See what wood storage can be. Fold the woodpile so that it is at the same time the decor of the summer cottage, and the woodpile in the form of a heap will make any area unique.
For those who have a stove in the house or a hearth on the street, the question of how to fold firewood beautifully is relevant. After all, aesthetics is needed in everything. And a properly created firebox will allow the logs to be stored well for a long time.
How to beautifully fold firewood in a woodpile - highlights
First of all, you should take care of the wood in advance. You can buy them already impaled or then do it yourself.
It is best to purchase logs from trees that have been cut down in winter. At this time of the year, there is no sap flow in them, so such firewood will be drier.
If whole logs are purchased, then they need to be split. It is better to do this in a warmer time so that you do not have to build woodpiles in winter. But if you store the pieces of logs, then it will be possible to split each one at this time of the year as needed. But you always need to keep in stock dry logs for several fireboxes.
Now you need to think about where you will store them. The duration and quality of log storage depends on the correct choice of place.

- The prepared area should not be in the lowlands, otherwise the wood here will constantly damp and quickly deteriorate. Regardless of which type of installation you choose, you need to make the base from rotten materials. For this, concrete, brick, stones of a flat configuration are suitable. If there is no roof on the firebox, then you need to fold the woodpile so that precipitation does not flow inside. It would also be nice in this case to cover the structure from above with bark, hay or some kind of synthetic materials that do not absorb water.
- The woodpile must be blown out, so a natural flow of air is required. Position it so that it is not in direct sunlight, but sometimes it should be illuminated by daylight.
- Make sure in advance that the log cabin is reliable. To fasten its individual elements, use stakes, tree branches, sticks or metal pins.
- Position the woodpile so that you can easily walk to it.
Read also what to do with old wood, PVC pipe cuttings in the country.
How to beautifully fold firewood in the country?
It will be done if you stack the logs to decorate your hacienda. Then let the firebox become a pretty art object.

If you make the next woodpile, the firewood will be stored in a gazebo that looks great and the logs are well ventilated. To do this, take:
- bars;
- boards;
- wooden planks;
- self-tapping screws;
- nails;
- wood varnish;
- brush;
- roofing material.
Step-by-step master class:
- If the firebox is located on the same paving stones as in the photo, then you do not need to build an additional foundation. If not, then do it first. To do this, you can use small foundation stones, placing them in the corners and in the center in increments of 1 m.
- Now knock down the bases from the bars. Attach vertical bars in the corners and on both sides in the center. From these sides, you need to decorate the walls with wooden planks, fixing them diagonally to one side and the other.
- In order for the roof to have a slope, a higher bar should be placed in the center of the wall. Arrange the rafters, saw off 4 planks at an angle to attach them to the roof and to the wall at the same time. Cover the roof with the material of your choice. Finally, paint this fishnet house. After a while, you will be able to put firewood here. In this case, they are placed on both sides. It is convenient to take them.
Another building is semi-antique. You can arrange a roof on it in such a way as to pour some soil here and plant mosses or lichens. Storing firewood in this form will be aesthetic, and the nearby small house can be used as a barn. Place shovels, rakes, pitchforks, and other gardening tools here. To add a bold accent, paint some elements in a pre-selected color.

You can store firewood, as well as garden accessories at the same time, if you make other similar houses. Only a few planks are needed for one half. But first take one long one and place it horizontally. And on top, attach four planks vertically so that two are in the center. These will be two side walls of the houses. Attach the roof here using the corners. You can make a backlight, then it will be easy to get the necessary item even in the dark.

Secure the firebox so that it is attached to the wall and does not fall. Please note that the stacking of firewood in such a device occurs so that the width of the firebox is equal to one log. If you want to double the thickness of the layer, then fix the first tier with a metal base, as in the next photo.

Such a structure will at the same time become a beautiful wall separating the extension area and garden trees.
The stacking of firewood for the next woodpile also happens in an interesting way. The bees will give you an idea. After all, the sectors are made according to the type of cell device. For each you need 6 boards. Fasten them together to form an even hexagon. Make a few more of these and connect them to form the lower tier. Then make the top one. It is very convenient to take firewood in such a woodpile, since it is divided into sectors.

Such a decor for a summer residence will allow you to have dried firewood in stock and such an unusual decoration element, like the next one. If you have the opportunity to make a welded structure in the form of a ring with shelves, implement the following idea. Storing firewood in such a device has many advantages. On the shelves, you will put branches and cones for kindling, which will dry well here. Place some of the firewood in a separate sector in order to periodically take them from here. This portion is enough for one firebox. You can fold small logs without chopping them, but do it later.

In general, metal and wood look very good. If you have metal pipes, make the following construction from them. This can remain after disassembling a bunk bed, wardrobe or other old piece of furniture. Make a kind of fencing out of the chains so that the firewood does not roll out. Fold the woodpile, which will also become a decoration item for the summer cottage.

And if you have a major axis left from the old chair, then you can store firewood, making an interesting piece of country decor. The main thing is to lay them so that this makeshift wall is reliable.

If you do not dare to build such a high wall, then make it small. And instead of a large wheel, use a small bicycle wheel or you can do without it altogether. The next woodpile will help to strengthen the natural elevation so that the earth does not crumble here. If you are building such a firebox out of the blue, then pre-strengthen it on both sides by driving wooden or metal stakes here.

The unusual design will also allow you to decorate your summer cottage. Arrange the wood in a ring. And if you have three saw cuts of a tree that have a loose core, then select it, lubricate the remaining parts of each recess with antiseptic impregnation, lay the logs. It will be possible through the resulting holes to observe the inner part of the structure, looking into them, as into an embrasure.

If possible, make a sturdy metal welded gate or order one. Make a gate from the mesh, the walls will be made of metal and will be double. Then you can put logs or not chopped wood here and get such an element of decor.

In general, wood from different types of wood can differ in color. Aspen has many colors. The color of the inside of this tree largely depends on where it grew. Using this feature of wood, you can lay out the chopped logs so that you get a figurine. Such a dacha decor will be unusual and extraordinary. You can use thin logs that have dark bark to frame the top of the owl's head.

- boards;
- poles;
- saw;
- firewood;
- self-tapping screws;
- metal fasteners;
bricks, stones or wooden blocks for the foundation.
Instructions for creating:
- Decide where this unusual fish will be placed. Place blocks, bricks or stones here so that the base does not lie on the ground. After that, place the long boards here, connecting them together with metal fasteners. Start spreading the fish.
- Where there will be gills, lay the logs not horizontally, but in the desired direction. Use the whiter logs to make the mouth and eyes of the fish. In parallel, lay out the rails cut into pieces to form the tail of this waterfowl.
- To prevent the structural elements of the fish from falling, after laying out the first half of the logs, place one row perpendicular to these elements. Then lay the rest of the logs as well. Lay out the fins and admire the wonderful work.
If you have a few birch logs, then cut them into equal pieces, make the first part of such a table. Lay out the taller logs at the back. You can put birch poles inside to achieve this effect. Tie some twine around the structure to hold the elements together. On top you can place flowers, greenery in a pot, and other decoration elements.

How to make a wood burning stove to beautifully stack firewood in the yard?
Look at one of the options for arranging a beautiful woodpile.
- for the base - two boards 3 cm thick, 3 m long, 15 cm wide;
- four boards 3 cm thick, 15 cm wide, 1.5 m long;
- one board with the same parameters, but 1 m long;
- carpentry tools.
First, cut the 1 meter board into 4 equal pieces. They will become crossbars. On these you will fill the boards for the base. Then attach the sides. You can stack the wood in one direction or arrange the rows perpendicular to each other. And you can lay them out in one direction, lay them so that the logs are located horizontally.

Where to store firewood in the yard and in the country?
See examples of designs to help you stock your logs. You can store firewood by making structures out of them, similar in shape to a shock.

First you need to level the pad. Pour stones here. When this layer is even, place the first row of logs in a circle to indicate the diameter of the future firebox. Now drive a metal pipe into the center or dig in a wooden post. Then stack the wood. Pay special attention to the edges. If you see that they tilt down, then periodically put some logs with cuts not to the center, but perpendicular to this direction.
Having made the firebox of the desired height, place a few firewood on top so that they are slightly inclined. This will allow sediments to drain away and moisture will not flow inside.
If you make woodpiles near growing trees, then they will become a necessary support for it. Start stacking a heap-shaped woodpile around this natural pillar. The rest of the trees will support her.

It is important to provide for the location of the woodpile even at the stage of building a house, if you have a stove or fireplace in it. Then you can make a house with a wide roof. You can stack chocks along the walls. This will additionally insulate the walls and store the logs conveniently.

You can put together a base from boards and slats, where you will put firewood. It is convenient to make a two-row structure so that you can take logs without violating the integrity of the storage.

Small forged designs also look great. Fill one with wood. Put it in place beforehand so that it is convenient to take them.

An old cabinet can also be adapted for storing firewood. Unscrew the doors from it, firmly attach this structure to the wall. Now it will be possible to put firewood in different sectors in order to take a little of it, as needed.

This is how the storage of firewood can also be turned into an element of the design of the garden plot. See how to fold a woodpile into a heap.

The second plot shows what woodpiles can be.