Find out if it is important to eat often on your diet, or if you can use more rare but satisfying meals with the same effect. Surely every person who decides to get rid of excess weight knows that for this it is necessary to use a fractional nutrition system. Simply put, you need to eat every three hours in small portions. All nutritionists are talking about this today, and this information is present on any web resource dedicated to weight loss.
Admittedly, this scheme works, but quite often people feel hungry due to the small size of the portions. It is quite understandable that this fact increases the risk of breakdown. That is why the question arises, can a rare diet for weight loss be effective? It may seem strange to someone, but the answer to it will be yes, and now you will understand why.
Will a rare diet for weight loss be effective?

In the course of recent research, it has been proven that this approach to food management can also help you lose weight. For example, the American Diabetes Association conducted experiments to prove this fact. Let's try to find out why it is generally accepted that only frequent small meals are considered the most effective for weight loss.
It's all about such an indicator as the thermogenic effect of food. The energy received by the body from any nutrient cannot be fully assimilated, since part of it is spent on digestion processes. Protein compounds have the highest thermogenic effect, and fats have the lowest.
This information was once firmly seized by manufacturers of sports nutrition, because the sales of their products could increase. In fact, this is what happened in practice. At first, the idea of the importance of frequent eating was supported by the companies that produce sports food, and then by the print publications dedicated to fitness.
Now we can safely say that a rare diet for weight loss will also be effective. You can eat, say, two or three times throughout the day. However, several pitfalls still exist here. In order to lose weight and not harm your health, and the results obtained do not disappear in the long term, you must eat at the same time.
You should also eat only healthy foods, because by consuming fast food twice a day, you will not only not lose weight, but also harm your health. Since there will be few meals throughout the day, it is necessary to increase the portion size. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to the indicator of the energy value of the daily diet you need.
If you decide to try using rare food for weight loss, then do not think that in such a situation it is necessary to eat only high-calorie foods. Let us recall again that in any case you need to adhere to the given calorie content of the entire nutrition program, because no one has canceled the need to create an energy deficit to activate lipolysis processes. With the implementation of rare nutrition for weight loss in practice, there should be no problems and you should focus on the same products that were used previously, but simply increase the portion sizes.
We have already talked about an experiment conducted by the American Diabetes Association. More than fifty people took part in it. During the first three months, they used a fractional meal system - six meals a day in small portions. This was followed by the transition to a rare diet for weight loss, and there were only two meals left. Note that the indicator of the energy value of the diet has always remained unchanged.
As a result, the scientists stated the fact that any of the used food systems proved to be effective for weight loss. However, this is not the most interesting conclusion made by scientists after the completion of the experiment. During the use of the fractional nutrition system, the subjects lost an average of 0.82 of their body mass index, and with two meals a day, this figure was 1.23. add that the average body mass index of all subjects was 32.6.
From all of the above, we can conclude that it is the rare diet for weight loss that is the most effective. Scientists associate this fact with a decrease in the concentration of fats in the liver, as well as an increase in the body's insulin sensitivity. During the use of the fractional power supply system, similar results were not recorded.
Now, many nutritionists are inclined to believe that it is not so much the frequency of food intake that is important during weight loss, but its timing. Based on the results of the study we mentioned, we can conclude that the optimal time for breakfast is between 6 and 10 am. Lunch is best between 12 and 16 noon.
A very important point when organizing two meals a day is the first meal, which should not be skipped in any case. Thanks to breakfast, the body receives the necessary amount of energy for the whole day and allows you to activate all important processes, for example, accelerates metabolism, improves the functioning of the digestive organs, etc. In the event that all these reactions proceed without interruption, the body will not create new fat reserves …
Of course, now the system of rare nutrition for weight loss has a fairly large number of not only fans, but also opponents. One of the most common criticisms is the fact that not everyone can eat at a certain time. Because the portion sizes are large enough, you need to spend a lot of time eating. Besides, not everyone can easily endure the absence of dinner. However, with the last moment, everything is much easier, because food can be taken not two, but three times a day. Of course, in this situation, you will have to reduce the size of the portions, but they will still be large enough so that you do not feel hungry.
With free time, everything is much more difficult, because modern life dictates a certain rhythm to us, which must be adhered to. Surely many of you often barely have time to drink a cup of coffee and eat a sandwich, and then rush to work. It’s just as difficult to give up dinner after a hard day at work, but we have already noted that you can use three meals. This will automatically fix the second issue.
Everyone who has fought overweight understands that in any case, you will have to experience certain inconveniences. To lose weight, you need to change a lot of your habits, wean from some products in order to love others, etc. It is generally accepted that a fractional system can minimize difficulties, but in practice this is not always the case. We already said at the very beginning of the article that small portions of food for many people cannot be a way out. As a result, they are often hungry. This, in turn, increases the risk of breakdown and the likelihood that you will not be able to defeat temptations and continue to adhere to a given nutrition program is high. If you use a rare diet for weight loss, then this becomes unlikely, because large portions will be able to saturate well, suppressing the feeling of hunger.
Basic nutritional rules for weight loss

To lose weight, you first need to decide on the required calorie intake of the nutrition program. You can only find out this value during the experiment. We now want to remind you of a few basic rules that must be followed by everyone who is losing weight.
- The basis of the nutrition program is fruits and vegetables. Moreover, special attention should be paid to vegetables, since their energy value is low. From fruits, preference should be given primarily to citrus fruits. Also, don't eat a lot of fructose-rich fruits.
- Drink water. Very often, when losing weight, people forget that water plays an extremely important role. It is water that contributes to the rapid utilization of toxins. In addition, remember about the quality of the skin, which loses its former properties with a lack of water. At the same time, too much liquid can be harmful.
- Eat complex carbohydrates. Forget about simple carbohydrate foods. If you want to get rid of fat, then eat slow carbs, and this should be done in the morning. It is at this time that the body needs a fast source of energy, which is carbohydrates.
- The best breakfast is porridge. Porridge is an excellent source of slow carbohydrates, micronutrients, and plant fiber. Despite the availability of information about the negative effects of porridge on body weight, if you cook them in water and without adding butter, then there will be no problems.
- When you eat, focus on the process itself. Even in ancient times, people came to the conclusion that the process of eating food should be thoughtful and unhurried. Try to get rid of extraneous thoughts while eating, focusing on the process itself. I would also like to say that the feeling of hunger is always present during the first quarter of an hour after the start of the meal. Thus, the less food you eat during this period of time, the faster you will feel full.
- Do not use harmful products. You must remember that a healthy and tasty alternative can be found for almost any harmful product. For example, instead of sugar, you can use honey, and replace pork with veal or rabbit. Of course, in any case, you will need some time to get used to new food, then as a result you will get rid of excess weight and improve your well-being.
For more on nutrition for weight loss, see below: