large number of athletes, it will be very difficult to tighten lagging muscles. It is important to remember to stick to the basic regimen for at least six weeks. At the same time, one should not pay attention to the lack of progress. This is the only way you can understand how to make a relief body.
After this period, you can begin to pull up the lagging groups. One of the best ways to do this is by changing the order in which the exercises are performed. This is more effective than eliminating basic exercises or losing more weight.
You need to start with plans that include full squat exercises and are the ones that get the most attention. Thus, the muscles of the middle part of the thigh can be well developed. It should be noted that such training is the most difficult. If an athlete includes them in his scheme from the very beginning, and gets used to performing them, then he will be able to progress at any age.
Exercise technique

It is very important to pay attention to the technique of the exercise. It is advisable to do it at the very beginning of a training session, when the bodybuilder still has a lot of energy, and he will not be able to get tired quickly. This way you can make a lot of progress in this exercise.
After six weeks, against the background of severe overtraining, you can take a short break in classes so that the body is fully restored. After rest, emphasis should be placed on lifting the barbell to the chest. Thanks to the strong back muscles, the athlete will be protected from injury. It is necessary that the progress in this exercise moves in parallel with the squats.
This can be achieved by transferring barbell lifts or hanging chest lifts at the very beginning of the training session. At the same time, it is desirable to reduce the number of repetitions from 5 to 3 and 2. Then perform the lifts more intensively than in the first six-week stage. Dorsal muscle training is more effective at a higher pace than in the legs and upper body. And again, it is worth paying special attention to the technique of execution. You must remember an important rule of the scheme for building a relief body - a careful approach to the technique of performing the exercise.
The most difficult in this regard is the final stage of the exercise. It is to master this stage that it is necessary to introduce the lifting on the chest from the hang into the program, and do several movements with full amplitude. Thus, more muscles are recruited, which makes the exercise much more effective. At this stage of training, squats should be performed slightly less, while not reducing the weight of the bar. The thing is that when pulling, a large supply of energy is expended, and you should not force the body with squats. But this recommendation is addressed only to beginners who do not yet know how to make a relief body. More experienced athletes can perform all three of the above exercises without reducing the load.
Body Squat Program

Since the deadlifts put a lot of stress on the muscles of the lower back, and it is this group that is important when doing squats, one change must be made to the program - start doing front squats twice a week. Of course, this exercise will not be easier than simple squats, but performing it with less weight, the load on the legs is reduced. With the constant performance of the front squat, progress will be noticeable in normal squats, since various muscles are involved.
Regular squats should be continued with three reps increasing. In the last set, the number of repetitions should be increased. Do not worry that progress is not so obvious in this exercise. It is much more important that the results do not fall, and then you will understand how to make a beautiful embossed body.
At this stage, the main goal is to keep the squats at the highest possible level, and tighten up the lagging exercises. After the appearance of progress in the deadlifts, it is necessary to transfer the emphasis of the exercises to the upper body. A similar method is used by weightlifters during the competition press. It is known that the guarantee of victory lies in the balance of power. With a strong bench press and a weak snatch, it is impossible to win.
The exercises described above need to be balanced. If there is an imbalance in performance, then more time should be devoted to lagging exercises. This is how the second six-week stage of training passes. After that, another break is needed, after which more attention will be paid to the upper body. This almost always happens involuntarily. Feeling the strength of the back and lower back muscles, the athlete automatically begins to pay more attention to the upper muscle groups. At the same time, one should not forget about maintaining the achieved level of training of the legs and back.
For athletes involved in strength sports, the strength indicators of the upper muscle groups are less relevant. This explains the less attention paid to them. It is important to balance all muscle groups in order to prevent possible injury.
It follows from this that you need to include in your training program several exercises for the upper body muscle group, and not only do the bench press. The incline bench press is very effective. If possible, this exercise should replace the usual bench press.
Unfortunately, athletes often do not include the push press, dips, and up press in their training program. But these are very useful exercises, during the performance of which a large number of muscles are involved.
Video lesson of exercises for relief: