Anabolics can also be prepared at home. The main thing is to choose the right oil for the base. Find out which oils are suitable for making steroids. I would like to say right away that the best choice for making anabolic steroids at home will be soybean oil produced by Wesson. It has been used for these purposes for a long time, and has proven itself on the positive side. It is sold in almost all supermarkets and is highly transparent. This is a very important indicator for the basis of steroids and we will be giving a lot of attention to this in our review of steroid oils.
Steroid base oils

You can find a large number of oils in stores, but most often they are unclear. It is often difficult to immediately determine, but this is the case with natural oils. The same can be said for specially formulated oils for bodybuilders. It should also be remembered that all high-quality steroid preparations are produced on the basis of grape seed oil, cottonseed, peanut or corn oil.
Other herbal substances can be used, but the ones listed above are much more effective. A pharmaceutical grade oil such as that produced by Croda is also an excellent choice. Such oils are of high quality and the preparations obtained with their use are also very good.
Sometimes bodybuilders find that certain types of exotic oils, such as flaxseed oil and evening primrose oil, are more nutritious, and therefore can be a good base for steroids. However, it is not advisable to use them for these purposes, since they contain a large amount of suspended particles. It is worth noting that outwardly the oil may appear transparent, but when a drug based on such an oil is injected, an allergic reaction may begin.
Moreover, it is quite possible that when the oil was consumed orally, there was no allergy, but it can appear with an injection route of administration. It should also be remembered that all substances in the oil can become a favorable environment for the development of bacteria. These substances are called probiotics and are difficult to remove even with the use of sub-microbial filters.
In today's review of steroid oils, ethyl oleate cannot be ignored. The main advantage of this substance in comparison with vegetable oils is its higher viscosity and high solubility. It should be noted that ethyl oleate can have two main disadvantages. Firstly, the body's reaction to this substance can be unpredictable, and secondly, very often ethyl oleate is of very low quality. For this reason, industrial, laboratory substances, as well as those whose class is difficult or impossible to establish, should be avoided. Ethyl oleate of the USP and FCC grades is optimal for the preparation of steroids. It is also advisable to first make a test injection to determine the body's response to the selected substance. To do this, it is enough to use one milliliter of the drug. If negative effects do not arise, then you can use it to prepare AAS.
Steroid Oil Solvents

Today's article will not only give an overview of steroid oils, but also solvents. Thanks to these substances, it is possible to significantly increase the concentration of the AAS solution and achieve better powder solubility.
Benzyl benzoate is undoubtedly one of the best solvents. For example, we can take trenbolone, which, when dissolved in pure oil, already mentioned by Wesson today, can only be dissolved in a ratio of 50 milligrams per milliliter, then when a mixture of benzyl benzoate and oil is used in a ratio of 20:80 percent, a concentration of 100 milligrams per milliliter.
Guaiacol has also proven itself very well as a solvent. When using this substance, follow the instructions, and there will be no problems.
It is advisable to use benzyl alcohol when preparing steroids at home. This substance has a strong bacteriostatic effect. Simply put, it is not capable of destroying bacteria, but it can stop their reproduction. In a solution prepared from oils that do not contain suspended particles, there is no nutrient medium for the development of bacteria. So in such a solution does not contain phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and other elements that provide food for bacteria. However, the solution may be contaminated with, say, skin particles. In this case, bacteria will have a food source, which can lead to undesirable consequences.
To eliminate this risk, benzyl alcohol with a concentration of no more than five percent should be used. However, it is better to make the alcohol solution less strong so as not to cause an allergic reaction in the body. In this case, do not forget about trial injections.
Thanks to them, you will know exactly how your body can react to the introduction of various substances. This simple, but very effective way should not be neglected. Of course, you don't need to use a benzyl alcohol solution. It all depends on the individual athlete. Someone is afraid of the possibility of infection under the skin, and some do not attach much importance to this. The choice in this matter lies entirely with you.
In today's review of steroid oils, we tried to tell you which substances are best suited for the role of the basis for AAS. Which substance from the above to use depends on your choice. It is rather difficult to give specific advice in this matter, since when using any medications, including steroids, the individual characteristics of the organism play a great role in their choice. Choose a substance that will not cause allergic reactions, and to find out, you should do a test injection.
Learn more about synthetic oils for muscle gain in this video: