How to grow a chestnut in a garden plot

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How to grow a chestnut in a garden plot
How to grow a chestnut in a garden plot

Description of the chestnut plant, planting and care in open ground, breeding rules, methods of combating diseases and pests, notes for the gardener, species.

Chestnut (Castanea) is part of a small genus included in the Beech family (Fagaceae). The usual region of natural growth is in the northern hemisphere and a temperate climate. If you look at the map, these areas are not in contact with each other and fall on the Mediterranean, east Asia and the Atlantic coast in the United States. Chestnut prefers mountain slopes with shading, brown soils and average humidity. He does not tolerate both swampy and dry soils. This genus contains up to a dozen representatives in itself, but only some of them are suitable for growing in our climatic conditions, since they are resistant to subzero temperatures and are unpretentious.

Family name Beech
Growth cycle Perennial
Growth form Tree or shrub
Reproduction type Seed or vegetative
Transplant time to the garden March or November
Disembarkation scheme Leave at least 5 m between seedlings
Substrate Moderately moist, well-drained - chernozem or loam, with an admixture of river sand and lime
Indicators of soil acidity, pH 5-6 (slightly acidic) or pH 6, 5-7 (neutral)
Lighting level High or light partial shade
Recommended humidity Abundant watering for young plants and in the heat for adults
Special Requirements Easy care
Height indicators Maximum up to 30-50 m
Color of flowers Snow white, pink, cream
Inflorescences or type of flowers Erect spike-shaped pyramidal
Flowering time Spring Summer
Fruit color and shape Brown nuts
Fruiting time Autumn
Decorative period Spring-autumn
Places of application As a tapeworm plant
USDA zone 3–6

There are several versions of where the name of the chestnut came from. According to one of them, the name of the plant comes from the term in English "chesten nut", which means "pectoral nut". Most likely, this phrase goes to the word in the old French dialect "chastain". Another version says that the word "Castanea" in translation from Latin or ancient Greek means "sweet chestnut". Another source says that similar trees grew in large numbers near the Greek city of Castania, which was located in Thessaly, but scientists say that it was the city that began to bear its name from the chestnut tree.

In the first edition of Speces Plantarum, dated 1753, chestnuts have many synonyms: Spanish chestnut, Jupiter's nut or Sardian nut, and Fagus Castanea.

All members of the genus are deciduous trees that can reach a height of 50 meters or have the shape of a bush, but the usual size is 20-25 m. Chestnuts are a monoecious species in which the bark of the trunk is cut with deep grooves. The color of the thick bark is brownish brown. The crown has a spreading shape. The resulting buds are distinguished by a rounded-conical shape, possessing two pairs of scales located outside. The scales are brown in color, their surface is leathery, a sticky substance is released on them.

The leaves of Sardian nuts are arranged on the ropes in a spiral order in two rows. Petioles are relatively short, the shape of the leaf plate is simple, from broadly lanceolate to oblong-oval. The length of the leaf is 6–25 cm. At its apex there is a sharpness, the base can vary from cordate to wedge-shaped. The edge of the chestnut foliage is coarsely grooved. The leaves are painted in a dark green shade with a leathery surface. On it, venation is clearly visible, taking on a pinnate pattern. The size of the stipules reaches 1.5 cm. Their shape is lingual, the color is whitish-pink. Stipules fall very quickly.

The chestnut bloom is very beautiful, it stretches over 14 days, it falls on the spring-summer period. From the buds, erect spike-shaped inflorescences are collected, resembling pyramids. The length of the inflorescence can vary from 5 cm to 15 cm. Stamens are visible in a larger number of flowers. Pistil flowers are located at the base of the spikelet. The color of the petals can be pink, cream, snow-white. Pollination is carried out by insects.

After that, by October, fruit-nuts ripen, with ovoid-spherical outlines, covered with thorns. On those sides that are in contact with each other, there is a flattening, and at the top they are narrowed. The shell of chestnut fruits is thin, woody-leathery. The surface of the nut is glossy, it can be bare or pubescent. Its color is brown, but the heel is grayish at its base. The chestnut seeds have a triangular-spherical shape.

The plant is unpretentious and not only pleases with flowering, but is also famous for useful fruits, therefore it is often grown in gardens and parks.

How to grow chestnuts - planting and care in open ground

Chestnut leaves
Chestnut leaves
  1. Selection of a landing site. Sardian walnut has a wide crown and in nature likes to "settle" in open areas, so find a place in the garden for it with a sunny and open location. At the same time, partial shade is also suitable for chestnuts, only if the level of lighting is insufficient, the flowering process will be scarce. The plant does not like the proximity of running groundwater, sharp and cold gusts of wind. It is advisable that no other tall representatives of the flora grow and there are no buildings near the chestnut in a 5-meter radius. Chestnut trees can withstand an increase in heat up to 30 degrees, but the most comfortable temperature for them is considered to be in the range of 20-25 units.
  2. Soil for chestnut care. Since the root system of a tree is characterized by a superficial occurrence, it is important to provide ventilation for it so that the root processes do not vomit, and the water in the ground does not stagnate either from melting snow or from prolonged precipitation. Most suitable for Castanea is a moderately moist soil mixture, with an acidity of pH 5-6 (slightly acidic) or pH 6, 5-7 (neutral). Best of all, such trees feel in loose and well-drained soil, which can be black earth or loam with an admixture of river sand and lime. If the soil on the site is too light, then a small amount of clay is mixed into it.
  3. Planting chestnuts. It is recommended to plant sardia seedlings in open ground in March or late autumn. If there are sprouted chestnuts, then they are planted in the garden with the arrival of May, or they are buried in the substrate, keeping until autumn. For planting, the pit is prepared in the form of a cube with depth and width parameters of 50-60 cm. To protect the roots from moisture, a drainage layer about 30 cm thick is placed on the bottom of the sand displaced with medium-sized expanded clay or gravel. If the soil is a little poor, then it is recommended to add humus to it, and with increased acidity, dolomite flour will help.
  4. When a chestnut seedling is placed in the hole, the root collar should be flush with the soil. So that the trunk does not become bare in the future, the planting hole is prepared 10 cm higher. After the plant is planted, abundant watering is performed with a large amount of water at the rate of 3-4 buckets per chestnut. Until the seedling finally takes root and gets stronger, it is recommended to organize supports from 4 sides so that it is not overwhelmed by gusts of wind. It is better to mulch the trunk circle with a layer of sawdust, peat or peat compost. The thickness of such a layer will be 10 cm. This will serve not only as protection against rapid evaporation of moisture, but also as a top dressing.
  5. Watering. Chestnut is a tree that does not tolerate drought well, if there is no rain in summer for a long time, then the foliage will begin to burn and the decorative effect will decrease. Young plants need to be watered regularly and abundantly throughout the growing season, while adult specimens will require watering only during drought. For each square meter of the projection of the crown, there should be 1 bucket of water. It is better to time the soil moisture to the evening hours so that the roots have time to get saturated with moisture, otherwise it quickly evaporates during the day.
  6. Fertilizers when caring for a chestnut, it must be brought in with the arrival of spring. It is recommended to use the following solution - 1 kg of mullein and 15 grams of urea are diluted in a 10-liter bucket of water. With the arrival of autumn, about 15 grams of nitroammophoska is added to this composition.
  7. Chestnut pruning. Since the crown of the tree is quite large, it can be formed in the form of a trunk, with the highlighting of the main trunk. In order for shoots with a drooping shape to have a more attractive appearance, such a standard tree should not exceed 2-3 m in height. The central trunk, which has a uniform arrangement of branches, begins to form from the main shoot, trying to maintain it for the longest period. When the formation of the crown is completed, the chestnut can no longer be pruned. With the arrival of spring, you should only remove all branches that have dried or damaged over the winter. If during the summer period a strong growth of the crown is noticed, it is recommended to cut off young shoots that tend to its middle. All sections must be treated with garden varnish for disinfection.
  8. Wintering chestnut. The plant withstands frosty winters well, protection is necessary for young seedlings within 2-3 years from the moment of planting. To do this, it is recommended to provide them with shelter - the trunk circle is sprinkled with a layer of mulch from fallen dry leaves. Such a layer can reach 20 cm. The trunks are wrapped in burlap or non-woven material (for example, spunbond), which is secured with wire or ropes. If it is noticed that cracks have appeared on the bark from severe frosts, then this part of the trunk will need to be treated with an antiseptic and lubricated with garden varnish. With each subsequent year, the winter hardiness of the chestnut will increase.
  9. The use of chestnut in landscape design. To create a beautiful picture of landscaping, it is customary to plant chestnuts next to spruces, pines, among birches and acacias. If you arrange chestnuts in rows, you can form highly decorative alleys. In a small garden area, a chestnut tree looks good as a tapeworm.
  10. General tips for caring for chestnuts. During the summer months, it is recommended to carefully loosen the soil in the near-trunk circle, not only to extract weeds, but also so that the soil is not taken by the crust. When planting young chestnut seedlings, it is recommended to carry out monthly treatments with fungicidal preparations, such as Mycorrhiza, Fitosporin or Trichodermin, to improve growth. To prevent young branches from being damaged by pests (for example, aphids), they are regularly sprayed with an insecticide - Fufanon. When planting nuts in open ground, it is recommended that they find a place in flower beds, and preferably next to tulips. When the formation of grooves for planting is carried out, several layers of dried grass are laid on the bottom, then chestnuts are placed there and sprinkled with soil on top. Also, so that the mice do not damage the nuts during the winter, it is necessary to coat the planting material right before lowering it into the grooves with a clay mash, in which red pepper is dissolved. The last ingredient can be replaced with tar or kerosene. Some gardeners spray the soil with kerosene after planting instead of this treatment.

