The bloodletting procedure is performed by specialists for the treatment of many diseases. In this article, you will find answers to many questions regarding the relief of health through the use of bleeding. Bloodletting is contraindicated in such cases: with low blood pressure, in case of anemia, if there is thrombus formation, with severe atherosclerosis.
The Benefits of Acid Fasting Bloodletting

The following signs indicate that a person has a lack of oxygen: you feel depressed, interest in life disappears, apathy and depression appear, unhealthy diet, unhealthy, inactive lifestyle, heaviness in the leg area. All this speaks not only about oxygen starvation, but also about blood thickening, about the threat of blood clots. Bloodletting may well be required here.
Consider what light bloodletting gives during oxygen starvation:
- Blood pressure decreases, as well as intracapillary and venous pressure.
- Overloading of the heart muscle disappears - especially in the right section.
- Good prevention of heart attacks and strokes.
- Training for the body, protective and adaptive reactions appear. So, cerebral and cardiac circulation is enhanced. The same goes for the kidney. Microcirculation improves.
- Bone marrow cells are activated, as well as other hematopoietic organs.
- On the sixth day after bloodletting, the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin is restored.
- With proper bloodletting, the hematopoietic system is stimulated - as a result, a better blood supply to organs and tissues is observed.
Features of the bleeding procedure

First, they do tests - they look at the composition of the blood. Then it is determined how much will need to be extracted. Small or large bloodletting is possible. In the first case, one hundred and fifty milliliters of blood is extracted, in the second - five hundred, this is the maximum figure. Sometimes, after one procedure, the state of health improves significantly, but sometimes it is required to repeat the procedure again after a month. Due to frequent bloodletting, the body weakens impressively.
There is a method in which blood is not poured into the patient immediately, but some time after it is taken from him in advance before the procedure. Thus, the patient is prepared for the operation. The same goes for transfusions during surgery. Six days before the surgical intervention, from two hundred and fifty to three hundred milliliters of blood is taken from the patient, then it is stored using conservation. On the day of the operation, it is poured into the donor himself. This compensates for the loss of blood during the operation.
This method is successfully used in sports. With its help, it is possible to correct a strong oxygen debt, which is quite real if an athlete performs exercises with impressive loads during training. Here biostimulation methods are appropriate - sports autohemotransfusion, which is also called "blood doping".
Transfusions of their own blood are carried out at intervals of three or even four days. This method has a biostimulating and restorative effect. In sports, Erythropoietin is used - it is an excellent stimulator of hematopoiesis in the body. You should definitely contact a specialist, because contraindications are possible.
Bloodletting is temporarily contraindicated:
- During menstruation, women should not bleed. The same applies to the first week after the end of the critical days.
- After a cold. Before bleeding, you must wait at least two weeks after the end of the disease.
You can become a donor. So you will help both yourself and the person who needs help. There is an option to do bloodletting in a private clinic. And you can also agree with a nurse in a polyclinic so that she takes blood from a vein - from one hundred to two hundred grams will be quite enough. This will help improve your blood pressure.
What is blood doping

This is the use of blood or blood-based products in order to increase the number of red blood cells. As a result, more oxygen enters the muscles, which means that endurance becomes more impressive.
Blood doping is not permitted in sports. The ban was imposed on it for the reason that an unfair advantage appears against the background of an artificially increased volume of carried oxygen. It is mainly used in those sports where endurance is in the foreground.
Negative reactions possible with sports autohemotransfusion: allergy to the wrong group, bile spillage, blood circulation overload, the appearance of blood clots, heart attacks, metabolic shock.
Watch the video about bleeding:

Do not try to solve health problems on your own! For this, there are doctors - specialists who will do all the necessary research and decide whether you can do this or that procedure. Do not risk your health and your life - we all have one.