Learn how to properly prepare the body for a rigid diet and then how to correctly remove your body from a rigid diet so as not to gain excess weight. Making the decision to start using a dietary nutrition program is a critical step. In such a situation, hasty decisions can cause a lot of problems. Now we will talk about how to properly enter and exit the diet, as well as the necessary preparatory measures.
How to Prepare for a Diet?

Start using the dietary nutrition program only if you do not have health problems, you are not going to become a mother and you are not feeding a baby. In no case should diets be used in adolescence, when the hormonal system has not yet been formed. Note that your emotional state is critical. If you are skeptical, then you should not count on success.
Also, do not start using dietary nutrition programs after a spontaneous decision. In such a situation, there is a great risk that you will quickly break down, and this can negatively affect the work of the whole body. We recommend that you first think over everything well and weigh all the pros and cons. Decide on your future menu and purchase all the necessary products.
To achieve these goals faster, it is necessary not only to limit the energy value of the diet, but also to take care of the utilization of existing fat accumulations. To speed up the processes of lipolysis, you should start playing sports, as well as visit the sauna (bath) and massage room.
The new diet should be entered carefully and gradually reduce the calorie content of the diet. You also need to pay special attention to the quality of the foods you eat before switching to a dietary nutrition program. It is very important not to pass before the diet, so as not to harm your health. You should prepare yourself in advance for possible difficulties, which you probably will not be able to avoid.
Refusing any treats is stressful. To lose weight correctly, you need to set a clear goal and see the ways to achieve it. Just imagine how slim you will be, and what views of others will be directed at you. Maintain these sensations until the end of the diet.
How to enter a diet correctly?

Determine your health status
The question of how to properly enter and exit a diet worries many women who have decided to lose weight. First of all, you need to assess your physical condition. In no case do not go on a diet right away, but first carefully study its diet, rules and contraindications. Compare this information with your health status.
We recommend that you truthfully answer a few questions:
- Will you be able to adhere to all the rules for using a dietary nutrition program?
- Does it contain foods that can cause you an allergic reaction?
- Can all the foods you use be consumed?
It is quite obvious that the dietary nutrition program is contraindicated during various ailments of an infectious and colds nature. At this time, the body is extremely weakened, and all its resources are thrown into the fight against the disease. Limiting the indicator of the energy value of the diet in this time period will only lead to a deterioration in health.
It is necessary to change the diet before starting the diet
All nutritionists are sure that a sharp change in the usual diet has an extremely negative effect on health. As a result, the body will be in a state of extreme stress, which will lead to an increase in body weight. Thus, we recommend taking a few simple steps:
- Give up fried and fatty foods five days before starting the dietary program, as their energy value is very high.
- Introduce more vegetables into the diet, from which you can prepare delicious salads, snacks, and also bake them.
- Start controlling the amount of sweets and pastries consumed, but you should not completely abandon them.
Psychological preparation
We have already said that the emotional side of the issue is extremely important. Many women break down due to lack of willpower or other reasons. Tune in to your upcoming nutritional dietary program to avoid these problems.
How to follow a diet correctly?

Getting in and out of your diet is critical, but you must learn to follow the new nutritional program. As mentioned above, to quickly achieve your goals, you should increase your physical activity. However, if the diet used is very strict, then you may simply not have enough strength to play sports. To prevent this from happening, the body must receive all the nutrients it needs:
- Plant fibers - even in small quantities, they can effectively suppress appetite, which will allow you to achieve a positive result faster.
- Protein compounds - without these substances, you will begin to lose muscle mass, which will negatively affect metabolic processes.
- Monounsaturated fat - are an excellent source of energy and have a positive effect on the work of the heart muscle.
- Water - accelerates metabolic reactions and processes of utilization of harmful substances.
Do not forget about micronutrients that must be present in your diet. For example, thanks to calcium and vitamin D, you can avoid heart problems and strengthen bones. Also, these substances will help the body to more easily tolerate increased physical activity. Vitamin D, among other things, is involved in the synthesis of the hormonal substance leptin. It is this that acts as a signal of saturation.
You must strictly adhere to the established meal and diet schedule. To simplify this task, we recommend that you keep a diary in which you should enter all the foods you eat and their amount. Often, after switching to a diet, a person experiences frequent fatigue and this does not allow to provide a sufficient level of physical activity necessary for losing weight. We recommend doing exercises at home and using less energy-consuming types of fitness, for example, running, Pilates, yoga, etc.
How to get out of the diet correctly?

So we come to the final part of our conversation on the topic of how to get in and out of a diet. Very often, after stopping the use of a dietary nutrition program, body weight not only returns to its previous values, but may even exceed them. The thing is that during a diet, the body goes into a mode of saving energy resources.
This state has a certain inertia and does not go away immediately after returning to the usual diet. As a result, some of the extra calories are converted into fat cells. To avoid this trouble, you should exit the diet wisely. You must understand that after you have finished using the diet program, you cannot have a "belly feast".
We recommend that you adhere to the restrictions used by you for a couple of days, and the indicator of the energy value of the diet should be increased gradually. The easiest way to achieve this is thanks to the same foods that you used on your diet - include foods that are similar in composition to the diet. Prohibited food should be introduced into the diet with extreme caution and do not do it immediately after leaving the diet. The first step in your new nutrition program should be micro- and macronutrient-rich foods. In addition to vegetables and fruits, it can be lean meats, low-fat dairy products. Then gradually start eating soups and low-fat meals. All foods with a high energy value should be the last to appear in the diet. After completing the diet, you need to maintain the same positive attitude.
Exiting a diet with a low energy value of the diet
A restricted calorie meal program promotes self-discipline. Without this quality, it is almost impossible to cope with the frequent feeling of hunger. You must remember that long-term restriction of the energy value of the diet can negatively affect your health. To avoid serious problems, it is necessary to exit the diet correctly.
With a sharp increase in the caloric content of food, the body will begin to create fat reserves. We recommend using one of two ways to quit a low-calorie diet:
- Increase your energy score gradually by introducing fats and carbohydrates into your diet. After adding 150 to 200 calories, you should wait 14 days. If during this time you do not begin to gain weight, increase the calorie intake again. As soon as the mass of the hoist begins to increase, the energy value should be reduced.
- If you have had more than five kilograms of excess weight, then you should continue to adhere to the diet further, if it was not very strict. At the same time, you can consume prohibited foods in limited quantities once or twice.
Exiting a low-carb diet
Such diets are very popular among athletes, as reducing the amount of carbohydrates consumed contributes to the rapid loss of body weight. However, you cannot use such a nutrition program for a long time. Begin adding nutrient sources to your diet gradually. Every week in your diet, the amount of carbohydrates should increase by ten grams. If you gain significant weight, then reduce the calorie content. It is important not to add carbohydrates abruptly, as this will negatively affect the functioning of the hormonal system.
Getting out of a hungry diet
Although many dietitians do not recommend fasting diet programs, many people actively use them. During the exit from such a diet, you must exercise the utmost care so as not to damage the body. First, you should think carefully about the further diet and be sure to switch to a fractional nutrition system.
Start by eating cooked foods, as well as liquid and semi-liquid foods. After fasting, solid food can damage the stomach. Your diet should include light vegetable and fruit salads, pates, juices and purees. Then you can add yoghurts, cereals, kefir. Start eating meat with broths and boiled chicken fillets. Don't rush with red meat. Foods such as nuts, cheese should be included in the diet last.
For more details on how to get out of the diet, see below: