Rules and methods of maintaining weight after losing weight

Rules and methods of maintaining weight after losing weight
Rules and methods of maintaining weight after losing weight

Losing weight is easy, but only a few manage to maintain the achieved shape. Find out why after a while people return to their original point again. Weight loss is a very hot topic. If you can lose weight quickly enough, it is very difficult to keep it. Very often people use various nutrition programs, which can be very effective at the initial stage, but then the weight comes back and often with excess. Today we will try to talk about how to maintain weight after losing weight and make it as clear as possible. After all, not every person is familiar with the basics of dietetics and is going to delve into them.

Correct weight loss rules

Girls prepare salad
Girls prepare salad

Immediately it is necessary to say that you need to lose weight correctly. The main problem with most nutrition programs designed to quickly lose weight is the wrong approach. Firstly, when drawing up a dietary nutrition program, an individual approach is required. Second, you should consume fewer calories than are burned throughout the day.

If the number of calories consumed exceeds the number of calories burned, then the fat mass will increase. By and large, the appearance of all people is a simple ratio of fat and muscle mass. It should also be said that muscle tissue, in comparison with adipose tissue, has a denser structure. Simply put, a kilogram of muscle has less volume than a kilogram of fat.

It is for this reason that people who have developed muscles look slimmer and more beautiful than people of similar body weight, but with a higher body fat content. Most often, people who decide to get rid of excess weight resort to starvation or malnutrition. Of course, this applies more to girls, since for guys the more important question is where and how to build muscles. For weight loss, various diets are used, which do not bring results, which causes a negative attitude towards the very process of losing weight. But if you do everything right, you can lose weight, and there is nothing complicated about it. Once you start fasting, you will feel a temporary effect and your body weight will actually decrease. However, this is not due to a decrease in body fat percentage, but to muscle breakdown. For the body, a lack of calories is a powerful stress, and it reacts to this by reducing the metabolic rate. With prolonged fasting, the question of how to maintain weight after losing weight will become very relevant. Yes, you can lose ten kilograms within a week, but you should not rejoice at this result. On average, a person can only lose about 250 grams of fat in one day. If you lose more, then everything else is fluid and muscle. Thus, in a week, only one and a half kilograms of fat can be lost. Remember, fasting can never be used as a weight loss tool. The only purpose of such diets can be to cleanse the body of toxins. In this case, fasting should last no more than a day. For weight loss, you must use a properly designed nutritional program and strength training in combination with cardio loads. When you fast, you only lose muscle mass, and after completing the diet, you gain weight again, which is fat mass.

Ways to maintain weight after losing weight

Girl rejoices standing on the scales
Girl rejoices standing on the scales

The main reason why people cannot maintain weight after losing weight is the incorrect organization of the process of getting rid of extra pounds. After "hungry" diets, you can maintain your weight, but your appearance will deteriorate significantly, as the percentage of body fat increases.

If you did everything right while losing weight and did not force events, dropping one kilogram per day, and now you want to know how to maintain weight after losing weight, then you just need to continue to lead an active lifestyle. From the moment you decide to take care of your appearance and lose weight, you need to exercise and eat right all the time.

So, let's answer point by point to the question of how to maintain weight after losing weight:

  • Eliminate all foods harmful to the body from your diet.
  • When creating your own nutritional program, you need to focus only on healthy foods that contain all the nutrients, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients.
  • Determine your daily calorie intake and consume 10-20 percent less throughout the day.
  • Switch to fractional meals, eating at least five times a day. On average, you need to eat small meals every 2.5 to 3 hours. It is necessary to create the right training program.
  • Keep a workout diary to make it easier to track your progress and make adjustments to your diet and workout as needed.

If you managed to lose weight correctly and your currently weigh, say, 55 kilograms, then you should proceed as follows:

  1. Stop taking in fewer calories than you are using throughout the day. If you have reached the desired weight, then the calorie content of your diet should correspond to the daily norm.
  2. Keep exercising and keep eating healthy foods. You should forget about McDonald's forever.
  3. During the day, you must eat at least five times, but within the daily diet. Just eat every three hours.
  4. Drinking enough is also important. Water not only cleanses the body, as it dissolves a large amount of toxins, but also increases metabolism.

Thus, if you have achieved the desired result in the process of losing weight, but now do not know how to maintain weight after losing weight, you just need to adhere to all the recommendations that were voiced in this article. There is nothing difficult about them, especially since some of them should have been applied by you during the period of struggle with excess weight.

For more information on ways to maintain weight after losing weight, see this video:
