Which company's steroids are better for gaining mass and increasing strength? Where do the dosages and active ingredient correspond to the manufacturer's declared indicator? Surely experienced athletes are familiar with the name Androlic-50. This steroid was the well-known methane produced by British Dragon Pharmaceuticals. Quite quickly, the manufacturer's products became very popular in our country. However, a couple of years ago it became known that instead of one "dragon" there were two of them. The names of the companies differed only in one word - Limited (Ltd).
For obvious reasons, doubts about the products of a popular company crept in from the hearts of many athletes, which were soon dispelled. It became known that British Dragon Pharmaceuticals Ltd simply changed its "registration" and is now based not in Thailand, but in Hong Kong. All other attributes, except for the logo and name, have been retained. The quality of the products also remained at the same high level.
Not good feelings reappeared after the appearance of a masteron on the market, which had not been previously produced by the company. It soon became known that the new drug was being produced by a second company, which retained the old logo and name, but not the quality.
What is British Dragon Pharmaceuticals

If you turn to the network for help, you can quickly find out that now the manufacturer produces four tableted steroids and seven injectables. The first group includes mastabol (methane), oxanobol, oxidrol and stanobol. It's probably not worth talking about active ingredients, everything is clear from the name.
The group of injectable anabolic steroids consisted of:
- boldabol;
- decabol;
- durabol;
- testabold (testosterone cypionate);
- mastabol;
- testabol (male hormone propionate);
- trenabol.
If the tablet drugs have more or less normal quality, then this cannot be said about injectable ones. Immediately when you look at the packaging, you feel that there is a catch ahead of you. And again, there are few complaints about the prescription anabolic steroids.
The bottles are not ceramic, there are no stamps on the labels. They themselves also do not command respect due to the lack of various protective elements. There is only a low quality hologram and clearly pasted by hand. Many people know how easy it is to cope with such protection systems. Suffice it to recall CDs with audio and video recordings.
The appearance of the purchased product is very similar to Ttokkyo Labs, which produces veterinary products and has a semi-clandestine status. By the way, this, if I may say so, is a company located in Mexico. After opening the bottle of boldabol, the mood completely disappeared. Instead of the prescribed 10 milliliters, there were only nine. Maybe for some this is not a problem, but if the manufacturer values his name and reputation, then this definitely should not be. It should also be said that boldenone undecylenate, which is the active component of boldabol, is produced for veterinary purposes only. After that, I had to again be convinced of the low quality of the contents of the ampoule, since the concentration of steroids did not cause any criticism. Actually, this can be said about all the company's products.
For example, oxanabol contains only 10 milligrams of the active ingredient. And in stanobol - 50 milligrams. The only more or less normal drug in terms of concentration was Decabol with its 250 milligrams.
On the other hand, the use of steroids intended for veterinary purposes is perfectly acceptable, and even the leading manufacturers can use them. However, the whole difference between Dragon Pharmaceuticals and other manufacturers is in quality, as well as the fact that they indicate on the packaging what the drug is intended for. Also, at first it is very difficult to understand on the territory of which state the production facilities of the new - "old" company are located. This issue was soon resolved. Believe it or not, the plant is located in Cambodia. It is difficult to remember at least one drug released by the pharmaceutical industry in this Asian country. To sum up, when purchasing British Dragon Pharmaceuticals products, one disappointment will definitely await you.
What is British Dragon Pharmaceuticals Ltd

It's time to talk about something nicer - British Dragon Pharmaceuticals Ltd. We have already said that now the production facilities and the office of the company are located in India and Hong Kong, the famous free economic zone of China. In the shortest possible time, a corresponding license was obtained for the production and sale of pharmaceutical products.
All drugs produced before the split remained in the assortment of British Dragon Pharmaceuticals Ltd. The packaging has slightly changed, on which the new logo flaunts. On the domestic market, you can easily find all the manufacturer's products.
Veterinary drugs are also produced, on the packaging of which this is openly stated. Let's say right away that the entire line of British Dragon Pharmaceuticals Ltd products is manufactured in India. Everyone knows how strongly pharmacology is developed in this state. This speaks of the quality of steroids, to which there are no complaints.
Returning to the range of products, we should note the appearance of nandrolone lorat (Laurobolon), a mixture of methandriol dipropionate and boldenone undecylenate (Meprobolon), exotic for domestic athletes, as well as Nandrilone-250. The latter is a unique blend of four nandrolone esters: decanoate, lorate, propionate and phenylpropionate.
Perhaps this is where the review of British Dragon Pharmaceuticals steroids should be completed, or rather two already. The question of choice here no longer arises and everyone understands which products of the two companies should be bypassed.
How British Dragon Pharmaceuticals' tabletted steroids are counterfeited, see this video:
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