How to get rid of red stretch marks on the body

How to get rid of red stretch marks on the body
How to get rid of red stretch marks on the body

Symptoms and causes of red stretch marks on the body. Cosmetological and medical procedures to eliminate the defect, a selection of special exercises, recipes for folk remedies and advice on the use of ointments, gels and creams. Red stretch marks are an unnatural phenomenon for humans, which, nevertheless, is quite widespread. Most often, such a defect attacks women, but there are many "victims" among men. It can be eliminated both in a beauty center and at home.

What red stretch marks look like

What red stretch marks look like on the body
What red stretch marks look like on the body

These are stripes on the skin 1 to 5 mm wide and 1-10 cm long, resembling a scar, burn, or the most common scar. They can be positioned both vertically and horizontally.

Usually there are a lot of them on the body, but sometimes there is a single defect covering the abdomen, buttocks, chest, legs, less often the back and arms. Red lines appear mainly in the areas with the greatest stretch of the skin, where it sags.

In medicine, such stretch marks are usually called striae, which are the result of tissue injury or subcutaneous fatty tissue. Sometimes this term is understood as strip-like atrophy of the skin. For areas with this defect, a slight relief is characteristic, the skin may be slightly bumpy or pulled in. Under pressure, it becomes possible to "fall through".

At the very beginning, about the first few months, stretch marks are called young and have a bright, saturated color, but over time they often lighten. At the same time, the stripes can increase in size and merge into a single whole, forming unaesthetic spots. Note! The red color of stretch marks is associated with their location in the area of blood vessels.

Why do red stretch marks appear?

Red stretch marks on the legs
Red stretch marks on the legs

Genetic predisposition is of great importance here. Most of all, pregnant women, athletes and people who are rapidly gaining body weight are susceptible to this. Often, those who decide to lose weight quickly, by several kilograms at once, are faced with this. Red striae become due to the fact that during a small rupture in the tissues, the upper small capillaries burst.

Consider the causes of red striae, taking into account the affected area:

  • Red stretch marks on the pope … Such a scenario of the development of events can take place during active exercises in the gym, the purpose of which is to strengthen the muscles. In this case, the skin simply does not have time to tighten so quickly, as a result of which numerous microtraumas arise in it. First of all, this applies to those whose fabrics are not very elastic.
  • Red stretch marks on the legs … They are usually the result of filling the voids under the skin with connective tissue due to impaired synthesis of collagen and elastin. Often, such a defect is formed against the background of microtraumas in the subcutaneous fat, which entailed rupture of the capillaries. There are a lot of them in the lower extremities, so small internal bleeding is quite common.
  • Red stretch marks on the abdomen … This place is most vulnerable, since fluctuations in weight are reflected in it first of all. It is also important here that it is in this area that the largest fat layer falls. Due to weight loss, the skin sags, and most often this leads to the formation of red stripes in the navel area.
  • Red stretch marks on the chest … In girls, they often appear during puberty, when hormonal balance is disturbed. This is also facilitated by prolonged breastfeeding and the refusal to wear special bras after childbirth. With the help of such underwear, the loss of skin elasticity is prevented, which is the key to successful prevention of striae.
  • Red stretch marks on the hips … This is mainly due to the fact that a lot of fat accumulates here, and when a person loses weight, it quickly dissolves. As a result, voids are formed and the skin is injured. The flabbiness of the muscular frame, associated with the lack of adequate physical activity, may well provoke such a phenomenon.

Note! Endocrine diseases, metabolic disorders, a slowdown in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, and a deficiency of moisture in the tissues are predisposed to the appearance of such stretch marks.

How to remove red stretch marks on the body

To solve the problem, you can use both folk methods and official medical methods. It can be various cosmetology and physiotherapy procedures, massage, medicinal creams and ointments. At home, it is recommended to do wraps and apply self-prepared creams to the body. In the most extreme case, when none of the above methods helps, a surgical operation is already prescribed.

How to get rid of red stretch marks with cosmetic procedures

Laser resurfacing of red stretch marks
Laser resurfacing of red stretch marks

Here, the effect of a laser or heat, the introduction of medicinal preparations under the skin, or the use of ultrasound will be effective. The purpose of this is to normalize the production of collagen and elastin to fill the voids in the tissues, as well as tighten them. Usually the course consists of 5-10 sessions, and each of them takes about 20 minutes. Let's describe in more detail all the possible methods:

  1. Plasmolifting … During this procedure, the patient is injected subcutaneously into the desired areas with his own plasma. It is completely painless and requires a maximum of 5 minutes. To achieve success, 2-3 sessions are enough. This method is excluded during pregnancy and during menstruation.
  2. Laser resurfacing … This is a hardware procedure that involves the penetration of the beam into the tissue to a depth of 3-5 mm. It starts the processes of cell regeneration and accelerates the smoothing of the skin. For this, the beautician is required to visit 5-6 times with a break of 3-4 days. This technique is not suitable for skin inflammation, exacerbation of any chronic diseases, or the presence of a pacemaker. This option is also bad for patients with diabetes mellitus and suffering from dermatological pathologies.
  3. Fractional thermolysis … Its essence lies in the removal of dead cells by heat. For this purpose, micro-rays 0.1 mm thick penetrate to a depth of 0.5 cm. Before that, the skin is cleansed with the help of peeling, and then it is soothed with a moisturizing cream. One session lasts about 20 minutes, the course will take from 3 to 5, depending on the size of the striae. The optimal interval between procedures is 1 week.
  4. Laser nanoperforation … This new technique is necessary for the restoration of the skin, it is minimally invasive and requires only 3-4 sessions lasting no more than 20 minutes with a week break between them. At the reception, the cosmetologist acts with a narrowly focused beam on problem areas, which allows you to restore damaged tissues. The minimum age for this is 25. Contraindications to laser nanoperforation are diabetes mellitus, menstruation, neoplasms, dermatological diseases, hemophilia and lactation.
  5. Mesotherapy … The technique of its implementation requires the introduction of collagen, amino acids, vitamins and plant extracts under the skin. This is done using electric current, ultrasound, or injection. You must come to the session once a week for 3-4 months. People with a low pain threshold are given injections under local anesthesia.

For successful tissue restoration and elimination of redness, it may be necessary to undergo a course of phono- or iontophoresis of 5-7 visits.

Folk remedies for red stretch marks

Mummy tablets for making cream
Mummy tablets for making cream

The most effective are various wraps with regenerating components. It can be coffee, capsicam, chocolate, or something else. No less useful are homemade creams and ointments based on natural ingredients of plant or animal origin - mummy, wax, red pepper, etc.

Here are some recipes for effective remedies:

  • Wrapping … Prepare a mixture of black ground coffee (2 tablespoons) and capsicam (1 tablespoon). Combine these ingredients and massage into clean, dry areas with your fingers. Wrap them with plastic wrap on top and let sit for 20 minutes. If the skin starts to burn, do not wait for this time. At the end of the procedure, rinse off the composition, dry off and lubricate the body with a moisturizer. Likewise, you can use sea mud and various essential oils, especially citrus fruits. To correct the situation, you will need to do about 20 wraps with an interval of 2-3 times a week. This option is not suitable if there is a rash or open wounds on the body.
  • Cream … Crush 10 mummy tablets into powder, mix it with warm water (2 tsp) and any baby cream (1 tbsp). Whisk the mixture well and apply with a brush to the desired areas, leaving for 5-7 minutes. After that, just rinse off the product and pat dry. Perform these manipulations every day until the stretch marks disappear.
  • Balm … Add orange and neroli oil (2 drops each) to peach oil (30 ml). Pour 1 tablespoon liquid, unsweetened honey into it, warm up the mixture and use it every time you shower. It is enough to keep the product on the body for 1-2 minutes. The indicated ingredients, in addition to the beekeeping product, can be replaced in the proportions given above with avocado oil, wheat germ and olive oil.

Creams, ointments and oils for red stretch marks on the body

Mom comfort cream
Mom comfort cream

If you have no time or simply do not want to make ointments and creams at home, you can buy ready-made products. A pretty good option here is "Mommy Comfort", which improves the elasticity of the dermis, maintains optimal moisture balance in the tissues and nourishes them. This complex action is due to the composition, which contains the Regy-Stretch complex, horse chestnut, chamomile extract and many other natural ingredients. Mommy Care Anti-Striae cream, made in Israel, based on vitamin E, phytohormone and shea butter, will also be very useful in the fight against red stretch marks. Features of the use of creams, gels and ointments for stretch marks:

  1. First, the skin is cleaned of impurities and wiped dry.
  2. The product is applied to the palm, not the skin, and spread in a thin layer.
  3. The composition is rubbed with your fingers with gentle massaging movements.
  4. All manipulations are performed in a circle, in the direction of the clockwise movement.
  5. To obtain the desired effect, the cream is left on the body until absorbed, unless otherwise specified in the instructions.
  6. Test on the wrist or elbow to rule out allergies before large amounts are applied.

Special oils help to enhance the effect, which you can not combine with anything, simply rubbing into the skin every evening.

Quite popular on the market is Weleda Schwangerschafts-Pflegeol, a product specially designed to combat stretch marks. It is made in Switzerland and comes in 100 ml packaging. First of all, it is a great option for pregnant women and women who have already given birth. After applying the oil, you need to wait 5-7 minutes, and then you will need to wash it off using soap.

It is worth paying attention to pure oils without any kind of additives - olive, almond, rosemary, lavender, orange.

Massage to eliminate red stretch marks on the body

Massage for red stretch marks
Massage for red stretch marks

The problem can be solved both by vacuum or roller, and by manual self-massage. At home, the latter option will be much more relevant. All that is needed for its implementation is a special oil, preferably an essential oil, for example, orange, or honey.

It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the bathroom to avoid contamination of the furniture in the room. Its minimum duration is 15 minutes, and the number is 3-4 sessions per week. The technique of performing manual massage involves the following actions:

  • Take a shower with soap and dry your body.
  • Lie on your back or stomach, whichever is the location of the stretch marks.
  • Knead the skin with stroking movements, going from top to bottom and adhering to the direction of the clockwise movement, it is enough to give this stage 2-3 minutes.
  • Apply a pre-selected oil or honey to the body, carefully spreading with your fingers and rubbing it into the surface.
  • Lightly pinch problem areas with your index and thumb, grasping 1-2 cm of skin.
  • Press the tissues away from your face, then, trying to pull them together, knead the skin.
  • Rub the body with your palms without pressing hard on the skin.
  • Finish the massage with a soap-free contrast shower and moisturizing the skin. As a result of kneading the body, lymph flow improves, the production of collagen and elastin is activated, and cellular metabolism is restored.

You can also massage problem areas with a special massage oil. Among them, Hillary Massage Oil Body Grapefruit or Massage Oil Body Grapefruit has proven itself very well.

Exercises for red stretch marks on the body

Exercise scissors for red stretch marks
Exercise scissors for red stretch marks

It is recommended to practice every day for at least 20-30 minutes. To obtain the desired effect, both active and passive physical activity are needed. You can improve the results by using a jump rope, fitball, special hoops that quickly drive off fat. Wrapping with a film helps well, with which it will be possible to break down fat right during exercise. When choosing exercises, pay attention to the following:

  1. For legs … Place the fitball on the floor and lie sideways on it, leaving your right knee on the floor. Stretch your right leg forward and move it in a circle 10 times, first in one direction, and then in the other. Then repeat the same for the left limb, rolling over onto the other side. Try not to strain your abdominal muscles at this time.
  2. For belly … Lie on the floor facing the ceiling and bend your knees with your feet on the floor. Take your hands behind your head, crossing them. Raise your shoulders, relax and sharply contract your abdominal muscles. Do these movements 10 times. Make sure that your knees are located as close to the forehead as possible at this time.
  3. For chest … Bend your elbows, cross your fingers on them as tightly as possible and lower yourself to the floor. Then, lean on them and lift your body up, aligning your legs with tucked toes, arms, stomach, etc. in one straight line. Breathe deeply through your nose, do not strain your abdominal muscles, and remain in this position for 1 minute. After that, relax and repeat this exercise 5 times.
  4. For thighs and buttocks … Place a chair with a back, sit on it, aligning with the spine, and lower your arms to the left and right, grasping the seat. After that, slowly move your legs, first to the sides, and then forward. Alternate these movements, doing the exercise 14 times in one approach. Next, lie on the floor with your back to the ceiling and raise your legs one by one upward as high as possible. Then roll over onto your side and repeat the same for each side 10 times.

With red stretch marks, it is very useful to do all kinds of planks, scissor and bike exercises, and swing the press. Swimming, running and cycling are equally effective. Yoga or Pilates also have a positive effect on skin elasticity. It is also worth walking more if possible.

Nutrition for red stretch marks on the body

Seaweed for red stretch marks
Seaweed for red stretch marks

On the table every day should be present foods rich in protein, both animal and plant origin - fish, milk, legumes, cereals.

It is important that approximately 60% of the daily diet consists of fresh vegetables, fruits and berries. Among them are especially welcome those that contain a large amount of vitamins A, C and E, as well as macro- and microelements - calcium, potassium, silicon, iron.

Carrots, seaweed, white grapes, apples, pears will help improve the situation. Any greens, bell peppers, citrus fruits, tomatoes and bananas are very useful. From oils you need olive and corn. Do not forget about nuts - walnuts, almonds, cashews, peanuts. Special attention should be paid to the volume of consumed liquid, which should not be lower than 1.2-1.5 liters per day. We are talking only about clean water, juices, teas and other drinks are not taken into account here. It is worth reconsidering your attitude to chicory, lemon balm, linden and mint infusion, which have tonic properties and help moisturize tissues.

How to get rid of red stretch marks on the body - watch the video:

In the absence of positive dynamics in the fight against striae using non-invasive methods, the doctor may recommend an abdominal surgery. This operation refers to an intervention of medium complexity and is relevant only when there are serious injuries and sprains in the tissues. The effectiveness of this method is 100% guaranteed if a professional plastic surgeon deals with the elimination of red stretch marks. In any case, no matter how serious the defect may be, you can always find ways to solve the problem that are right for you.
