Fungus on the walls: causes and methods of struggle

Fungus on the walls: causes and methods of struggle
Fungus on the walls: causes and methods of struggle

Fungus on the walls, its types, causes of appearance, methods of removal with the help of special and home remedies, preventive measures.

Special products for removing fungus from walls

Antifungal agent
Antifungal agent

Fungi and mold are removed with powders and gels containing boron compounds. Some preparations are universal, they are used to treat both external and internal walls.

A number of preparations are designed to combat certain types of mold. Therefore, before treating the walls from the fungus, you should carefully study the instructions on the packaging of the composition.

The most effective anti-fungal agents include:

  • ATLAS MYKOS … Destroys moss, fungus, algae and mold. The concentrate is used for exterior and interior walls. It is diluted with water in a 1: 2 ratio; when processing mineral surfaces, a 1: 5 ratio is used.
  • IZOHAN GRZYBOSTOP … This composition removes mold and mildew from walls built from various materials, including concrete.
  • SPECTRUM FUNGICIDE … Removes fungus from plaster, painted and wooden walls.
  • PS 50 … Removes algae, mildew and mildew that attack concrete, wood walls and plasterboard structures.
  • SNOWFISH IMPREGNATION … It is used for interior and exterior walls, removes fungi, mold, algae and lichens.
  • TITANIUM FUNGICIDE … Removes fungus from painted walls without removing paint, suitable for the prevention of infections.
  • BORAMON … Destroys mold and mildew on wood, masonry and plaster.

In addition to these drugs, paints are on sale, which include antifungal components. Before using such materials, the walls should be pre-treated with a primer.

When working with anti-fungal agents on the walls, avoid contact with the skin, as they can cause chemical burns.

Folk recipes for fighting fungus on the wall

Treatment of the fungus with a soda solution
Treatment of the fungus with a soda solution

In addition to using special drugs, it will be useful to know how to deal with fungus on the walls using folk remedies. There are a lot of ways:

  1. Soda can be diluted with water and wipe the problem area with a ready-made solution. Also, soda is added to a household detergent. The area affected by the fungus must be wiped with a hard sponge, allowed to dry, and then lubricated with lemon juice, which will eliminate the unpleasant odor.
  2. Alcohol is a potent substance. If you add glycerin to it, you can quickly get rid of the fungus.
  3. The affected area can be sprinkled with baking soda and then wiped with vinegar. During the passage of a chemical reaction, the fungal formations will be corroded.
  4. Laundry soap diluted in water helps to remove the fungus, the resulting solution should be thick.
  5. The affected areas of the walls can be treated with a formulation containing 500 ml of water and two small spoons of tea tree oil. The solution is applied by a spray gun; the treatment should be carried out several times.
  6. The composition for the destruction of the fungus can be prepared by mixing 100 g of copper sulfate with 10 liters of water. The ready-made solution is applied to the wall with a spray gun.
  7. Mold can be removed with creosote or a solution of 10 liters of water, 1 kg of sodium fluoride or vitriol. Copper sulfate is taken in an amount of 1 kg, and iron sulfate - 1.5 kg. You can enter into the solution simultaneously vitriol of both types of 0.5 kg.
  8. They reliably remove the mold fungus dissolved in 10 liters of water 0.9 kg of borax, 0.4 kg of boric acid and 1.4 liters of vinegar. Such a solution must be heated to 50-70 ° C, then spray it onto the affected surface or apply with a brush.
  9. The fungus that has penetrated the pores of the tree can be destroyed with anthracene oil, however, after such a treatment, it will be possible to produce a high-quality surface painting in a few years.

Instructions for cleaning walls from fungus

Treatment of walls with a remedy for fungus
Treatment of walls with a remedy for fungus

If a fungus is found on the plaster, the damaged area must be tapped. If at the same time the sound is dull, there is no adhesion of the coating to the base. In this case, the plaster is removed.

With a monolithic coating, the infected area of the wall surface should be treated in the following sequence:

  • Before you get rid of the fungus on the walls, so that during the cleaning process its spores do not scatter around the room, the problem surface must be moistened with water.
  • Then the infected area must be treated with a special agent. Use a spray, brush or roller to apply it to the wall. The composition is applied in 2-3 layers.
  • For safety reasons, in contact with the fungus, you need to use gloves, a respirator and periodically ventilate the room. After impregnating the wall with the agent, the fungus should be removed from its surface with a metal brush or using a special nozzle fixed in an electric drill.
  • You need to complete the work by drying the wall using a construction hair dryer.

After treating the walls from the fungus, you can use the room after at least two days.

Prevention of the appearance of fungus on the walls

Rubbing walls with an anti-fungal agent
Rubbing walls with an anti-fungal agent

After eliminating the fungus on the walls, you need to make sure that it no longer appears in your home. For this, there are simple rules, the implementation of which will eliminate the harm caused by such microorganisms to the residents of the house:

  1. The room should have natural light, so curtains and curtains should be opened during the day.
  2. The bathroom and kitchen must be equipped with high-quality ventilation, this is a prerequisite.
  3. The humidity level in the premises must be maintained up to a value of no more than 35%.
  4. Ventilate rooms a couple of times a day by opening windows.
  5. It is recommended to wipe the walls and floors with an anti-fungal compound once a month.
  6. It is not recommended to hang wet laundry in the rooms.
  7. It is recommended that water taps and pipes are repaired in a timely manner.
  8. If there are plastic windows in the room, a ventilation system should be installed in it.
  9. When installing furniture, it is recommended to leave a gap near the walls for free air exchange.
  10. Do not keep geraniums and violets indoors, as these plants contribute to the multiplication of various types of fungi.

Watch a video about the rules for dealing with mold on the wall:

It is useful to know how to remove the fungus from the walls, but it is even better to learn how to eliminate the causes of its development. It is much easier than overcoming the negative consequences of infection later. Timely measures to prevent and eliminate fungi on the walls will allow you and your loved ones to maintain their health. Good luck!
