Why are carbonated drinks and their components dangerous for health?

Why are carbonated drinks and their components dangerous for health?
Why are carbonated drinks and their components dangerous for health?

Find out why you should cut soda out of your diet once and for all and what problems drinking it can lead to. When summer comes, everyone rejoices at this great time of the year. There is nothing surprising in this, because the duration of winter in our country is about six months, and during this time you manage to miss the gentle rays of the sun. However, the producers of sweet carbonated drinks are more happy about this than we are. It is quite obvious that their products are most popular in the summer. People are so used to them that they don't even want to think about the possible harm to the body. Today you will find out why carbonated drinks and their components are dangerous for human health.

What do carbonated drinks contain?

Four glasses of carbonated drink
Four glasses of carbonated drink

To understand why carbonated drinks and their components are dangerous for human health, it is enough to look at their composition. Of course, it can change, but some components are used by manufacturers almost always:

  • Sugar or artificial sweeteners.
  • Various chemical flavors.
  • Food acids.
  • Caffeine.
  • Carbon dioxide.
  • Water.

Perhaps the safest ingredient here is water. However, the combinations of the remaining ingredients activate the pleasure centers in the brain. As a result, carbonated drinks can be addictive. Knowing the composition, you can talk about how dangerous carbonated drinks and their components are for human health.

Sugar and its synthetic substitutes

On average, one hundred milliliters of drink contains about 50 calories. This figure is similar to a cup of tea with five teaspoons of sugar. It should be noted that carbonated drinks are consumed in liters in the heat. As a result, we ourselves, without knowing it, supply a large amount of simple carbohydrates to the body, which can cause the development of various diseases.

According to scientific research, about a quarter of people who actively consume fast-digesting simple carbohydrates have an increased concentration of triglycerides. This suggests that they are at risk of developing atherosclerosis.

Nowadays, many manufacturers have abandoned the use of sugar, replacing it with artificial sweeteners. This allows you to dramatically reduce the energy value of the product, which continues to be dangerous. Here is a list of commonly used sweeteners and their negative properties:

  1. Sorbitol with xylitol can cause the development of urolithiasis.
  2. Cyclamate with saccharin are strong toxins that can cause the growth of malignant neoplastic neoplasms.
  3. Aspartame with the E951 index can cause allergic reactions in some people, as well as reduce visual acuity.

Food acids

Most often, carbonated drinks include phosphoric and citric acids. They act as preservatives and add flavor to the product. Let's look at the effects of these substances on the body. Citric acid has a negative effect on tooth enamel. Of course, it will not cause the development of caries, but it can cause other dental diseases.

But orthophosphoric acid poses a much greater danger, since it can interact with calcium ions and, first of all, with those contained in saliva. Scientists have shown that phosphoric acid accelerates the process of removing calcium from the body, which can lead to the development of osteoporosis. Recall that this ailment is characterized by increased bone fragility, even with minor loads.


It is the most popular preservative used in the food industry. Immediately after its creation, it was actively used in perfumery, as it has a pleasant scent. Now we can say with confidence that this substance is a powerful carcinogen. You may also find an ingredient called C-ascorbic acid in your favorite carbonated drink. However, in combination with benzene, a new compound appears, which poses a serious danger to the body.


Many people like a black flavored drink that contains caffeine. It is very often used in the production of carbonated drinks, which makes them tonic. Using, for example, cola, you may feel an increase in performance, but for a short period of time. This is followed by a period of fatigue and increased irritability. A new dose of caffeine eliminates these effects, and the manufacturers thus receive loyal customers.

Carbon dioxide

No carbonated drink is complete without carbon dioxide. Actually because of this substance, these drinks are called carbonated. Carbon dioxide is not a toxin, but it can negatively affect the digestive system. With the frequent use of soda, the risks of developing gastritis and ulcers significantly increase. If you already have problems with the digestive tract, then do not even drink mineral carbonated water.

Why are carbonated drinks and their components dangerous for human health?

Fizzy drink with ice
Fizzy drink with ice

Sweet soda has many negative effects on the body. Let's note the most common among them:

  • Gaining excess weight.
  • Type 2 diabetes may develop.
  • Urolithiasis and cholelithiasis.
  • Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestinal tract, which is the first step towards gastritis, and then ulcers.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Fatty liver.
  • Hypoclemia.
  • Decrease in bone mineralization and density.

If you cannot completely stop drinking sugary carbonated drinks, then try to at least minimize their danger. To solve the problem, you have to follow several rules:

  1. Do not consume soda every day, and a one-time dose should not exceed 0.5 liters. Transform the drink into a champagne equivalent and consume it during the holidays.
  2. To avoid the early symptoms of Alzheimer's or Parkinson's, drink beverages that are in glass containers. If soda is stored in aluminum cans, the active ingredients can react with the coating, which is extremely dangerous for the body.
  3. If you are worried about your blood sugar, use soda that contains sweeteners. However, it is better not to use them at all.
  4. To reduce the negative effect of drinks on tooth enamel, use straws, and after drinking, rinse your mouth with clean water.
  5. To stop consuming sugary sodas, replace them with a cup of tea or coffee as often as possible. Gradually, the body will wean from these harmful carbonated drinks.

Interesting facts about carbonated drinks

Can of Coca-Cola and Pepsi
Can of Coca-Cola and Pepsi

According to the official information of the National Association of Soft Drinks of the USA, in this country today there are almost two liters of soda for 0.4 liters of water drunk. For comparison, in 1850 in America, each inhabitant drank only 0.3 liters of carbonated drinks for a year.

You should think about how much soda your children consume in the summer and this figure is likely to be high. 600 milliliters of the drink contains a lot of carbon dioxide, various chemical compounds and about 16 tablespoons of sugar. Add to this caffeine, which has a negative effect on the children's nervous system.

Among the most popular drinks on the planet, it should be noted:

  • Coca Cola - almost 87 million liters are consumed per year.
  • Pepsi - 61.6 million liters are drunk in 12 months.
  • Diet Coke - consumed throughout the year in the amount of 36.4 million liters.

It is quite understandable why advertising of these products is so common in the media, because manufacturing companies receive huge profits. Since there are no statistics for our country, let's turn to the figures from the United States. Over the past 25 years, Americans have doubled the amount of soda and spend about $ 60 million annually on these drinks. Compare, only $ 30 million is spent on the purchase of books in the United States.

  1. Soda can lead to pancreatic cancer. Scientists from the University of Minnesota have observed 60 thousand people living in Singapore for about 14 years. About 140 of them had pancreatic cancer. Perhaps these numbers will seem insignificant to you, but the risks of developing this ailment increase significantly if you consume an average of five cans of soda during the week. By the way, in the United States, more than 40,000 people are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer every year.
  2. Frequent consumption of soda can trigger the development of esophageal cancer. This was reported by Indian scientists after their research. Let's go back to the United States, where over the past two decades, the number of people suffering from this disease has increased dramatically. Considering the sharp increase in the amount of soda consumed, one can agree with the findings of the researchers from India.
  3. Soda is dangerous for the female body. In America, a study was conducted, the results of which speak volumes about the dangers of carbonated drinks for women. If you consume three cans of the drink daily for three weeks, then problems cannot be avoided. In addition to increasing the risks of developing ailments of the cardiovascular system and developing type 2 diabetes, the likelihood of premature birth increases.
  4. The presence of artificial sweeteners in drinks will not allow you to maintain your figure. People often think that diet drinks are safe for the body. However, this is not the case, because they contain chemical sweeteners that can be even more dangerous than simple sugar. Although the energy value of diet soda is low, your waistline will increase in size when consumed actively.
  5. Energy drinks can cause neurosis. The fact that carbonated drinks are addictive has long been known. Russian scientists have proven that they can cause the development of various neurological diseases. Energy drinks contain a large amount of caffeine and other stimulants. Their popularity is evidenced by the fact that new brands have appeared on the market, and the main target audience of manufacturers is young people. Pay attention to the bright design of the packaging of these products. But the composition is most often written in small letters, although attention is rarely paid to it.

10 real facts about the dangers of carbonated drinks, see the following video:
