How to cook crumbly buckwheat porridge

How to cook crumbly buckwheat porridge
How to cook crumbly buckwheat porridge

Buckwheat porridge is a very useful cereal, which, like oatmeal, can be boiled, steamed with water or milk, filled with kefir or fermented baked milk, etc. But in this review, you will learn how to make it crumbly.

Ready-to-use buckwheat porridge
Ready-to-use buckwheat porridge

Recipe content:

  • Ingredients
  • Step by step cooking
  • Video recipe

Cooking buckwheat porridge for an experienced housewife is not a complicated matter, which cannot be said about a beginner, who will benefit from our article. You can buy buckwheat in stores by weight, packaged or in portioned bags. The latter is especially convenient to prepare. It is easy to cook it: you throw the package into boiling water, wait for the indicated time on the package and take out the ready-made porridge. However, many still prefer the classic cooking method, the old-fashioned way. Moreover, it is not at all difficult, you just need to know the proportions of water and cereals, so that the output turns out to be either crumbly or viscous porridge.

There are many ways to cook buckwheat: in the oven, pots, microwave oven, double boiler, in a saucepan on the stove, milk, water. We will stop at the last cooking method. This porridge is perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner. It can be used in soups, cabbage rolls, risottos, pilaf, stuffed peppers, cutlets, buckwheat, baked desserts, etc. The main thing to remember is, if you want to be healthy, then include buckwheat in your daily diet. Since it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the human body.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 90 kcal.
  • Servings - 2
  • Cooking time - 25 minutes


  • Buckwheat - 1 glass
  • Drinking water - 2 glasses (no more, maybe even a little less)
  • Butter - 20 g
  • Salt - a pinch

Cooking crumbly buckwheat porridge

Buckwheat is sorted out
Buckwheat is sorted out

1. Before starting cooking, sort the buckwheat kernels and remove the pebbles. Sometimes they come across grains of millet, rice, etc., In general, thoroughly clean, removing all the garbage.

Buckwheat is fried
Buckwheat is fried

2. Place a dry frying pan on the stove and heat it up. Pierce the buckwheat lightly over medium heat, stirring constantly for about 5 minutes. For dark kernels, this process can be skipped, and light buckwheat, be sure to fry.

Buckwheat is washed under running water
Buckwheat is washed under running water

3. Then pour the cereals into a sieve and rinse well under running water. Wash out all dust by kneading the cereal with a spoon.

Buckwheat is cooked
Buckwheat is cooked

4. Pour cereals into a saucepan and cover with cold drinking water. If debris remains, it will float to the surface, so remove it with a slotted spoon. The amount of water should be exactly twice as much as buckwheat. That is, for 1 glass of cereal - 2 glasses of buckwheat. If there is more water, then the porridge will turn out to be watery and viscous.

Buckwheat is cooked
Buckwheat is cooked

5. Season the cereal with salt, cover the pot and cook the porridge after boiling for 15 minutes.

Added butter to the pan
Added butter to the pan

6. After boiling for 5 minutes, add a small piece of butter to the saucepan.

Porridge is cooked
Porridge is cooked

7. Continue to cook buckwheat until all the water has boiled out of the pan. After that, turn off the gas, and wrap the pan with a warm towel. Leave the porridge to blame and cook until cooked for 5-10 minutes.

Ready porridge
Ready porridge

8. Taste the food, salt if necessary. Add butter, stir and serve as a separate dish or with a meat garnish. It is also delicious to mix it with stewed meat or mushroom sauce.

See also a video recipe on how to properly cook buckwheat.

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