Breeding rules for chestnut for home care

Chestnut in the ground
Chestnut in the ground

To carry out the propagation of the Sardian nut, both the seed and the vegetative method are used. The latter includes grafting, rooting cuttings, planting root suckers.

Seed propagation is not a difficult process. Select nuts that are fully ripe and that remain intact when dropped to the ground. Seeds can only germinate if they undergo stratification - keeping for a long time at low heat values. To do this, in November, all the collected material is placed in a hole dug in the ground, buried in and covered with fallen leaves and spruce branches from above. But in this case, the nuts can be damaged by rodents in winter. If stratification is artificial, then the seeds are placed in a container filled with moistened river sand. Then close it tightly with a lid and place it on the lower shelf of the refrigerator for 2–5 months.

A week before planting, the fruits must be removed from the soil and soaked in warm water. In order not to constantly change it, since over time it will begin to cool down, use a thermos. This will allow the hard shell of the nut to soften faster and future sprouts to overcome the "barrier". The chestnuts treated in this way are planted in February using pots with peat-sandy substrate. They are deepened by 8–10 cm. With the arrival of May, when the chestnut seedlings grow up and a pair of real leaves appear on them, transplantation into open ground is performed. During this procedure, it is recommended to pinch the root root process to stimulate the development of a strong root system.

Usually, during the first 3 years, and if your region is colder, then until the age of five years, such seedlings are grown in rooms or greenhouses. Pots with plants are taken out into the open air only for the summer months.

Disease and pest control methods for chestnut care

Chestnut grows
Chestnut grows

Of the pests of the sardian nut, there are:

  1. Chestnut (miner) moth, which damages the sheet plates. In this case, the trees affected by it begin to shed their foliage. However, with the arrival of autumn days, new deciduous mass builds up, and flowers bloom. The consequence of these processes is the weakening of the tree and it may not survive the winter.
  2. Tree mite, sucking nutritious juices from the leaves and provoking their yellowing, drying.

To combat harmful insects, insecticidal preparations, such as Lufox 105 EC, should be used, which will help to destroy "uninvited guests" at any stage of development. Foliage that has been crumbled by moths during the summer months and autumn is recommended to be collected and burned, since the pest can lay larvae in it. As a preventive measure against a tick, it is necessary to carry out an insecticide treatment every 14 days, use, for example, Fitoverm or Karbofos.

A problem for chestnuts is powdery mildew infection, which manifests itself in high humidity and lower temperatures. On the upper side of the leaf plate with such a disease, a grayish-whitish bloom or brown-rusty spotting becomes visible. Since the access of air to the leaves decreases and the process of photosynthesis does not take place, they acquire a yellow color and fly around. For treatment, it is recommended to use fungicides (for example, Fundazol or Bordeaux liquid). As a preventive measure, it is necessary to periodically spray with such preparations, as well as fertilize with fertilizers with nitrogen or phosphorus components.

The yellowing of the deciduous mass can be observed not only in the presence of pests or diseases, but also in severe drought and windy weather. Then the leaf plates begin to burn, curl, dry out and fly around.

