Pros of mesomorph in bodybuilding

Pros of mesomorph in bodybuilding
Pros of mesomorph in bodybuilding

If you are a mesomorph, then find out how best to use the advantages of such genetics to build muscle mass and increase strength. Athletes with a mesomorphic physique can be safely called happy. This body type is characterized by broad shoulders and chest, well-developed muscles. They have well-developed legs and arms, precisely those parts of the body that cause a lot of problems for thin athletes.

The upper part of the body of mesomorphs is larger than the lower one, and the shoulders are square in shape. Mesomorph girls are the owners of a beautiful waist, and in men, the figure resembles the letter V from the English alphabet. It is also necessary to note the low fat content in the body of mesomorphs. All of the above makes this body type almost ideal for bodybuilding and with the correct nutrition and training program, athletes can achieve great success. But there are not very many mesomorphs and their number is about 15 percent of the total population of the planet.

Among the main advantages of mesomorphs, in addition to those already mentioned above, is the high ability of the body to process incoming protein compounds in muscle tissue. Also, the glycogen reserve is restored quite quickly in mesomorphs. Mesomorphs have practically no downsides. If the mesomorph athlete does not often visit laziness, then he will be able to quickly realize his potential in life. We recognize that the pros of mesomorph in bodybuilding far outweigh the potential cons.

Features of training mesomorphs

The athlete trains in the gym
The athlete trains in the gym

Of course, nature has endowed mesomorphs generously, but this does not mean at all that everything in bodybuilding will be easy for them. The problem of excess weight for mesomorphs is not so relevant, but it is still required to follow the necessary diet. The same can be said about training.

In the training program of the mesomorph athlete, it is imperative to include cardio loads, which will speed up the metabolism. Beginner athletes at the initial stage of their career should concentrate on pumping as many muscle groups as possible, and the duration of their training should be from one and a half to two hours. Then they can start using the split training program.

At the beginning of the lesson, mesomorphs should perform basic exercises, and then bring the muscles to failure using isolated ones. It is necessary to use high intensity training, while sacrificing a large weight of sports equipment. This will shorten the rest time between sets and keep the muscles in good shape throughout the session. You can not do a large number of sets, but increase the number of exercises.

This will allow you to work out qualitatively all departments of the target muscles. In conditions of genetic giftedness, such an approach to the preparation of a training program will give the greatest result. For each muscle group, you should perform 8 to 10 sets with 15-25 repetitions each. For legs and abs, you can also perform 15-20 repetitions and work on failure. In a mandatory order, mesomorphs need to use in their training various ways to increase the intensity, for example, the "pyramid" principle, supersets, forced repetitions, etc. You can also periodically load the target muscles, first with isolated exercises, and then perform basic exercises.

It is advisable to make changes to the training program on a weekly basis, changing exercises in order to constantly maintain stress for the body and not give the opportunity to get used to the stress, which will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the classes. Of course, you should be careful to increase the intensity of the training so as not to overtrain and get injured. It is very good if the mesomorph athlete uses alternating training sessions. One workout is carried out with a large working weight, but fewer repetitions, and the next with light weights and more repetitions.

You can also use the alternation of all kinds of cycles. Let's say you devote one month to building strength, and the next you work on gaining mass.

Cardio load for mesomorph

The athlete is engaged on a treadmill
The athlete is engaged on a treadmill

We have already said above that cardio is necessary for mesomorphs. The best option would be to use two or three times during the week of cardio workouts, the duration of which will be from 20 to 30 minutes. To do this, you need to select non-shock exercises, for example, swimming, cycling, or stepping. This will reduce the stress on the joints, which already experience a lot of stress during strength training.

You should use short-term cardio loads during warm-up, which will improve the performance of the cardiovascular system. Keep in mind, however, that excessive aerobic training can lead to completely opposite results. Try to do cardio in the morning. This is due to the fact that after lunch in the body, metabolic reactions slow down, which will lead to a decrease in metabolism, and cardio is used in bodybuilding for the completely opposite purpose.

You can combine cardio and strength training in one session. Mesomorphs should train 3 to 5 times during the week to maintain a high metabolism. You must pause for recovery between strength training for a period of 2 days. Also sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Mesomorph nutrition program

Bodybuilder posing in the gym
Bodybuilder posing in the gym

When composing their diet, mesomorphs should try not to gain fat mass. To do this, you should take under strict account of the calories consumed during the day. Try to consume more protein compounds and minimize the amount of fat, including dairy products. No one has canceled the principles of fractional nutrition for mesomorphs, and it is very important to first consume protein products, and then all other nutrients.

Don't eat before bed. If you are experiencing extreme hunger, then try to eat protein foods that are low in calories, such as protein supplements. During the day, you must drink at least two liters of water. Mesomorphs should adhere to the following ratio of nutrients in percentages: 30-40 / 40-50 / 10-20 (proteins / carbohydrates / fats).

Learn more about how to exercise and eat properly in bodybuilding:
