How to use camphor alcohol for acne?

How to use camphor alcohol for acne?
How to use camphor alcohol for acne?

The effectiveness of camphor alcohol for acne, a description of the cosmetic effect. List of useful properties, possible contraindications. Home remedies recipes with alcohol camphor. Camphor alcohol is a drug that is an alcoholic solution of camphor. The herbal preparation is generally available. It can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. Due to its properties, it is widely used in folk medicine and cosmetology. Despite the fact that the main indications for use are myalgia, bedsores, arthritis and rheumatism, camphor with alcohol is very often recommended for the treatment of problem skin, namely to combat acne. But before dousing yourself with such a useful and natural preparation, you should study it in more detail. This article describes the beneficial properties and precautions, lists the contraindications for use and describes some healing recipes to combat acne.

Does camphor alcohol help acne?

Camphor alcohol
Camphor alcohol

Of course, camphor alcohol has a huge range of useful properties, is a very effective drug, and therefore is very popular. Due to its availability and low cost, it is widely used in traditional medicine recipes. However, it cannot be called universal. Men and women who used this drug to eliminate acne on the face, in their comments, were divided into two camps: for some it helped to completely solve the problem, for others, on the contrary, it brought a lot of trouble without getting rid of the hated acne.

The opinions of doctors regarding the effectiveness of the drug are also divided. In some cases, the result is visible after a couple of days. In others, the effect quickly disappears, or the drug leads to undesirable results altogether. In fact, the reason for the weak effectiveness or negative effect is a violation of the rules of use or an overdose of the drug.

Initially, indications for the use of camphor alcohol in terms of eliminating skin problems are:

  • Clogged pores, blackheads on the nose, chin and forehead;
  • Violation of blood circulation in the soft tissues of the skin;
  • Premature aging of the epidermis and deeper tissues;
  • The presence of certain skin diseases, such as neurodermatitis.

But we should not forget that the same problem can affect completely different people. It should be understood that it is safest to use camphor alcohol to treat normal or oily skin. Due to some properties of the drug, namely the presence of alcohol in the composition, it is not recommended to use it for sensitive skin.

To make the right choice - to use camphor alcohol for acne or find another remedy, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the beneficial properties and existing contraindications. Compare all the pros and cons.

It should be noted that an alcoholic camphor solution at home is used exclusively externally! Before use, it is imperative to conduct a test for the individual tolerance of the drug. This will be the key to safe use and getting the maximum benefit.

Benefits of camphor alcohol for acne

What camphor alcohol looks like
What camphor alcohol looks like

The high efficiency of acne treatment with camphor alcohol is justified by a complex of healing properties, which is provided by its constituent substances, namely ethyl alcohol and camphor. It should be understood that they work according to the principle of synergistic action, when each component not only performs a number of its functions, but also contributes to the highest efficiency of the second. So, the alcohol base allows you to preserve the second ingredient in its original form and prevent changes in the composition of the drug, i.e. acts as a kind of preservative. Also, alcohol enhances some of the properties of camphor.

In general, this drug, when applied externally, has a versatile beneficial effect, namely:

  1. Anti-inflammatory … Penetrating into the upper layer of the epithelium, camphor alcohol neutralizes the inflammatory process. Redness of the skin gradually decreases. Under the influence of the substance, the edema of the tissues decreases by preventing the destruction of proteins and the blockade of the decomposition of salts.
  2. Antibacterial … Camphor is an excellent antiseptic that not only kills a variety of bacteria, but also successfully eliminates fungal microorganisms.
  3. Tonic … Responsible for toning is camphor, which has a specific odor that can excite the nervous system. On the skin, this property is manifested due to the excitation of sensitive nerve endings, followed by vasodilation.
  4. Analgesic … Eliminating itching, relieving pain and discomfort is also possible when using camphor alcohol.
  5. Drying … The alcohol contained in the product cleanses the skin well, binds excess fat and slightly slows down the secretion of the sebaceous glands.
  6. Normalizing microcirculation … This useful property is possible due to the ability of the substance to inhibit, i.e. block, platelet adhesion and blood clots. After penetration into the skin, blood circulation is normalized, due to which the delivery of nutrients, including oxygen, is improved, as well as the removal of decay products and all harmful substances from the tissues is stimulated.

When used correctly and dosed, camphor alcohol produces an amazing cosmetic effect: it tightens pores, rejuvenates the skin, whitens the epidermis, lightens scars, and mattifies.

Contraindications to the use of camphor alcohol for acne on the face

Disease dermatitis
Disease dermatitis

When purchasing any remedy, especially when it comes to medications, you should carefully read the instructions and application features in order to avoid negative consequences.

An alcoholic solution of camphor should be used with caution in the following cases:

  • Children under 3 years of age and diagnosed epilepsy … Improper use of camphor alcohol can cause seizures or epileptic shock.
  • Carrying a fetus or breastfeeding … The active substances contained in the preparation are capable of penetrating the placenta, and therefore directly into the fetus. This can lead to irreversible disturbances in the development of the fetus.
  • Hypersensitivity to the drug … Both camphor and alcohol can provoke an allergic reaction, skin rashes and even hives. In more severe cases of intolerance, anaphylactic shock or burns are possible.
  • Dermatitis and violation of the integrity of the skin … Contact with an alcohol solution on an open wound will negatively affect its healing, can lead to corroded edges and the formation of ulcers that are difficult to heal.

As practice shows, in the absence of contraindications for use and correct use, camphor alcohol is safe, and side effects are extremely rare. However, there are no absolutely harmless substances, so you should strictly adhere to the instructions and rules for use.

There are a number of peculiarities in using this tool:

  1. Camphor alcohol is not used concurrently with homeopathic medicines, becauseit neutralizes their effect.
  2. You can not apply an alcoholic solution of camphor to the face in its pure form, because it is capable of causing thermal burns. Application is possible only pointwise, directly on the affected area.
  3. Frequent use of the product can disrupt the functioning of the sebaceous glands and worsen the condition of the skin.

Features of the use of camphor alcohol for acne

To maximize effectiveness and minimize risk, camphor alcohol should be used in combination with other beneficial substances. At the moment, there are many recipes based on this drug to combat acne on the face. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most popular options and choose the most suitable one.

Anti-acne talker with camphor alcohol

Applying a talker with camphor alcohol
Applying a talker with camphor alcohol

To obtain a medication with an individual composition, you can take a prescription from a dermatologist. He will indicate which components should be present in the finished product. For this purpose, some pharmacies can make this remedy, but recently the demand for this type of service has been declining. For this reason, it is much easier to prepare the chatterbox yourself.

There are two of the most common ways to make a camphor alcohol pimple maker:

  • First chatterbox recipe … Ingredients: 1 tablet of chloramphenicol, 1 tablet of streptocide, 100 ml of camphor alcohol. To prepare a tablet, it is necessary to grind to a powdery state, add alcohol to them and mix thoroughly. This volume is enough for several full-fledged treatments. It is better to store such a composition in the refrigerator, and be sure to shake it before applying. The tool is used for spot treatment of small rashes or single pimples.
  • Second chatterbox recipe … It is simpler. It requires the following ingredients: camphor alcohol, boric alcohol and salicylic acid in liquid form. All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. The treatment also provides for spot application. For this purpose, it is most convenient to use an ear stick. The frequency of application is several times a day.

Camphor Alcohol Acne Lotion

Preparing camphor alcohol lotion
Preparing camphor alcohol lotion

To make the lotion, you should take 50 ml of camphor alcohol, 50 ml of alcohol calendula and 100 ml of purified or boiled water. All ingredients are mixed with each other and poured into a convenient bottle. Safe storage is carried out both in the refrigerator and at room temperature.

This tool is recommended to wipe not only the skin on the face. You can also process the neckline, back, forearm.

The lotion is able to quickly relieve inflammation, significantly reduce the number of acne. However, it should be applied no more than 10 days.

Acne soap with camphor alcohol

Making soap with camphor alcohol
Making soap with camphor alcohol

Camphor soap is prepared from the following ingredients: glycerin soap - 0.5 bar, 1 tablespoon of camphor alcohol and 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide.

First, grate the glycerin soap, add camphor alcohol and hydrogen peroxide to it. Heat the mixture on a steam bath until a homogeneous gelatinous mass is formed. Remember to mix thoroughly. Then pour into a mold and cool at room temperature. The soap thickens pretty quickly.

Such a remedy has an excellent antiseptic effect and, at the same time, moisturizes well, blocking the evaporation of moisture from the skin.

Camphor soap is used for washing. To achieve the effect and reduce the risk of side effects, one use per day is enough.

Acne cream with camphor alcohol

Preparation of camphor alcohol cream
Preparation of camphor alcohol cream

Oddly enough, a cream with the addition of camphor alcohol is also prepared on the basis of soap.

For its preparation, it is better to use baby soap without fragrances and dyes. Grate the floor of a piece and add a tablespoon of camphor alcohol, the same amount of alcohol calendula, 8-10 drops of orange oil or tea tree oil. Heat the resulting mixture over low heat and apply after cooling.

If you want to get rid of freckles or age spots, add lemon essential oil or chamomile tea to any product.

For those with dry skin, camphor alcohol-based products can be detrimental. they have a pronounced drying effect. In this case, it is necessary to add moisturizing oils or use an additional cream. And in case of negative manifestations, it is better to refuse to use the product altogether. How to use camphor alcohol for acne - watch the video:

Camphor alcohol is certainly effective in treating acne and other negative manifestations of the upper layer of the epidermis. It copes well with pathogenic bacteria, removes excess fat, which has a positive effect on the condition of problem skin. But do not forget that a number of internal diseases can serve as the cause of rashes, so before using it, be sure to consult a doctor or beautician.