Not everyone knows what to make from an old refrigerator you can make a smokehouse, a house for a Barbie, comfortable beds, a mini greenhouse, a cellar and much more.
Usually, an old refrigerator from a city house is taken to a dacha. Here it works for a while and then breaks down. But you don't need to throw it away. Seeing that you can make a lot of useful things out of an old refrigerator, you will probably want to make something out of it.
How to make a cellar from an old refrigerator with your own hands?
If you have harvested a good harvest in the country in the fall, then you can leave part of it there for the winter. After all, it's nice to come in spring and use fresh vegetables. In addition, they do not have to be transported from the city, and in certain conditions the vegetables will be well preserved.
But you need to come up with such a device that would not allow the products to rot, freeze, and rodents - to eat them.

- First wash the refrigerator, dry it well. Now you need to provide a ventilation system. To do this, you can make round holes at the top and bottom of the refrigerator using an end saw, then bring plastic pipes with adapters here. On top of each you will put a plug, make holes so that the cellar can be ventilated.
- If you did not know that you can turn an old refrigerator into such a vegetable store, now you have an idea about it. If the metal shelves are corroded, remove them. And inside, put plastic boxes in which well-dried vegetables will be located. When you need to get them out, just lift the lid of the refrigerator and take everything you need.
- But if such a storage is intended for winter, then it must be deepened into the ground, and covered with soil from above.
Install such a cellar on a small hill. If you install it in a low place, then water can flow here and the vegetables will rot.
If you wish, install the refrigerator vertically, not horizontally.

What can be done from an old refrigerator, the photo demonstrates. You will need to dig a recess, make holes in the top of the refrigerator and insert a wide flexible corrugated hose here that will supply oxygen inside. You can store products in the upper and lower compartments.
What can be made from an old refrigerator for a vegetable garden?

- If you plant a lot of plants for your summer cottage, you can do it earlier by making a comfortable greenhouse. In the spring you will start growing seedlings, and in the summer you will cultivate heat-loving plants here.
- To do this, you need to unscrew the refrigerator door, and instead install a frame with glass on top. Screw on the hinges on one side, on the other? attach the latch so that you can open the refrigerator and then close it tightly. In such a greenhouse, heat and humidity are retained. But on a hot day, you will need to open the lid to keep the plants comfortable.
- In such a device, you can plant radishes, dill and other greens already in the early spring. But you need to provide holes for water drainage, and before pouring soil inside, lay drainage. Use crushed foam, broken brick or small stones as it. Leave the heat insulating material of the refrigerator. In new models, it is polystyrene, and in old ones, it is glass wool.
- To plant greens in early spring, place dung, which will become biofuel, in the bottom of the refrigerator. If it is not, then place sawdust or dry grass, hay, branches, old leaves spilled with urea. Pour it all over with hot water and close for three days. The mini greenhouse is now ready to use. Here you can also plant cabbage, asters for seedlings, so as not to grow them at home, but to use such a device.
Before using an old refrigerator, you need to find out what the compressor is filled with in order to remove it. It can contain freon or propane. With the latter, you need to be especially careful. Remove the compressor outdoors to allow the vapor of these inert gases to evaporate here. First pinch the copper tubing that runs at the back of the compressor.

You can then eat them with pliers. Unscrew a couple of screws holding the compressor and remove it. The old refrigerator can now be used.
If you have a lot of such equipment, then make tall beds out of old refrigerators.

In such devices, there will be practically no weeds, it is easy to work on such beds, since you do not need to bend over. The root system of plants will be on a hill, warm, so the culture will grow well. But you need to water enough such beds so that the soil in them does not dry out. You can install various irrigation systems to keep it always moist. If you don't really like the look of these refrigerators, then paint them, apply a drawing and you can turn such beds into a resting corner. And if you like to spend your leisure time culturally in the country, then paint the refrigerators in rainbow colors, put books and magazines on the shelves so that you can read them at any time and take a break from gardening.

Fans of graffiti will simply have freedom here, because you can make various drawings, inscriptions and take your soul away.
What can be made from an old refrigerator for fun?
These devices can be turned into doll houses and thus please your children. But either immediately remove the door or make a locking device to fix it in the open position.
To make a house for this type of Barbie, take:
- old refrigerator;
- self-adhesive film;
- scissors.
First you need to wash this unit and wipe it dry. Let it stand open for a while so that it is well ventilated. See if the shelves are suitable for pasting. If yes, then you need to decorate them with self-adhesive film. If the shelves do not fit, then cut them out of plywood to fit the size of the refrigerator and also glue or paint them. You can cut out a kind of windows from a film or colored paper, stick it on the back wall of the refrigerator. Then my daughter will be happy to arrange household items for Barbie here, will play. Then you can keep your child busy at the dacha so that he is not bored for a minute.
You can make another fun for the child. If the refrigerator is small, then the girl will be able to put various food made from felt, paper, and other materials here, so that she can then feed her dolls. Place a table next to the refrigerator, in which you make a hole for the sink. And on the side, make a curtain and a kind of stove. It will be enough to install the lighting, as the toy kitchen is ready.

If you turn over the old refrigerator, remove the door from it, then you can paste over it with patterns from self-adhesive film together with the child. Place dividers inside, then place flower boxes here.

Your child will be happy to make a pet kennel together with you. You also need to rinse the refrigerator well first, then carefully put it on its side. The dog will have a multi-room apartment.

In one compartment the puppy will begin to eat, in the other to sleep, in the third to play. Here's what you can do out of an old refrigerator to make people and animals happy. If you have kittens, set up a house in the refrigerator for them. Then you do not need to put it on its side, leave it in its natural position, remove the door, and put soft pillows on the shelves so that the animals can rest comfortably.
Converting an old refrigerator into a new one
If he is not a worker, he will still go to work. You will need to put together a box from the boards so that it covers the sides of the refrigerator. Also knock down the planks to decorate the upper and lower compartments of this household appliance. Attach the handles to lift these shelves. Provide fasteners on the side to keep the doors open. Now you can put ice inside, then the country party will be a success in any heat. After all, you will have refreshments right at hand.

If you want, attach the legs to this structure, then such a refrigerator will be higher. Few people will guess that it is made from an old refrigerator.

You can also use this unnecessary household appliance as a cabinet for a gas cylinder. Place it here and close the door.

Thinking about what you can do with your old refrigerator, you can make a hot and cold smoked smokehouse out of it.
How to make a hot and cold smoker from an old refrigerator
Let's take a look at the cold smoking method first. At the same time, the products are cooked at temperatures from + 18 to + 30 degrees. Nutritionists recommend this method of processing products, because it is considered the most useful. The temperature here is low, and white smoke does not emit harmful substances and carcinogens. But it is better to pre-boil the meat in order to exclude parasite infestation. And fish should be purchased only in a checked place, since it will be heat treated, but not at very high temperatures.
First, you need to properly prepare the refrigerator. Separate the compressor from it using the method described above. Then you will need to remove all non-metallic parts. They are usually located inside this unit. Also remove the rubber padding. After that, it will be necessary to make a hole in the lower part of the refrigerator according to the diameter of the future pipe. This is usually a hole with a diameter of about 10 cm. Find a suitable location for the smoker. It is good if it is on a slope. Then you can place the firebox below, the chimney will go up from here, and you will connect it to the opening of the refrigerator.

Usually all old refrigerators have metal grates. If they are enamelled, clean with an iron brush. Then wash and dry the grates, after which you can put them in the refrigerator. Put the selected products here and you can start the smoking process. You will need to close the refrigerator door to keep warm inside this chamber.

Even if you don't have metal grates, you can still use one from the refrigerator. In this case, you simply hang the selected meat and fish products with a string. And if there are metal shelves, they are perfect for placing products here.

But the cooking process is quite lengthy. If you want to get smoked meats quickly, then the hot method is suitable. Moreover, you can use such a smoking apparatus both indoors and outdoors. If you have a summer cottage and you decide to start the cooking process here, then you will need to make a device from the refrigerator.
Here's what you need to do this:
- old refrigerator;
- thick-walled skillet with a lid;
- instruments.
From a frying pan, you will make a smoke generator. First, drill a few holes in the bottom of the hole. You need to drill one hole in the lid. Attach the armored hose to it. The length of this hose must be at least half a meter and no more than 1 meter. Fix this hose in the refrigerator where the compressor used to be. Attach this piece here with a flange.
You also need to place heating elements inside the smokehouse, which will help ensure a temperature of + 60-80 degrees here. Now you can put food inside and wet sawdust into the smoke generator. This generator can be placed on an electric stove or on an open fire. Now connect the heating elements and you can cook.
You can also use the smokehouse indoors, but take safety measures, including firefighters. Thinking about what to make out of an old refrigerator, you make a smokehouse. To do this, you need to prepare the refrigerator according to the method described above. You can use this unit on the balcony, in the kitchen next to the extractor hood. There will be an electric stove as a heating device, but it is better to take it with closed heating elements. Hang cooked food or place it on a shelf. If you are cooking fish, you do not need to use a bowl to collect the fat. If it is meat, then install this additional option at the bottom. Place a thick-walled skillet with damp sawdust on top of the hotplate.

Now close the door tightly and turn on the oven. After 30-60 minutes, you can enjoy a delicious meal.

We suggest watching the following video. You will see that it is quite possible to make a smokehouse out of an old refrigerator.

You will see how to make another one in the following video:

What else can be done from the old refrigerator, the third video will teach.