To get rid of those extra pounds, you need a regular dandelion. We will tell you about the beneficial properties of this plant, how to use it for weight loss. Dandelion is the most common and perennial plant. Has inflorescences of bright yellow color, carved leaves. It grows on lawns, fields, roads. It blooms in early spring. It is worth noting that the flower is used at home even for obesity.
The weed is rich in useful enzymes and vitamins. Using dandelion for medicinal purposes, you can get a choleretic, tonic, analgesic effect. In addition, the inflorescence is able to fight excess weight.
Weight is lost due to the acceleration of metabolism and harmful fluid is excreted from the body. Dandelion is also a laxative. After consumption, potassium disappears, which is in the composition of the substance. At the same time, the potassium balance is stable.
The plant improves digestion, cleanses the body of toxins, restores water balance. Both the upper part of the bush and the lower one are used. The flowers contain trace elements, minerals, and the root is saturated with medicinal substances that take an active part in the breakdown of cholesterol.
Young leaves are used in diet salads and soups. Before use, the leaves must be rinsed and soaked for 30 minutes in water. The leaves will peel and be ready to use. Since the bush contains bitter juice, it stimulates the intestines and helps to reduce appetite. Dandelion juice is very healthy and can be added to your favorite dish if you wish. Add lemon juice to make your food taste better. To control weight, medicinal tinctures and decoctions are prepared. To do this, you need the root and leaves of the plant. Thanks to the use of miraculous drinks, you can lose several kilograms.
Benefits of dandelion for weight loss

- stimulates metabolism;
- relieves constipation;
- restores salt balance;
- cleanses the body of toxins;
- has a laxative, tonic, diuretic effect;
- improves the digestive process.
Dandelion root for weight loss

This part of the plant is widely used for medicinal purposes. Due to its unpretentiousness and low maintenance requirements, it can grow almost anywhere. Dandelion contains a lot of calcium and iron. It is used for weight loss:
- You can make a dandelion leaf salad. Pluck the leaves, soak them in salted water for 30 minutes, and only then start chopping them. You can also add parsley, onions, spinach, arugula, dill to the chopped leaves. When you combine all these herbs together, the bitterness of the salad will not be noticeable.
- They also prepare a salad of sorrel, dandelion and coltsfoot leaves. This salad is very healthy and tasty. A cucumber is added to it and seasoned with skim cream or lemon juice.
- So, back to the bottom of the plant. The root must be harvested in late autumn. But the root itself is not used in the process of losing weight; it must be mixed with an herbal preparation. It helps to reduce blood sugar levels.
- The prepared dandelion infusion is a blood-purifying, tonic. The infusion is prepared as follows: 250 ml. boiled water, chopped root. The poured ingredient is left for 15 minutes and then filtered. Take it three times a day half an hour before meals. It is better to make herbal tea from various medicinal herbs with the addition of the root. This tea can be drunk all day, because it has a positive effect on the body. It is also helpful to drink dandelion juice to give your body all the nutrients it needs.
- It is advised to collect the root of the plant outside the city, in meadows, fields, away from pollution and industry. After all, a flower growing near the road is accumulated by toxins, and it will not benefit you. Dandelion root normalizes metabolism, relieves constipation, and improves digestion. Only with diarrhea it is not advisable to drink it. It is forbidden to take for gastritis, ulcers, gastric tract, allergies, disorders.
- Also, the root promotes the secretion of gastric juice, stimulates the appetite. In order to lose weight, the root must be taken before meals in order to increase the effectiveness of the influence.
How does weed affect the process of losing weight?

