How to use aspirin for acne?

How to use aspirin for acne?
How to use aspirin for acne?

Why is aspirin used for acne? Useful properties and harm. Subtleties of application, recipes for face masks, results and reviews.

Aspirin for acne is a kind of lifesaver for problem skin. It is widely used in cosmetology, both industrial and home. Although the first association that occurs when the name "acetylsalicylic acid" is associated, of course, with medicine. The drug is used at elevated temperatures, pain syndrome, for blood thinning and even as a means of preventing oncology. The prototype of aspirin has been known since 1838, and the mass production of the drug began in 1899. Since then, the composition of the tablets has not changed.

Does aspirin help for acne?

Acne Aspirin Face Mask
Acne Aspirin Face Mask

Acne occurs where the pores are clogged with dirt and sebum. In this place, the inflammatory process begins, redness, a tubercle appears, and a viscous white mass "ripens" inside. Another cause of acne and acne can be bacteria and other pathogens. If they manage to penetrate into the pore, the process of reproduction begins, and the products of their vital activity provoke unaesthetic inflammatory processes on the face.

You can get rid of acne with aspirin thanks to its main component - salicylic acid. It improves blood flow to problem areas and the skin is more nourished faster. As a result, the work of the sebaceous glands returns to normal. Acne dries up, redness becomes not so bright, and eventually disappear altogether.

Salicylic acid is so effective that many face care manufacturers add it to their products. Only the concentration of the "magic" component there is small: up to 40% in scrubs and only 10-15% in cleansing cosmetic compositions. That is, store tubes and jars really help in the fight against acne. But this path may be longer than the external use of aspirin tablets.

However, it is important to understand that pure salicylic acid cannot be used as a face care product. Even a 1% solution can dry out the skin and provoke a deterioration in the dermis. In addition, the chemical does not know how to independently recognize beneficial and harmful bacteria, which means that it can be used in cosmetology only in combination with other components.

Benefits of aspirin for acne

Aspirin for acne
Aspirin for acne

The price of aspirin for acne is about 300 rubles

Conventional tablets are not completely soluble in water. Therefore, home cosmetics based on them will always have a scrub effect. Such peeling does not contain large abrasive particles, like some ready-made exfoliating products, therefore it is less traumatic to the skin. Grains of medicine will help to gently remove the stratum corneum and thus open access to clogged pores.

What other problems can be solved with acetylsalicylic acid:

  • Acne, acne and traces of them;
  • Black spots;
  • Enlarged pores;
  • Swelling and irritation;
  • Partially pigmented spots;
  • Oily skin shine;
  • Pain and discomfort in acne foci. The tool reduces sensitivity, relief comes within half an hour after the procedure.

The advantage of aspirin is also called its anti-aging properties. However, this is a delusion. The feeling of lifting arises from the cleaning and healing of the skin. The face becomes smooth, with a uniform pleasant color, but the wrinkles will not go anywhere. The tightening effect is minimal and wears off quickly.

Who is aspirin for acne on the face and other skin problems indicated?

  • People with oily dermis;
  • Those who have a broken skin structure;
  • Those who suffer from frequent facial redness;
  • People with an earthy skin tone.

Acetylsalicylic acid can help fight acne if the problem is caused by inflammation of the clogged pores. But if the abundance of acne is caused by allergies, the body's reaction to severe stress or other psychological reasons, the skin will have to be treated with other methods.

Contraindications and harm of aspirin

Breastfeeding as a contraindication to acne aspirin
Breastfeeding as a contraindication to acne aspirin

Like any medication, acetylsalicylic acid can provoke negative reactions in the body. If earlier, when taking it, there were unpleasant consequences, you should even abandon the external use of this medication. In addition, it is worth stopping the use of aspirin for acne at home if the cosmetic mask begins to pinch, bake the skin, and also when new redness appears after the procedure.

Contraindications for applying aspirin to the skin:

  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding period … The chemical will inevitably enter the bloodstream and affect the child.
  • Fresh wounds, burns, cuts and similar damage to the dermis … Any cosmetics, even medicinal ones, cannot be applied to such areas, since there is a risk of infection and inflammation. The exceptions are the healing ointments prescribed by the doctor.
  • Recent epilation … Hair removal is directly related to micro-injuries of the skin. This means that the dermis has become extremely vulnerable.
  • Thin, very dry and hypersensitive skin … For her, aspirin is dangerous even more dryness and premature aging.
  • Dilated capillaries on the face, vascular network … Acetylsalicylic acid is capable of thinning the blood, so it can aggravate the defect.
  • Fresh tan … One of the topical properties of aspirin is dermis whitening. It is possible that instead of an even swarthy tone, you will get skin areas of different shades.
  • Rehabilitation period after surgery … Any impact on injured areas can slow down cell regeneration, which means it is undesirable if it is not a doctor's prescription.

A negative consequence of the active use of aspirin against acne can be cell depletion and the appearance of a vascular pattern on the face. To avoid this, periodically change the composition of the masks: try oil, fermented milk, herbal and other ingredients.

How to use aspirin for acne correctly?

Aspirin mask to eliminate acne
Aspirin mask to eliminate acne

There are three types of aspirin available in pharmacies: instant, cardio aspirin, and regular acetylsalicylic acid tablets. For home skin cleansing, you need the latter option.

To obtain a mass suitable for a cosmetic procedure, the pill will have to be crushed. If there is no mortar at hand, wrap the medicine in paper and go over the top with a rolling pin or bottle to get a fine powder. To it, according to the recipes, you need to add water. Use filtered or boiled. The liquid should be lukewarm, about 35 degrees.

Another way to make a paste from a tablet is to sprinkle it with a few drops of water. After a minute, the pill will soften, and it will be easy to knead it with a spoon.

Before using the aspirin acne mask for the first time, you should test the resulting product. Apply a small part of it to the crook of your elbow and wait about 20 minutes. If after rinsing the skin condition does not change, you can safely spread the composition on your face. When even a slight reaction manifests itself - redness, rashes, burning, it is better to refuse the remedy.

For the spa procedure to be successful, the face needs to be prepared. At the very least - to cleanse of decorative cosmetics and impurities. The maximum program is to steam the skin so that the pores can open. By the way, funds based on acetylsalicylic acid can be used not only on the face, but also in other areas where inflammation appears at the site of clogged pores - on the shoulders, back, neck, and décolleté.

The mask can be applied pointwise, only on the foci of inflammation, or on the whole face. The product should not be kept on the skin for more than 20 minutes, otherwise there is a risk of overdrying the skin. And it is absolutely contraindicated to leave the aspirin mass on the body for the whole night. So you can achieve a burn of the dermis, and not its recovery.

Cleaning is recommended in the evening, a couple of hours before bedtime. This is due to the fact that immediately after the mask, the skin becomes vulnerable to sunlight. If the procedure took place during the day and you just need to go outside, use a sunscreen.

The effect of the mask is fully felt 4 hours after its application. But a one-time treatment, of course, will not have a lasting effect on acne and sebum. Experts recommend using acetylsalicylic acid in courses: 1-2 cleanings per week, so that 6-10 masks are obtained as a result. Then take a month off and repeat if necessary.

Acne aspirin mask recipes

Aspirin mask for acne
Aspirin mask for acne

Pictured is a mask with aspirin for acne

Over the hundred-year history of acetylsalicylic acid, dozens of formulas for cleansing masks have been developed with its participation. Each composition is aimed at a specific action and turns out to be really effective if you strictly observe the dosage of the components and take into account the peculiarities of your own skin.

Recipes for complex masks with aspirin for acne on the face:

  1. To strengthen blood vessels … Add a little water to 20 g of potato starch to turn it into gruel. Crush three acetyl tablets. Melt 25 g of honey. Mix all components with 15 ml of sea buckthorn oil. Apply to skin for 10-12 minutes.
  2. For drying rashes … Dissolve 3 aspirin tablets in a few drops of water. Combine with 20 g of unsweetened plain yogurt and 15 g of white or pink clay. Keep it on your face for no more than a quarter of an hour.
  3. For skin whitening … Mix 15 g of grated lemon zest, the same amount of cocoa butter, one tablespoon of any vegetable oil, 3 dissolved acetyl, a drop of rosewood and geranium essential oil. After 10 minutes of skin contact, wash off the mask with strong green tea leaves.
  4. For plentiful acne … To the mass of two aspirins, add a teaspoon of liquid honey, 4 g each of blue clay and salt, 3 drops of lemon juice. Apply for 20 minutes.
  5. Against greasy shine … Mix the softened tablet with a teaspoon of freshly squeezed aloe juice. Keep on the body for up to 20 minutes.
  6. For inflammation of the skin … Combine a teaspoon of lemon juice and cottage cheese (can be replaced with kefir), add three aspirin tablets. Wash off your face after 20 minutes.
  7. For exfoliation and antibacterial effect … Dissolve five tablets to a dry paste. Leave it on your face for 10 minutes. Then dilute a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Soak a tissue in this liquid and wipe the aspirin off your skin. Finally, wash yourself with clean water.

Acetylsalicylic acid can cause dry skin. Therefore, after applying the mask, be sure to use a moisturizer.

Results of using aspirin for acne

Results of using aspirin for acne
Results of using aspirin for acne

If you follow all the rules, cleansing your face with acetyl will give almost the same effect as a salon procedure. It is much cheaper to remove acne with aspirin only at home.

In addition to getting rid of acne, the following result is guaranteed:

  • velvety to the touch and smoother surface of the face;
  • reducing inflammation;
  • partial elimination of age spots;
  • cleansing pores, especially if you combine acetylsalicylic acid with activated carbon;
  • a fresher look of the face.

In addition, an aspirin mask, with regular use, can suppress further maturation and growth of purulent boils.

But if you do not use such a tool systematically, the black dots will most likely return soon. The fact is that aspirin does not completely dissolve the contents of a clogged pore, but removes only the top, which, upon contact with air, oxidized and acquired a dark color. In the future, the remnants of the cork will darken again, so it is important not to forget about timely cleaning.

Real reviews of aspirin for acne

Reviews of aspirin for acne
Reviews of aspirin for acne

To finally decide whether to make masks with acetylsalicylic acid for yourself, you should familiarize yourself with the assessments of girls who have already tried this remedy. On the Internet, aspirin for acne collects reviews mostly positive. An unpleasant experience of use is most often associated with overexposure of the mask on the face or non-compliance with the prescription.

Karina, 26 years old

I tried many recipes for aspirin masks. I didn't like it with sour cream. After the Greek yogurt mask, it was red as cancer. A vegetable oil mask is still disgusting. Terrible smell and unpleasant feeling of oily face. Therefore, I began to smear with pure aspirin diluted with water. It always helped, but not lightning fast. And then the day before the wedding, a pimple popped up in the middle of his forehead. In a panic, I decided to leave the aspirin for the whole night. He dried the pimple, but with it and the skin, to a yellow color. Be careful not to repeat this.

Valentina, 35 years old

I love making a mask with aspirin and honey. I leave it on for 4 minutes, then I massage my face according to the Tanako method and hold the mask for another 5 minutes. Sometimes it tingles perceptibly, then I wash it off faster. If in general it stays on the skin for more than 15 minutes, the mask dries up and the face then turns red. But if you do not get distracted by extraneous matters, as a result, at the place of acne, the skin becomes less embossed, and the age spots lighten a little.

Julia, 28 years old

I have mixed skin, often there are rashes, acne, irritation. In recent months I have been making masks with aspirin and activated charcoal. The condition of the face has improved markedly, the skin is smooth, fresh, redness is not so obvious. There are fewer pimples, they dry up quickly, but they have not disappeared at all. I still don’t notice that the pores have significantly narrowed. Perhaps, it will take more time, I will continue home cleaning.

How aspirin is used against acne - watch the video:

As you can see, aspirin is a fairly effective remedy for acne, helping many to restore the attractiveness of the skin of the face. However, if after several procedures there is no positive effect, it is worth looking for the cause of the rash deeper. An experienced dermatologist or general practitioner can help with this. Without their advice, continued use of salicylic acid can have a negative effect on the skin.