Notes for the gardener about chestnuts

Chestnut blossoms
Chestnut blossoms

The name Sardian chestnut came from the Greek name Sardis-Glans (Sardis cholun), which is equivalent to the term "Sardis", this is how the capital of Asia Minor of the state of Lydia was called. From these lands, according to one of the versions, the spread of this plant across the planet began.

Chestnuts are mentioned twice in the Bible from Jacob. The growth rate of these representatives of the flora is quite high and they have the feature of producing abundant growth from stumps, which persists even when the plant is very old. The most famous specimen is considered to be the Chestnut of a Hundred Horses, which is estimated to be 2-4 thousand years old. The trunk circumference of this chestnut is 57 cm.

The Sardian nut has long been known for its healing properties for many diseases. Its various parts contain coumarins, glycosides, vitamin C and tannins. Pectins, flavonoids, thiamine and catotinoids were also found there. All these components contributed to the manufacture of drugs that help to cope with edema and thrombosis, they were prescribed by healers for cardiovascular diseases, if the patient suffered from bleeding, arthritis, anemia and many other ailments.

Chestnut wood is somewhat reminiscent of oak in its external outlines, but it lacks the "mirrors" characteristic of oaks. Such material is used for the manufacture of building materials - plywood, parquet riveting, beautiful furniture comes out of it. If barrels or casks were made from chestnut wood, then they were used not only for storage, but also tinctures of cognac, brandy, rum and whiskey, as well as various wines.

Since chestnuts are rich in proteins and carbohydrates, they are used in cooking (baked and fried), and are also ground into flour and used in confectionery.

Types of chestnut

Of all the Castanea species, only a few are grown:

Pictured American chestnut
Pictured American chestnut

American chestnut (Castanea dentata)

or as it is also called - Toothed chestnut … The native area of distribution is the territory of North America. The height of the trunk varies within 30–35 m with a trunk diameter of 1.5 m. The ball-shaped crown has powerful outlines, low pubescence, formed by thickened branches. The bark of the trunk is brown in color, but the shoots are yellowish, a large number of lentils are formed on their surface. The outlines of the leaf plates are lanceolate, their length is 12–24 cm and a width of about 4, 5–5, 5 cm. The apex is pointed, the base is not equilateral, in the form of a wedge. Flowering occurs in July, inflorescences in the form of spikelets with a length of 15–20 cm. Fruits are nutty, covered with pubescence. Their taste is sweet.

In the photo Sowing European chestnut
In the photo Sowing European chestnut

Sowing European chestnut (Castanea sativa)

resembles from the territory of southeastern European lands and Asia Minor. The bark on the trunk is brown, shoots with a reddish or olive tint. The surface of the branches is covered with glandular hairs. The foliage has an oblong shape, the denticles along the edge are crescent-shaped. The leaves below are covered with pubescence of a grayish tone. Inflorescences in the form of spikelets from male flowers can measure 35 cm, female inflorescences are dense, shortened. Walnut fruits can be eaten, they are covered with a shell with thorns.

In the photo Horse chestnut
In the photo Horse chestnut

Horse Chestnut (Aesculus)

can be found in the literature under the names stomach or esculus … It already belongs to the Sapindaceae family. The plant is decorative, which is provided by a spreading dense crown formed by dark green foliage. The height is almost 30 m. The inflorescences are in the form of cones. The foliage consists of 5–7 palmate leaf lobes. The leaves are attached to the stems with long petioles.

The fruits of the plant are inapplicable for food, their shape is round. Nuts completely hide the pericarp with a prickly surface. The view acts as an excellent air filter.

In the photo Californian chestnut
In the photo Californian chestnut

California Chestnut (Aesculus californic)

is a poisonous perennial native to the western regions of the United States. Its height can reach 10 m. When flowering, flowers with white-pink petals are combined in inflorescences.

In the photo Chestnut meat-red
In the photo Chestnut meat-red

Chestnut meat-red (Aesculus carnea)

is a hybrid plant obtained by crossing the common horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) and red horse chestnut (Aesculus pavia). The date of withdrawal falls on the 18th year of the XIX century. Differs in large inflorescences of racemose outlines of flowers of a dark red color. The height does not exceed 30 m. Not drought-resistant.

Video about growing chestnuts:

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