Protein by weight in bodybuilding

Protein by weight in bodybuilding
Protein by weight in bodybuilding

Find out if using bulk protein blend equivalents is worth it and how these cost savings can be beneficial. Most newcomers to bodybuilding try to find outlets where you can buy bulk protein in bodybuilding. At the same time, they fully understand that such a protein is packaged at home, and there is a high risk of purchasing a low-quality product. Powdered milk or starch, etc. can be used as fillers.

If you analyze the cost of protein by weight and compare it with branded products, then the benefit is obvious, since the difference in cost can be about 400 percent. It is quite easy to find sellers of such supplements, and this is especially true for open specialized forums, where such announcements are very common.

At the same time, experienced athletes will never buy protein by weight in bodybuilding. Instead, they continue to use only certified products. Let's figure out what this may be related to.

Does Loose Protein Have Benefits?

Bulk protein
Bulk protein

Bulk protein sellers are touting their product in every possible way, which is understandable. Here are the benefits they believe protein by weight has in bodybuilding:

  • Several times cheaper than a branded sports food.
  • Does not contain colorants or fragrances.
  • Has the best digestibility.
  • There are no side effects.
  • It dissolves well in liquid.

Agree, all this sounds very attractive, but is there any reason for such statements? Let's start with this with the cost. It is clear that packaging will never cost several times more than the contents. Moreover, today there are a lot of players on the sports food market, and a serious war for customers ensued between the companies.

Everyone understands that the first thing a consumer can be attracted by a lower price for their product. And this can be achieved by reducing the cost of the same packaging. As a result, we can safely say that the first advantage simply cannot be. All other statements remain unfounded, since they simply cannot give you any proof of their authenticity. All companies produce protein using very similar technologies, and its quality differs very insignificantly. It's ridiculous to talk about the side effects of protein supplements. They are common protein compounds found in milk or soy (depending on the type of protein).

What is protein by weight in bodybuilding?

Bulk protein in bags
Bulk protein in bags

We just found out that there is simply no advantage of a weight-loss protein over a brand-name protein. Then what is this bulk protein? It turns out that this is the original product that comes from the production of protein supplements.

It should be said right away that in this state it has not yet undergone purification and, therefore, contains a large amount of impurities. They are harmless to the body, but they will not bring benefits to the builders for sure. However, their content can reach up to half of the total mass of protein and as a result, using it, you get, at best, only 50 percent of the protein compounds.

In addition, you should be aware that until the protein compounds are purified, their digestibility is quite low. Finally, do not forget about such a substance as lactose. It is this that is the most problematic, and in the case of protein by weight in bodybuilding, the lactose content in it is quite high.

Of course, if you buy protein by weight, then you will pay several times less for it, but it will also bring you little benefit. Considering the amount of impurities, we can say that the effectiveness of the weighed protein in comparison with the brand name is ten times less.

Thus, using one kilogram of protein, bought by weight, the effectiveness of its use will be equal to 100 grams of certified supplements. It is not difficult to calculate that to get the same effect, you will have to take so much loose protein that its cost will already exceed branded products several times.

It should be understood that protein will never cost the same as milk powder. If you are so limited in finances that you cannot even purchase cheap certified supplements, opt for powdered milk, which is sold in supermarkets. Of course, this product cannot match the effectiveness of protein supplements from sports food stores, but you will be sure that your health will not be harmed. However, we can confidently tell you that it is better to buy less often and use fewer branded supplements than to constantly take protein by weight in bodybuilding.

How to measure sports nutrition correctly, see this video: