Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks completely and permanently?

Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks completely and permanently?
Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks completely and permanently?

Are stretch marks a sore subject for you? We can help you. You will learn why they appear, what are the ways to deal with them, and how to avoid their appearance. For every woman, her appearance comes first, and any flaws in her image are perceived very painfully. Age-related changes or hormonal changes in the body lead to many health problems. Often, these changes affect the aesthetic appearance of the skin, which makes it difficult for a woman to feel confident.

One of these problems is the appearance of stretch marks on the skin. In medicine, this concept is usually called "striae", which means skin atrophy in the form of wavy stripes of different sizes. Such a defect occurs due to the strong stretching of the skin, the cause of which is microtrauma of the subcutaneous tissue. Most often, stretch marks appear on areas of the skin with a large accumulation of subcutaneous fat, for example, this is the abdomen, buttocks, chest, shoulders and hips.

Why do stretch marks appear?

Stretch marks on the abdomen
Stretch marks on the abdomen

The environments of the most common reasons for the appearance of stretch marks are:

  1. Genetic addiction.
  2. The consequence of taking hormonal drugs.
  3. Intense increase or decrease in body weight.
  4. Hormonal disturbance or changes in the body. Most often it is typical in adolescence, when the youthful body changes dramatically. Also, stretch marks often appear during pregnancy, because during this period the amount of hormones outweighs the norm. Due to the intensive growth of the fetus, the skin is stretched, which causes scarring on the body. Often, stretch marks occur in women after pregnancy and after breastfeeding.
  5. Stretch marks can appear after vigorous physical training. After all, an intensive build-up of muscle mass leads to stretching of the skin, which leads to its damage (the appearance of stretch marks).
  6. Insufficient production of collagen and elastin by the body. The skin loses its elasticity and is exposed to harmful environmental influences, which affects its condition. In rare cases, serious diseases can cause stretch marks. For example, stretch marks can appear with endocrine diseases, as well as due to excessive accumulation of hormones in the adrenal cortex (hypercortisolism syndrome). With such violations, a doctor's consultation on further treatment is imperative.

Methods for dealing with stretch marks

Stretch marks on the sides
Stretch marks on the sides

Today there are a lot of treatment methods for stretch marks. After all, this is a fairly common aesthetic problem among women. They do not bring any discomfort, since their main symptom is the appearance of scars on the skin. But, unfortunately, it will not be possible to get rid of them completely and forever. After all, the tissue that is damaged does not contain pigment substances, and therefore the scars that remain will not even hide the tan. The main goal in treating stretch marks is to make them less noticeable.

Folk remedies

Massage the thighs with a wooden massager
Massage the thighs with a wooden massager
  • Scrubs will help not only make stretch marks less noticeable, but make the skin soft. Indeed, thanks to their peeling effect, which cleanses the body, all dead skin particles are removed. To prepare such a product, you need to mix sea salt and sugar in equal proportions, add a few drops of olive oil. This composition should be applied with massage movements to places where there are stretch marks, and then rinse off with water.
  • Lotions perfectly moisturize the skin and effectively fight stretch marks. To prepare such a lotion, you need to combine a couple of drops of almond oil 2-3 tbsp. l. aloe juice. Lubricate striae with the resulting mass overnight. The procedure should be done every day until a visible result is obtained.
  • Creams. To make a cream for stretch marks at home, you can use white clay or low-fat yogurt. Add 2-3 drops of any essential oil to the selected ingredient. Apply this product to the skin where there are stretch marks, rubbing it thoroughly.
  • Healing baths. Taking a bath, you can not only relax, but also eliminate stretch marks. You can add sea salt, starch, soda, essential oils to the water. Healing herbs have a good effect: field horsetail, chamomile, linden flowers, rosemary. Decoctions are made of them, and also simply soaked in the bath for a while before water procedures.

Cosmetical tools

Girl smears her thighs with cream
Girl smears her thighs with cream

The main composition of ready-made cosmetics for stretch marks is amino acids. They restore damaged tissue in places where stretch marks appear. The best remedies can be identified: Skinformer tonic, Liquid Chestnut cream, Hendel's Garden pomegranate emulsion for stretch marks.

Salon treatment

The girl is given injections for stretch marks
The girl is given injections for stretch marks
  • Massage. Regular massage treatments work well on the skin, and minor stretch marks become less noticeable.
  • Mesotherapy. The introduction of products containing biologically active components under the skin.
  • Laser therapy. The main purpose of this procedure is to stretch the stretch marks with a special laser beam.
  • Healing wrap. With the help of seaweed, essential oils and various medicinal herbs, wrap is done in places where there are striae.
  • Chemical peeling. Exfoliates dead skin particles, where the main component is fruit acids.
  • Radio lifting. The action of electric current on the skin helps to maintain its elasticity and youthfulness.

I would like to remind you that all these methods of dealing with stretch marks are effective. But they will not help completely change your body and make it the same (without stretch marks). The only method is plastic surgery, which will save you from this unpleasant problem forever. But including a lot of contraindications and the huge danger of such operations, it is best to use safer methods. Indeed, after regular use of simple recipes, you can see a significant result.

Prevention of stretch marks

Girl massages legs against stretch marks
Girl massages legs against stretch marks

Since getting rid of stretch marks is a difficult process, it is better to do everything possible to prevent them. First of all, you need to take it as a rule that sport is not only the basis of human longevity, but also the main component of beauty. After all, a lot of health problems arise from a sedentary lifestyle, and stretch marks are one of them. It all starts with adding extra pounds, which ultimately affects your skin. Therefore, go in for sports, even a light jog or exercise in the morning will have a positive effect on your physical condition.

It is important to take your diet seriously, because unhealthy diet negatively affects the entire body. Do not forget that the body also needs a sufficient amount of useful vitamins and minerals. Therefore, give up bad habits for the benefit of your health and eat only natural products without chemical additives.

Do not abuse drugs, especially those with a high content of hormones. Since, most often they are the cause of obesity, and hence the appearance of stretch marks. Use special products to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. It is also important to wear supportive underwear that will prevent the skin from stretching. Water procedures help to prevent stretch marks. For example, you can douse yourself with cold water and take a contrast shower. Swimming helps most effectively, even visiting the pool once a week will make a big contribution to your health. These treatments improve blood circulation, which helps the body to function smoothly.

The appearance of stretch marks is a very unpleasant problem, because getting rid of them is quite difficult. But with simple means, they can be made almost invisible. The main thing is your patience and desire to change for the better. Therefore, combine and experiment different ways of dealing with stretch marks, and then the result will not be long in coming!

For more information on the causes of stretch marks and how to get rid of them, see this video:
