Metformin for weight loss - how to take?

Metformin for weight loss - how to take?
Metformin for weight loss - how to take?

Find out how effective Metformin can be for weight loss and how to properly take this drug. The safest and at the same time quite effective way of dealing with excess weight is a healthy lifestyle and sports. However, for many people these words do not show enthusiasm. Many seek to find a remedy that will help them lose weight without changing their lifestyle. This fact is one of the reasons for the high popularity of fat burners and nutrient blockers.

Unfortunately, when starting to take various drugs, people do not think about the possible side effects. The most common excuse in this situation is that athletes accept them or beauty is not possible without sacrifice. Today we will tell you about the rules for using Metformin for weight loss. This drug, created for the treatment of diabetes, is now actively used for weight loss purposes. It is excellent proof of the fact that common sense is losing out to the pharmaceutical industry.

How does Metformin for weight loss work?

Girl in large pants
Girl in large pants

The drug belongs to the biguanide class that is used in traditional medicine to treat diabetes. Metformin is one of the elements of complex therapy for this second type of disease in the presence of excess weight. In addition, the agent can be used for other diseases associated with insulin resistance.

It should be recognized that in medicine, Metformin for weight loss can be used for obesity. However, this is possible only under the supervision of a doctor and the absence of contraindications. The world first heard about this drug back in 1922. However, it began to be actively used in medicine only after almost three decades.

During this time, scientists have thoroughly studied the medication, and according to some sources, it can be used by perfectly healthy people to fight excess weight. The drug works at the molecular level, affecting the permeability of cell membranes and the movement of electrons.

The main task of Metformin is to reduce the concentration of glucose, which is achieved by suppressing the process of gluconeogenesis. Recall that this glucose synthesis reaction takes place in the cellular structures of the liver. In addition to the ability to affect glucose levels, Metformin has some other effects:

  • The process of lipolysis is accelerated - the breakdown of fats to the state of fatty acids.
  • The process of assimilation of glucose in the intestinal tract slows down.
  • The concentration of lipoprotein compounds decreases.

As you can see, the main effects of the drug overlap with the problem of excess weight, which made Metformin for weight loss very popular. On the other hand, normalizing the lipoprotein balance and slowing down the processing of fats looks very tempting. However, we often forget about the presence of the second side - without an appropriate diet, positive results will not be achieved.

Scientists have proven that one of the main problems of being overweight is the presence in the diet of an excessive amount of fat with carbohydrates. Metformin is able not only to reduce the concentration of glucose, but also to suppress appetite, while blocking the processes of creating new adipose tissues. By and large, if you slightly reduce the energy value of the diet from the balance point and consume only complex carbohydrates, then the results will be similar.

Try to eat a plate of porridge, and you will not feel hungry for a long time, and the glucose concentration will not increase. If you do not have metabolic problems, then no doctor will prescribe Metformin for weight loss for you. If obesity is diagnosed, then in such a situation the drug will indeed be very useful. It should also be noted that if you have a passion for fatty foods, then this tool will definitely not help you, as it is a carbohydrate blocker.

Contraindications to the use of Metformin

Metformin tablets
Metformin tablets

We will also talk about how to use Metformin for weight loss. Now it is necessary to dwell on the negative aspects of this drug. Agree that if the potential danger exceeds the expected positive effect, then taking any remedy can be considered inappropriate.

You can take the drug only after reaching the age of 15. You can not use Metformin for problems with the kidneys, liver and adrenal glands. If the body is dehydrated and dehydrated, the drug can cause serious health damage. We also note among the contraindications violations in the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The ban on the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation is obvious without further ado.

A few words must be said about the possible side effects. Often people complain about problems with the digestive tract. This is quite understandable, because a large amount of carbohydrates is utilized unprocessed. Among other possible negative effects, we note:

  • Lactic acid coma.
  • Decreased production of testosterone and thyroid hormones.
  • The development of an individual allergic reaction to the active components of the drug is possible.
  • Megaoblastic anemia.

If you decide to use Metformin for weight loss, be sure to read the instructions for the drug. You must remember that this is not a fat burner, but a complete medicine. If you do not have health problems, then drug therapy is completely unnecessary. Excess weight is not a disease, and to combat it, it is enough to change your diet and lifestyle. Only obesity can be safely considered a disease in which Metformin can help, but the drug should be monitored by a doctor.

How to use Metformin for weight loss?

Blister Metformin
Blister Metformin

To get the positive effects from the course of this drug and not harm your health, you must adhere to several rules:

  • Your diet should be healthy and all unhealthy foods should be eliminated from the diet.
  • Limit your intake of fat and fast carbohydrates.
  • The maximum duration of the course is 90 days, after which it is necessary to pause for one month.
  • Monitor your health, if problems arise, immediately stop taking the pills and consult a specialist for advice.

The course should be started with a minimum dosage of 0.5 grams, taking the tablets after meals. You can not use more than three grams of Metformin throughout the day. However, even doctors recommend not using more than two grams when treating diabetes. An increase in dosage does not give a serious increase in the effectiveness of the course, but the risk of side effects increases significantly. According to reviews of a large number of people who have taken Metformin for weight loss, the maximum dosage is 0.85 grams.

Truth and myths about Metformin

Metformin packaging
Metformin packaging

Since the drug is very popular among those who want to lose weight, a lot of myths have appeared about this tool. Often, effects are attributed to him that the drug does not have. Here are just three major misconceptions to keep in mind:

  1. Suppresses appetite - Metformin is not able to actively affect the receptors responsible for hunger or satiety. Some side effects can lead to decreased appetite, which is not a positive feature in this context.
  2. Fat Burner - This drug is unable to burn fat, but only blocks the processing of carbohydrates. When there is a lack of energy, the body is forced to spend fat reserves.
  3. Low cost - the average cost of a package is about $ 10. For a full three-month course, this number of tablets will not be enough for you.

It is quite obvious that even in the absence of indications for the use of this drug, you can use it to fight obesity. However, this should still be done under the supervision of a doctor. Today on the net you can find many reviews about the use of Metformin for weight loss. However, you shouldn't trust them unconditionally.

In many ways, the value of comments depends on the authority of the resource on which they were posted, as well as the author himself. Very often, site administrators do not publish angry reviews, leaving only positive or neutral reviews. It is quite obvious that if the review is left by a well-known doctor, then he can be trusted. But when an ordinary person writes about any drug, then it is worth thinking about its justice.

Of course, there are quite a few people who were able to lose weight with the help of Metformin. But you must admit that the reasons for the appearance of excess weight may not be associated with an erroneous nutritional program. If you analyze online reviews, then immediately pay attention to the quality comments. In them, a person talks not only about the results obtained, but also the reasons for choosing a drug.

The use of medications by a healthy person rarely goes away without the manifestation of side effects, albeit insignificant. Those who want not just to lose weight, but to do it with minimal health risks, must consult a doctor. There are cases when a person lost about seven kilos in three months of using Metformin. However, one should not think that only pills helped him in this. We strongly recommend analyzing the reviews before starting the course. This will help you make the right decision.

For more on Metformin, see the following video:
