How to use camphor oil for hair

How to use camphor oil for hair
How to use camphor oil for hair

The article discusses the useful properties of camphor oil for hair, as well as contraindications to the use of the product. There are recipes, features of the preparation of masks with camphor and the rules for their application. Camphor hair oil is an extract from the leaves, stems and bark of camphor native to Japan. The medicinal properties of the oil have been known for a long time. It is used for skin and hair health and for oral administration.

Useful properties of camphor oil for hair

Camphor oil
Camphor oil

There are two types of remedy: a solution of camphor extract in mineral or vegetable oil, or an essential oil extracted from a plant by extraction. The second type is much more expensive, since the product is very concentrated, it is not used in its pure form.

The use of camphor oil lies in its following properties:

  • Relieves painful sensations in case of skin damage.
  • Reduces itching. This is due to the stimulation of the skin's cold receptors.
  • Improves blood circulation by penetrating into the deep layers of the skin.
  • Removes swelling. This occurs as a result of stimulation of the hair follicles.
  • Activates metabolic processes. This is due to the presence of useful amino acids in the oil, which are involved in chemical reactions.
  • Improves the condition of the epidermis. With regular use, it is possible to get rid of seborrhea and dandruff.
  • Stimulates hair growth. Amino acids and antibiotics penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, saturating it with vitamins.
  • Moisturizes the scalp. The constituent oils hold water and prevent it from evaporating.

The composition and characteristics of the components of camphor oil

Camphor laurel
Camphor laurel

Camphor oil has healing properties due to its unique composition.

Composition of camphor oil:

  1. Camphor … Copes with seborrhea, excessive flaking of the scalp. Thanks to this substance, dandruff and itching disappear.
  2. Vegetable oil … This component prevents moisture evaporation, therefore it is used for moisturizing.
  3. Safrole … It is a natural antibiotic that disinfects the skin and kills the main types of pathogenic microorganisms and fungi.
  4. Camphene … It is a natural hair growth stimulant. He repairs split ends, as if gluing them together.
  5. Cineol … Quite a rare substance that is found only in some plants. This component strengthens the roots and stimulates growth. It is often used to treat alopecia (baldness).
  6. Bisabolol … Laminates strands, as it is a natural protein. Thanks to this, the hair becomes soft and shiny.

Thanks to such a unique composition, camphor oil allows you to get rid of many hair problems.

Indications and contraindications for using camphor oil for hair

Hair loss
Hair loss

Let us consider in more detail what are the indications for the use of camphor:

  • Excessive sebum production … Because of this, the curls always seem to stick together and quickly become dirty.
  • Dry scalp … The product does not allow moisture evaporation, so the curls do not dry out.
  • Hair loss … Camphor nourishes the roots and prevents hair loss.
  • Rare hair … The oil stimulates the growth of hair and regenerates damaged hair follicles.
  • Very damaged curls … The product strengthens the roots, nourishes the ends and envelops the hairs. They are in a kind of "cocoon" that prevents their further damage.
  • Seborrhea … Camphor with this ailment removes excess fat and heals cracks.

Despite its beneficial properties, camphor oil is a specific product. It may not suit you personally. There are contraindications to the use of the substance, which are as follows:

  1. Pregnancy … At this time, the woman's scent is sharpened, and the product does not have the most pleasant smell. Accordingly, masks with this agent can cause vomiting and nausea.
  2. Hypertension … People with high blood pressure should also stop using camphor for their hair. It irritates the respiratory tract and can provoke a hypertensive crisis.
  3. Epilepsy … People with this disease should stop using camphor because of the possibility of a resumption of attacks.
  4. Respiratory system diseases … If you have asthma or chronic tracheitis, stop using camphor. Its vapors, penetrating the respiratory tract, can cause spasms and a barking dry cough. It can provoke croup (choking).
  5. Allergy … If you are prone to allergies, do not use the product. It can cause a rash and even Quincke's edema.
  6. Age up to 5 years … Children are prohibited from using camphor.

Perform a test before using the camphor oil blend. Just apply a little of the substance to the elbow and leave it on for 30 minutes. Examine the application site carefully. If you notice redness or itching, stop using this substance.

Camphor oil hair mask recipes

Masks with this substance can be a real salvation, especially if you have oily scalp. The remedy will also help with loss. With it, you will restore hair growth.

Hair mask with camphor oil to combat oiliness

Decoction of chamomile flowers
Decoction of chamomile flowers

These masks usually contain natural acids. They are introduced in the form of gruel or juice from raw fruits. An egg is also often added to products for oily hair. It removes any dirt well.

Recipes for masks for oily hair:

  • With egg … You need to grind the yolk in a bowl. You should get a yellow foam. Add 40 ml of kefir or yogurt to it and beat well. Pour in 15 ml of camphor oil. This composition is applied to dirty curls. It is necessary to wrap everything with foil and a towel. Leave it on for 55 minutes. Wash thoroughly with shampoo. The balm does not need to be used.
  • With lemon … Pour 25 ml of camphor into a bowl and place in a container of hot water. When the oil is warm, add a whole egg and 20 ml of lemon pulp. Apply to curls before washing for 30 minutes, warming with a towel.
  • With a decoction of herbs … Brew a strong decoction of chamomile flowers. Pour 20 ml of oil and broth into a bowl. Stir and add the banana puree. You can simply crush the fruit with a fork. Apply the viscous porridge to the curls and leave for 45 minutes. Cover your head with a bag to prevent the mixture from falling off your hair.

Masks with camphor oil for hair growth

Ground red pepper
Ground red pepper

In the composition of products for stimulating hair growth, irritating components are usually present. These are mustard, red pepper and other spices. They stimulate blood circulation, so hair growth is activated.

Several recipes for masks with camphor to stimulate hair growth:

  1. With red pepper … Beat the egg yolk with 15 ml of sesame oil. When the fat stops separating from the egg, pour in 20 ml of camphor oil and add a spoonful of ground hot pepper. Prefer chili peppers. Apply the mixture to the roots and insulate. Keep it on for 20 minutes. If the mixture burns badly, remove it from the curls immediately. Rinse off the mask with shampoo.
  2. With vodka … To prepare the mixture, pour 20 ml of oil into a bowl and add 10 ml of pepper vodka to it. After that, pour in another 20 ml of olive oil. After mixing, you will get a greasy, flowing liquid. It is applied mainly to the roots. You can rub in the solution. Cover the mask with cellophane and rest for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and rinse with chamomile broth.
  3. With cognac … Add a spoonful of bee nectar to a bowl and submerge it in a container of hot water. You must liquidate the honey. After the honey becomes fluid, pour 20 ml of camphor and 4 capsules of vitamin A into it. Use your fingertips to rub the liquid into your scalp. Leave it on for 30 minutes. Rinse off and rinse with cold water.
  4. With onion … Peel the onion and chop it in a blender or meat grinder. Mix a spoonful of onion gruel with 25 ml of camphor and 10 g of mustard powder. Add a little water to make a thin porridge. Drive the mixture into the roots and let sit for 20 minutes. Wash with shampoo.

Night hair masks with camphor for hair loss

Camphor oil and lemon for the preparation of the mask
Camphor oil and lemon for the preparation of the mask

Compositions that treat alopecia are usually used at bedtime. It is desirable that the healing mixture be on the roots for at least 6 hours. During this time, the main ingredient penetrates into the follicles and nourishes them. Even follicles, in which hair does not grow for a long time, come to life. Over time, you will see a thick undercoat.

Recipes for masks for hair loss with camphor:

  • With lemon … Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a bowl and add 30 g of camphor oil. Mix well and rub into roots. Tie curls into a ponytail and wrap with plastic wrap. Wrap up with a towel and go to bed. Wash your hair in the morning. It is advisable to do the mask daily for about two weeks.
  • With burdock oil and vitamins … Use a blend of these oils to stimulate hair growth. Pour 20 ml of burdock, olive, camphor oils into a bowl and squeeze out the contents of 3 capsules of vitamin E. Rub the oil into the roots and wrap with cellophane. Rinse off with shampoo in the morning.
  • With onion … Grate the onion and place the gruel on cheesecloth. Squeeze out the juice and mix with camphor oil. Add some castor oil. Rub the liquid into the roots, and distribute the rest over the entire length of the strands. Wrap with a towel and leave overnight. Wash with shampoo in the morning.
  • With rosemary … Pour 20 ml of camphor and castor oil into a cup. Add grated rosemary and 5 drops of almond extract. Rub the oily liquid into your skin and keep it on overnight. Wash your hair in the morning.
  • With mustard … Pour hot water over a spoonful of mustard powder and stir. Pour 25 ml of camphor and a spoonful of liquid bee nectar into the resulting gruel. Using your fingertips, spread the product over the hair growth area. Leave it on for 25 minutes.

