Vegetable Weight Loss Diet - Menu and Food List

Vegetable Weight Loss Diet - Menu and Food List
Vegetable Weight Loss Diet - Menu and Food List

What is a vegetable diet, basic rules, a list of permitted foods. What do you have to give up for a week? How to make a menu for 7 days, recipes for delicious and healthy dishes. Reviews "tasty" losing weight. Every 2-3 days, you are allowed to eat a piece of grain bread. You should not give up potatoes. If the root vegetables are cooked correctly, then the calorie content of the dish will not be high. Nutritional value of boiled tubers of medium size - 82 kcal. The diet can be supplemented with vegetable oils, fermented milk products, unsweetened fruits - for example, green apples.

Prohibited foods on a vegetable diet

Foods prohibited in a vegetable diet
Foods prohibited in a vegetable diet

Meat and fish should not be introduced into the diet, regardless of varieties and fat content, smoked meats, offal, all flour products without exception, alcohol, sugar, vinegar and mayonnaise, pasta, baked goods and bakery products.

Coffee and cocoa are not completely ruled out, but if it is impossible to overcome the cravings, then it is allowed to drink 250 ml of a weakly brewed drink every 2 days - better in parts.

It is unacceptable to cook dishes from fruits that have begun to rot or have been heat-treated. The purpose of the diet is not only to lose weight, but also to improve the body.

Vegetable diet menu for the week

Thick Bean Soup
Thick Bean Soup

Before switching to a diet of "plant" gifts, it is advisable to draw up a menu for a week in advance. This will free up a lot of time. Despite the variety of vegetables, the range of ingredients for the dishes is limited. Recommendations on how to eat during the week are presented below.


  • Breakfast - pumpkin porridge and berry compote;
  • Lunch - cabbage soup with sour cream, potato-tomato stew, green tea;
  • Afternoon snack - carrot salad with olive oil dressing;
  • Dinner - stuffed peppers and green tea with honey.


  • Breakfast - unsweetened yogurt with grated apple or berries;
  • Lunch - borscht without frying and baked potatoes, green tea;
  • Afternoon snack - baked apples;
  • Dinner - salad mix with olive oil and grain bread toast with cucumber.


  • Breakfast - carrot salad with herbs, green tea;
  • Lunch - thick bean soup and stewed cabbage with onions;
  • Afternoon snack - kefir;
  • Dinner - vegetable stew, compote with dried fruits.


  • Breakfast - yogurt with banana and weak tea;
  • Lunch - vegetable borscht, baked eggplant, green tea;
  • Afternoon snack - beetroot salad with prunes;
  • Dinner - a salad of carrots and cabbage with herbs, a glass of kefir or a cup of yogurt.


You can make this day a fasting one and spend it on cabbage salad - from Chinese cabbage or ordinary, stewed zucchini or a mix of greens and lettuce. If the choice fell on Chinese cabbage, it is seasoned with oranges.


  • Breakfast - vegetable and fruit mix or green smoothie with kefir;
  • Lunch - cabbage broth with a few pieces of potatoes, mashed peas, dried fruit compote;
  • Afternoon snack - vinaigrette;
  • Dinner - baked pumpkin with a few nuts, green tea.


  • Breakfast - pumpkin puree, seasoned with yogurt;
  • Lunch - beetroot, potato casserole;
  • Afternoon snack - cucumber salad with herbs and olive oil and green tea;
  • Dinner - potato and leek casserole, carrot cutlets.

As snacks, you can use light salads with lemon juice from cucumbers and tomatoes, cabbage with apples, kefir, milk, baked or raw apples, pears. It is best to purchase biokefir, and make yogurt yourself using a sourdough culture.

You should not satisfy your hunger during the day with salads with radishes or radishes. It is advisable to eat such dishes during lunch, supplementing the food intake with a slice of whole grain bread, otherwise the acidity of gastric juice will increase significantly, and there will also be a risk of developing peptic ulcer disease.

Vegetable diet recipes

Peppers stuffed with vegetables
Peppers stuffed with vegetables

Juices in a vegetable diet are a must. But it's hard to imagine drinking pure beet juice or a drink made from celery only. All juices are diluted in half with water.

Main product Option 1 Option 2
Tomatoes Cucumber and carrot Cucumber and dill
Celery Carrot and apple Beetroot and pumpkin


  1. Beetroot … Beets are boiled, grated on a coarse grater, combined with 3 stalks of fresh celery with rings and half a green apple - cubes. Dressing - olive oil.
  2. Cabbage … Grate carrots and black radish on a fine grater, 50 g each, add 100 g of white cabbage, a few cranberries. Season with a spoonful of lemon juice and olive oil.
  3. Simple salad … Sliced cucumbers, tomatoes, green onions, dill and parsley are combined in arbitrary quantities. Season with low-fat sour cream.


