Mesobotox for wrinkles: indications, contraindications, injection technique

Mesobotox for wrinkles: indications, contraindications, injection technique
Mesobotox for wrinkles: indications, contraindications, injection technique

Indications and contraindications for the procedure. Features of the introduction of botulinum solution under the eyes, around the lips, on the neck, décolleté. Recovery period, results. Real reviews about mesobotox.

Mesobotox is a technique of superficial injection of Botox in small doses, aimed at rejuvenating the skin without losing the natural facial expressions. A small concentration of the drug is injected under the skin without touching the muscles. This technique avoids the "mask effect". But at the same time, the face is smoothed, since nerve impulses are blocked, which transmit signals to small muscle fibers.

Indications for the mesobotox procedure

Early aging as an indication for mesobotox
Early aging as an indication for mesobotox

Mesobotox is a modern facial rejuvenation technique that smoothes wrinkles while maintaining natural facial expressions. For injections, a special substance is used - botulinum toxin, which is injected superficially and in small quantities according to a certain scheme and thus acts only on the small muscles located under the skin.

The main component of Botox is botulin. This neurotoxin can paralyze muscles and cause respiratory arrest. In the 70s of the last century, small doses of poison began to be used to treat strabismus, blepharospasm, and achalasia of the esophagus. During the therapy, the doctors noticed that the skin in the injection area looks youthful and smooth. Then scientists started developing a drug for cosmetic procedures.

Botulin's main action is to block acetylcholine. This substance is released when muscle tissue contracts. After the injection of mesobotox, the small auxiliary fibers are relaxed. At the same time, the mimic muscles do not lose motor activity. As a result, a person can express his emotions, and at the same time his face is smoothed out, acquires a clear outline.

Mesobotox refers to gentle procedures. The syringe needle is inserted shallowly, so even people with a low pain threshold and sensitive skin can withstand the session.

The maximum effect is achieved in the following cases:

  • Early signs of aging … The first mesobotox procedures are recommended at the age of 28-30 years. At this time, the girls have small wrinkles around the eyes and lips. Without correction, they deepen, become clearer and more pronounced. Regular injections of Botox allow you to preserve youthful skin for a long time, delay plastic surgery as much as possible or do without it altogether.
  • Active facial expressions … Some people tend to grimace involuntarily when talking, watching TV, or even being alone when reminiscing about past events. This habit often annoys the interlocutors. In addition, it is harmful to the skin, as it causes the appearance of early wrinkles. The mesobotox procedure allows the face to be smoothed, and the person gets used to the calm expression of emotions.
  • Fine wrinkled type of aging … Cosmetologists have noticed that women age in different ways. In some, the skin falls down (tired), swells (deformation), becomes thinner (muscle type). With a finely wrinkled version, it is covered with a network of fine wrinkles, but at the same time retains the beauty and a clear oval of the face. In the photos before and after mesobotox, you can clearly see how the procedure rejuvenates and smoothes the skin.

Reading the reviews of cosmetologists about mesobotox, you can see that the procedure is in demand among the fairer sex. Men prefer to inject Botox into the deep muscles of the face to smooth out large wrinkles on the forehead, bridge of the nose, and cheekbones.

The price of mesobotox depends on the number of injections. On average, one unit of Botox costs 250 rubles.

Contraindications to mesobotox

Breastfeeding your baby
Breastfeeding your baby

A professional cosmetologist will never start a mesobotox procedure without making sure that there are no contraindications. These include:

  • planning pregnancy;
  • expectation of a child;
  • lactation period;
  • scratches, pimples, sores in the injection area;
  • violation of blood clotting;
  • diabetes;
  • allergy to botulinum;
  • oncological diseases;
  • tendency to scarring of the skin.

Contraindication to mesobotox is the acute phase of any chronic disease. A small dose of the toxin can worsen the course of the disease. In addition, many drugs to fight inflammation, bacteria, fungi and viruses inactivate the effect of botulinum, reduce the effect of smoothing wrinkles.

Botox is not given to girls under the age of 20, as their facial features are still developing. After 45 years, the effectiveness of the procedure decreases. Elderly people may not notice the smoothing of wrinkles at all, as their skin has already undergone irreversible changes.

Cosmetologists talk about the ineffectiveness of the mesobotox procedure on the forehead, cheekbones, nasolabial fold. To smooth out wrinkles in these places, injections of the usual concentration of Botox or plastic surgery to tighten the skin are necessary.

How is the mesobotox procedure performed?

At the preparatory stage, the beautician examines the face, identifies its problem areas. The specialist talks about the mesobotox technique, shows photographs of the clinic's patients. Further, he makes sure that there are no contraindications. Sometimes it is recommended to undergo a diagnostic examination or wait for the complete healing of skin diseases.

Mesobotox under the eyes

Mesobotox under the eyes
Mesobotox under the eyes

The mesobotox procedure is effective for the appearance of fine wrinkles under the lower eyelids. Botox injections in standard dilution (100 units per 2.5 ml of saline) are not suitable for combating this sign of aging. A high concentration of the drug can cause lymphostasis, severe edema, and problems with blinking.

The patient sits on the couch while the beautician examines her skin under the eyes. By palpation, he assesses the condition of the skin, the functioning of the muscles. Then he cleans his face with an antiseptic, makes a series of botulin injections to a depth of 2 mm.

Reading reviews about mesobotox under the eyes, it becomes clear that the procedure effectively eliminates wrinkles, "opens" the eyelids, removes the appearance of exhaustion and fatigue.

The price of mesobotox under the eyes is from 2,400 rubles in Russia (1,500 hryvnia in Ukraine) for 10 units of the drug

Mesobotox around the lips

Mesobotox around the lips
Mesobotox around the lips

Active grimacing, improper care, age-related changes in the body lead to the appearance of longitudinal (purse-string) wrinkles around the lips. Mesobotox sessions allow you to smooth the skin while preserving the individuality of facial expressions and the beauty of a smile.

The patient sits in a chair, the beautician examines her lips, sometimes under a magnifying glass. With the help of palpation, he notes the condition of the skin and muscles around the mouth. Then he dilutes the drug, makes a series of injections, at a distance of 1 cm from each other. The puncture depth should not exceed 3 mm.

Mesobotox around the lips requires 10-15 injections. In the first hours after the procedure, it is forbidden to talk, drink, eat. In the evening, the swelling subsides, puncture marks become invisible.

The price of mesobotox around the lips is from 3000 rubles in Russia (from 1800 hryvnia in Ukraine) for 1 session

Mesobotox neck and décolleté

Neck mesobotox
Neck mesobotox

The skin in the neck and décolleté area is particularly tender and vulnerable. It is this part of the body that gives out the woman's age, and with improper care, makes her older. Injections of the usual concentration of Botox can cause swelling, speech and swallowing difficulties. Mesobotox is injected shallowly under the dermis. Therefore, it has a low percentage of side effects.

The patient sits on the couch, the beautician examines the skin of the neck and décolleté, calculates the number of injections. Then he wipes the area with an antiseptic. With high sensitivity to punctures - anesthetic gel. The specialist makes a series of injections, at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other.

Despite the fact that the procedure is done on an outpatient basis, it is better to spend the first hour in the clinic for the skin to heal a little. Next, you need to go home and spend time without physical exertion. It is forbidden to sleep on your stomach at night.

The price of mesobotox for the neck and décolleté area is from 6,000 rubles in Russia (4,000 hryvnias in Ukraine)

Recovery period after mesobotox

Recovery period after mesobotox
Recovery period after mesobotox

Mesobotox is best done on a weekend. The first 4-5 hours after the procedure, the face turns red, swells, becomes covered with red spots. This reaction to botulinum and needle punctures is considered normal and does not require symptomatic therapy.

At this time, it is prohibited:

  • tilt your head, take a horizontal body position;
  • touching the skin with hands and other objects;
  • stay on the street for a long time;
  • drink alcoholic and hot drinks.

Spend the day at home. Do not start general cleaning, work in the garden and vegetable garden. Do not stand near a hot stove, do not use an iron, steam inhaler. Avoid food that retains moisture in the tissues (smoked, salted, canned food). Lie on your back at night, do not press your face with a pillow.

