Laminate substrate: types and installation

Laminate substrate: types and installation
Laminate substrate: types and installation

For what purpose are laminate substrates used in residential and non-residential premises, the main types of material, advantages and disadvantages, installation features. A laminate underlay is a floor covering that smoothes out all the roughness of the rough surface. Such a lining has vapor and sound insulation properties, copes with the function of a shock absorber - thanks to it, the floor will not bend and settle under loads, slide and "play" when walking. It is made from different materials with different technical features.

The need to use a substrate under the laminate

Laying plywood backing
Laying plywood backing

Today, laminate flooring is the most common material for flooring. It is relatively inexpensive, has a wide palette of shades and patterns, and is reliable and durable. It is quite simple to lay it even on your own.

Lining plays an important role in laminate flooring. In many ways, it depends on the substrate how well the flooring will lay and how long it will last without losing its appearance and performance. It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of which substrate for the laminate is the best, because each of them has its own characteristics and simultaneously performs several important functions. Before you start laying the finishing material on the floor, you must lay the backing, otherwise the following defects may occur:

  • Laminate boards can deform.
  • The lock breaks due to excessive load.
  • Condensation appears under the laminate.
  • Walking noise can be quite high.
  • Insects and harmful microorganisms settle under the cover.

Rules for choosing a substrate for a laminate

Fastening the underlay under the laminate with tape
Fastening the underlay under the laminate with tape

Laminate backing can be of different types. Choosing it, you should focus on a number of factors and rules:

  1. Both the laminate and the lining under it should be approximately from the same price category. It makes no sense to buy a substrate more expensive than the boards themselves. The quality of the finished floor will not get better from this, and the cheap finishing material will not be used longer than the expected period.
  2. The thickness of the laminate backing should be kept to a minimum. A thick layer of material will cause subsidence of the finishing coating, especially in those places where the load on the floor is the highest - under the legs of cabinets, plates, tables.
  3. Consider the purpose of the room being repaired. For different purposes, a different backing material should be used - whether it is a playroom, where there are special dynamic requirements for flooring, or a bathroom, where the humidity is constantly high. Also consider in advance whether you will be installing underfloor heating.
  4. Pay attention to the condition of the subfloor. If it has many small irregularities, then you can smooth them out using a thicker lining. The same goes for if you want to level up the levels in adjacent rooms.

It is extremely important to choose the right lining material, because it will depend on how long the main decorative coating will last, its external condition, as well as the microclimate in the house.

The main types of substrates for laminate

There are several types of substrates. All of them are in different price categories, which will allow the buyer to choose the appropriate option for any budget. When thinking about which substrate to choose for a laminate, be sure to pay attention to its noise and heat insulation qualities, as well as how long the material will retain its shape.

Cork underlay for laminate

Installation of cork backing
Installation of cork backing

This is one of the highest quality varieties. Its sound insulation properties are at a high level. Also, the material retains heat well, will not rot over time, and insects will not start in it. The lining of cork material perfectly retains its shape, it will not deform under strong point loads, it perfectly evens out unevenness in the floor. The material can be bought both in rolls and in slabs. It is recommended to lay the cork backing only under high-quality parquet and laminate boards.

Such a lining is ideal for decorating a rough covering in a nursery or playroom, as well as in kindergartens or schools where there is a high level of traffic, but at the same time the rooms have a normal level of humidity.

Such linings are quite expensive, but for a high price you will get high quality and environmentally friendly material. It is made from pressed crumbs of oak bark. Products are both completely natural and in combination with rubber additives. Disadvantages of a cork backing: not moisture resistant, the cost of the material is high. It is also best not to use this kind of backing if you plan on using underfloor heating. It is not recommended to use a cork backing under the laminate for the bathroom, kitchen.

Bituminous cork substrate

Bituminous cork underlay for laminate
Bituminous cork underlay for laminate

The material is made from bitumen treated kraft paper sheets and cork chips. In terms of quality characteristics, this rough backing is not inferior to the cork backing, but, unlike it, it has one significant drawback. The material is not environmentally friendly; it contains bitumen, which emits harmful substances in small quantities. The bituminous cork coating is suitable for laying in non-residential premises, where high humidity may be present. Moreover, such a substrate does not require the use of a special waterproofing layer in rooms with a high level of moisture or above unheated basements. Before laying this underlay, the floor surface must be carefully leveled.

Expanded polystyrene underlay for laminate

Expanded polystyrene under the laminate
Expanded polystyrene under the laminate

The material most commonly used when laying laminate boards. Such a lining retains heat well, does not transmit noise, has a low cost and a fairly good level of wear resistance. As a rule, it is two-layer: it consists of expanded polystyrene and foil. There are also extruded single-layer liners.

The polystyrene foam underlay for the laminate is the "golden mean" in terms of price and quality. This option is universal in the middle price category: it is located between cork and polyethylene materials. Especially when you consider the cost and complexity of working with a natural substrate. Advantages of the material: good sound insulation, it is easy to install, it can be used in combination with warm floors, it has an affordable price, it will help to hide small irregularities in the coating. It is recommended to use it for leveling small irregularities on screeds.

Minus - after a while it can lose its shape. It is also worth noting that it is capable of emitting formaldehyde in small quantities and quickly ignites in case of fire.

Polyethylene foam underlay for laminate

Polyethylene foam backing
Polyethylene foam backing

It is also a common subfloor finish. The lining has a low cost, is moisture resistant, has good noise and heat insulation qualities. The liners are produced in several types, depending on the method of foaming. But they are all similar in their characteristics.