  • Vegetable … All vegetables are dipped in boiling water and cooked until tender. Cut bell peppers, cabbage, carrots, lower a whole onion for taste (it is then taken out and removed). At the end of cooking, pour in the juice from fresh tomatoes and add a little salt. Dill and parsley slices are added before serving.
  • Cabbage broccoli … Cubes of 1 potatoes and carrots, bell peppers, broccoli - 350 g, green peas - 4 tablespoons (frozen), a whole onion and 2 garlic cloves are dipped in 1 liter of boiling water. When the potatoes are boiled, add a little salt. Dressing - vegetable oil.


  1. Stuffed pepper … The peppers, red or yellow, are peeled by removing the seeds. Grate carrots, beets on a medium grater, finely chop the dill and parsley, mix everything. Stuffed with peppers, poured with tomato juice, stewed until tender, salted. Sour cream is added before serving.
  2. Eggplant rolls … The fruits are cut lengthwise and dipped in boiling water for 1-1.5 minutes. Mix low-fat yogurt with crushed garlic, coat the boiled eggplant on both sides. The plates are wrapped in rolls, slices of tomato are put inside, wrapped in parchment or placed in a sleeve. Bake for 15 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 ° C.
  3. Julienne … Cut into thin strips: a quarter of a celery root, 1 carrot, a quarter of a small head of white cabbage, 200 g of green peas. Everything is placed in a deep frying pan, add 1 tablespoon of butter, stew until tender, stirring constantly. Sprinkle with herbs to taste before serving.


  • Green drink … Put a cucumber, celery stalks, a bunch of parsley, half a bunch of dill, a little spinach in a blender. All are whipped. Add chilled mineral water and stir again. To improve the taste, you can add a few tablespoons of salted tomato juice before drinking.
  • Multicomponent drink … Season the blender bowl with cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, garlic, dill sprigs, add half a head of red onion. Vegetable puree is diluted with low-fat kefir.

Smoothies have a stimulating effect on the intestines, so they should not be consumed with dinner and lunch. The best option is breakfast before a free day, for effective stimulation of weight loss.

How to get out of a vegetable diet?

Woman adding oil to vegetable dish
Woman adding oil to vegetable dish

When returning to the usual diet, the diet is gradually expanded. First, lean meat is introduced - in small portions, 1 time per day, then the amount of fat is increased and porridge is added.

New products are added every 2 days. On the first day - 1 time, a few spoons, on the second - a full serving. Pasta and bakery products start eating no earlier than the third week. They significantly increase the level of glucose in the blood, and after 2 hours the person losing weight feels severe hunger. In order not to experience severe discomfort, the volume of meals will need to be increased. Accordingly, the lost kilograms will quickly return.

In order not to have to increase the serving size, meat, bread and other additions are eaten first with vegetables, at the end of the meal, in small pieces, until the stomach again gets used to animal proteins.

After 3 weeks, the restrictions can be abandoned, if necessary, and arrange fasting days on vegetables 1 time in 1, 5-2 weeks. At the same time, it is possible to return to strength training.

Reviews and results of the vegetable diet

Woman satisfied with vegetable diet
Woman satisfied with vegetable diet

A week on plant foods is the best option for weight loss. During this time, peristalsis accelerates, the body manages to get rid of toxins, toxins and excess fluid, edema subsides. Weight does not decrease much - by 1.5-3 kg, however, the "shake-up" is significant, and if you do not overload the diet with fatty foods and increase the time for training, weight loss will continue.

The reviews of those who have already tried the vegetable diet on themselves are mostly positive. Women note the appearance of lightness, "airiness", pay attention to improving the quality of hair and nails, stable bowel function. Those who made control measurements of the waist before and after the start of the diet boast of "minus 3-4 cm".

Complaints of those who did not fit the diet for weight loss:

  1. Pain in the epigastric region, after visiting a doctor, the onset of gastritis was diagnosed;
  2. Menstrual disorder;
  3. Weakness and dizziness.

How to eat on a vegetable diet - watch the video:

To avoid discomfort and deterioration of health, you should listen to yourself, not stress the body, follow the recommendations for leaving the diet. There is no need to force events and try to lose more than 2 kg, starve yourself. A vegetable diet helps not only to acquire the desired parameters, but also to get rid of organic problems.
