If you want to know how to prevent anthracnose, its treatment, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with this material. We will tell you about how to deal with this disease on berry bushes, walnuts, pumpkin and citrus plants. The content of the article:
- Description of the disease
- Reasons for the appearance
- Currant and raspberry anthracnose
- Pumpkin anthracnose
- Walnut anthracnose
- Citrus anthracnose
Anthracnose is a plant disease that can affect watermelon, melon, cucumber, squash, pumpkin, grapes, citrus fruits, legumes, walnuts, and almonds. From berry bushes, anthracnose can harm currants, raspberries and gooseberries.
Description of the disease anthracnose

Anthracnose or, as it is also called, copperhead is caused by imperfect fungi of the genera Colletotrichum, Gloeosporium, Kabatiella. The first symptoms of damage usually appear on the leaves. Brown spots with an orange or pinkish tint, with a dark border are formed on them. Gradually, the leaves dry up and fall off. On the stems and branches, depressed spots form, due to which the movement of nutrients through the plant is disrupted.
On the shoots, anthracnose appears in the form of oblong light brown spots, which gradually increase in size, darken, more and more penetrate the plant tissue, and their border becomes brown or dark purple.
With the onset of dry weather, the affected areas are covered with cracks. If the humidity, on the contrary, is high, then the stems rot and break. If the disease strongly affects the plants, then they dry up, and the above-ground part dies.
Reasons for the manifestation of anthracnose

The appearance of the disease is facilitated by the high acidity of the soil, moisture. If the air temperature is above + 22 ° C and the humidity is about 90%, then favorable conditions are created for the development of anthracnose.
If the plant lacks potassium and phosphorus, then it becomes more susceptible to this disease. Harmful fungi remain on last year's unharvested plants, soil, seeds and, under favorable conditions, infect garden crops.
You can find out how to defeat grape anthracnose in the article describing the diseases of this culture. You will learn more about control measures on shrubs and other plants later.
Anthracnose of currant, gooseberry and raspberry

It first appears on the lower leaves in the form of small brown, bumpy spots, gradually the leaves dry up and fall off. If green shoots and petioles are affected, small brown ulcers form on them. Red currants get sick with anthracnose more often than black and gooseberries.
Measures to combat it are to collect fallen leaves during the growing season and after its end. At the end of the season, the soil around the bushes should be abundantly sprayed with a 3% Nitrafen solution. Treatment with "Nitrofen" is carried out not only in autumn, but also in early spring, when the buds have not yet swollen. This drug helps to defeat not only this, but also other diseases of currants, gooseberries, raspberries, for example, powdery mildew, septoria. Consumption rate of the drug: 10 m2 plantings - 1, 5-2 liters of solution.
Anthracnose on currants and other fruits will help to defeat the following drugs: "Captan", "Khomycin", "Phtalan", "Kuprozan", "Colloidal sulfur". They are bred according to the instructions and sprayed at the first signs of the onset of the disease, but not when the berries are ripe, in order to avoid poisoning. The second treatment should be done 10 days after picking the berries.
Weeding, non-thickening of plantings will help to prevent anthracnose, since the fungus first of all chooses for itself those bushes that are planted too close to each other, because ventilation is worse there.
Pay attention to the anthracnose-resistant currant varieties. Among black currants, Primorsky Champion, Sanders, Altayskaya, Katun, Golubok, Stakhanovka are distinguished. Varieties of red currants and white currants that resist this disease: Chulkovskaya, Laturnais, Holland red, Victoria red, Faya fertile.
Pumpkin anthracnose

Anthracnose or copperhead on cucumber, zucchini, watermelon, melon, pumpkin appears on all parts of the plant, even the root collar. You can notice the first signs of damage even during the germination of seeds from the soil - on the root collar and cotyledons.
In greenhouses, anthracnose affects cucumbers most of all, and in the open field - mainly fruits and leaves of pumpkin seeds. Most often, it appears in wet weather in the middle of summer. On fruits, copperhead appears as brown spots, and on watermelons they are black. Fruits affected by anthracnose, especially cucumbers, are poorly transported, quickly rot and mold.
Control measures are as follows:
- Agrotechnical activities … It is necessary to observe crop rotation, dig deeply into the soil after the end of the growing season, remove and destroy rotten fruits and plant residues.
- Seed dressing … To do this, use 80% of the drug "TMTD" - tetramethylthiuram disulfide. Suitable also "Geksatiuram", consisting of 50% thiram and 30% hexachlorobenzene.
- Spraying crops … A 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid is used, sprayed with 90% copper oxychloride with a concentration of 0.3%, 0.4% suspension of 80% cineb, 0.5% suspension of 50% phthalan, colloidal sulfur.
- Pre-packing in a special container … This is necessary in order to protect vegetables from mechanical damage before transportation and storage.
- Dusting … During the storage period, it is customary to pollinate melons and watermelons with sulfur: for 1000 fruits - 0.5 kg of sulfur.
In addition, it is recommended to use varieties that are resistant to this disease.
Walnut anthracnose

This disease on a given plant is often called marsonia. It usually appears in the first half of May. At the same time, rounded light-brown or brown spots of small size with wide edging are formed on the leaves. As a result, the affected leaves dry out and crumble. On fruits, anthracnose appears in the form of small depressed red-brown spots, due to which the nuts dry out and can crumble ahead of time.
In early spring, before the buds have blossomed, trees should be sprayed with 1% DNOC solution. If you missed this period and the leaves have already blossomed, then spray the tree with Bordeaux liquid at a concentration of 3%. It is also used during the season, spraying trees 2-3 times, but with a concentration of 1%. This will help contain the development of the disease.
For the same purpose, trees are treated with fungicides (0.4% "Khomecin", Tsinebom 0.4%). Primary treatment is carried out in May, then with an interval of 10-15 days, in case of an outbreak.
For the prevention of this disease of walnuts, fallen leaves must be collected in the fall, followed by burning.
Citrus anthracnose

A good means of preventing and treating anthracnose and other fungal diseases is a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid, which is sprayed 2-3 times during the growing season.
A good remedy is the non-toxic preparation Fitosporin. It can also be used on indoor citrus fruits. First, the dead shoots are cut off, and then the plant is treated with this drug.
How to get rid of anthracnose from indoor plants - watch the video:

Thus, anthracnose is a dangerous disease, which should be started on time.