Chitosan: how to take for weight loss in summer

Chitosan: how to take for weight loss in summer
Chitosan: how to take for weight loss in summer

Find out how to properly use a non-standard, but very effective drug that will allow you to lose excess weight. Over the past decades, the problem of overweight has become extremely urgent. According to official statistics, there are about one billion people on the planet suffering from the so-called constitutional obesity. Doctors distinguish four stages of this disease, the differences between which are the difference between the real body weight and the ideal. If at the first stage of the disease this value does not exceed 29 percent, then at the fourth stage it is more than 200 percent.

Excess weight not only worsens a person's appearance, but also increases the risks of developing various diseases. Fat people are more likely to be susceptible to diseases such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, varicose veins, hypertension and others. If you notice signs of obesity in yourself, you need to urgently take certain actions to reduce weight. This primarily concerns changes in diet and eating habits.

Losing weight is possible only if the balance between incoming and outgoing energy is shifted in the direction of the second indicator. To achieve this goal, you can use several methods, and the most effective are only two:

  1. Limit the amount of high-calorie foods in your diet - a variety of protein and low-calorie diets are used, as well as appetite suppressants.
  2. To prevent the body from completely processing fats and carbohydrates - so-called calorie inhibitors are used.

When choosing a method of losing weight, first of all, you need to pay attention to its safety and effectiveness. Among the special drugs, the safest ones are considered to be those that inhibit xenical lipase, as well as phase-2 amylases, acarbose, etc. To date, the most effective and safe fat inhibitor is Chitosan for weight loss in the summer.

How Chitosan works

Chitosan action scheme
Chitosan action scheme

Chitosan is made from the shells of crustaceans, and the useful properties of the drug were known several centuries ago. The main component of Chitosan is chitin, which is part of a large number of drugs in folk medicine of various cultures of the world.

The active study of chitin began in the 19th century and as a result, three scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize. Chitosan was created by the French scientist Charles Marie Roger in 1859, when he decided to treat chitin with alkalis. The substance obtained as a result of chemical reactions dissolves perfectly in water and is well absorbed by the body.

Chitosan is a polysaccharide that can slow down the processing of dietary fats. If we talk about the very mechanism of the supplement, then once in the gastrointestinal tract, Chitosan actively absorbs water and turns into a gel-like mass that can absorb triglycerides and thereby slow down the processes of their hydrolysis.

This leads to the fact that lipids cannot be absorbed by the body, since they have not been broken down to the state of fatty acids and, passing through the intestinal tract, are utilized. This creates an energy deficit and the body is forced to use up its fat reserves.

According to the results of the conducted studies, Chitosan is able to bind 12 times more triglycerides in comparison with its own weight and utilizes almost 50 percent of the total amount of fats consumed. However, the ability of a substance to bind fats is not the only one. Here are several properties that make it possible to effectively use Chitosan for weight loss in the summer:

  • The peristalsis of the intestinal tract improves, and toxins are also actively utilized - it is extremely important to note here that the substance is not able to bind micronutrients and remove them from the body.
  • The efficiency of pathogens is suppressed - at the same time, Chitosan stimulates the growth of beneficial microflora of the intestinal tract and has regenerative properties.
  • The production of B vitamins is accelerated and the body's ability to absorb calcium increases - in addition, Chitosan is an excellent source of this mineral.
  • The metabolism of fats and carbohydrates is regulated, as well as the concentration of lipoproteins decreases - this helps to reduce the risk of developing diseases of the vascular system and heart.
  • The immune system is strengthened and the microcirculation of lymph and blood improves.

Most Popular Chitosan Slimming Supplements in Summer

Chitosan Plus
Chitosan Plus

We have already noted that a large number of supplements are produced today based on acetylated Chitosan. They are actively used to improve human health, strengthen bone tissue, improve the functioning of the digestive and cardiovascular systems, as well as for weight loss. The main differences between the products are the content of the active ingredient and excipients. Let's briefly talk about the most popular effective dietary supplements, which contain Chitosan for weight loss in the summer.

  1. Chitosan Tianshi. The supplement is made on the basis of Chitosan obtained from the shells of the red-footed crab. It also contains several micronutrients to enhance the effectiveness of the product, such as calcium and ascorbic acid. Note that, unlike most similar products, Chitosan Tianshi can be consumed together with alcohol, although you should remember about the dangers of ethyl alcohol, and we recommend limiting its use. The product is produced by the Chinese company Tiens Group Corporation in capsule form. This product is one of the leaders in the content of Chitosan (85 percent) and the amount of unrefined chitin is no more than 15 percent. It is quite understandable that such a high quality supplement cannot be cheap.
  2. Chitosan Fortex. The supplement is produced by the Bulgarian manufacturer Fortex in capsule form. Unlike the previous product, Chitosan Fortex belongs to the budget segment, but at the same time it is of high quality and fully complies with all international GMP standards.
  3. Chitosan Plus. This is a product of the well-known American company Universal Nutrition, which specializes in the production of sports nutrition. It should be noted that there is another supplement with a similar name from another American manufacturer - NOW Food. The second product is somewhat more expensive, but its effectiveness is also higher.
  4. Chitosan Diet. This supplement is also available in capsule form and in addition to low molecular weight Chitosan for weight loss in the summer, it contains microcrystalline cellulose. The product was developed by Optimum Nutrition from the United States. It can help improve intestinal motility, inhibit lipid processing and absorption, and suppress appetite.
  5. Chitosan Ghent. The supplement is produced in the form of a gel, and the main ingredients of the product are gentomycin sulfate and highly refined chitin. This drug is intended for topical use in the treatment of infectious diseases of the skin and wounds. Chitosan Genta has an alcohol base and also contains lactic acid, thickeners, glycine, distilled water and an antiseptic. The drug is produced by the Ukrainian company Eurasia.

In addition to the above-mentioned supplements containing Chitosan for weight loss in the summer, you can find quite effective products from Russian companies on the market:

  1. Chitosan Eco Plus - enriched with glucose, ascorbic and citric acids.
  2. Chitosan Evalar - a tablet product containing, in addition to Chitosan, also microcrystalline cellulose and vitamin C.
  3. Chitosan Argo - tablets, which, in addition to Chitosan, contain extracts of medicinal plants.

How to take Chitosan for weight loss correctly in the summer?

Chitosan Evalar
Chitosan Evalar

Chitosan supplements can be started from the age of twelve. The cycle duration is 1-3 months, and its effectiveness primarily depends on the amount of active Chitosan contained in the product. You should understand that if a supplement with a low content of the main active ingredient is used, then the results will be very modest.

Chitosan for weight loss in the summer must be taken two to three times a day, 30 minutes before eating. In this case, it is important to drink plenty of capsules (tablets) with water. We noted that Chitosan actively absorbs water and only after that starts to work actively. A one-time dosage is on average three to four capsules (tablets), but it is advisable to consult with a nutritionist in advance to determine the optimal dose.

Almost all popular supplements based on this active ingredient have no side effects, except for the possibility of an allergic reaction to shellfish. Also, there are practically no contraindications, you can not use supplements with Chitosan only during lactation and pregnancy. It is also necessary to say that the simultaneous administration of Chitosan together with medications on an oil basis reduces the effectiveness.

Nowadays, Chitosan-based products are very popular, and you can easily find reviews on the Internet about them. We conducted our own research in this direction and analyzed the opinions of a large number of people. It should be admitted that almost all of them are quite satisfied with the results of the courses held. They also confirm the safety of the supplements and we were unable to find any mention of possible side effects.

An expert opinion on Chitosan in the video below:
