Insulation of walls from the inside with ecowool

Insulation of walls from the inside with ecowool
Insulation of walls from the inside with ecowool

The main features of thermal insulation work with ecowool, its advantages and disadvantages in use, how to prepare walls before insulation, how to perform work in two ways, final finishing of the insulated surface. Thermal insulation of walls from the inside with ecowool is one of the most popular methods of thermal insulation, attracting the attention of many developers. The material is among the environmentally friendly and even innovative, therefore it is completely safe for interior work. This is a truly reliable method of insulating a building from heat loss, which is becoming more common every day.

Features of thermal insulation of walls from the inside with ecowool

Thermal insulation of walls from the inside with ecowool
Thermal insulation of walls from the inside with ecowool

In appearance, the material is a dirty gray loose mass. It consists of 80% cellulose. In order to enhance its strength qualities, as well as to make it less flammable, boric acid and borax are added to it. The mechanical properties of the insulator allow the creation of uniform, seamless layers.

Other qualities of this insulation are also very interesting. It is clear that cellulose can perfectly absorb water. However, ecowool practically does not lose its thermal insulation characteristics. Moreover, it can not only accumulate moisture in itself, but also quickly give it back. Thanks to this, it is specially used in wooden houses and buildings, since it will naturally maintain the necessary air humidity.

The material stands out among other insulators for interior wall surfaces. The use of ecological wool saves space, because small losses are still inevitable. In addition, it fills in any gaps and irregularities well thanks to its unique structure. The thermal insulation will be in close contact with the wall, and this will exclude the possibility of condensation formation.

Despite the fact that the wet adhesive method of insulation is more common, cotton wool can be blown dry into various cavities. At the same time, the consumption of material is slightly less, and if it suddenly remains in surplus, then it can be applied to other objects.

Ecowool is the best suited for thermal insulation, especially in cases where there is no way to protect the walls of the building from the outside. It has been successfully used for a long time in Western countries, from where it migrated to the domestic building materials market. The walls insulated with such material "breathe" well, and this contributes to the normalization of the indoor climate.

If a manual dry technology of creating a heat-insulating coating is used, then a finishing layer is formed, the height of which can reach 0.5 meters. It turns out a kind of pocket, in which ecowool is laid, after which they move on to its sheathing. However, this method is laborious. It is much more convenient and efficient to use special equipment - cotton wool is blown with a hose directly into the sheathing cavity.

It should be borne in mind that this insulation is undesirable for use in bathrooms because of the dampness constantly present there. Its cellulose fibers perfectly absorb all the surrounding moisture. Since they will not be able to fully dry out, the cotton wool will simply start to rot over time. All this leads to a decrease in its thermal insulation qualities.

They produce insulation in compressed briquettes with a density that can reach 110 kg per 1 m3… Briquetting is necessary because the cotton wool itself is a free-flowing mass. Before using it, unpack it and fluff it a little. Due to this, its volume immediately increases by 3-4 times.

And a few more words about the characteristics of the insulation. The material should not shrink, but should be fire resistant for 30-40 minutes. Good thermal insulation properties will be an additional advantage when carrying out internal insulation. Since ecowool does not contain toxic substances, it is allergenically safe. Fast and convenient installation makes it possible to create a technological and seamless thermal insulation.

To ensure normal operating conditions, it is necessary to provide for a free exit of moisture from the heat insulator, otherwise it will simply be oversaturated with it. This will negatively affect its properties. It is not recommended to use ecological wool for works related to the insulation of basements and basements, as well as floors above them, because the level of humidity there always remains stably high. Important! It is advisable to entrust the insulation of walls from the inside with ecowool to specialists or to attract an assistant who has experience in such work. To achieve a monolithic and durable layer, it is necessary to withstand all technological subtleties.

Advantages and disadvantages of wall insulation from the inside with ecowool

Ecowool Isofloc
Ecowool Isofloc

This material received many positive reviews due to its excellent performance:

  • The presence in the composition of only components safe for health;
  • Reliable filling of voids and cracks in the walls;
  • Creation of a favorable microclimate in the building;
  • The ability to insulate absolutely any type of surfaces;
  • Full compliance with international sanitary and environmental standards;
  • High thermal insulation qualities;
  • Successful counteraction to the appearance of mold and mildew;
  • No need for vapor barrier;
  • Minimum dust during assembly work;
  • It is not eaten by domestic rodents.

There were no tangible shortcomings in this insulation, otherwise it would not have gained such great popularity. It is worth noting that when using the "wet" installation method, the drying period can be up to 3 days, which is not suitable for every owner. In addition, additional equipment may be required for convenience.

Thermal insulation technology for internal walls with ecowool

Thermal insulation with ecowool can be carried out using various technologies. It can be sprayed in a slightly damp state directly onto the wall surface. Another method involves laying dry material in the wall frame, pumping it with powerful compressors. Manual insulation with ecowool from the inside is suitable for small objects like a garage or a country house. In this case, the consumption of material will be slightly higher.

Preparatory work before insulating ecowool walls

Wall preparation for ecowool installation
Wall preparation for ecowool installation

During the preparation stage, the wall should be carefully examined for the presence of any defects, including cracks, layers, various biological formations such as fungus, mold and moss. All poorly fixed and protruding elements should be knocked off with a hammer and chisel.

If there are traces of old paint or previous coatings, remove them as carefully as possible. This will ensure good vapor permeability. If the wall has visible cracks, they must be repaired during the preparation phase. If necessary, they expand, after which a putty mixture is laid in them. In addition to it, a cement mixture, polyurethane foam or adhesive solution may be suitable. The surface of the wall can now be considered prepared for priming. It is best to use professional primers with deep penetration capabilities. They provide protection against the appearance of fungi and have good adhesive properties.

Now you need to mount the starting profile, in which a special perforation is provided, giving the insulation a reliable fixation. It is fixed according to a previously prepared markup. To eliminate the risk of thermal expansion of the material, it is necessary to leave a distance between adjacent profiles of about 5 mm.

Before the installation of an insulation based on ecowool, it is advisable to lay a layer of membrane with vapor permeability under it. This will allow in the future to remove excess condensate outside. It is necessary to position this film in such a way that the smooth side of the membrane is directed to the heat insulator, and the vapor-permeable side is directed to the wall of the house.

As the basis of the frame, you can use the profile on which the drywall is attached. For its installation, you need to stock up on self-tapping screws or construction dowels. The distance between adjacent slats is maintained so that it is a couple of centimeters less than the thickness of the heat insulator.

It is necessary to fasten the products, starting from the corner, and a building level is used for their correct installation. If the cotton wool is purchased in the form of mats, then you will need an additional horizontal rail fastening on which the first row of insulation will be placed.

It is necessary to prepare the following set of tools: a hammer, a chisel, a tape measure, a plumb line, a level, working buckets, spatulas, paint rollers and brushes, construction tape, an electric drill with attachments, screwdrivers, sandpaper and a file.

Instructions for installing ecowool on internal walls

Dry installation of ecowool
Dry installation of ecowool

With the dry method of applying cotton wool, work is performed in the following order:

  1. Niches are prepared in advance using a special frame. Its role will be played by the crate cells.
  2. The material is thoroughly fluffed. This can be done with an electric drill and a nozzle for stirring working solutions.
  3. Now the ecowool is pushed under the frame in such a way that it occupies as much as possible all the voids that have. It needs to be properly tamped so that it can absorb the forces.
  4. If it is possible to obtain industrial equipment, then it will allow the fluffed material to be pumped with a compressor. In this case, the crate must be closed with facing material.
  5. After all the existing grooves have been sealed, the hole can be closed.

Another method is somewhat different in terms of the technology of work, it is not for nothing that it received the name "wet". The binder with adhesive properties is lignin. If you moisten the cotton wool insulation, then it will adhere well to any type of surface. This option is especially good for insulating brick or block buildings.

The work is carried out in the following order:

  1. First, the lathing is made on the basis of a wooden beam or a metal profile.
  2. The prepared cotton wool is fluffed up and applied under the frame using special equipment. Before it is fed from the nozzle, it is slightly moistened and already in this form is sprayed onto the wall surface.
  3. If the insulated coating is structurally difficult or expensive, enhanced adhesion is required. Additional adhesives can be added to the water to moisten the cotton wool.
  4. The surplus of unused insulation is cut off with a knife - a building level is used for this. Thus, recyclability avoids unnecessary waste.
  5. A couple more layers of film are attached on top of the laid insulation, which will provide waterproofing and wind protection. For fastening, brackets are used, and the joints should also be fixed with construction or masking tape.
  6. It remains to ensure that the conditions for minimum ventilation are created. The clearance for air circulation should be at least 0.5 cm. It is good to use additional counter battens or profiles, which at the same time serve as the basis for finishing materials.

With this installation, the wall surface dries quickly enough, and after 12 hours it will be possible to continue working. Wet insulation of the house from the inside with ecowool gives a uniform layer that is not prone to deformation or premature destruction due to moisture or parasites.

At the next stage, the surplus is eliminated. For this, a special electric scraper is used, which levels the surface to the required size. Dried thermal insulation can be covered with finishing and decorative material.

Finishing of the insulated wall

Ecowool structure
Ecowool structure

As soon as the insulation is installed, it is necessary to clean the wall from all kinds of flaws. Further, it is imperative to produce high-quality plastering, which will become the basis for a fine finish. The surface should be completely smooth, even and completely dry.

Different finishes require different levels of wall preparation. But it will not be superfluous to cover it with a primer mixture, sanding after each layer of putty and final priming. The appearance and durability of the finished repair will largely depend on the quality of these works.

There are the following options for finishing the insulated wall:

  • Dyeing … It is considered one of the most traditional finishing methods. Existing coloring compounds can radically transform a room.
  • Facing with ceramic tiles … Also one of the popular decorating technologies. This surface is easy to clean and looks great.
  • Decorating with decorative plaster … Often used to give interior walls a marble or stone look.
  • Wood cladding … It is a rather expensive technology. But it serves as an additional insulation and is optimal for the interiors of living rooms and hallways, offices and kitchens.
  • Cork coverings … They are widely used in residential and office premises. They are among the most environmentally friendly materials.
  • Wallpaper gluing … In terms of prevalence, this finishing method has no equal. Its popularity is largely due to the low cost of work, and therefore can be used not only in apartments, but also in offices. A wide variety of wallpapers of different textures, patterns, colors are on sale.
  • Stone cladding … A great way to give the interior nobility, grace, elegance. You can choose a stone of different texture, besides, it is the most durable and durable material.
  • Plasterboard cladding … With this material, the wall will not only be light, but will also receive additional heat and sound insulation.
  • Decorating with decorative panels … A fairly quick and simple option with unlimited possibilities of design solutions for premises of any type and purpose.

Since the walls are one of the most visible elements of the interior, proper attention must be paid to their decoration. There are a large number of options for the work carried out, ranging from simple leveling of the surface with subsequent wallpapering to the production of complex plasterboard structures and decorative coatings.

How to insulate walls from the inside with ecowool - watch the video:

It is obvious that ecowool can be safely called a profitable and convenient insulating material. In addition, it is considered one of the most environmentally friendly. If you use additional equipment for installation, then work on thermal insulation of residential and industrial facilities can be completed in a matter of days.
