Types of wooden ceilings and materials for their installation. Advantages and disadvantages of finishing. Step-by-step instructions for installing timber rack structures. A wood ceiling is a classic that has been proven over the centuries and has been approved by thousands of satisfied homeowners. This type of finish has no competitors for most of the indicators. The material used during installation always remains available to different segments of the population. And the variety of design options can surprise even the most sophisticated skeptics with grace and showiness. We will tell you more about the types and methods of installing wooden ceilings further.
Advantages and disadvantages of a wooden ceiling

Traditional wooden ceilings remain relevant even in modern interiors. Due to the long list of positive qualities, many owners prefer this type of coverage to everyone else.
Among the benefits, the following play a significant role:
- Simple and quick installation without the help of specialists.
- Natural healing scent, noble rich color.
- An extensive design that allows for different styles, the application of any formulations, the use of decorative elements.
- Possibility of mounting modern lighting fixtures in suspended wooden structures.
- High thermal insulation and sound insulation for comfort in the home.
- A neat natural look even in an untreated state.
In fairness, it should be noted that wooden ceilings also have negative qualities. The following factors are considered to be disadvantages:
- The wood covering must be regularly treated with a flame retardant.
- Some of the materials used cannot be called heavy-duty and durable.
- Wood cladding requires constant air circulation.
The disadvantages of natural wood can also be attributed to its impressive cost. But such a disadvantage is easy to smooth out, saving on the services of professional installers.
Varieties of wooden ceilings

A long time ago, the time has passed when the ceiling surface was simply upholstered with a typical board. Today, there are many samples of material and the possibilities of its installation.
Based on the method of execution, the following options for wooden ceilings can be distinguished:
- Hemmed … Ceilings, which are finishes "hemmed" to a timber frame or ceiling beams. If the installation is carried out in an apartment of a panel house, the lathing is attached to the concrete floor using dowels and a screwdriver. In this case, the structure will consist of beams (main and supporting sheathing) and filing in the form of lining, boards, panels or plywood.
- Suspended … Popular designs that are often used in rooms with fairly high walls. False ceilings are also relevant in rooms where it is necessary to hide beams, wiring, communications, ventilation pipes, etc. The structure of this type of ceiling includes lathing, suspended from the ceiling, and wooden components, subsequently mounted on the frame.
- Caisson … This type of ceiling is a repeating polygonal depression between crossed beams. Such cladding, made of natural wood, is more like a work of art than a ceiling covering.
One of the types of joints between the slats is chosen as an additional decorative element, among them there are such ceilings:
- Rack without slots - the panels are mounted joint to joint.
- Closed - decorative inserts are mounted in the holes between the slats.
- Open - the gaps between the slats remain empty.
Materials for wooden ceilings

For stylish false ceilings, suspended or coffered ceilings, natural high-quality wood is often used in the form of panels, cassettes or lining. Natural environmentally friendly material for wood ceilings becomes even more effective after thorough varnishing. Such a finish is worthy of any interior, but, unfortunately, not everyone can access it.
A more budgetary option for a wooden ceiling is also the place to be. For the arrangement of such, materials are used that have a lower cost, but the same high characteristics. These include:
- Plywood … For cladding ceilings, sheets are often used, consisting of thin wooden layers glued together. Primitive plywood with proper processing (varnishing, toning, etc.) can give a room a delightful look. In addition, such a material is easy to process, durable in operation, inexpensive and sufficiently moisture resistant.
- Veneered panels … The use of this material is also considered budgetary, but at the same time more aesthetic as a result. Sheets of MDF or chipboard, lined with veneer, are able to create a neat, even coating with high soundproof and moisture resistant performance.
- Wooden beams on the ceiling … Painted wood beams are a fresh contemporary design highlight that enhances every aspect of the interior. False beams made of polyurethane as a decorative element are a worthy and affordable alternative to natural wood. Depending on the preferences of the owner, the beams can be matched both to the tone of the ceiling cladding and in a contrasting color.
- Lining … Simple universal raw material from boards of various species (linden, pine, oak, acacia, cedar, larch) with the same parameters, shape, size. Wooden ceilings, lined with clapboard, are always smooth and even, withstand cold and heat, have high sound insulation performance. In addition, the lining is environmentally friendly and durable.
- Wooden panels for the ceiling … Solid wood panels are expensive, but at the same time the most aesthetic cladding option. With the help of this material, it is easy to maintain even the most complex picture of a classic interior.
- Timber imitation … It is somewhat similar to clapboard, but has more massive and wider parameters. Beams imitating timber can be solid or hollow, more suitable for ceiling decoration.
- Chipped timber … A material used to create a stylish embossed surface. For its manufacture, a solid bar is split lengthwise into separate parts, which are then glued to the base with the smooth side.
On a note! Any of the above options for ceiling cladding assumes wall decoration with natural material or high-quality imitation of natural texture. For example, wall decoration with natural stone, imitation tiles, wood panels, etc. is perfectly combined with the exquisite design of a wooden ceiling.
Do-it-yourself wooden rack ceiling installation
The technology of mounting a wooden slatted ceiling implies systemic fastening of slats to a frame assembled from a bar. A suspended structure of this type is able to provide a perfectly flat and neat surface, hide any imperfections in the floor, hide ventilation shafts and communications.
Materials and tools for a wooden ceiling

The lining, which is optimally suited for the installation of a slatted ceiling, is a uniformly processed board with spike and groove edges. A similar type of rail is needed for cladding the ceiling with a closed type, without gaps between the panels. The average dimensions of the factory lining have the following parameters: thickness - 1, 2-2, 5 mm, length - 2-3 m, width - 7-15 cm.
Among the assortment, it is easy to find Extra class clapboard - the highest quality and most expensive. It is made of mahogany, cedar or oak and is free from any knots or cracks. Reiki class A and B are characterized by a wide range of colors. Their defects are completely insignificant, therefore such material is considered strong and durable. Ceiling slats of class C are the most budgetary option, which is characterized by the presence of tangible defects in the form of irregularities, knots, small holes.
After choosing the right material, it is worthwhile to take the necessary measures to prepare the tool. If not all the devices from the list are available in the household, it is better to borrow them from friends or rent them.
So, in order to install a wooden ceiling, you will need: a laser or hydraulic level, a painting thread, a jigsaw with an electric drive, a drill for concrete and an electric drill, a hammer, a screwdriver, cardboard for making holes in wood, a building corner, a tape measure, a pencil, a rule from 1.5 m, plane, chisel.
For finishing paintwork, a separate list of materials and tools will be required, including suitable varnishes, rollers of the right sizes, high quality brushes and special solutions. Some owners still prefer to leave the wood flooring in its natural form without additional processing.
How to make a lathing for a wooden ceiling

To equip a wooden ceiling with your own hands, you need accurate horizontal markings. For its implementation, a hydraulic or laser level is used. Using the device, markings are made on the walls, which are then connected with a paint thread. In most cases, wooden slatted ceilings are lowered to the level of the intended lighting fixtures.
Next, a bar is screwed to the walls at the intended level using dowels and self-tapping screws. Thus, the contour of the frame is created along the perimeter of the room. It is recommended to hide all caps of self-tapping screws in the material by 1-2 mm. After installing the contour, the transverse slats are attached, pre-stretching the fishing line from one wall to the opposite.
At the final stage of arranging the lathing, the timber is attached taking into account the pitch of the connections. It is also worth considering the size of the construction details. Docking of elements should not be carried out by weight, but on a bar.
Do not forget that all wooden components of the slatted ceiling must be treated with an antiseptic before installation.
Wiring for fixtures on a wooden ceiling

If devices with a power of 12 W are planned as lighting devices, it is worthwhile to take care of the convenient placement of the transformer and easy access to it in time.
All work is carried out in the following several stages:
- To install the luminaires, specific points are determined and marked.
- At the connection point, a junction box is equipped, into which the wires are fed.
- Create channels for conducting the wire.
- A corrugation is put on the cable, which increases the level of safety.
- Secure the cable using fixed terminal blocks instead of the usual dangerous twists.
- At the end of the fixing, a lamp is connected in order to check the accuracy of the previously performed actions.
- If the circuit works fully, the power is turned off and the installation of the ceiling structure is continued.
Thermal insulation and sound insulation of wooden ceilings

If a wooden slatted ceiling is installed in an apartment (with the exception of the upper floor), there is no need for insulation. But if the work is carried out in a private house, you should think about high-quality insulation. In cases where the question is appropriate, the space between the ceiling and the frame is tightly filled with mineral wool.
Unlike insulation, sound insulation takes place in any room where the owners suffer from the lack of silence. The soundproofing system is similar to the previous one. Mineral wool is placed in the space between the frame and the ceiling, on which the vapor barrier is attached, carefully gluing all the joints.
Fastening wooden slats to the ceiling

When the frame is fixed, and the wiring is fixed, you can proceed with the installation of the elements. Panels can be of any type: lining, veneered MDF, etc. This factor is not of particular importance.
The installation principle is almost always the same, and the actions are performed in the following order:
- Installation starts from the corner of the room. Without finishing filling the first row, you cannot proceed to the second.
- The elements are first applied to the plane, then adjusted, if necessary, and only after that they are fixed.
- A panel is initially applied to the places of the lighting fixtures and a place is marked for making a hole. After that, the prepared panel with a hole is attached to the rest.
- In this way, the ceiling space is completely filled.
- At the last stage of laying the slats, the surface is checked for defects that can still be corrected, and the finished ceiling is covered with an antiseptic.
If, during the installation of the lining, the full number of rails does not fit, there is no need to saw the last rail along. It is better to divide the remaining gap into two and release the resulting number of centimeters from two opposite sides of the ceiling. As a result, it is easy to close the gaps with a ceiling plinth.
Features of finishing a wooden ceiling

After installing the slatted ceiling, it is recommended to treat the surface with special materials that give it a complete look. It is better to refuse the stain. The layer applied by this material is rarely uniform. Processing should be done with a spray gun, using first a primer, and only then a dye.
Before starting to cover the ceiling with a primer, a ceiling plinth is nailed along the entire perimeter of the room. Spray paint is directed perpendicular to the surface and applied slowly in thin layers. After the coating has completely dried, the power supply and lighting fixtures are connected.
Watch a video about wooden ceilings in the interior:

At this stage, the installation is considered complete. Detailed instructions will help even an inexperienced craftsman to carry out all the necessary work on his own. And knowing how to make a wooden ceiling with your own hands, you can not only create a spectacular interior in your home, but also save a lot on it.