Noni Juice

Noni Juice
Noni Juice

In this article, we will talk about the benefits of Noni juice for the human body. We will analyze its composition of vitamins and minerals, and also tell you how to use it. Noni is the fruit of Morinda citrus. Morinda citrifolia is the exact botanical name for this evergreen. It grows and bears fruit all year round in the warm climate of the South Pacific tropics. The first shoots of the evergreen Morinda and its fruits (noni) were discovered in South Asia. It easily changes its "place of residence" because it takes root in any soil, tolerates drought and generally takes root in any conditions. It blooms and bears fruit all year round. Nowadays, noni are harvested in Australia, on the Polynesian islands, in Tahiti and Hawaii, in New Guinea, Thailand. Flowers are hidden in the branches of the tree, and ripening green and large ripe fruits, almost imperceptible in the foliage.

Morinda citrus-leaved and its noni fruits
Morinda citrus-leaved and its noni fruits

In the photo, citrus-leaved morinda and its fruits are noni.

Noni fruit and juice from it

Noni is also called Indian mulberry or wandering cheese fruit. It is very healthy, but lacks an attractive appearance, and the juice and flesh do not taste delicious.

Noni fruit
Noni fruit

When ripe, it looks like a lumpy potato, its skin is almost transparent, light yellow or white. There are many seeds inside the flesh. All of them are "wrapped" in air sacs, thanks to which noni can travel across the ocean.

When cutting the fruit, a pungent smell of spoiled cheese appears. For a European, the taste of this fruit will seem bitter, unusual. Residents of the tropics, accustomed to drinking the healthy and nutritious Noni juice, characterize the taste with all the "colors": sour, salty, sweet, tart, bitter and generally pungent.

Real nutritious and freshly squeezed Noni juice has a light gray (whitish) color. Then it gets dark. If you have the fruit itself in your hands, then to squeeze out the juice, take a sieve and rub the pulp into it. The consistency should be like a fruit puree. Some do not eat the pulp of this fruit. Then you need to put the ripe noni for several days in a sieve over the vessel and wait until all the moisture has drained off. The consistency of the juice squeezed in this way will be liquid. But the taste and smell will still remain unpleasant.

How to take Noni juice correctly?

How to take Noni juice
How to take Noni juice

In the photo, noni juice is collected in the bottle cap, this dose is enough for prevention. For those who refused the benefits of Noni juice because of the taste and smell, we hasten to inform you that you do not need to drink it with glasses. As a preventive measure against exacerbation of diseases and improvement of the general tone, it is enough to take a tablespoon twice a day. There are times when the dosage is increased (but not more than 3 spoons twice a day). Do not drink it before bed, as then you will not fall asleep! The last dose should be given 3-4 hours before bedtime.

Only a thick drink brings benefits, if a liquid like water splashes in the container that you bought, then this juice is diluted. This means that the dose will also have to be increased.

For example, Tahitian Noni juice also contains grape and blueberry juice. The manufacturer calls these natural flavor enhancers. It also has beneficial properties, but it can be taken up to 60 ml per day. Noni juice is drunk both separately and in combination with nectars and juices of other fruits.

Composition of Noni juice: vitamins, minerals and calories

Calorie content of Noni juice per 100 g - 44 kcal.

100 grams of Morinda's product contains:

  • Fiber - from 0.5 to 1.0 g
  • Glucose - from 3.0 to 4.0 g
  • Fructose - from 3.0 to 4.0 g
  • Sucrose - <0.1 kj
  • Proteins - limit content 0.5 g
  • Fat - up to 0.2 g
  • Carbohydrates - 9 to 11 g
  • Ash - 0.2? 0.3 g

pH level - 3, 5


  • Pantothenic acid - limit content 0.5 mg
  • C - from 3 to 25 mg
  • Groups B - from 0.03 to 0.1 mg
  • E - up to 1.0 mg
  • Alpha carotene - up to 7, 0 IU
  • Beta carotene - limit 22 IU
  • Niacin, and other vitamins in small doses.