Advantages: a high level of moisture resistance, the material will not be damaged by chemicals or bacteria on the surface, the substrate fills the space under the laminate well, it is quite convenient to work with it, and it is economical.

Polyethylene foam substrates are best placed in rooms where the humidity level is high, and placed optimally under the board base.

Disadvantages: short service life, can quickly lose shape and deform. Its durability level is poor, so experts advise using it for laying only under inexpensive flooring.

Coniferous underlay for laminate

Coniferous substrate
Coniferous substrate

It appeared on the market not so long ago, but at the moment there are both positive and negative reviews about it.

Advantages of the material: the substrate is environmentally friendly, the thickness of 4-5 mm will allow you to level the subfloor well, has sound and heat insulation qualities, when moisture gets on the rough slab, it will not lose its shape and properties. Disadvantages: in a short time, it can absorb foreign odors, insects may form in the lining, sometimes the coniferous substrate can cause allergic reactions. This material is produced in the form of small green layers, which, unfortunately, often crumble.

In order for your purchase not to be in vain and useless, before purchasing the product, consult with the sellers, ask them for a warranty card for the product. The better the substrate, the longer its warranty period.

Three-layer Tuplex Substrate

Underlay TUPLEX Professional
Underlay TUPLEX Professional

One of the best materials as a base for a laminate is a three-layer Finnish underlay "Tuplex". It has a hydro-barrier layer that absorbs moisture well, thereby allowing regular wet cleaning of the floor covering. The main purpose of this underlay is to level the base, as well as use it for floors with a heating system.

Plates with good sound insulation (the level of sound insulation of the composite is within 20-22 dB), have geometric stability - parquet boards on such a lining will lie perfectly flat. The substrate is especially hygienic: it is impossible for the formation of mold, harmful microorganisms, and insect reproduction.

The coating is only three millimeters thick - it is thin enough, as a result of which all the loads on the floor are evenly distributed, the locks of the boards will not break. The composite consists of several layers:

  • The upper one is represented by high-strength polyethylene.
  • The middle layer is made of low-strength thin polyethylene.
  • The bottom one includes granular polystyrene. With its help, the coating quickly absorbs moisture.

The cost of the material is quite high, so it is used as a basis only for high quality laminate flooring.

Laminate underlay manufacturers

Cork underlay Amorim Wicanders
Cork underlay Amorim Wicanders

The cost of a substrate for laying under laminate boards can vary significantly, depending on its type, as well as the manufacturer. In the domestic market, most of this product is represented by brands from China, European countries, and also Russia. Cork substrates from Amorim (Portugal) have proven themselves to be excellent. They are available in various thicknesses: from two to four millimeters. The price for this material starts at 1200 rubles per roll. The German laminate manufacturer Floorwood produces a cork backing that is optimally suited for the decorative finishing coating of this company. The cost of a roll is from 2, 5 thousand rubles.

The expanded polystyrene backing in our home improvement stores is mainly represented by the Profitex brand. This material belongs to professional and high-tech coatings. The price for one roll reaches 1 thousand rubles.

Several Russian brands produce polyethylene foam pads. These are, for example, Resource, Refoam, Izopak. The cost of this material ranges from 20 to 90 rubles per square meter. The Estonian company Isoplaat produces coniferous panels for laminate flooring. They are environmentally friendly, there are no harmful chemicals in the coating. This breathable material can be purchased at a price of 1 to 1.5 thousand rubles per package. Also, coniferous slabs are produced by the Steico brand (Poland). They are slightly cheaper than Isoplaat, and will cost 800 rubles per package.

The Tuplex substrate (Finland) deserves special attention. It is recommended by most European laminate manufacturers. Its price ranges from 1.5 thousand rubles per roll.

Technology for mounting a substrate under a laminate

Laying the underlayment under the laminate
Laying the underlayment under the laminate

In general, the technology of installing a sub-floor under a decorative finishing coating practically does not differ, regardless of the material used. Prepare the surface before proceeding with the installation of the underlayment under the laminate flooring. The underlay must be placed on a level floor that is free from cracks and unevenness. It should also be vacuumed before use.

To carry out the laying of the draft layer with your own hand, you need to adhere to the following scheme:

  1. We put a vapor barrier on the concrete floor. For this, a simple polyethylene film is used, it needs to cover the entire surface. We also leave small overlaps on the walls (no more than 4-5 centimeters). We fix the joints with construction tape.
  2. We attach a damper tape to the walls below, with which the expansion of the substrate will be compensated.
  3. The next stage: we roll out the lining on the entire surface of the floor, if it is rolled, or we lay the parts, if in the form of layers. The edges of the material should fit snugly together. They should be sealed with tape.
  4. The underlay is always laid with the smooth side up and the rough side down. You should not be confused by the embossed texture of the material.

After installing the substrate, we move on to the laminate boards. For this process, we use special spacers. With their help, the distance between the elements and the walls will be preserved (it should be no more than one centimeter). This indentation is necessary for the thermal expansion of the planks.

Lay the laminate only on a dry floor surface. Humidity in this case is easy to check: a glass jar is placed on the floor, bottom to top, so it should stand overnight. If no condensation has formed on the glass in the morning, then the base is ready to continue repair work. How to lay the substrate under the laminate - watch the video:

The successful installation of the flooring depends both on the quality of the finishing material itself, and on whether the lining under it was laid correctly, which performs a number of useful functions and has good technical characteristics.