Results and complications of mesobotox

Introducing infection after mesobotox
Introducing infection after mesobotox

The final effect of mesobotox can be seen in the mirror after 5-7 days. At this time, swelling disappears, points from punctures with a needle disappear, and fine wrinkles are smoothed out. Cosmetologists pay attention that after light damage in the deep layers of the dermis, blood circulation increases, as well as the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid. As a result, the skin becomes smoother and more elastic.

In reviews of mesobotox, clients say that the effect of the procedure lasts 6-7 months. At the end of this period, botulin is completely eliminated from the body, and small muscles regain the ability to move. In the absence of contraindications, you can repeat the beauty injections on this or another part of the face.

Cosmetologists explain that 4% of men and 1% of women are immune to the effects of Botox. The cause of resistance is a genetic trait, as well as the consequences of botulism treatment or vaccination against the disease. For such patients, other methods of rejuvenation have been developed that are not associated with the introduction of botulinum.

Complications of mesobotox include:

  • Allergic reaction … Cosmetologists explain that the immune system often reacts not to the toxin, but to the auxiliary components of the drug or the anesthetic that the face is treated with before the procedure. They recommend that allergy sufferers undergo allergy skin tests and have an antihistamine with them. The main symptoms of the reaction are itching, redness, and a local increase in temperature.
  • Asymmetry … The human face is composed of 54 muscles. The beautician must know where and at what distance from the epidermis they are located. An error in the calculations results in a skew or asymmetry. A minor manifestation of this complication can be corrected with additional injections of the drug. But more often than not, the patient needs to wait until the toxin is removed from the body. To speed up the process, use massage, physiotherapy procedures that activate metabolism.
  • Infection … If the conditions of sterility are not observed, it is possible for dirt to get under the skin from the needle, the lid of the drug, the hands of the beautician. Infection is manifested by fever, loss of appetite, and weakness. The site of infection swells, turns red, hurts when pressed. See your doctor if you experience these symptoms. He will prescribe anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, healing treatments.

Remember, when choosing a beauty salon, you need to consider not only the price per unit of mesobotox. Pay attention to the cleanliness of the room, the availability of modern equipment. Be sure to ask for a certificate for this type of activity, check the experience of the cosmetologist.

Real reviews of mesobotox

A superficial Botox treatment helps women look younger without losing the opportunity to express their emotions. According to numerous positive reviews about mesobotox, it is painless, has a short recovery period, and the first results can be seen already after 5-7 days. Here are the most indicative of them.

Nadezhda 34 years old, Moscow

Feedback from Nadezhda about mesobotox
Feedback from Nadezhda about mesobotox

When I noticed the first wrinkles under my eyes, I decided to smooth them out with a mild Botox solution. This procedure was done by many of my friends, especially since the price of mesobotox in Moscow and other cities is almost the same. I was pleased with the result. Now I try to frown less.

Christina, 38 years old, St. Petersburg

Christina's review of mesobotox
Christina's review of mesobotox

I learned about the mesobotox from the reviews on the women's forum. I asked in the chat where it is possible to make a mesobotox in St. Petersburg, and received many useful recommendations. I chose a salon near my home and was pleased with the result. Most importantly, there is no mask effect and silly puppet expression. And at the same time, small wrinkles were smoothed out, and the look became more open and perky.

Tatyana, 25 years old, Taganrog

Tatiana's review of mesobotox
Tatiana's review of mesobotox

I have had poor eyesight since childhood, but I have never worn glasses. Due to the constant squinting, at the age of 25, small wrinkles appeared near my eyes. I read the reviews of people and cosmetologists about mesobotox, many praised the procedure, now I can also leave a positive review about mesobotox under the eyes.

What is mesobotox - watch the video:

The introduction of a weak botulinum solution under the skin helps women look younger and at the same time maintain their individuality and the ability to show emotions. The advantage of the procedure is painlessness, a short recovery period, the disadvantages are the fragility of the effect (3-4 months), the risk of side effects.