Masks with camphor oil for hair from seborrhea

Sulfuric ointment
Sulfuric ointment

Seborrhea is a condition characterized by itching and flaking of the scalp. At the same time, the sebaceous glands produce a lot of fat. Despite the dryness of the skin, the hair looks clumpy and unwashed. They grow fat in a day, so you have to wash your head every day.

Recipes for masks for seborrhea with camphor:

  1. With green clay … Place a bag of green clay powder in a bowl. Add water to form a gruel. Add 15 ml of camphor. Stir again and apply to roots for 20 minutes. Better insulate your mask. Wash with balm-free shampoo.
  2. With sulfuric ointment … Add 25 ml of camphor oil and 10 ml of salicylic alcohol to a container. Add half a teaspoon of sulfuric ointment. Stir and rub the mixture into the roots. Cover with plastic wrap and let sit for 20 minutes. Wash with warm water and rinse with oak bark broth.
  3. With protein … Turn the chicken protein into a fluffy foam. Pour 15 ml of oil into the foam. Rub into the skin, massaging it thoroughly. Roll in a bag and leave for 40 minutes. Rinse off with shampoo.

Anti-dandruff camphor hair masks

Coconut oil
Coconut oil

Due to the presence of nutrients in the oil, the skin ceases to dry out. As a result, dandruff can be easily dealt with. The masks usually contain vegetable oils, fruits and honey. They also moisturize the skin.

Recipes for dandruff masks with camphor:

  • With apple … Grate the apple and add 25 ml of camphor oil to it. Pour some grape seed oil into the gruel. Rub into the roots. You need to leave it under the foil for 40 minutes. The product does not burn or drip from the hair. Wash off as usual.
  • With honey and cream … Heat the bee nectar and add 25 g of cream to it. After receiving the gruel, add 15 ml of camphor and a pinch of salt. The mixture should be applied to the skin and kept for 25 minutes. Repeat, preferably every other day.
  • With coconut oil … Combine 80 ml of coconut oil and 30 ml of camphor in a bowl. Pour the mixture into a bottle and refrigerate. The tool needs to soak cotton wool and wipe the skin. The procedure takes 30 minutes. Use 3 times in 7 days.
  • With orange … To prepare the remedy, cut the citrus in half and remove the pulp with a spoon. Add 25 ml of camphor and a spoonful of liquid honey to the fruit mass. Stir and rub into roots. You need to keep it for 30 minutes, warming it with a towel.
  • With oatmeal … Pour a handful of oatmeal into a blender and powder. Add water to make a porridge. Pour in 30 ml of camphor oil. Place this thick mixture over the roots and wrap in a bag. Leave it on for 40 minutes. This mask perfectly exfoliates dead skin particles.

Rules for using camphor oil for hair

Hair mask
Hair mask

First, get a bottle of valuable liquid. The smell of the product can be pleasant or rich in camphor. It is best if the jar is made of brown glass. The shelf life should be minimal. Pay attention to the country of origin, it is better to purchase the product from those manufacturers in whose countries the camphor tree grows.

Tips for using camphor for hair:

  1. The product is more actively absorbed into the skin if it is slightly warmed up. Do not use open fire for this. Heat in a water bath.
  2. It is advisable to apply camphor masks 2 times a week. Anti-hair loss mixtures can be used daily.
  3. Usually the product is applied to dry or slightly damp curls. After washing, camphor should not be used.
  4. The composition of the masks should be changed every 10 procedures. This prevents addiction.
  5. Masks can be applied to hair or skin. Study the recipes carefully.
  6. Before using the new compound, be sure to test it on the bend of your arm.

How to make masks with camphor for hair - watch the video:

Camphor oil is an inexpensive but very effective hair regrowth remedy. The substance is indispensable for baldness and seborrhea.