The use of dandelion lies in its composition:
- vitamin E, C;
- manganese, iron, copper, calcium, potassium;
- rubber;
- resin;
- acids;
- provitamins;
- bitter glycoside.
The element potassium is responsible for the main property of the weed. After all, it promotes weight loss. Potassium is a diuretic that burns calories. It also helps with puffiness, and it also helps to get rid of unnecessary pounds. After that, our body is cleansed and flushed out of harmful enzymes.
Dandelion improves the functioning of the intestinal tract and liver. In addition, it removes cholesterol deposits, accelerates the absorption of food.
The use of medicinal herbs for weight loss

To lose weight, dandelion tinctures and decoctions are prepared. There are many recipes that include its root. Let's take a look at some of them:
- Take 10 g of dried dandelion root, pour boiling water over and let it brew for 3 hours. Then strain and drink 1 tbsp. l. before eating.
- You will need 1 cup of boiled water, chopped root. Boil all for a few minutes over a fire. Take the infusion three times a day, three quarters of a glass 20 minutes before a meal.
- It is necessary to take buckthorn root, mint leaves, fennel, parsley. The raw materials are placed in boiling water and infused for about 30 minutes. Drink exclusively in the morning on an empty stomach.
- The root of the plant and herbs are poured in 200 ml. boiling water. Defend, strain and use after meals for several sips.
- Leaf broth. You will need dry leaves and hot water to prepare it. Pour the leaves with water and leave for 24 hours in a special vessel (hermetic). The broth can be drunk in small portions throughout the day.
- Flower salad. Cut off the fresh leaves of the bush, rinse and chop them. Add green onions, chopped parsley and dill to these. Season the herbs with sunflower oil or lemon juice. Sprinkle with salt or other seasoning to taste. This salad normalizes metabolism.
- Dandelion salad with vegetables. To prepare this spring salad, you need: young fresh herb leaves, garlic, green onions, herbs, radish, cucumber, pepper. Chop the leaves, herbs finely, add diced cucumber, radishes, pepper strips and season with lemon juice or olive oil. Salt and pepper a little.
All of these above weed recipes will help you shed excess weight. The main thing is to take it regularly and not overdo it in order to avoid diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. People with chronic illnesses do not want to use dandelion in their diet. It is better to drink your favorite tea with the addition of honey, ginger, lemon, cinnamon. And if you have a desire to try a medicinal broth, then you need to consult a doctor.
Dandelion Disadvantages and Benefits

- You need to take this remedy carefully and always adhere to the measure. Do not use for people who have peptic ulcer disease.
- Weight loss is due to its laxative and diuretic effects. Please note that long-term use of the drug can cause a deterioration in the functioning of the stomach. At the same time, the activity of the processing of the accepted food decreases. The emptying process will be difficult and he will need additional stimulation.
- Dandelion is a powerful appetite booster. For example, if you are on a herb root diet, follow a few simple rules. The first rule is not to consume a lot of dandelion root. Second - prepare dishes not only from one root, but also add other useful herbs, herbs, vegetables. They will saturate the body with the necessary substances.
- You can make slimming cocktails from this medicinal plant. Since dandelion turns out to be a source of minerals and salts. Possesses useful characteristics that help a person in treatment, and even obesity.
Dandelion root harvesting

Mostly the root of the plant is harvested in the autumn or spring season. Because at this time it is saturated with a large number of biologically active substances. Carefully dig out a bush with a shovel, cut off the root, shake it off. Then they are washed with water and dried for a week in an open space, then in a special oven at a temperature of 60 degrees. The workpiece can be stored for no more than five years. Remember, the collection of raw materials should be carried out in a less polluted area, away from the city and main roads.
Dandelion expert reviews

The medical encyclopedia says that dandelion is used to increase appetite. Due to its own bitterness, it is considered the most powerful appetite stimulant. You wonder how you can lose weight with increased appetite? Let's discuss this:
- As we already learned from the article, the plant has a strong laxative and diuretic effect. When using it, you will very often go to the toilet, so to speak, get rid of unnecessary liquid.
- Due to its choleretic properties, the plant prevents the deposition of fatty deposits. Bile crushes them, they begin to be better processed.
Whether or not to take dandelion for weight loss is up to you. But weight loss will not come from drinking only one herbal infusion. Along with this, you need to exclude harmful high-calorie foods, especially sweets. Also, eat a balanced diet, go to the gym, or exercise. Then there will be not only benefit, but result.
The recipe for an imperial, vitamin, spring dandelion salad to cleanse the body and lose weight in this video: