What is Isoplat wood fiber insulation, how it is made, types of material, technical characteristics, pros, cons and features of DIY installation.
Advantages of Isoplat plates

This versatile insulation material has many advantages. Let's consider them:
- Ecological cleanliness of the insulation … Raw materials for Izoplat are wood. There are no binders in the composition, the fibers are intertwined in a natural way and are held together by natural resins. Therefore, it is important to use such material to insulate wooden eco-houses, as well as rooms in which children and allergy sufferers live.
- Excellent vapor permeability … Isoplat is able to regulate the humidity inside the building and create a favorable microclimate.
- High thermal inertia … Plates are capable of accumulating and giving off heat for 14 hours. Thus, the temperature inside the building is stabilized. Temperature fluctuations will not be felt as much as the temperature rises or falls outside the room.
- Not subject to shrinkage or degradation … Unlike a large number of synthetic insulation materials, fiberboards do not shrink or deform over time.
- Windproof ability … It is possible to install Izoplat plates as wind protection. The fiber is located inside the material in layers, along which air pores are chaotically concentrated. Getting into the space between the fibers, the outside air loses pressure and speed.
- Filtration properties … Isoplat, due to its structure, is able to trap harmful compounds. This is especially true when using plates in structures with insulation such as expanded polystyrene, mineral wool, which can emit formaldehyde, styrene and other toxic chemicals.
- Ease of installation … No special equipment is required to install the products. All work can be done with your own hands. The convenient tongue-and-groove system greatly facilitates the installation process.
Disadvantages of Isoplat fiber boards

Before you buy this insulation, you should study the reviews on the Internet and pay attention to the disadvantages of Izoplat:
- Increased softness when exposed to moisture … If the material is exposed to water or humid air for a long time, it will become softer. However, when it dries, it will regain its strength and shape.
- Relatively high price … Natural materials tend to be more expensive. Izoplat is no exception. Therefore, it will cost an order of magnitude more than artificial insulation.
Price and manufacturer of Isoplat boards

The rights to the Isoplaat trade name belong to the Estonian company Skano. Therefore, if you find on sale material with the same name, but from another manufacturer, then this is a fake. The price of fiberboard insulation can be different depending on its type. The average cost in Russia is as follows:
- Heat and sound insulating plate Izoplat - from 200 to 500 rubles per square meter;
- Windproof plate Izoplat - from 290 to 1150 rubles per square;
- Thermal insulating substrate for Isoplat laminate - from 115 to 200 rubles per square meter;
- Facade plates Izoplat - from 1000 to 1200 rubles per square.
Brief instructions for the installation of insulation Izoplat

Before proceeding with the installation of heat and sound insulating fibreboard, it is recommended to hold them for a couple of days in the room where the work is planned. Thus, the moisture content of the material will equalize with the moisture content of the air in the building. From the tools you will need construction brackets or self-tapping screws with a flat head, a knife, a building level, a hammer or screwdriver. Installation of Isoplaat boards can be carried out on pre-installed battens or glued directly to the wall surface.
We work according to the following scheme:
- If you decide to make a crate, then its step should be from 30 to 60 centimeters, depending on the thickness of the slab.
- For fixing on concrete and brick surfaces, you can use various types of adhesives - for thermal insulation, gypsum-based, for drywall, as well as polyurethane foam.
- Apply glue to the rough surface of the product in stripes or dots along the perimeter. We press the insulation to the surface.
- Self-tapping screws or nails when attaching the boards to the crate should be flush with the surface and not protrude above the insulation.
- Seal the fasteners with putty.
- If you fixed the slabs with glue, then it is recommended to walk twice over them with glue or primer before decorative finishing (if painting is planned).
As for the Izoplat heat-insulating substrate, it is not necessary to use any glue or fasteners for its installation. It is laid in a floating way using a tongue-and-groove system. Watch the video review of Izoplat:

Isoplaat wood fiber insulation is an effective thermal insulation material that is valued for its environmental friendliness, low thermal conductivity and practicality. It can be placed on any surface, both indoors and outdoors. Also Izoplat is a new generation of laminate substrates that retain heat perfectly.