How to process a wooden bath

How to process a wooden bath
How to process a wooden bath

A wooden blockhouse retains its operational qualities for a long time, if the beams are timely protected from adverse factors. Consider the main reasons for the destruction of the walls of the bath and how to protect the building. Content:

  1. Purpose of protective materials
  2. Types of protective coatings

    • For internal processing
    • For external processing
    • Antiseptics
  3. Application features

To protect the log house from destructive factors, you should not use all the preparations at once and indiscriminately. Each tool has its own purpose; if used incorrectly, the condition of the walls may worsen.

Appointment of protective materials for a wooden bath

Processing a wooden bath with a protective material
Processing a wooden bath with a protective material

Modern drugs are able to protect the bathhouse from all kinds of natural and physical influences:

  1. UV protection … Always protect the tree from ultraviolet radiation from the sun. In logs, the sun's rays burn out natural resins and destroy the structure of the wood. The material ages and turns gray. To treat the log house of the bath, use compounds that create an ultraviolet filter. Containers with such impregnation are marked with a "UV" sign.
  2. Fireproof impregnation … To prevent the wooden structure from burning, the logs are impregnated with special substances - fire retardants. After processing, the wood will not catch fire from a cigarette butt or spark. Cans with fire retardants are marked with a fire image.
  3. Moisture protection … Water is considered the main enemy of wood. Under the influence of water or snow, wood rots, especially the lower parts of the walls suffer. To protect the logs, they are impregnated with special compounds that protect the walls for 10 years.
  4. Antiseptic impregnation … The tree can be destroyed by molds, mosses and other microorganisms. It is very difficult to remove fungi, and they will spoil the appearance of the log forever. Disinfect microorganisms with antiseptic impregnations. Products containing beeswax are well recommended.
  5. Insect protection … Wood beetles, bark beetles and weevils are found in the logs, which are able to turn a wooden structure into dust. Biocides are used to kill insects. The product can be recognized by the beetle image on the label.

Types of protective coatings for a wooden bath

Means intended for impregnation of the bathhouse are quite diverse. They are subdivided into preparations for internal and external use. Let's take a closer look at their features.

Means for internal processing of a wooden bath

Teknos for sauna interior treatment
Teknos for sauna interior treatment

Preparations for interior walls are recognized by the inscription “For the sauna”. Quality products can be bought at the company store.

Consider how to process a wooden bath inside:

  • The walls of the log house in the steam room and the washing room are treated with special substances on a natural basis without artificial additives, which do not emit toxic fumes at high temperature and humidity. Such preparations belong to the highest degree of environmental safety.
  • For interior work, use Teknowax 1160, a special bath wax. The substance is odorless, without toxic elements. After application, forms a smooth film on the wall, impermeable to liquid and vapor and withstands high temperatures. Two types of bath wax are produced - transparent and whitish. Transparent preserves the texture of the wood. White wax visually expands the room. The product can be used to cover the walls in the steam room and washing room and in other areas of the bath.
  • To process the log house in the dressing room and the rest room, you can use harmless products that do not cause allergic reactions. These products include Teknocoat Aqua 2550. It is a water-borne acrylic lacquer that forms a protective film on the wall. The film is elastic, easy to clean.

Means for external treatment of a wooden bath

Antiseptic Senezh for a bath
Antiseptic Senezh for a bath

The coatings used to protect the outside of the bath are divided into impregnations and varnishes.

Let's find out how to treat a wooden bath outside:

  1. Impregnations are able to protect wood from ultraviolet radiation, but cannot withstand precipitation. Water flushes out protective substances from the wood, the sun burns out bald spots on it, as a result, the appearance deteriorates, the logs quickly deteriorate. Impregnations protect wood for 5 years. Therefore, it is necessary to re-coat the walls with protective substances.
  2. When the walls are varnished, an indelible film remains on the wood, which protects the building from moisture and ultraviolet radiation. Before treating a wooden bath with varnish, take an interest in the properties of the protective film that it creates. If it is too stiff, it can tear and crumble when the structure shrinks or the wood naturally expands. For outdoor use, purchase varnishes that create an elastic film. Therefore, it is not recommended to cover the outside of the sauna with yacht varnish.
  3. For outdoor use it is recommended to use Aquatop 2920-04 varnish, which creates an elastic coating. The protection will last 15 years.
  4. Also, high-quality protective materials for wooden external walls are produced by well-known foreign companies Tikkurila, Pinotex, Remmers.
  5. From domestic, you can offer products from manufacturers Senezh, Aquatex, Rogneda.
  6. You can also use old means to protect log cabins. The most famous are drying oil from vegetable oils, tar and tar from charcoal. True, the appearance of the building will deteriorate slightly.
  7. Instead of varnish, the walls of the bath can be painted outside. The paint is chosen according to a similar principle - to retain water and ultraviolet light. Therefore, the darker the color, the better the protection. Apply the paint in several layers.

Types of antiseptics for a wooden bath

Steam room antiseptic and application brush
Steam room antiseptic and application brush

When buying an antiseptic, find out what type it belongs to:

  • Washable antiseptic … It is made on the basis of metal salts. Salts are washed out with water, so they are used to treat the interior of the bath - dressing room and living room. Washable ones are not used to cover the outside of the bath, the walls of the steam room and the washing room.
  • Difficult antiseptic … Designed for processing a log house from the outside. The substance contains oil and synthetics.
  • Short term antiseptic … It is used to cover individual surfaces of logs during construction.

When choosing antiseptics, remember that a quality antiseptic is expensive. Pay attention to the label: it must be written that the substance protects against all biological threats - mold, mildew, decay, etc.

Features of applying protective coatings for a wooden bath

Do-it-yourself wooden bath processing outside
Do-it-yourself wooden bath processing outside

The work is carried out immediately after the walls are erected, before caulking. If the procedure is postponed, cover the log house with foil to protect it from precipitation. Before impregnation, clean the walls from dust, you can use a vacuum cleaner. Make sure they are dry. Apply a protective agent to the log and brush over the surface with a brush. Let the impregnation dry and repeat the procedure.

The method of processing a wooden bath is chosen depending on the degree of readiness of the building. When the wall is ready, apply by brush or spray. Using a brush allows you to paint the entire structure without missing an inch of uncoated paint. Often the preparations are colored red or green in order to control the quality of the coating. But working with a brush is painstaking and takes a long time. Spraying allows you to get the job done faster, but the quality of the coating is lower.

On an erected log house, no more than 50% of the wall surface can be processed - only what is visible. Therefore, builders begin to process the logs even before they are laid. It is possible to lower a whole log into the bathroom for a specified period of time, which guarantees a high-quality coating of the entire surface and impregnation of the interior. To do this, you will need a large container where you can put a whole log, and a significant amount of impregnation.

In addition, diffuse antiseptic treatment is used, in which the surface of the logs is covered with a powdery or pasty substance with disinfecting properties.

The impregnation is applied to the walls in the following order:

  • Anti-fungus and moisture protection.
  • Liquid for the destruction of parasites.
  • Fireproof impregnation with antipyrine.

Features of protecting a wooden bath by applying special coatings, see the video:

Practice shows that a log house covered with protective means retains its original color and external beauty for a long time, and is not afraid of natural threats. It is better to spend a certain amount at the construction stage on the purchase of protective drugs, than later you will disassemble the structure and change rotten logs.