  • Calcium - 20 to 25 mg
  • Magnesium - 3.0 to 12 mg
  • Sodium - 15.0 to 40.0 mg
  • Potassium - up to 150 mg
  • Phosphorus - from 2.0 to 7.0 mg
  • And other useful minerals in trace amounts.

Amino acids:

  • Glutamic acid - maximum 44 mg
  • Arginine - up to 44 mg
  • Aspartic acid - 30 to 77 mg
  • Alanine - 17 to 33 mg
  • Proline - 24 to 33 mg
  • Serine - 9 to 12 mg
  • Threonine - 8 to 11 mg
  • Glycine - 10 to 22 mg
  • Leucine - limit up to 22 mg
  • Valine - up to 22 mg
  • Isoleucine - 7 to 11 mg
  • Tyrosine - up to 11 mg
  • Histidine - up to 6 mg
  • Lysine - up to 11 mg
  • Cystine - up to 11 mg
  • Phenylalanine - up to 8 mg
  • other. In total, more than 150 trace elements are useful for humans.

Useful properties of Noni juice

Useful properties of Noni juice
Useful properties of Noni juice

I bought a liter bottle of 100% noni juice in Thailand for 900 baht (as of September 26, 2014, this is about 1080 rubles). Scientists from the United States have proven the usefulness of Noni juice: the composition of the product is so saturated with amino acids that exert their effect at the cellular level that the living cells of the body are quickly saturated and heal the entire body. Small doses act like doping on a person, arousing activity in him and helping to concentrate attention.

Noni juice is useful for the elderly, especially for chronic diseases. With age-related ailments, the ability to take medications deteriorates, the juice from the Morinda fruit restores this ability. Headaches, stomach cramps, etc. also decrease or disappear.

For people of any age, Noni juice will have a beneficial effect:

  • on the immune system;
  • on the digestive system;
  • on the circulatory system (lowering blood pressure).

The huge amount of oxidants contained in Morinda fruits rejuvenates the body. When applied externally, it makes the skin smooth and supple.

With regular ingestion, Noni juice will help to cope with diseases: cancerous tumors, infections, fungi. It will gently support the nervous system. Topical application will relieve wounds and shallow scars.

Considering the high content of nutrients in Noni juice and its ability to maintain energy and "fighting" spirit, the remedy is widely used by those who are engaged in fitness in the gym, etc., who monitor their figure. For those wishing to lose weight (like liquid chestnut for weight loss), this product will also help achieve results. And a small amount of calories will not add volume to the figure.

Explanatory video of the academician about the benefits of Noni:

Noni juice: contraindications and side effects

Noni juice contains many healthy vitamins and minerals. But, unfortunately, the composition contains elements that excite the nervous system. Therefore, the product should be used with caution by people with pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, mental illnesses and neuroses, insomnia, etc.

In small doses, the drink contains emetine, which can cause nausea, and with an active increase in the dose, vomiting. People with peptic ulcer should take it with caution.

For those with chronic illnesses, it is a good idea to consult a doctor.

Pay your attention: is the expiration date indicated, until what time it is. Remember that freshly squeezed juices should be consumed within 24 hours. An open container of the finished noni product can be stored in the refrigerator for a month.


Noni juice (citrus-leaf morinda) is not a medicine, and it is not a dietary supplement either. When buying, do not hesitate to ask for a product certificate. Natural juice sourced from tropical countries has beneficial properties, but common counterfeits result in undeserved bad reviews from consumers.

Now let's see this video with Agapkin about noni juice:

They here reveal its beneficial properties and effect on the body as a whole, but if you think about it, everything will be clear … There is anti-advertising of Noni, because today it is no longer profitable for our medicine to recommend useful products to people that nature presents to us. They need to sell their super-products of a therapeutic and health-improving nature, which are made on the basis of chemistry, which, on the contrary, “ruins” the body and makes us disabled. Their goal is to make money for you! Today, doctors are forbidden to talk about folk remedies and so on, just offer your patient such a folk remedy for treatment - and you will be fired from your job.

Here are some testimonials under this YouTube video:
